Who shot Cupid?
Small Game
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Cat named Cupid survives being shot by arrow (bolt)
Cat named Cupid survives being shot by arrow (bolt)
Not good for the non-hunters. Making national news due to Valentine’s Day.
looks like a bolt. Figures.
Pat, the pic isn't showing up. Here's another pic of it; I concur, it's a crossbow bolt. If that was my cat, some idiot would have that bolt forcefully shoved up their arse.
Too bad hunters have to take the wrap for this...
Scruffy looking feral cat, should have used a 12 gauge...
Public relations is something all hunters should worry about. Once the general public has enough numbers against hunting . There won't be any hunting . Unfortunately arrows that stay in a critter are bad PR. Shooting someones pet is pretty stupid .
Lets see. I think if I had an arrow shot into me , even if it was in my own yard I would be getting as far away from where that happened
I’ve got an idea for gg and zbone. Let me shoot you with an arrow and you roam around with it in you for a few days with no medical care and I’ll bet you a large sum of money you would start looking pretty scruffy
Not enough info in the story. All just guesses. Except for the part about the idiot that shot the cat to begin with
Feral cats kill LOTS of wildlife and even the couch potato house tabby will kill about every small critter in a yard if let it out... If they can't herd their cats or keep them in the house, accept consequences like this or a certified nuisance control trapper like me...
Agreed, zbone. I’ve killed my share of feral cats, myself, but even if Cupid WAS a feral cat, it’s still not a good look, and it will, most certainly will be portrayed in a negative light towards hunters, even if the perpetrator was some half drunk knuckle dragger.
They have a heck of a mess with feral cats killing all the native species in Australia, so bad they are breeding faster than they can kill them in certain areas although haven't heard since the fires though...
If shooting a feral cat please be sure you kill it so instances like this doesn't reach the media... 12 gauge dose of #4 shot through a full or extra full barrel works quite well...8^)
QUOTE "If that was my cat, some idiot would have that bolt forcefully shoved up their arse."
If you're a "man" that has a cat, you probably like things shoved up your..........
Jokes, jokes, just kidding, just kidding!!!!
Australia. Not here. But probably true
Cats, wolves and sharks kill shit. Ultimate predators
So Zbone as a certified nuisance trapper what are your numbers on Labradors goldens and other pets
When I see pics like Cupid I remember when one of my neighbors killed one of my kids cats because it crossed a boundary line. Took me 8 months to kill every one of his coon hounds-9 dogs I think
Never really seemed even
Some very strange, even bad, people here.
Yes you are SitO. I had someone pony that out about you last week.
I agree But that's just life in general
The person that shot Cupid with the wrong weapon is for sure evil
I bet nobody mess's with you at the assisted living center
Nobody. I have free range of the place. I killed someone's goldfish last year for putting up to many Christmas decorations
And you, how are your experiences in your home
t-Roy. I told a friend of mine on Facebook that I shot a mean Dog running loose with a BB gun. I have been banned for 40 days for promoting violence.. Feral cats not welcome around this house. We have 2 house cats that never step out the door. If they did get out, it's a different world & the had better beware.
RK, I allowed my nuisance control license to lapse a few years ago after a job change but may renew it after retirement in April, but can honestly say I have never killed a dog and feel anybody that will kill coonhounds is pure evil...
He’s probably not feral. If he’s a Tom, and he likely is, that’d explain his roaming around. And, Tom cats whether feral or not tend to get into things that cause people grief.
I hang my hunting clothes on my porch. There was a neighbors Tom cat the kept coming and spraying them.
I had a female cat. Another Tom cat jumped on her and ripped her stomach open. Cost me $784 15 years ago to get her fixed back up.
These were pets. Not feral cats.
Only way I’d spend more than 5$ on a cat is at the taxidermist.
