onX Maps
Africa Jan 28
Contributors to this thread:
Zebrakiller 01-Dec-22
RK 01-Dec-22
StickFlicker 01-Dec-22
Highlife 01-Dec-22
Zebrakiller 01-Dec-22
Zebrakiller 01-Dec-22
goelk 01-Dec-22
Guardian hunter 01-Dec-22
bghunter 01-Dec-22
Zebrakiller 01-Dec-22
bghunter 01-Dec-22
midwest 29-Dec-22
Plum lake 29-Dec-22
Buffalo1 29-Dec-22
drycreek 29-Dec-22
ToomanybowsBob 30-Dec-22
From: Zebrakiller
I bought a black Friday deal to Africa and I'm going to take it this Jan to get out of this Wisconsin winter I have a spot open if anyone else wants to go.

Very exciting,

N.A. hunts have gone through the roof and a lot of international hunts are a bargain right now.

From: RK
Zebra, what country are you going to and what's on the wish list?

From: StickFlicker
Wow, January's going to be a pretty warm hunt. I was in South Africa at the end of September and it was already 97 degrees.

From: Highlife
Yup nothing like sitting all day in a crockpot err I mean hide lol

From: Zebrakiller
Yep we understand that but get out of wisconsin and do something different we usually hunt Texas but this year hunts are stupid high so we bought this.

From: Zebrakiller
we have hunted Texas in middle of July for axis and antelope out west many times cant see it being any hotter than that

From: goelk
More details please.

Hunt the Mamba. There out and about

Heck it’s only Dec and I’m ready for warm weather and African hunting

From: bghunter
I am all with ZK of getting out of WI in Jan, but the thought of all the snakes out and about in Africa scares me more then the cold and snow lol

I am sure you will have a great trip ZK.

ps you still doing that spring bear hunt

From: Zebrakiller
bghunter yep wouldn't miss it , Mike said your in

From: bghunter
Awesome. Looking forward to it. First hunt since my surgery.

From: midwest
Bring us back some pics and stories!

From: Plum lake
Id be going with ya if I had more holidays. But with trade show season approaching and extra guiding next year I’m short holidays already.

From: Buffalo1
Wishing you an adventurous and successful hunt !

From: drycreek
Good luck ZK ! Awaiting stories and pics !

Good luck Bill They should be hitting water well. And flights should be reasonable and hopefully not packed full

I went a few years ago. I met great people and took some nice animals. I wish it would have been more "hunting" than it was. Before I went, I didn't get the concept of being on a large game farm. But it was an exciting experience. Won't go back, partially because I couldn't stand the long plane ride. Hope your experience lives up to your expectations. TMBB

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