Moultrie Mobile
When you see it?
Contributors to this thread:
Starfire 19-Dec-22
Mike B 19-Dec-22
bluedog 19-Dec-22
Starfire 19-Dec-22
Starfire 19-Dec-22
Brotsky 19-Dec-22
drycreek 19-Dec-22
From: Starfire

Starfire's embedded Photo
Starfire's embedded Photo

From: Mike B

Mike B's embedded Photo
Mike B's embedded Photo

From: bluedog
Nice shot!

From: Starfire
He took off from my feeder. Big Tom with nice spurs. Truth is on my phone I could barely make him out against the water backgound. After posting he is much more visible. Not so much of a "Can you see it" moment.

From: Starfire
Now who can tell me this. I just started feeding two days ago. I have not seen a turkey close to the house in over a month although we have lots of them around. How do you think they found it so fast. Since turkeys don't have much of a sense of smell I am thinking that they saw all the other birds flying in and out of the feeder and followed them.

From: Brotsky
I would agree Starfire, I'm guessing they are no strangers to feeders in your neck of the woods and know the signs to look for.

From: drycreek
Animals just know. We were feeding deer one winter when I first bought this place, and throwing corn on the ground close to my pond. In two days a pair of woodies landed on the pond and walked up to feed on the corn. The next day a dozen or more were there. The corn was up on top of a hill fifty yards from the pond. No way they could see it from the water.

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