Moose are causing global warming
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Pat Lefemine's Link
“Researchers” claim that moose are the predominant mammals causing climate change.
Moose is just another Vegetarian. Vegetarians/Vegans are surely responsible for Climate Change (and, they do produce a lot of gas).
I eat, I'm doing my part !
Unbelievable. This is a prime example of the self-propagating nature of research funding, but I fear it could be a further example of the distressing lack of common sense in the scientific community. As well as pure stupidity...
Does that mean more moose tags at least in Norway.Unbelievable.Good luck
Fits the mindless “science” these days - the answer is introduce more wolves in order to reduce the moose population and thereby save the planet from global warming. It’s really pretty simple ;-)
But then the wolf crap and gases they would pass
Also seen a article saying buffalo are destroying are streams and rivers.?
When can we start giving these nut cases free rides to another planet...where they'll hopefully finally be HAPPY?!?
"Does that mean more moose tags at least in Norway.Unbelievable.Good luck "
No, but they're upping the quota in Vermont (for other reasons...)
Yellow stone bison destroying ecosystem. Google arrival.
And since the moose population is on the decline then global warming will be "getting solved". perfect.
My freezer here in Fairbanks is full of moose meat. I am trying my level best to save you wretched Bowsiters!
You guys think this is funny?! Wait until we hear what their solutions are to fixing the “problem”. Guaranteed it’ll be ridiculous, and all of US will pay for it in one way or another, as these idiots think they actually know what the f*** they’re doing. The stupidity is getting old FAST!
How did the country ever survive before we got here.
Funny how they talk about moose removing plant biomass, yet whenever you look at where a moose lives I guarantee you the moose is living in an environment that is "storing more carbon" than most places on the planet. Those are not the areas they should be focusing on EVEN IF carbon storage is the focus.
They'd better check the credentials of these researchers. There's a hell of a lot more cattle than moose on this planet. Absolutely ridiculous.
Yes and you wonder why everyone wears tin foil hats. Can’t make this crap up. It’s all part of a greater plan.
Sounds like foreshadowing for the next taxpayer sponsored wolf invasion.
This is the “Science” we are supposed to believe? Sheesh
Heres a C and P from the article;
Researchers claim that moose are potentially a leading cause of climate change and that the species should be balanced, suggesting they are "one of the biggest potential single sources of carbon emissions from wooded parts of Norway."
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology studied moose in Norwegian forests for several years and concluded that the species have a major effect on vegetation growth and are altering the carbon cycle by dining on tree buds. "Moose are an ecosystem engineer in the forest ecosystem, and strongly impact everything from the species composition and nutrient availability in the forest. A grown animal can eat 50 kilograms of biomass each day during summer," Gunnar Austrheim, an ecologist at the NTNU University Museum, said in a press release.
Moose tend to eat birch and young samplings in clearcut forests, an act researchers claim is where the ungulates "gobble up" possible carbon storage in trees.
Sometimes minds are wasted. These studies only prove that. Then, there are those that believe it, more wasted minds.
The wierd thing about all this carbon cycle blather is that the vast majority of carbon sequestration is in deer ocean sediment. Terrestrial vegetation is almost insignificant in comparison
Well, let's see here: Animals and the earth did fine for thousands of years. Then as human populations increased at exponential proportions, animal numbers declined drastically. And the humans blamed the earth's woes on the animals that humans were displacing. Do we see the REAL problem here?
There are so few moose in the world today in comparison to all other environmental factors. Not enough moose on earth to have any impact on the environment.
I have lost ALL faith in anything labeled: "science".
There are so few moose in the world today in comparison to all other environmental factors. Not enough moose on earth to have any impact on the environment.
I have lost ALL faith in anything labeled: "science".
“The study also claimed that moose were not only bad for the climate but aided the forest industry.”
I wonder what these researchers think of all the trees and vegetation that gets wiped out for wind and solar farms to be built.
Makes me wonder what the moose density looks like….
If they’ve got moose problems like we have Whitetails, I can see how it adds up fast. And of course, I am pretty sure that the conclusions from the study are looking at that specific region, rather than suggesting that moose in that area are causing the entire planet to spin out of control….
But of course if THAT were to be mentioned in the report, it wouldn’t sound outrageous or idiotic and that wouldn’t do a damn thing for the ratings, so never let the facts get in the way of a good story, right?
You guys have obviously never smelled or heard a moose fart. A virtual CO2 explosion.
I have heard and smelled moose farts. I may also be one of the few humans who has peed on a moose's back.
"You guys have obviously never smelled or heard a moose fart. A virtual CO2 explosion."
Ya got me there. I've never smelled a moose fart, but I still know bullshit when I hear it!
