Mathews Inc.
wyoming deer
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
jakemike 19-Feb-23
Mule Power 19-Feb-23
KHNC 21-Feb-23
From: jakemike
Thinking of hunting mule deer in wyoming this year with 10 preference points but all my research points to don't hunt Wyoming. Winter weather and deer numbers are concerning. Any thoughts?

From: Mule Power
Winter has definitely been tough. But I’m not overreacting yet. Let’s see what March and April have in store. That’ll determine if it’s truly a bad winter. I only need one buck so I’m still thinking it’s time to burn my 10 points.

From: KHNC
Im saving my points and going after a whitetail in Wyoming this year. But im only at 4 so far.

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