Mathews Inc.
Broncos Derek Wolfe/Mtn Lion
Contributors to this thread:
cnelk 20-Jan-23
cnelk 20-Jan-23
yooper89 20-Jan-23
PushCoArcher 20-Jan-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 20-Jan-23
wyobullshooter 20-Jan-23
Julius Koenig 20-Jan-23
Glunt@work 20-Jan-23
t-roy 20-Jan-23
Glunt@work 20-Jan-23
drycreek 20-Jan-23
standswittaknife 20-Jan-23
Bandicooter 20-Jan-23
PopeYoung400 20-Jan-23
Dirty D 20-Jan-23
Jim McNamara 21-Jan-23
fuzzy 21-Jan-23
Dale06 21-Jan-23
Franzen 21-Jan-23
Ziek 21-Jan-23
Jaquomo 21-Jan-23
LineHunter 23-Jan-23
cnelk 23-Jan-23
SaddleReaper 24-Jan-23
70lbDraw 24-Jan-23
Bou'bound 24-Jan-23
Bou'bound 24-Jan-23
Flyingarcher 26-Jan-23
Cazador 26-Jan-23
Jaquomo 26-Jan-23
deerhunter72 26-Jan-23
Adventurewriter 26-Jan-23
njbuck 26-Jan-23
From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
I haven’t seen this posted here on Bowsite - Derek Wolfe killed a massive Mtn lion with a bow the other day. Here in Colorado

From: cnelk
BTW - Derek Wolfe is 6’5” and not a small guy

From: yooper89
Saw they tracked the cat off a fresh muley kill. No dogs used allegedly

If he is 6’5”. Wow!! That’s a big Cat Like a British Columbia Cat

From: PushCoArcher
God that cat could've been a lineman!

Damn that’s a big cat

I just read it’s been killing dogs in a suburban neighborhood No wonder he’s so big.

Good on him! Saw some of the typical crap the anti’s have been posting on social media. I wish just one was stupid enough to say it to his face.

That’s an impressive animal.

From: Glunt@work
No dogs? It's been done but is extremely rare. Is that verified anywhere?

From: t-roy
^^^^Glunt X2. If he did, indeed, track it and kill it without dogs, that would make it even more impressive.

From: Glunt@work
Cool either way but I didn't see anything really saying he didn't use dogs and the guy he was with is an outfitter, so...

From: drycreek
He’s got a head on him like a cutworm ! The cat, not the guy.

giant cat.. anti's going crazy and DOW stating he did everything 100% above the belt... good deal. and a stud of a bronco..

From: Bandicooter
The cat ate the neighbor's dogs so I guess you could say dogs were involved.

From: PopeYoung400
That thing looks more the size of an African lion than a mountain lion. Unreal.

From: Dirty D
Freaking big kitty!

From: Jim McNamara
That's one impressive Mountain Lion. Congratulations to the hunter. Things got a huge head and body.

From: fuzzy
Huge cat, great story!

From: Dale06
I bet dogs were used to hunt this cat, but that detail infuriates the anti crowd, so it was not mentioned. Very large cat and good for the hunter!

From: Franzen
Cat looks like a giant. Nice.

From: Ziek
Grey Ghost. It's a short, online course to help hunters differentiate between females and males. While you can kill females, for management purpose, CPW would prefer males be taken.


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Here’s Derek picking up birds for Paul. Even pro athletes need hero’s

From: Jaquomo
So far, all the media stories I've read/heard have been very fair and balanced. When they mention how the cat was eating dogs and living under an old woman's porch, scaring the Willie's out of her, it resonates with nonhunters.

From: LineHunter
Was just on Tucker Carlson. Said he used dogs. My guess is he’ll become the poster boy for their campaign to ban all cat hunting in 2024. Bye bye predator control.

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo

From: SaddleReaper
IF my memory serves he told Tucker it killed 15 dogs in 30 days in that town and CPW didn't do anything about it, but now they've received 200 some complaint calls since he killed it!

It's just too bad that the ones complaining didn't have their beloved pets turned to kitty shit.

From: 70lbDraw
He stated on Tucker that they use dogs to tree the cat in order to have an opportunity to correctly identify the gender as male before harvesting it. Im not a cat hunter so I don’t know.

From: Bou'bound
Not helpful publicity since it’s about optics not facts. Good actions will be used against us. The job he did in the interview which you can google was exemplary. No nugent mystical rant here. He nailed it.

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's Link

From: Flyingarcher
Anybody know what part of Colorado he was hunting?

From: Cazador
Central front range cat. 285 corridor in this case.

From: Jaquomo
This story was posted on my mountain community's Nextdoor feed, and a few lion huggers predictably became enraged. They threw out the standard perjoratives against killing our beautiful wildlife for macho gratification, etc.. They were shouted down on the forum by people who support hunting, and half of those were women.

From: deerhunter72
All the noise from the PETA people aside, that's the biggest mountain lion I've ever seen! I liked Derek Wolfe as a player, glad to know he's a hunter too. Good for him!

For sure dogs were used. I literally just got off a lion hunt...we hunted until yesterday with a guy who know every notable houndsman in the west. A buddy of his was the houndsman that caught that lion. Wolfe is a giant guy and built for short burst explosive power and said he was blowing hard to get to where the cats was.

From: njbuck
One heck of a lion!

Ooh rah for Tucker Carlson being willing to run this story. Last year, Tucker was out here in Montana fishing and was confronted by a liberal in a fly shop.........that didn't work either:)

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