I guess I will be the first to call BS on the pic unless this was some 8yr old kid with a toy crossbow. There is no way that someone shot this cat and the bolt did not pass through. Cat's are not tough critters... maybe a small step up from rabbits! How is the bolt still in it??? I'm going with toy or photoshop - there's not even any blood. For sure, if real, it was very poor judgement. I'm just VERY skeptical. Pete
Field tip is my guess. Anything small the arrow doesn’t go through a lot of times with a field tip.
This was one of those cheap pistol crossbows. Probably not even a hunter. Probably a 9 year old neighbor kid.
I'm a dog person . But shooting someone's pet , is pretty bad.
There is an article on the cat. He is tame , been caught and being treated . At least the article doesn't disparage bowhunters . Good thing .
Google cupid cat and arrow . If you want to to read the fox news story .
I'm not one who normally even reads these kind of stories , but if ya want to know , it's there.
Hopefully the cat gets reunited or adopted for a cat person.
If a stray cat and a homeless person both showed up to my house the stray cat would get fed first while I have the homeless person explain to me why he/she thinks they should be fed.
Ah, so it was a stray feral cat... How many small game animals and song birds ya think he's killed?... Ka-BOOM!
I think old Cupid has killed hundreds of animals. That's what cats do. They are equal opportunity killers, not racist in any way.
I bet he gets well and co to yes his heritage
No major hit to the hu ting community
Zbone how have you handled nuisance Feral Horse or Burro assignments?
What about parrot problems etc. or are you just a cat elimination expert. ?? Could be your territory was small and had no dogs in it
Who knows, good luck with your quest
Cats are awesome pets. Pet cats which are allowed to roam outdoors are incredible assassins. Feral cats are fulltime incredible assassins. I don't like to see outdoor cats in a suburban neighborhood.
I don't like to see dogs off-leash in a suburban neighborhood. Dogs, solo or in packs, are potential killers of other pets and even people. House cats might kill you with a rabies infection.
If you let your dog roam then it may not come home if aggressively charges my direction. I live in a state where I can use lethal means to protect my property as well as myself. I live in a city were there is a leash law. Threaten my property which includes my dog and lack a leash, then checkmate lousy dog. Do better lousy dog owner living in suburbia.
When I was twelve I had a wonderful little dog and we lived on route 4 in illinois. One saturday night we let Major out to go potty. He was about 20 lbs. One saturday night we let him out to go potty. I heard two shots. Dog came back shot twice through the neck. Real friendly dog obviouly went up and to see them and they shot him directly from above. ...twice. He did not die but as A twelve year old I went out at night after that with my dads 16 gauge waiting when he went out. Looking back I know I would have shot them if they came back. Spooky aint it.
Pete. I'm glad they did not come back. That would have changed your life. I hope you learned to hire evil people like me to take the law int their hands. !! Glad the little one survived. A good lesson for you also.
"Feral Horse or Burro assignments"
Well it they were in my state, I'd gladly do my part...8^)))
If you’re gonna take a feral/wild cat to the train station, make sure it stays there!
"But shooting someone's pet , is pretty bad."
I have told tis story before but once i hunted with a veterinarian in NFLD and he amazed me with stories of how many dogs he works on each fall that have been shot. A few a year he said. Mostly bow wounds.
Those were not strays that went to a doctor.
What an idiot boasting about killing dogs! What is wrong with you ?
Regardless of your position on the proper actions taken when dealing with feral cats, bowhunters on a bowhunting site arguing against the effectiveness of archery equipment strikes me as strange.
Ugh. That sucks. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/pennsylvania-cat-named-cupid-shot-arrow-searches-home-time-valentines-day
What's the chances that a cat actually named Cupid was shot on Valentines day. Some "Poetic License" being used for sensationalism maybe?
Ya - his real name is ‘songbird killer’ but that wouldn’t attract as many clicks.
Unless I missed it, nobody made the call: Ambush for the win!!
“Some ‘Poetic License’ being used for sensationalism maybe?”
On FOX news??? Well, I NEVER!!!