Moultrie Mobile
Poacher Caught in Idaho
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 01-Mar-23
DanaC 01-Mar-23
Wv hillbilly 01-Mar-23
Screwball 01-Mar-23
Wv hillbilly 01-Mar-23
DanaC 01-Mar-23
Glunt@work 01-Mar-23
smarba 01-Mar-23
Old Reb 01-Mar-23
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
This is sad!

From: DanaC
"In addition to paying more than $2,100 in penalties and court costs, Johnson lost his hunting license for five years. A two-year probationary period and forfeiture of the animal were additional punishments imposed. "

This should be a *felony* and prevent him from ever owning a gun again.

That fish and game officer must have 6’ long arms. Looks like he’s standing 20 yards behind his hands in the picture.

From: Screwball
I despise these game warden hero shots.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Looks like my brother and this 59” walleye
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Looks like my brother and this 59” walleye

From: DanaC
Fun with wide-angle lenses. Zoom out, honey, it'll look a lot bigger ;-)


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo

From: Glunt@work
Poaching is bad but the big things that have a negative effect on big game species are done at the management level. Losing a trophy class deer stinks. Losing thousands of animals due to improper management of tag allocation, predators, disease, etc is far worse. That's a bigger area where more accountability is needed.

From: smarba
What's sad is he was only charged $2100. Losing hunting privileges means nothing...he's a poacher. Heck, I'd pay $2100 to hunt a deer like that! Here in NM we went to a system where trophy animals command a bigger fine than smaller animals.

From: Old Reb
Dana, the guy disregarded the game laws. If he was banned from owning a firearm, do you really think he would adhere to that penalty? Criminals don't obey laws.

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