Moose hunt options 2023
Contributors to this thread:Moose
From: Freelance Bowhunter
Looking for a fall 2023 archery moose hunt, prefer Ontario but would also look at Sask or Manitoba. Not much in the outfitter info on this site so I am hoping someone can give me some recommendations from personal experience. Thanks in advance.
From: Buskill
I’d guess that if they still have availability for 2023 they might not be a top notch outfit. If you do find an opening I’d really study who they are and talk to former clients.
From: spike buck
I would pick Manitoba or Alberta... Ontario Moose is still in recovery mode. Will be good hunting in Ontario in about 3 years.
From: WhattheFOC
“Manitoba or Alberta” says the guy from Ontario … and the guy from Saskatchewan agrees :)
Seriously tho … there are some fly-in hunts in northern SK that are a little more affordable than YK or AK. What’s the budget? Would you be happy with a 45-50” bull??
From: Freelance Bowhunter
Budget is somewhat flexible within reason because this is a once in a lifetime hunt. Looking at Manitoba or Ontario because they are close mainly. As far as 40-50 goes, I am looking for a good representative. Big one would be nice, but this is more about the experience and just getting the first one.
From: spike buck
Then try Wilderness Air in Vermilion Bay.... Can do it yourself or hire a guide to stay and work with you. Macdowell Lake, a far North remote Outpost camp, is where to hunt if you pick Wilderness Air. The phone # for Wilderness Air is 1-807-227-5473 and ask for Bob or Kelsie. Make sure you pick a rut date.
From: spike buck
Another is Wogenstahls North Of 50 Outposts. 1-807-216-7779 ask for John or Shannon. He has a lot of tags... Remember most Moose Outfits in Ontario are do it yourself. Thats why lower rates.
From: spike buck
Google White River Air... 1-807-822-2222. He has had Archers according to his videos on his site. Another fly in place. Dont know much about these guys but are busy at the show circuit. If you pick Ontario, go fly in as population of Moose is healthier in the Northern areas.
From: spike buck
For a great bowhunting Outfitter for moose.... Mikes Outfitting Alberta.
From: Dale06
What buskill said.
From: stealthycat
I'm a DIY guy and have wondered how guys who are not moose hunters can find a guy or two to do a moose adventure with - plan it 2 years out, make it like some of the moose adventures/stories that get posted here
From: hdaman
If you are going to do it once, then stack the odds in your favor. Go to Mike's in Alberta!
From: JTreeman
If you are gonna do it once you might want to plan a little further out that 6-7 months…
From: Freelance Bowhunter
Life doesn't always work that way Jim.
From: APauls
Manitoba FN are taking the right to hunt moose to court. They are saying that they should be able to hunt moose until they have had their fill before anyone else hunts any of them. They are bringing it to court in May. If they win that, I can't imagine outfitting is a thing in Northern MB anymore.
From: carcus
Adam, hopefully that won't pass, I need my fly in moose hunts!
From: rattling_junkie
I thought they have tried this before? Maybe they just send out publications stating their desire for this?
From: Tao
With the cuts to outfitter's tags in Northwestern Ontario and not guiding over the last 3 years. I will be guiding in Northeastern Saskatchewan for the first time. I have 3 weeks booked already at Slim's Cabins for flyin hunts. They have 16 bull tags available.