Sitka Gear
Turkey Meat Pole
Contributors to this thread:
ILbowhntr 09-Apr-23
JohnMC 09-Apr-23
PECO2 09-Apr-23
Jasper 09-Apr-23
Jasper 09-Apr-23
ILbowhntr 09-Apr-23
ILbowhntr 09-Apr-23
Twinetickler 09-Apr-23
Quinn @work 10-Apr-23
ahunter76 10-Apr-23
IKE220 10-Apr-23
Rock 10-Apr-23
KY EyeBow 10-Apr-23
Rock 10-Apr-23
JohnMC 10-Apr-23
Beav 10-Apr-23
midwest 10-Apr-23
t-roy 10-Apr-23
spikebow 10-Apr-23
Jasper 10-Apr-23
Stringwacker 11-Apr-23
The Kid 11-Apr-23
MichaelArnette 11-Apr-23
goelk 11-Apr-23
Quinn @work 11-Apr-23
The Kid 12-Apr-23
Beav 12-Apr-23
t-roy 12-Apr-23
drycreek 12-Apr-23
Hawkeye 12-Apr-23
midwest 12-Apr-23
Jasper 12-Apr-23
JohnMC 12-Apr-23
t-roy 13-Apr-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 13-Apr-23
Rut-N-Strut 13-Apr-23
Cornpone 13-Apr-23
Nogutsnostory 13-Apr-23
Nogutsnostory 13-Apr-23
Bowfreak 17-Apr-23
Dino 18-Apr-23
Old Reb 18-Apr-23
HUNT MAN 18-Apr-23
SBH 18-Apr-23
Jasper 18-Apr-23
Bowfreak 18-Apr-23
t-roy 19-Apr-23
Bowfreak 19-Apr-23
Hawkeye 19-Apr-23
Ziek 19-Apr-23
Bowboy 19-Apr-23
Lawdog 19-Apr-23
t-roy 20-Apr-23
Lawdog 20-Apr-23
t-roy 20-Apr-23
12yards 20-Apr-23
JTreeman 21-Apr-23
t-roy 21-Apr-23
midwest 21-Apr-23
Whocares 21-Apr-23
Whocares 21-Apr-23
JohnMC 21-Apr-23
t-roy 21-Apr-23
HUNT MAN 22-Apr-23
Whocares 22-Apr-23
HUNT MAN 22-Apr-23
RD 22-Apr-23
RD 22-Apr-23
Stoneman 22-Apr-23
crestedbutte 23-Apr-23
goelk 23-Apr-23
Whocares 23-Apr-23
HUNT MAN 23-Apr-23
Brotsky 23-Apr-23
The Kid 24-Apr-23
Bowtecharcher0880 24-Apr-23
rattling_junkie 25-Apr-23
Whocares 25-Apr-23
Bowboy 25-Apr-23
Rgiesey 25-Apr-23
deerhunter72 25-Apr-23
SBH 25-Apr-23
SBH 25-Apr-23
Thornton 26-Apr-23
Shiloh 26-Apr-23
BoggsBowhunts 26-Apr-23
BOHNTR 28-Apr-23
Mt. man 28-Apr-23
jdbbowhunter 28-Apr-23
Charlie Rehor 28-Apr-23
Copperman 28-Apr-23
Errorhead 28-Apr-23
Stoneman 28-Apr-23
midwest 29-Apr-23
Brotsky 30-Apr-23
Brotsky 30-Apr-23
midwest 30-Apr-23
beemann 30-Apr-23
beemann 30-Apr-23
beemann 30-Apr-23
sheds 01-May-23
Starfire 01-May-23
Dikndirt 02-May-23
JohnMC 02-May-23
Whocares 02-May-23
Buglemaster 03-May-23
Pocoloco 08-May-23
Pocoloco 08-May-23
Pocoloco 08-May-23
hoytshooter1 10-May-23
Djl 10-May-23
Lewis 10-May-23
scentman 10-May-23
hoytshooter1 11-May-23
BOHNTR 12-May-23
BOHNTR 12-May-23
t-roy 13-May-23
beemann 13-May-23
Dino 13-May-23
t-roy 13-May-23
JW 14-May-23
JTreeman 14-May-23
sasquatch 14-May-23
Dino 29-Jun-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Dan Mallia 10-Dec-23
Dan Mallia 10-Dec-23
From: ILbowhntr
I can’t believe it’s April 9th and there’s not a meat pole. All the harvest postings and no meat pole. My season doesn’t start for another 11 days, I need motivation!

