Sitka Gear
Almost predator time
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
MA-PAdeerslayer 25-Dec-22
Bigdog 21 25-Dec-22
Dale06 25-Dec-22
drycreek 25-Dec-22
WhattheFOC 25-Dec-22
Michael 26-Dec-22
Glunt@work 26-Dec-22
BULELK1 26-Dec-22
BULELK1 26-Dec-22
BULELK1 26-Dec-22
redneck hunter 26-Dec-22
RJ Hunt 26-Dec-22
RJ Hunt 26-Dec-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 26-Dec-22
Michael 26-Dec-22
RJ Hunt 26-Dec-22
bigswivle 26-Dec-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 26-Dec-22
t-roy 26-Dec-22
bigswivle 27-Dec-22
MA-PAdeerslayer 30-Dec-22
Ermine 30-Dec-22
Ermine 30-Dec-22
Ermine 30-Dec-22
RJ Hunt 31-Dec-22
Ermine 31-Dec-22
Who hunts coyotes/predators in the winter months?

do you use an electronic call?

Which is your preferred weapon? Bow? Rifle? Which caliber if gun.

From: Bigdog 21
Mouth call destress Rabbit, 22-250. Turkey guts from turkey farm down the street, 4x4 post.

From: Dale06
I start in November, in Ks. Foxpro call. I use anyone of 10 or so different rifles, using various 17, 20 and 22 caliber bullets. It’s hard to beat a 223 for coyotes.

From: drycreek
I used to, but I lost access to my best spots and I’ve not had much luck in wooded areas. They always seem to circle downwind before I get to see them, at least that’s what I think is happening. I used an electronic call and a rifle. A Fox Pro, then a Primos, the rifle started as a Savige Predator in 22-250 but after several times calling multiple coyotes I switched to an AR 15 in 6.8 SPC. I have killed as many as three coyotes at one set, but I had to use several shots for the third one ! ;-)

From: WhattheFOC
Electronic call set up 75 yards away. .204 Ruger. Maybe if ever get good at this, I’ll give the bow a try.

From: Michael
I love to call coyotes. I have a few hand calls I use but that is mainly when I am bow hunting for big game and I see a coyote.

When I go to call coyotes it’s with one of my e callers. A foxpro fury or a lucky duck roughneck.

To me the 2 best rounds for coyotes are 22-250 and 3” BB nickel plated coyote rounds for a shotgun.

From: Glunt@work
Best set-up I have experience with was a 22-243 with 80 gr Bergers. Like all hot rods it took some extra care and feeding so when the barrel went it was turned back into a .243.

Back to a .223 set-up currently but haven't been out this winter yet.


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo
I've got resrv. up by Flaming Gorge in mid-January for my yearly Yote hunt up in the Ponderosa and Big Pines.

Primos eCall and my AR .223.

Good luck, Robb


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo


BULELK1's embedded Photo
BULELK1's embedded Photo
Action is Fast when it happens

Lay of the land and kinda thick cover trees,


Mainly trap them. Just started last few years. Still learning to make good sets.

Bought a cheap electronic call and called two in while in Montana deer hunting. Will try a couple times here in Missouri this winter.

Mainly use an AR-15 in .223.

From: RJ Hunt

RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
Coyotes are my favorite way to keep in the woods in the off season. I try to get out once, sometimes twice a week and call. It depends on the day but I use a combination of hand calls, foxpro and a lucky duck along with a rifle in 223. In my life I think I have only got two with a bow. They are pretty tough critter to hunt with a bow.

From: RJ Hunt
Oh… I also start as soon as our archery season is over in late September and hunt til spring. September calling can be fun with a bunch of fresh first year coyotes responding to calls. Have fun gents and be safe

Sweet. I coyote hunt a few times a year. This year will be more. Just picked up a designated coyote gun and a electronic caller. I now have a 22-250 with a 4-16x44 vortex on top and also grabbed a savage in 17HMR while I was there. Couldn’t pass it up. I’m left handed and it was on the shelf calling my name. Couldn’t leave it behind

From: Michael

Michael's embedded Photo
Michael's embedded Photo
Here is a set I do in north central SD that tends to produce every time I call it.

One year I wanted to get the call up higher. So I mentioned something to my dad. Well he took some old 2219 shafts and a cutting board and made a stand for the call and gave it to me for Christmas.

From: RJ Hunt

RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
RJ Hunt's embedded Photo
Michael. I do something similar with my e-call and the snow but I use a lightweight aluminum tripod to get my call off the ground. It really helps

From: bigswivle
Hunt them year round. Gorilla firearms 6.5 creedmore in AR10. Pulsar thermal scope. Distressed rabbit is a hard to beat sound. We’ve also been calling in hogs when coyotes won’t cooperate, pretty fun stuff

Callin hogs sound alike a blast. I’m sure that can go from 0-100 real quick.

From: t-roy
Bigswivle………how bout a short breakdown on how you go about calling hogs?

From: bigswivle
Have to be in the area where you know hogs are and then I just use the “squealing pigs” sound on the fox pro(there’s a couple different options for pig sounds on my call) killed a 200lb boar hog a couple weeks ago, he came running in to the call. I just learned you could do this so I’m still learning. Think I’ve called in four or five so far.

Breaking out the new call Monday to go call some yotes. Got a tripod and homemade bracket to get the call off the ground a bit. Hopefully we have some luck. Need some serious population control where I am.

From: Ermine

Ermine's embedded Photo
Ermine's embedded Photo
I hunt them during the winter. I Enjoy it I use a .243 and it lays them out

From: Ermine

Ermine's embedded Photo
Ermine's embedded Photo

From: Ermine

Ermine's embedded Photo
Ermine's embedded Photo
Killed 6 so far this winter

From: RJ Hunt
Those are good looking pelts on those Ermine! I have my 243 and have debated using for coyotes but everytime I go out seems I can’t leave my 223 at home. Guys I am a man of old habits.

From: Ermine
Yea I own a .223 too but can’t bring myself to leave the .243 at home lol

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