How many guys here have specifically targeted coyotes with archery gear? I don’t mean the incidental “he walked by my treestand and I shot him”. I mean more specifically targeting them with electronic callers and a bow. Any tips/tactics?
I gave it a go one evening and morning this week. I was putting the caller and a decoy (motion type mouse/rabbit thing) at 20-25 yards thinking 40-50 would kinda be my max if they held up. First set I was hidden really well in a cedar tree and they (2) came running from behind passed me at about 8 feet. I spooked them cause I got so excited and tried to draw too fast. Totally my fault and with better self control I think I very possibly could have got a shot at the lead one.
The next morning one came running in to my set up, as he wheeled around the corner he either spotted me or didn’t like the motion decoy. He couldn’t see either me or the decoy till he came around a little corner and was at 30. I couldn’t see him either, I defiantly moved the bow, but pretty minimal however, the angle of the sun was not really in my favor and the cover/blind was probably not optimal. I was counting on the motion decoy to hold his attention for me to shoot. Unfortunately how he came I was essentially in line with the decoy/caller.
So I guess I’m asking kinda of set-up opinions, getting drawn, distance to caller, etc. Also opinions on motion decoy or just caller? All other suggestions/tips welcome.
foxes seem to be more curious, hang around longer, and don't spook off so quickly
foxes seem to be more curious, hang around longer, and don't spook off so quickly
Took me years to kill my second coyote - just realized this was literally 4-years ago today March 16, 2019
Took me years to kill my second coyote - just realized this was literally 4-years ago today March 16, 2019
Yep, very challenging but fun. The first setup I ever did I was on one side of a small drainage, set the -e-caller on opposite side 20-yards. Called 5-min, coyote popped over the other side went to caller, I shot and killed. Seemed so easy I daydreamed of shipping bundles off hides for tanning, make a coat, whatever LOL. Set up dozens, if not more, times before I managed to kill another one.
IMO set the caller close like 15-20 yards. That way if they hold up you can still shoot. You have to strive to make almost zero motion in drawing, plus as you note, they come in quick, so there isn't much time. I set up natural blind or cover, seated low (typically cross-legged directly on the ground or a pad, not on a chair), bow with bow legs so I don't have to hold up the weight, but my arrow is nocked, hand on bow, release on string. If something comes in I raise bow just a matter of inches to draw and shoot.
I've tried motion, but not had much success with it. To me it seems better if they spend time focusing on the sound and trying to see something there, rather than immediately seeing motion.
I completely understand it is difficult, that is why I’m asking. I’m not looking to wipe out the population, I’m looking for an off season BOWHUNTING challenge. If I got one out of 50 I’d be very pleased.
I have ZERO interest in shooting a coyote with a gun. I get it, an AR and thermal scopes and shot guns etc will kill them great. I’m simply not interested in that.
And JT I too have had them run in from unexpected directions WAY too close to me and spook due to scent or movement. They can make a fool of you that's for sure!
Have you tried a ground blind?while turkey hunting, I had a coyote run into the side of my blind while he was chasing a rabbit. I tried draw but he was kinda behind me and in think brush. Made me think about trying to come back just for coyotes but I never did. Interested to hear what others says about using a blind?
I'm sure a blind would make it easier; however, where and how I hunt, it's just too much hassle to haul a blind around. I just hike, try to find a good setup, use brush, rocks, logs etc. for cover, full camouflage including face and hands, and go for it.
I shoot many coyotes through the season, not with a bow but take this for what it’s worth: I would set up caller in a cross wind out in front of you 20 to 30 yards away and use some sort of scent, dead squirrel, rabbit or something with the caller as more than likely the coyote in close range will be coming from downwind. Good luck… may not work but is what I would do if I was targeting coyotes with a bow.
I’ve called in and shot a few. The biggest thing for me is they almost have to pass behind something to get the bow back. Timber is the easiest if it’s kinda open with bigger tree trunks, I stand against a tree, but somewhat behind it from where I expect them to come from. Doesn’t always work that way but it gives me cover, a better view by standing, and easier maneuverability to swing the bow.
Also, I’ve done better with mouth calls than an electronic caller for archery. Call for 30 secs lightly, stop, look for 2-3 minutes, call 30 secs louder, repeat about 5-6 times. They seem to wonder in more when it’s quiet than just blasting into a calling setup with the e-caller going.
A lot get away so I don’t bow call them a lot, they just don’t sit still long enough to get good shots on them.
I’ve called in a few with a bow, when targeting them specifically, but they are definitely a tough out. Setting up where you can possibly get your bow drawn as they go behind a tree, bush, through a dip, etc. seems to work the best for me. Being at full draw before they are in range, ups the odds.
Called this guy in and was at full draw before he got to within range, and he still picked me off. Made the mistake of running almost straight away from me.
I’m with pat on this one. A 223 or a 243 is a weapon of choice for coyotes while all else I use a bow. Coyotes are just a little different in my opinion and need a little lead. ;-)
Hunt them like you would a turkey with a bow, but add scent controll into it. Give them something to look at, decoy and something to smell chicken liver, mouth call very little are they will pinpoint you before you know they are there.
Here's a couple from a treestand, missed on #2. From the ground is obviously more of a challenge...haven't pulled that off yet. I don't think there's too many tips you haven't already thought of...downwind from caller, head on a slow moving swivel, I'd skip the decoy.
These were opportunities while deer hunting...killed the first one, missed the second
Thanks guys, I have got a couple good tips and some helpful PM’s. I killed this one in TX out of a tree on a Nilgai hunt a few years ago, called him in with mouth squeaks. Defiantly seemed easy on that one ;)
I also killed a Jackal in South Africa, purely by luck at a waterhole. I squeeked in a coupe of them from pit blinds too, but couldn’t get them shot. But that is all mainly just luck, and a pit blind is great to get drawn and shoot out of.
I am headed to TX next, I’m going to take the caller and maybe try a few quick sets there and see if I can find a dumb one.