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
There you go. Dead turkey, bowsites most handsome hunter, and a homemade decoy. Two of three ain't bad to start your meat pole thread.

From: PECO2

PECO2's embedded Photo
PECO2's embedded Photo
Opening morning miss. Have not got back out yet.

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo
Georgia birds…

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: ILbowhntr

From: ILbowhntr
Not sure what happened there! Two identical posts after the first one and a couple responses.

From: Twinetickler
My wife hammered a nice tom opening morning in Utah. We had two of our kids with us in the blind that got to watch it all go down!

From: Quinn @work
Nice job Swinetickler!!

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
I'm not big on bowhunting Turkeys but have 2 buddies that are. 1, hunting Public land in Neb (He's from N.Y.) arrowed 2. He arrowed 5 last year in 3 states & 3 on public land. Now he will be after them in his home state. Our other friend from Ill. has arrowed a Longbeard already too.

From: IKE220

IKE220's embedded Photo
IKE220's embedded Photo
Yatzzee in Illinois. Some days everything just works out. Good luck out there!!

From: Rock

Rock's embedded Photo
Nebraska #1
Rock's embedded Photo
Nebraska #1
Rock's embedded Photo
Check out those Spurs
Rock's embedded Photo
Check out those Spurs

From: KY EyeBow
Nice hooks, Rock!

From: Rock

Rock's embedded Photo
Nebraska #2
Rock's embedded Photo
Nebraska #2
Rock's embedded Photo
After the shot
Rock's embedded Photo
After the shot

From: JohnMC
Making me wish I had bought two NE tags when I could

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Nebraska opener! Two great hunts.

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Iowa opening day today. Started out slow but ended up as one of the best mornings ever!

From: t-roy
Grats on the birds, guys. I expect to see that double bearded jake that you let walk, on next year’s meatpole, Nick!

From: spikebow

spikebow's embedded Photo
spikebow's embedded Photo
Kansas double with my daughter

From: Jasper
Well done Nick!

From: Stringwacker

Stringwacker's embedded Photo
Stringwacker's embedded Photo
It's a rare day when I take a turkey....but sometimes it does happen.

From: The Kid
Got it done on Public here in Kansas. Good Luck to everyone still holding tags!


MichaelArnette's embedded Photo
MichaelArnette's embedded Photo

From: goelk
Ill take anybody left wings if you dont want them.

From: Quinn @work
Great video Kid!

From: The Kid
Thanks Quinn! I appreciate you watching.

Congrats Michael on the trad bird! No easy feat.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Got me a birthday bird today!!

From: t-roy
Happy birthday, buddy! Congrats on the gobbler, as well!

From: drycreek
Congrats on all the bow kills guys !

From: Hawkeye

Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Hawkeye's embedded Photo
Happy birthday, Beav!

Was fortunate to harvest my biggest turkey to date this morning after I was convinced he was never going to come in.

He weighed #26 with double beards of 7.5” and 12” with spurs at 1” and 1 1/4”.

From: midwest
Beauty Eyad!

From: Jasper
Giant bird E!!!!

From: JohnMC
40lbs! That has got to be a world record

From: t-roy
Sounds like he had TWO thumbs on the scale!

Two thumbs and maybe a steel toe boot

From: Rut-N-Strut
Stuffed with another turkey and some lead weights in the crop maybe???

