Sitka Gear
Winter California Roadkill
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
DL 17-Dec-22
Treeline 17-Dec-22
Suedog 17-Dec-22
Bowboy 17-Dec-22
Beendare 18-Dec-22
Cazador 18-Dec-22
spike buck 18-Dec-22
Matt 18-Dec-22
From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
This is an Azone Blacktail. What a waste. In my younger days he might have been utilized.

From: Treeline
Damn nice buck! No possibility of claiming it in Commi-fornia?

From: Suedog
I'd a put him in the trunk!

From: Bowboy
Great buck to bad it got hit.

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
Beendare's embedded Photo
Up near redding out of Milville a couple yrs ago

From: Cazador
Funny thing is, if that was a Whitetail, some dude would have posed with it ……

From: spike buck
There was a nice Buck like that laying in the road here few years back.... turned out it fell off a ATV that the deer was strapped on in the back of a pick up. Another vehicle hit it after it fell off. After that, MTO started fining for deer unsafely strapped on Atv's in trucks. How do I know, I got stopped for it.

From: Matt
Isn’t it easier to utilize roadkill in CA now than it used to be?

  • Sitka Gear