Sitka Gear
Mule Deer Euro Display
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
cnelk 02-Mar-23
Basil 02-Mar-23
molsonarcher 02-Mar-23
Screwball 02-Mar-23
molsonarcher 02-Mar-23
Murph 02-Mar-23
Stoneman 02-Mar-23
Treeline 02-Mar-23
smarba 02-Mar-23
Chief 419 02-Mar-23
BULELK1 03-Mar-23
Charlie Rehor 03-Mar-23
buckfevered 03-Mar-23
Paul@thefort 03-Mar-23
WhattheFOC 03-Mar-23
Dirtman 03-Mar-23
Dirtman 03-Mar-23
pirogue 03-Mar-23
orionsbrother 04-Mar-23
cnelk 05-Mar-23
From: cnelk
My daughter killed her first mule deer last November - since then, she decided that she wanted to do euro mount with a little extra stuff.

We sold the cape and then I had the back half of the hide tanned. I made an old pack frame-like feature to hold it all together.

This is what I came up with

From: Basil
Very unique! Congrats yo the both of you.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
Very nice work! Dennis Razza is doing the exact same thing for me, but with a bear.

Not to hijack your thread, but i think the pack mounts just add something unique to a room.

From: Screwball
Very nice, good work

From: molsonarcher
Also, props to you for making the frame. I screwed around with a bunch of birch branches trying to make one. It was ok when i was done, but not what i wanted it to be, so i scrapped it

From: Murph
Helluva a buck!!

From: Stoneman
That turned out very nice, congrats on her buck!

From: Treeline
Beautiful work, Brad! Definitely one that will remind her of a great experience in the field and time with her Dad!

From: smarba
Turned out really good!

From: Chief 419
That’s one of the better looking mounts I’ve seen. It looks like it belongs on that wall. Well done! Congrats to her on the buck as well.

Way Kool

Congrats on that project,


We’ll done.

From: buckfevered
Very nice! Interesting way of displaying both the head and the hide.

From: Paul@thefort
Brad, is that hanging on the new cabin wall? Goods good.

From: WhattheFOC
Like it!

From: Dirtman
Very nice! I’m working on one these myself. I will post it when I get it finished.

From: Dirtman
Very nice! I’m working on one these myself. I will post it when I get it finished.

From: pirogue

pirogue's embedded Photo
pirogue's embedded Photo
That turned out good. Homemade, unique, or just simple ideas, IMO, look better than some imagine. I put a muley on an old piece of sweet gum sapling, my grandpa cut, and hung in the hallway of his barn to hang bridles and tack on.

Looks really good Brad.

From: cnelk
Thanks for the replies everyone. I shipped the mount to my daughter the other day and she really liked it too.

  • Sitka Gear