From: Cornpone
From NWTF: "The very heaviest turkey ever registered in America by the NWTF was a bird from Guthrie, Iowa, weighing 35.8125 pounds. The second largest ever, weighing 34½ pounds, was from St. Croix, Wisconsin."


Nogutsnostory's embedded Photo
Nogutsnostory's embedded Photo
Opening evening Se Mn.

Sorry about the distorted picture.


ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
My son Sam arrowed a nice gobbler on the 2nd day of the season here in Montana.

From: Bowfreak

Bowfreak's embedded Photo
Bowfreak's embedded Photo
KY bird. I didn’t weight him or measure spurs or beard. Shot him right in the spine facing away and the broadhead blade didn’t break his spine. He hit the air and made it about 150 yards. I started gridding and found him in about 20 minutes. I was not impressed with the broadhead performance.


ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
I was able to set up near the roost this afternoon and called in 3 big Toms here in western Montana.

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
God bless America. Love the opportunities you have there.

From: Old Reb
Bowfreak, What broadhead did you use? You would think a hit right in the spine would have at least temporarily paralyzed him. Glad you found him. Nice bird. Congrats.


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Mike the Montana turkey bowmaster!!! Congrats bud

From: SBH
Congrats Mike and Sam!! Awesome stuff

From: Jasper
Attaboy Sam! Great bird Mike! Congratulations

From: Bowfreak
Trypan NC. I’ve shot them with other mechanicals in the spine and broke the spine and penetrated some after that.

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
A Cali Rio
t-roy's embedded Photo
A Cali Rio
t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo

From: Bowfreak
Nice Troy! Great pictures too.

From: Hawkeye
Congrats Troy and great pics!

From: Ziek

Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Well, it took longer than usual, but we got it done. The roost in our spot typically has 30 to 50 birds in it. This year, we saw from 0 to about half a dozen. There were some other groups roosting up and down the valley though that we could hear. But early in the evening last Saturday (it opened the previous Saturday), a lone gobbler walked by and only gave my set-up a glance before passing under the roost and disappearing up the opposite hillside. Three more came by several minutes later. They raced each other into the decoys. The largest won, and I shot him at 8 yards. Cindy was bummed that she took that evening off after several morning and evening hunts over the previous week. I let the other two leave before picking up my bird, and thought I had left early enough that maybe more birds came to the roost after I left, so we were back the next morning. No luck. But we tried again that evening, and were barely settled in when the two gobblers that had accompanied my bird just couldn't resist. She killed the first one in at 9 yards.

From: Bowboy
Nice birds folks!

From: Lawdog
Great pictures. Congrats to all. I hunt alone, and all my pictures just look like a dead bird and an old man. I took a nice Osceola Monday morning after really working the bird and managing not to mess things up. I'm not posting my photographically challenged pictures. Too embarrassed.

Again, congratulations to all.

From: t-roy
Post em up, lawdog! We’d love to see them.

From: Lawdog

Lawdog's embedded Photo
Lawdog's embedded Photo
Lawdog's embedded Photo
Lawdog's embedded Photo
Here you go t-roy. It was raining and the bird was wet. I just couldn't get the tail right. 16 lbs, 10 1/4" beard and 1" spurs.

From: t-roy
Good stuff, lawdog. Congrats! Definitely tough to make a wet turkey look pretty!

From: 12yards
Nice birds folks!

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's embedded Photo
JTreeman's embedded Photo
Happy to get to post one on this thread this year.

Oklahoma 4/21


From: t-roy
Good thing you got out there early! The MOD strikes again.

From: midwest
I think your sight's broke, Jim. Sitting on there cockeyed.

From: Whocares

Whocares's embedded Photo
Whocares's embedded Photo
My 94 yr old buddy got this one in MN this morning in 8" of new snow. With his cross bow. He is one tough guy. Still deer hunts alone. Did Canada trout trip by snowmobile with him last month. Fishes summer and winter alone most days. Traps a few beaver on occasion. For those of you that ask about when are you to old to hunt etc...!

