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Arizona loyalty points
Contributors to this thread:
Medicinemann 22-Mar-23
BOHNTR 22-Mar-23
StickFlicker 22-Mar-23
Bowboy 22-Mar-23
Medicinemann 22-Mar-23
midwest 22-Mar-23
Medicinemann 22-Mar-23
StickFlicker 22-Mar-23
From: Medicinemann
Arizona bonus points have now been updated in the portal for unsuccessful 2023 applicants. I received a loyalty point for elk a few years ago, when I had been in the draw for five years. I have now been in the pronghorn draw for five years, but did not get a loyalty point. Are pronghorn treated differently than elk for draw purposes?

No they are the same. I would give it a few days to see when they update those. If it doesn’t just call them.

From: StickFlicker

From: Bowboy
Checked mine today and everything is updated.

From: Medicinemann
Figured it out....I have five species points.....but I bought one, skipped a year.....and have bought four over the last four years. It must be five CONSECUTIVE years to earn the loyalty point......not five species points.

From: midwest
That's correct, Jake.

From: Medicinemann
So, after applying next year (assuming that I do not get drawn in 2024 for antelope), I will be awarded a preference point AND a loyalty point. Fine. If I skip a year (not that I would), do I lose the loyalty point that had previously been awarded?

From: StickFlicker
Yes, everything you stated is correct, except the preference point is a bonus point.

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