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Talking to 2 outfitters about a lion hunt next January/February. If I’m lucky enough to get one I’m just curious what some guys have done with it mount-wise. Is it full body or nothing?
I'm doing a pedestal mount with mine. Full body was $5000 so I went with the other option.
BC bowkill … an awesome hunt!!
BC bowkill … an awesome hunt!!
For me, a lion is one animal that is only done justice with a full body. I’m Not poo-poo’ing anyone who has a rug or otherwise - it’s just my opinion.
Not a comment about a particular mount design, but make sure you find a taxidermist that can actually mount cats and make them look real. Lions seem the most difficult of all species to make their faces look natural. There are a LOT of terrible cat mounts out there in the world. It doesn't matter how great they are at any other species, lots of them simply can't do cats. Research your taxidermist choice carefully before you make your decision. Don't just assume the taxidermist you usually use is good at that species.
Great advice flicker. Cats are by far the easiest to screw up. I have a great taxidermist at home, but he had never done a lion. So I got it done by a taxi out in bc who does a dozen or more cats per year. My tom looks so lifelike that you expect his tail to flick at any time.
Get Dennis Razza to mount it, it will positively look alive.
Phil Soucy is the only guy I would have do a cat. He is worth every penny
We have 2 rugs. Yep, look over work before committing to a taxi. Ask your outfitters who they like and go see the work.
Good luck!!
I would also recommend a life sized mount and, I would use Animals Wild by Ashley Barrett, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He is a world champion taxidermist, specializing in big cats.
Ha - Midwest!! Reminds me of a rug I saw one time. The look on the cat’s face was a mix of surprise and horror. The only way it could ever make sense would be if you took the tail and plugged it in to a wall outlet.
Here's my Arizona dry ground tom from 2012. I agree Phil Soucy's work is amazing. I didn't hear of him until years later.
You have some great taxidermists in PA and it’s always good to be able to get larger mounts yourself or have a service that will possibly deliver and handy them at your home.
I can’t imagine not doing a life size mount on a lion.. the guy I hunted mine with was literally going to kick my ass when I first told him I was going to do a shoulder pedestal…. I ended up doing it a lot later and with another guy but I have to thank him for getting me to have it caped for a LS.
Soucy is the standard against which all are measured. Some may stack up. None better though.
Yeah if you look at his instagram you should see something that jumps out to you… I’m not a big fan of the snarling or open mouth cats or bears myself
Here's how I had my saskatchewan cat done. Got him a few years back in a wolf snare
Tony - who mounted that one?
Phil's worked very hard to achieve the look his mounts have. There are several others who are at his level for commercial work . The eyes are where it's at on a good mount as most have no idea about anatomy , but those eyes get ya every time. I would always suggest a lifesize, It's a Mountain Lion! How many people have one of those in their trophy room? Yet some have different priorities and a nice pedestal of the head and shoulders can be very appealingly mounted. You will love the hunt, nothing has ever matched the thrill of hearing the hounds barking treed! Course looking up into the eyes of the cat in the tree was something I will never forget, ever!! Jim
Dennis Razza is just East of Greensburg, PA.
I’ve seen Phil Soucy’s work and I’ve seen others.
Phil’s is the gold standard
Jared welle out of regina mounted him. He had done one before and it was hard finding a sk taxidermy that had much experience with them
I really had a hard time deciding to have a “Slack Jaw” or closed mouth, both being natural. This is what I opted for.
Something to consider is where you will put the mount and be sure to mention that to your taxidermist. I've got one full-size mount where the eyes are pointing up and the mount is up high. Wish I would have said the mount is up high and point the eyes downward. BTW, I agree that life-size is the way but it's your mount and your place to put them. Good luck.
Over time, many people tend to regret a full, open-mouth growl or snarl look.
Also a vote for Dennis Razza
The face/mouth can make or break a Lion mount.
Good luck, Robb
He was a fighter for sure!
Awesome stuff thanks guys - I’m not against a full body at all, just curious if there are ideas I’m missing - good to see there are legit guys right here in PA
Robb, that's a cool looking mount.
I see you are in PA. Jim Kelly is just across the river in NJ and is as good a cat (and everything else) taxidermist as you'll find anywhere. He did mine in these pics and also has done a few for other Bowsiters....
That looks great, Stekewood!
Great looking cats folks !!
Do your research though.
Great looking Cats guys. It’s tough to take a good picture of taxidermy
The Jim Kelly guy has very clean work and nice detail.........unless they're really bad, they all look decent from a distance. The good ones can be scrutinized up close!
Praise the Lord I'm almost 73 and walking/balance isn't my best attribute. No longer tempted to go on a mountain hunt and a body mount would be "wanted", but my social security raise didn't budget in a $5000.00 taxidermy fee. So, thank you everybody for sharing your mounts with me.
Dennis Razza has my cat from MT.
He mounted this cat for another hunter, I really like the pose, so that is what I selected.
