Mathews Inc.
Will turkey season very come
Contributors to this thread:
Paul@thefort 14-Dec-22
Paul@thefort 14-Dec-22
Paul@thefort 14-Dec-22
drycreek 14-Dec-22
Paul@thefort 14-Dec-22
Duke 14-Dec-22
Charlie Rehor 14-Dec-22
Zim 14-Dec-22
Lewis 15-Dec-22
Sivart 15-Dec-22
Supernaut 15-Dec-22
scentman 15-Dec-22
Aspen Ghost 15-Dec-22
Stubbleduck 15-Dec-22
t-roy 15-Dec-22
Shuteye 15-Dec-22
From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Will not be long!

From: drycreek
Be here before you know it Paul !

From: Paul@thefort
Sorry, that is 'Will Turkey Season Ever Come'???

From: Duke
“Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.” — Yoda/Paul

45 days of deer season yet to go….

From: Zim
It’s the middle of turkey season here in Illinois already. Oct 1st to Jan 15th. Deer season same dates. Got tags for both in pocket. It’s late but I’m actually still out hunting a public property all by my lonesome for another week. Not been close to any birds this year but arrowed one last season from my treestand.

As for spring season, the lotteries haven’t even drawn yet. And we got six weeks of walleye runs before the first season opens. So my mind is only on applications now.

From: Lewis
Great pictures Paul thanks for sharing yelp yelp Lewis

From: Sivart
I'm always excited for spring turkey. But also concerned, due to our numbers being so low. The Game and Fish just got a 2 million dollor fund in researching why the turkey numbers keep falling here in Neb. Population is 20percent of what it was in 2008.

From my estimation in my area, it's worse than that. Many creeks that once had flocks of several hundred are compeltely void of birds.

From: Supernaut
Excellent pics as usual Paul, thanks for sharing them.

I'll be looking forward to your hunt recaps come spring turkey and hope the wait for you is tolerable.

From: scentman
We're dealing with some ugly ice storm in North East, those pics look sooo inviting Paul. 5 months for us in wny! Gobble, gobble, gobble!

From: Aspen Ghost
Paul, the "fall" turkey season in Nebraska runs until January 31st so turkey season is now! Unless, of course, you were in a hurry and already bagged your Nebraska turkeys in September when the season opened.

It's kind of like eating a good meal. Don't wolf it down fast. Take your time and slowly enjoy the whole meal (season). If you time it right you can bag your fall turkey in late January and then be back hunting six weeks later in March for the spring season.

Final note: Is it a bad sign when you are longing for spring and winter won't officially start until next week?

From: Stubbleduck

Stubbleduck's embedded Photo
Tom Turkey Kansas November 2022
Stubbleduck's embedded Photo
Tom Turkey Kansas November 2022
Nice Tom taken from a deer stand early November in Kansas. I've taken hens and young birds from deer stands nearly every year but until this year the Toms have always evaded me. They are generally in small groups, 4-8 birds, and super alert to any movment. This years a group of 6 were wandering by and had to pass behind a brush pile about 20 yards in front of me. When all were behind the pile I stood up and drew then shot the first bird than came out from behind the brush. Made a super Thanksgiving turkey roast enjoyed by the extended family.

From: t-roy
Congrats on your gobbler, stubbleduck! Easier said than done.

From: Shuteye
Congratulations, great pictures.

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