Mathews Inc.
Dipping/Packing and Shipping Costs
Contributors to this thread:
No Mercy 24-Jan-23
WhattheFOC 24-Jan-23
Guardian hunter 24-Jan-23
Highlife 24-Jan-23
bghunter 24-Jan-23
Dale06 24-Jan-23
kota-man 24-Jan-23
RK 24-Jan-23
Dale06 24-Jan-23
No Mercy 25-Jan-23
Ollie 28-Jan-23
g5smoke21 28-Mar-24
Stubbleduck 28-Mar-24
Bowfreak 28-Mar-24
ABbowman 28-Mar-24
bghunter 28-Mar-24
Basil 28-Mar-24
>>>--arrow1--> 03-Apr-24
g5smoke21 03-Apr-24
From: No Mercy
Anyone that has traveled to RSA in 21 or 22 - what were your dipping/packing fees and shipping fees? How many animals did you take?


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
No Mercy here is info from another post Our hunt was May of 2022 roughly $4k door to door for skulls and hides listed

From: WhattheFOC
Wow. This HAS TO BE hurting the African outfitters. Shipping of a crate costs more than the hunt? WTactualF?

I just spoke with some outfitters we book for and addressed this concern. I was told that tough prices are here for a while. Consider euros to avoid high prices.

From: Highlife
Hell if you can wait til they drop . And yes I'm still pissed about it taxidermy was cheaper than the effing I got for shipping fees

It’s more than it used to be. But still a better value than hunting one animal in the continental US Hunted 12 days all inclusive. Killed what we went for and still less than a below average elk hunt cost.

From: bghunter
I know I have said it before, this is part of the reason I am hesitant to go back

From: Dale06
What altitude sickness said. You can hunt Africa TWICE and kill 4-6 animals or so per hunt, for less than one Alaska/Yukon moose hunt. And you might or might not get a shot at a moose. And North American sheep, $30-70,000, it’s insane.

From: kota-man
You thinking of going back?

From: RK
As said Africa has gone up in costs but still better than a lot of Domestic hunts

I'm going back in August for ten animals 10 days, Namibia Kudu, gemsbok, Zebra, red Hardtbeast, Black and blue wildebeast, springbok, impala, warthog and jacket $8250 inclusive. Going with some friends. Should be just a fun time

From: Dale06
Cory, maybe. My hunting buddy want to go for crock, hippo and leopard. If we go, that’s a rifle hunt. But I might go with him and bowhunt.

I’m headed the National SCI convention In Nashville. I’m hoping to control myself during the auctions. But some great overseas deals can be had. Most U.S. hunts are priced far above average and international, below what I consider average.

Supply and demand. Many hunters still won’t travel far so are competing with each other for a limited resource. Tags here cost more than some hunts.

From: No Mercy
Kota-yes in 2024. Putting a group together possibly.

From: Ollie
Went to Namibia about 5 years ago. Great time. Reasonable daily and trophy fees. Got some European mounts and general prep for a kudu shoulder mount. Crating and shipping fees very high as well as fees for receipt in the US. Those fees will likely be much greater than anticipated .

Nyati, a glass of wine and an Ambien and your there :>)))

All joking aside. I’m having a custom .585 Nyati built. It will have a gold inlaid Buffalo head on the action

From: g5smoke21
Not SA but I got my shipment back from NZ a few months ago. Shipping was $905 for a split skull stag with shoulder cape and shoulder cape tahr and horns. Customs clearing was another $1100

From: Stubbleduck
Below is the list of Dip And Pack materials from my South African hunt last August. Dip and Pack was with "Trophy Solutions" in Polokwane, Limpopo. Dip and Pack fee was $1779.00. The shipment is currently in Johannesburg awaiting transport to Chicago via Turkish Airlines. Shipment fee is $1446.33. It will then move on to Minneapolis but I don't have a cost on that yet nor do I have a cost for Chicago arrival fees such as customs clearance etc.

# DESCRIPTION SKULL HORN SHLDR BACK FULL FLAT FEET OTHER (Plains Game; CITES; TOPS) TUSK CAPE SKIN CAPE SKIN 1 Buffalo ? 2 ? 2 Leg Bones, Scrotum 2 Honey Badger ? n/a ? 3 Baboon, Chacma ? n/a 4 Zebra, Burchell's ? n/a ? B/Jaw 5

From: Bowfreak
I will do Africa again. I may go and do a cull hunt. Bring nothing back but pictures. I’d have a blast shooting females and broken horned stuff.

From: ABbowman
Unless it’s a wild lion or leopard I won’t be shipping anything home ever again. Pictures, video, and memories will be all that’s coming back. Just when you think all the fees are paid there are one or four more, import, export, vet, overweight, storage, tax, handling etc etc. It’s just not worth it, rather spend the dollars on another hunt.

From: bghunter
Interesting information. That is my big hang up with going back is the cost to bring trophies back. I enjoy taxidermy and not sure if I could go and nor bring anything back.

I find the cost from NZ Interesting. I went in 2010 had a red stag, fallow, my bow and European feral goat shipped back and I think it cost me about the same if not more and that was 14 years ago.

From: Basil
For what it’s worth my taxidermist is a world traveler and has hunted Africa several times. He strongly recommends shipping with DHL & has been screwed by others.

Trying to go to sa in July for cape and gemsbok. From what I've found so far for just the heads done eruos and sent back around 3500 to 4000.

From: g5smoke21
I think what helped with NZ was they split the stag skull which cut the crate size in half

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