He did a lynx from BC for me (Babine trapline) that is very well done
Midwest’s and Wytex’s pics make me want to start a GoFundMe for those unfortunate lion hunters. ;-)
Not mine schnettegoke taxidermy
I agree Phil Soucy and his team are the best. The eyes and face are where it's at. Also keep in mind that turns and crouching poses will make the cat look smaller. I prefer the slight open mouth.
Some really cool looking mounts, above. Wytex…..maybe go with a little lighter shade of lipstick, next time ;-)
Agree with redneck hunter’s comment about certain poses making the cat look smaller. My regular taxidermist did my cat for me, and it was the first lion he had ever done. Saying that I was a little apprehensive was an understatement! Other than a couple of very minor things, that 98% of people would never notice, I think he did an excellent job. I had always loved this pose, so it was a no-brainer for me, when I finally killed a lion.
I really like the poses with the cats head below their butt. Just looks like a very predatory stance ready to pounce.
Another vote for Razza. When I kill a wolf, that’s where it’s going. He does incredible work especially on predators.
This one was at one of the visiter center at Yellowstone NP I could not believe they had such a bad display there.
Wings and things taxidermy
Lion I shot about 15 years ago
A few of Ashley Barrett's cats. No affiliation, just enjoy phenomenal work!
My vote is for the "I know a guy" mount ;)
That Yellowstone one made me crack up, they can’t be serious
Kevin, those mounts are fabulous! Your work?
Oops, did not read your post from earlier... beautiful still the same.
My Tom, agree that it’s worth the $$ to get a full mount. It’s my favorite outside of my leopard.
Another bump for Jim Kelly. Truly amazing work.
Hey Bill! Get Jim Kelly to do a life sized mount for you. There are several that are as good but there are none better.
Jim is a great guy and really puts his all into every mount he does.
My cat is absolutely world class. The detail is second to none and I couldn’t be happier with how he came out.
Jim also did my Mt goat and moose. Again, both are spot-on perfect. Jim is truly an artist.
Best of luck on your hunt!
Bowjangles: Work out much? Where do you get shirts to fit?
Whadya think the righthand guy two pics above draws? 90? More??
With his pinky he could draw 90. National professional weightlifter. Look Eric up
With his pinky he could draw 90. National professional weightlifter. Look Eric up
@keith...I've been accused of hitting the weight room once or twice in my time. I graduated HS at 6'1", 136lbs so I desperately needed size. I approached weightlifting/bodybuilding like I do everything else and got totally carried away with it. LOL. Next thing I knew I was up to 294lbs and was winning National level shows. I put bodybuilding down back in '17. My son was getting older and taking time away from him to workout didn't seem like the thing to do.
So after 15 years I put the gym on the back burner. Since I couldn't put 100% myself into the gym, bowhunting filled the void.
Buying shirts now isn't a issue. At almost 300lbs nothing fit but sweats and 3x tshirts. lol
Inspiring dedication Eric. Always enjoy your posts and hunts. Incredible cat.
Eric, that is definitely one of the best looking cats I’ve ever seen. Cats are so hard to do Justice to.
Not mine, but I always liked this pose.
this is a really old mount in a bar in Wyoming. I like the about to pounce look. Im going to do mine similar but actually standing in a crouch before launching.
My AZ lion mount. I need to take some pics from other angles too.
My AZ lion mount. I need to take some pics from other angles too.
Any more angles of the photo above. Interesting presentation. Very unique.
It almost seems like blasphemy to chop a lion or bear hide and mount only the head/shoulder...but Mathewsphone your lion mount is very unique and looks great! I can't justify the wall space or $ for a full body mount, so have been in a quandary about what to do. I'll explore creative ideas such as yours!
Problem is I have four of these life-size in my house already I guide sheep Hunters and I shot this female in my sheep unit it's hard to sell females lion hunts everybody wants those big Toms so I designed it to tell a story it's sheep I picked up deadhead I wonder how many sheep that female has killed
A pair of ND cats mounted by Dakota Taxidermy in Bismarck. Not my animals-just a very cool mount.
A pair of ND cats mounted by Dakota Taxidermy in Bismarck. Not my animals-just a very cool mount.
Two Tom’s fighting mount is very cool. A buddy of mine was hunting cats when they found a spot where two had fought for real … his description of the busted limbs, tracks with blood and hair everywhere was epic. The battle would have been something to see.
The open mouth pant/stalking look is my preferred pose vs the snarling wide open mouth. Great mount Hawkeye!
A pair of ND cats mounted by Dakota Taxidermy in Bismarck. Not my animals-just a very cool mount.
Picked up the cat from Razza Taxidermy on Monday
Great looking mounts rock50!
Some nice mounts for sure. I like the ones where the cats eyes are the focus of the mount, snarling teeth take away the beauty of the eyes. Fir the really bad ones , did someone actually pay for those? Lol
Dennis Razza’s attention to detail is amazing. He altered the angle of the head on the form to have the cat look you in the eyes from the height it needed to be on the wall.
He did the same on the wolves several years ago.
Just took a pic of these in a bar in Floodwood tonight. Want me to find out who the taxi was? :):) Not even sure what the little one is!!!