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Fried turkey nuggets!
Contributors to this thread:
Jasper 05-Apr-23
Jasper 05-Apr-23
Lewis 05-Apr-23
Jasper 05-Apr-23
Jasper 05-Apr-23
drycreek 05-Apr-23
spike78 05-Apr-23
Shiloh 05-Apr-23
Beav 05-Apr-23
Shaft 05-Apr-23
Old Reb 05-Apr-23
jjs 05-Apr-23
HUNT MAN 05-Apr-23
Rut-N-Strut 05-Apr-23
WV Mountaineer 05-Apr-23
Lewis 05-Apr-23
Jasper 05-Apr-23
SaddleReaper 06-Apr-23
From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo
I’ve eaten a lot of wild game over the years but turkey nuggets are one of my favorites. I used the Chick Fil A copy cat recipe on these. So good.

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: Lewis
One of our go to recipes our sides are generally fried okra and collard greens did you make the mustard dipping sauce Good luck Lewis

From: Jasper

From: Jasper
Yes, it’s honey mustard, Duke’s mayo with lime and hot sauce mixed together. Actual Chick Fil A sauce is good too!

From: drycreek
One of my favorites too ! I hope to have some freshly minted turkey breast in about a week.

From: spike78
Recipe please

From: Shiloh
One of our favorites too!! Google Meat Eater chick fil a turkey nuggets and there will be a recipe for nuggets and dipping sauce.

From: Beav
Great stuff!!!

From: Shaft
My mouth is watering.

From: Old Reb
I used to make turkey McNuggets when the boys were young. They would eat them up. This was before Chic Filet came to our area. They were more like Chicken McNuggets. Unfortunately the main ingredient is harder to come by in my part of Ohio these days. I heard that Chic Filet marinates their chicken in pickle juice, did you do the same?

From: jjs
First thought this was about turkey nuts, back in collage a fellow house mate bought in a bag of turkey nuts and fried them up, wasn't bad with PBR, his family raised several thousands turkeys.

Staple in my house in the spring months. Ready for some !!!

From: Rut-N-Strut
Honey corn muffin mix, Louisiana Cajun fish fry. Mix the two together, dip nuggets in egg then the dry mix and fry. Best nuggets ever!! Sweet Heat!!!

Monday the 17th I’m planning on having some for supper.

From: Lewis
A few years ago when I thought about milk and pickle juice I thought you have to be kidding me not yummy

From: Jasper
Yes I marinate in milk and pickle juice. The only difference is that I use the juice from Wickles Pickles or one of the sweet heat pickles.

From: SaddleReaper

SaddleReaper's Link
For those who are interested in the meateater recipe Shiloh mentioned.

Suddenly I'm feeling hungry.....

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