Baitin’ Ducks doesn’t pay
Small Game
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standswittaknife's Link
About all you can say is that he was persistent. Stupid, but persistent. Maybe persistently stupid.
His problem is that he didn't have a youtube channel where he could explain it all and have everyone support him like the Bowmars.
lol. People never cease to amaze.
And it's his SECOND illegal baiting offense! You might say he's become a master at it...
Listing “1930’s” in the title implies (to me) that the author is trying to convey that it’s an archaic/outdated regulation, when clearly it’s not. Also—why would it be illegal to shoot kernels of corn?
Kills me how people have no problems with putting in “food plots” wish is basically a big bait pile that you spend more effort time and money on…but when people throw corn for ducks or other game species they are scum
If he put in a human made pond and planted aquatic vegetation to attract ducks…none would care
Splitting hairs in my opinion.
Seems to me a spot that looks like that would probably be just fine with just decoys cuz if they had ducks there on the bait it meant that they had to be there to find the bait.
Heck, if you’re going to bait illegally or bait at all, kill something worth eating. Like an elk! :)
Now JakeBrake is baiting...
Guess it depends on the definition Paul’s
The golden rule is the gent with the gold makes the rules.
In my area it's common practice for those that can afford to do so build dike wall impoundments plan them with corn,millet or sorghum then flood it in the fall and absolutely slaughter the ducks and geese and it's perfectly legal. But ya put a 50lb bag of corn in a pond and your going to pay a big fine. ***!!!???
Maybe he thought by feeding them corn, it might make the ducks palatable.
There was an outfitter here in Kansas that was baiting waterfowl and was fined heavily and lost his hunting privileges for several years. I think they also got him on shooting a hawk. Both the hawk and killing migratory birds over bait is a federal offense. Funny thing is, you could shoot birds over spilled corn in a feedlot here in Kansas if the corn was spilled under normal agricultural practices.
“If he put in a human made pond and planted aquatic vegetation to attract ducks…none would care”
That’s creating a year-round habitat which is usable by many species, both game & non-game. That’s Good.
Bait is only there to facilitate killing.
Not a fan of chemically treated, monoculture food plots, either. That’s not habitat.
“In my area it's common practice for those that can afford to do so build dike wall impoundments plan them with corn,millet or sorghum then flood it in the fall and absolutely slaughter the ducks and geese and it's perfectly legal.”
It isn’t legal unless they harvest more of the crops than they leave.
“Not a fan of chemically treated, monoculture food plots, either. That’s not habitat.”
A legal hair split
Stupid rule as long as you’re allowed to hunt in a pond in the middle of 1000 acre corn field in Illinois.
The baiting rules are ambiguous everywhere. A legal expert at Colorado Parks and Wildlife headquarters in Denver told me that if I come upon a carcass or gut pile in the woods, it would be considered "baiting" if I sat near it for a bear. I pointed out the "naturally occurring" clause, and he argued that a dead animal in the woods is not "naturally occurring". He said I couldn't even sit on a trail leading to it.
His problem was he didn't spread the water around the corn.