Sitka Gear
P&Y measurer
Contributors to this thread:
808bowhunter 06-Nov-22
P&Y400 06-Nov-22
808bowhunter 06-Nov-22
P&Y400 06-Nov-22
molsonarcher 06-Nov-22
Shug 06-Nov-22
TEmbry 06-Nov-22
JohnMC 06-Nov-22
molsonarcher 06-Nov-22
P&Y400 06-Nov-22
yeager 07-Nov-22
BOHNTR 07-Nov-22
808bowhunter 07-Nov-22
From: 808bowhunter
We got our 2 moose back to Kauai and would be interested in getting them officially measure. There is no measurer here but as a popular travel destination, I thought I’d there is a measurer vacationing out this way, please let me know

From: P&Y400
808 not sure when the moose were killed but if at least 60 days have not passed since they were killed and cleaned, they cannot be officially measured anyway.

From: 808bowhunter
60 days will be next week

From: P&Y400
Hawaii is a tough state to find one. If you pay for my travel expenses and lodging, I will come and measure them for ya. LOL.

From: molsonarcher
I would be glad to help out, but i made the trip to Hawaii once. That was enough for me. Its a beautiful place, but that plane ride was the worst ive ever been on.

Im sure there will be a measurer visiting you at some point and would be glad to measure those for ya.

Thanks for the write up and taking us along on that adventure. You guys accomplished what most only dream of.

From: Shug
808 I’ll put a post on the P and Y measures Facebook page asking if anyone is planning a vacation there…

I’ll reach out to you if someone responds

From: TEmbry
I’ll be on Oahu in February and might be able to make a day trip island hop to help you out. I’ll PM you my cell number so we can keep in touch about it

From: JohnMC
You should look into becoming one. Also I think P&Y will except a B&C scorer if you have one of those.

From: molsonarcher
John. That is correct.

From: P&Y400
I checked B/C and didn’t see any.

From: yeager
Kodi, on the “Find a Measurer” on the Pope & Young website, there is a Robert L. Hind III listed. You could try contacting him for arrangements in measuring your moose antlers.

Sounds like a great offer from TEmbry

Until it’s officially scored. Im sure you can get close doing it yourself Through video and the club instructions As resourceful as you are I’m sure you’ve already considered that.

As Bob posted, we do have one measurer listed in Hawaii. Go to the website to ‘find a measurer’, scroll through the states, click on Hawaii and you’ll see his contact information. Hopefully, he did t acquire ‘island fever’ and move back to the main land. :)

From: 808bowhunter
Thank you everyone for the responses. I have talked with Robert hind already. I know his family. Different island and doesn’t island hop much. I have touched base with Tembry. Also scored it myself as my brother and I do with all our worthy animals. I thought this one might be worth officially entering.

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