Wensel Auction..
Whitetail Deer
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If you have Facebook and are a Wensel fan you may be interested in this auction on Everything traditional Facebook page…
Proceeds go directly to Gene
I bought stuff in his last auction. Smooth transaction and I now have a beautiful deer sketch signed by Gene. I’d encourage everyone to support this very important cause.
It’s up to $600… go bid on a piece of Whitetail Bowhunting history
It’s up to $600… go bid on a piece of Whitetail Bowhunting history
I’ve been building up my bowhunting library with some of Gene’s books. Good cause.
Not on facebook any other way to vie the auction?
Genes a great guy and an icon. As I learned to hunt whitetails this book may have been the biggest piece in the puzzle.
Ag great of a guy as Gene is, Donna is 100x. Two of my favorite people in this world.
I’ve been building up my bowhunting library with some of Gene’s books. Good cause.
Great book, should be in every hunter’s collection.
I’ve been building up my bowhunting library with some of Gene’s books. Good cause.
A lot of people may not be aware of "the rest of the story" on this book title. Gene titled the first printing of 1,000 books "Bowhunting Rutting Whitetails." When that original first printing was about gone, I asked him why he titled it BOWHUNTING Rutting Whitetails as the book had almost nothing in it regarding bowhunting? It was about whitetail hunting, not bowhunting. I suggested he retitle it HUNTING Rutting Whitetails for no other reason than to expand his potential market to whitetail hunters in general... to help spread the whitetail knowledge. The book was years ahead of its time. We/he had deer biologists contact him/us asking where we came up with these findings, as there were a lot of answers and pieces to the whitetail puzzle that were not common knowledge back then. When you read this book today it may not strike you as NEW information. But you must consider the fact when it was written these ideas were completely unknown at that time. They were theories that have since been proven fact. I just wanted to clarify the edition listed above is one of those very rare and valuable copies of the original printing. Owning it will be like owning a piece of whitetail hunting history. And a special thank you for all those who have helped in this worthy cause. Barry Wensel
I’ve been building up my bowhunting library with some of Gene’s books. Good cause.
I’ve been building up my bowhunting library with some of Gene’s books. Good cause.
Jeff it should be close to full by now…lol Happens to me all the time.. I think it’s pats way of adding content
Dang it, it just keeps repeating my post, even though I only submitted it once ??
Barry, Thanks for that “rest of the story”. Could we have a little more clarification? So after 1000 copies of “Bowhunting Rutting Whitetails” were printed and gone, and the name changed, what are the numbers of the “Hunting Rutting Whitetails”, in both paper and hardback? Thanks
I really don't know how many were eventually printed after the first 1,000 and title change. It was never printed in hardcover that I know of. So, any copies out there of either title are softcover only. I also can't tell you when they went out of print. I know he sold a ton of them. The book was extremely popular because it touched on uncharted waters. It got guys to thinking about what they were seeing. I've mentioned this before, I've been asked what single attribute all really great whitetail hunters seem to possess. Some will say they have to possess a "game eye"; others say they need to be retired, or at least have plenty of time off to hunt. In my opinion, the one attribute ALL really great whitetail hunters possess is they are THINKERS. They all slowdown in the woods, reflect and ponder on what they are seeing. They come to conclusions, whether right or wrong, then hash it over with their friends and hunting partners that result in a theory. As far as I'm concerned, when a theory is proven correct enough times, it becomes close enough to be a fact you can act on. bw
I’ll add Hunting Rutting whitetails was done in both soft and hardcover..
Can't remember what title I have (it's stored in a box somewhere) but it was the bible of whitetail hunting for me... That and Mr. Rothhaar's, which both came out about the same time if I remember correctly, early 80's I believe... Used to read Rutting Whitetails cover to cover every October and November, and always seem to pick up something new each time I read it... Great book... Wish Gene and family all the best...
Hey Barry, what ever happened to that tiny thumb size branched antler (4 or 5 point) shed youenz didn't know if it dropped off a fawn button buck or a yearling?
As usual, Barry is "somewhat correct." Ha. The first printing was of 1,000 copies entitled "Bowhunting Rutting Whitetails" that came out in 1981. I changed the title at Barry's suggestion to "Hunting Rutting Whitetails" for the second printing in 1982. I brought it out in hardcover with a dust jacket for the third printing that started in 1984. I have no idea how many I sold but considering it was self-published, it was "quite a few." I have a couple storage units that have recently turned into personal treasure hunts for me (as an old man) as I dig deeper, finding things I forgot I had. Coincidentally, a month or so ago I discovered a big box full of positive postal mail that I'd sorted and filed state by state after those first books came out. It warmed my heart rereading some of the many letters thanking me profusely for filling in puzzle pieces, offering so many theories to the whitetail mystery, "you changed the way I hunt deer," etc. In some ways, I feel I may have helped create a monster in the whitetail industry. That being said, if/when I ever feel bummed, reading some of those early letters quickly lifts my spirit. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to put thoughts on paper for so many early generations.
Thanks guys for the clarification. After a few years go by and you see something like this, you forget and wonder if your book says Bowhunting”, or “Hunting”, and have to go check. I’m good now.
I’ve also wondered what that patch is, on the jacket arm. Does it still exist?
Gene, I was one of those early bowhunters that you profoundly influenced. You don’t remember meeting me that first time but it was in Meriden Ct probably around 1990. You had given a seminar and were signing books. A young boy came up to you with his dad. He wanted to buy your book. You ripped a page and didn’t charge him for his ‘damaged’ book. Kid will never forget it and neither did I. I was behind them in line.
You and Barry are icons. I am happy we got to know each other. You and Barry were at my house when my son Pat Jr took his first step. That was 25 years ago. He’s now a conservative, a lineman, and a waterfowl hunting fanatic.
You guys are the best of them all (well maybe a close second only to Jackie Bushman) and one of the few who didn’t sell out for TV deals and sponsorships. Thanks for being such a positive influence on all of us that have become whitetail bowhunting fanatics.
I believe the is a PBS patch on his jacket.
I was standing at the bank of urinals with Barry…or was it Gene? when he turned and pee’d on Paul Brunner’s leg! PBS Banquet around 1988 in Grand Junction, CO…haha.
Figured it had something to do with dominant buck behavior??
I'm pretty certain that I had one of the "Bowhunting..." copies way back when. I know that I bought it from you at a seminar in the early 80's but I lent it out never to be seen again. I'm also pretty sure I know who I have it to but he denies it.??
Oh well, I ruined it's collector value anyway because I used highlighter, underlining and stars all through the book on stuff I wanted to remember. I studied that book harder than any college textbook I ever had. It truly was started of the at at the time. Still is!
Yep that’s a PBS patch on his camo jacket. One of the best things about attending the PBS Banquets was hanging out and talking to bowhunting legends like Gene and Barry.
Thanks again for the other book Shug!
Think I'd seen an interview or read the buck on the cover was Gene's buck, but Barry graces the cover dragging it...8^) Wish I had a brother that'd drag my deer...8^)
If my memory fails me, I apologize...
Auction ended at 8 pm est this evening… items went for $911.. Pretty amazing
Auction ended at 8 pm est this evening… items went for $911.. Pretty amazing
Thanks guys, I did not realize until reading this that I had a second printing. I was primarily focused on obtaining the actual arrow. But now I do have a first printing!