I plan on disking it up, kill weeds with ROUND-UP & 2FDB then replant in mid- August.
I'de like to keep deer hitting the plot during the summer before I kill it off and replant.
Is there anything I can plant in the spring for a few months before I kill it off & replant?
Before you do anything get a soil test and amend as directed. You'll probably need some lime.
Burned everything down with Glyfo and 24D in May. Wait until it becomes a moonscape. I then disked it up in July and hit it with herbicide again when the tiny weed and grass seeds started to emerge. It was basically dead-dead by then. In late august, I broadcasted a combination of oats (as the nurse crop) and the perennial clover mix. I went 125% on the recommended clover mix. The following spring, hit it with IMAX twice, and on year 3 hit it with IMAX 3 times.
Pic above is what it looks like now.
Good luck