Goulds Turkey Mexico
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Anyone hunt Goulds turkey in Mexcio, gun or bow?
Just curious what logistics were flying in and bringing your bird back.
I may have an opportunity. However, I don't speak Spanish and would be traveling by myself, so I am little nervous.
I have to see if the eye Dr will give me the ok too, as still recovering from my corneal transplant and still only have vision in one eye.
I’ve never hunted Goulds (yet) but have traveled to Sonora several times. It’s really quite easy other than limited flight schedules. The guys I’ve talked to have not had a problem bringing turkeys home.
Obviously speaking Spanish is helpful, but with a half decent outfitter i doubt it will be a problem.
Thanks, JIm. I think my biggest fear is the airport in Mexico City, but I assume it's a major airport so it shouldn't be an issue
I did it several years ago and was advised to not take a gun. Borrowed one from the outfitter. Best of luck.
My father did the hunt a few years back. Outfitter picked him up in El Paso and crossed the border there. He did say there were some “check stations” where they had to pay the cartel a fee to get where they had to go. He was also advised to not bring a gun. I feel you would be safer using an outfitter.
Ive never taken a gun in personally, but have been with guys that have. Total PITA. They all have to go through a military inspection going in and out. This takes at least an hour normally, but have seen it take longer.
Traveling isnt hard, the outfitter should be handling the logistics. Archery equipment normally doesnt get a second glance. A good trick I learned is if your bow case looks anything like a rifle case, get those sticky mailbox letters and spell it out for them. “Not a firearm”
several turkey outfitters that cross the border in Douglas Arizona No problem getting your guns across or your turkeys back
I’ve personally traveled with over 30 hunters this year checking rifles in and out of Mexico, and did about the same last year. So long as your gun permits are correct, it’s a simple process.
Thanks for all the information. I would be using a booking agent and would borrow a gun, as it would be easier. Still trying to see if I can swing this. Life is to short and gotta live while you can.
4 more US citizens got kidnapped,
Why would you fly to Mexico City?
It was what I was finding from just a quick internet search. JT gave me some info on flights
I am leaving for a Gould's hunt in Mexico on May 10th. My buddy and I are hunting them with recurves. We will fly into Chihuahua City where our guide will meet us. We'll drive north and west about 3 hours to get to our hunting spot in the Sierra Madres. We'll be hunting at anywhere between 4000 and 8000 feet elevation. The outfitter we are using is Mike Murray, of El Corral Hunting Guide Services. He is out of Hot Springs, AR. So far, he has been excellent to deal with. We had the hunt booked for last year but he called me about 2 weeks before Go Day to cancel. Wildfires were encroaching on the ranch we were going to hunt and he didn't feel comfortable sending us there. It wasn't so much the fires themselves. He just didn't think the hunting would be very good, especially since we were using stickbows. I thought that was pretty stand-up of him!
I was in Mexico mist of today about 45 min from where that shooting kidnapping happen. Area was packed with American tourists
Trust your guide. Just like you he is not interested in being kidnapped or killed
I'd try to do it without going through Mexico City Airport