Jaq - the R.Kelly of bowhunting
“I may also be one of the few humans who has peed on a moose's back.”
Did you also attempt to convince him it was raining?
Actually, if this is the case, then I assume that all applicants for a 2023 Colorado Moose tag will draw a moose tag this year, so we can help the planet. I look forward to doing both at the same time......
OhMan….( in my most exasperated whiny teenager voice)
you guys just don’t get it….its the science!
The time is coming no one will walk on fed. ground. There is maps of the plans.
Story made Fox News tonight, "Kill a moose, save a tree"...8^)
walking buffalo's Link
This certainly is an example of playing the hashtag. The researchers played the media and will likely be rewarded with funding to continue the work.
After reading the research article, the science appears to be sound, with many unanswered questions. Moose do appear to have the ability to create environmental changes that can effect BOTH climate warming and cooling.
Here is the Research media link. I'll put the research article in the next post. Read it if you can't sleep. Those that actually do read it will chuckle at the media coverage.
walking buffalo's Link
Here is the research article.
Not quite the stink that is being raised.
"Moose do appear to have the ability to create environmental changes that can effect BOTH climate warming and cooling. "
It would take a dam big bunch of moose over a dam big percent of the world's forests. Moose only do well in cold. As in 'very north' or very high in elevation.'
I doubt there are a lot more moose now than a thousand years ago. Maybe where they're over-protected. But then they're susceptible to parasites and disease, same as any other over-crowded animal population.
I find that media portrays research to fit get attention or get people riled up. Reading the article it is clear the researchers are not loony or making ridiculous claims about moose. Much blood pressure getting raised over nothing.
So it safe to say the dinosaurs also caused global warming?
Heck, they caused a meteorite to slam into the earth and wiped themselves out!
Crazy stuff, it is estimated that the number of airplane flights worldwide every day is approx. 100,000 which burn hundreds of millions gallons of fuel and somehow moose are are a problem with the environment. Gotta love it.
That is not what the article says.
Just making a point since the article makes a bold statement that some scientists believe moose are leading a cause contributing to climate change.
The "news " article says almost the opposite of the research article. Typical.
Sorry Jaquomo you're going to have to share that claim. I too, have peed on a moose's back.
FOX "news". What would you expect. If they're not outright lying, they pick and choose parts of a story to pander to the MAGA fan base. News has NOTHING to do with them.
Perhaps the ultimate solution is INTRODUCE MORE WOLVES to ensure less moose?
See what they are doing here?
Yea for straight news one should go to MSNBC or CNN, they don't fib at all. Heck, they still report on the insurrection and Russia gate you know the important stuff. Whatever happened to brain Williams, is he still doing his live reports from the streets where dead bodies are floating by? Or maybe You could go to news nation and listen to Chris cuomo or the disgraced Bill O' Rirlly?
How did the earth survive when buffalo were at their peak.
I’m sure any news source Ziek gets is spot on, no nonsense news with no spin at all. What a tool
There are as many or more dairy/beef cows in Norway than moose.
I have it on really good authority that it is actually wolves causing global warming!
Ron X2!! There are no words
There is also an article about it in the Washington Post. Now there is absolutely no denying it.
"So it safe to say the dinosaurs also caused global warming?"
Yes, I suppose indirectly, since we are burning "fossil fuel" for a lot of things. But holy moly, can you imagine the browse line from a bunch of Brontosaurus'?
Better get ur moose tags while u can. When the wolves are done ur moose population will b gone. Animal rights clowns and save the planet dinks don't care how its done. Stand and fight or we lose it all.
Thread should read, " the fart heard around the world".
I've gotten very good at smiling at people like that, all the while thinking...yep couple bricks short of a full load......
Knifeman's Link
They need to figure out how to get those moose some seaweed
I fear our stupidity knows no limits.
After a bit more research, I jumped to a wrong conclusion. Every news outlet basically went for the wrong take on that research. The report can be boiled down to; "...suggesting that moose browsing has stronger effects on forest structure than composition. At the same time, moose increased forest albedo relative to un-browsed forests, driving biophysical cooling. When averaged at regional levels, climate effects due to changes in biomass and albedo are of similar magnitude,..." Basically, balancing each other. It was clear cutting the forest that upset the balance. Moose are not the problem, once again, it's human caused.
Thanks Pete in Fairbanks ! Send backstrap please, I’m hungry……..
That made me laugh. While it's true that moose produce methane through their digestion, it's important to keep in mind that many other factors contribute to climate change, including human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Moreover, I've recently stumbled upon an article at saying that methane is a potent greenhouse gas, but it's not the only one contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide is the most damaging greenhouse gas, accounting for around 80% of total emissions.
Science never ends. So when there is nothing to learn make it up.