Sitka Gear
Look what showed up
Contributors to this thread:
fuzzy 28-Feb-23
fuzzy 28-Feb-23
jdbbowhunter 28-Feb-23
Ironbow 28-Feb-23
Don T. Lewis 28-Feb-23
Kurt 28-Feb-23
fuzzy 28-Feb-23
Matt 28-Feb-23
hawkeye in PA 28-Feb-23
Zbone 28-Feb-23
fuzzy 28-Feb-23
WV Mountaineer 28-Feb-23
standswittaknife 28-Feb-23
Rgiesey 01-Mar-23
fuzzy 01-Mar-23
fuzzy 04-Mar-23
Supernaut 04-Mar-23
Lewis 04-Mar-23
Matt 04-Mar-23
WV Mountaineer 04-Mar-23
badbull 04-Mar-23
fuzzy 04-Mar-23
From: fuzzy

fuzzy's embedded Photo
fuzzy's embedded Photo
The mailman brought an unexpected treasure yesterday. A friend and fellow Bowsiter sent me a gift "out of the blue"

From: fuzzy

fuzzy's embedded Photo
fuzzy's embedded Photo

From: jdbbowhunter
I need friends like that!

From: Ironbow
Nice! I love Bear TD’s!!

From: Don T. Lewis
That really is a treasure. Very generous of your friend.

From: Kurt
Very cool! Nice gift!

The one bow I wish I’d kept….Bear Takedown, 55# number 2 length limbs on a B length magnesium riser if I remember the specs and designations correctly. Good shooting bow, although slow with the arrows I used.

From: fuzzy
Lol@Scoot, thanks! Come to think of it the syrup was a Christmas gift too.

From: Matt
Did they also send along 5 arrows to go along with it?

Be careful, there is a bug in those bows and it will bite! Nice bow and a good friend!

From: Zbone
WOW, way cool, congrats!

From: fuzzy
Matt no it didn't come with a lifetime supply of arrows. Lol

Cecil, if you get tired of it, send it my way. I’ll get some blood on it. :^)

It's the wrong hand though

From: Rgiesey
Wow that’s an incredible gift! I may have gotten a few gifts like that or so I told my wife. I never got rid of any of them.

From: fuzzy
WVMountaineer I'll let Crissy know that when I'm gone she should contact you. Lol

From: fuzzy
Update, another friend just gave me a set of Fast Flight compatibile 45 pound limbs which will make an AMO 56" Bow on the A riser. I'm amazed and humbled.

From: Supernaut

Enjoy the gifts in good health!

From: Lewis
Congrats on a cool gift shoot straight and if get over close to Mtn City Tennessee I’ll get you a visit to Copperhead Road even if I’m not there Good luck Lewis

From: Matt
"I'm amazed and humbled."

Amazed maybe, but humbled? I guess you didn't say "speechless", which I know wouldn't be true.

Good things for good people Cecil. Not a better guy to get such a thing. I’m sure you’ll put sone meat in the freezer with it. Just not feral chickens. lol.

From: badbull
This is the type of thread that keeps me coming to Bowsite. There are some good people on Bowsite that make me feel better about our fellow humans.

From: fuzzy
Matt "humbled " implies movement along a spectrum. Justin, thanks for the kind words. I make no promises regarding the feral fowl.

  • Sitka Gear