From: Whocares
With his shotgun. Usually uses a crossbow.

From: JohnMC
Not a fan of crossbows, but make a big exception to that when it is 94 year old! That one time they are the perfect weapon.

From: t-roy
That’s awesome, Chuck!! Hats off to him for still getting it done at 94!


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Id 4-21-23. Special times.. Hunt

From: Whocares
Nice! He sure is growing fast!


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
All tagged out for Ridge.

Dads turn!!

From: RD

RD's embedded Photo
RD's embedded Photo
My 75th birthday bird 4-21-23 Minnesota 52# Bear T/D rocky mtn broadhead

From: RD

RD's embedded Photo
RD's embedded Photo

From: Stoneman
Congrats to Ridge! Well done dad.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
4/21 KS Unit 6.

From: goelk
whocares your 94 year old buddy dont look 94. Awesome! I hope ill be doing that when I reach that age.

From: Whocares
He certainly doesn't. And he's had 3 bladder cancer surgeries and colon cancer surgery in the last 3 years but doesn't slow down. Now they want to do some kind of chemo for his bladder but he told them it has to wait til after his turkey hunt and our mid May Canada trip. He spent a week in hospital for bleeding a week before this turkey hunt! Those of us that do these trips with him just shake our head! We tell him we always bring a body bag along. He just laughs and has another shot of Fireball.


HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
HUNT MAN's embedded Photo
Idaho 4-22-23

From: Brotsky

Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo
My SD archery bird for the year. Hopefully add a BH Merriam!

From: The Kid
Beautiful Birds all around!!


Bowtecharcher0880's embedded Photo
Bowtecharcher0880's embedded Photo
Southern Ohio 4/22. 22lbs, 11.25" beard, 1" spurs. Pouring rain came in silent to Jake decoy.


rattling_junkie's embedded Photo
rattling_junkie's embedded Photo
My 10 year old daughter Abbie with her first turkey.

From: Whocares
Great! And the pic is exceptionally colorful.

From: Bowboy
Rattling-Junkie the big smile says it all! Congrats

From: Rgiesey
Alright Abbie!

From: deerhunter72
Congrats to all! I tried turkey hunting on my place for the first time this past Saturday and connected on a Jake. Not a bow kill, but it was exciting and I'm hooked.

From: SBH

SBH's embedded Photo
SBH's embedded Photo
Great stuff guys. Awesome birds. Here is Gunner with his double from the weekend.

Great job Matt and Hunt!!! You are both good Dads

From: SBH
Thanks Mike, back at you. Lots of good Dad's on this site. Very encouraging to see. Keep up the strong work fellas!


ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
ROUGHCOUNTRY's embedded Photo
Sam shot his second Montana Tom tonight so it’s over and out for us ……. I filled my 2nd tag with my shotgun.

From: Thornton

Thornton's embedded Photo
Thornton's embedded Photo
I'm a Bowsite failure so far this year. Had my Bowtech and my 28 guage with #6 gameloads next to my left hand as I crouched behind a sandy creek bank with my decoys above me and down a ways. Dang hens came in first and we were eye to eye at about 3 to 5 yards and they were doing their warning putts. The first gobbler of 5 got shot in the face as he came under the fence. Had I tried to draw, then hens would have flown and I'd have had no turkey.

From: Shiloh
No shame Thornton!! Turkeys are meant to be hunted with a shotgun!


BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
First bird of the season, shotgun bird
BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
First bird of the season, shotgun bird
BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
Hooks from bird 1!
BoggsBowhunts's embedded Photo
Hooks from bird 1!
Had two pop out at 8 yards, didn’t see them coming in at all and wasn’t able to get any video or pictures of them. Have no clue how I managed to grab my bow without them seeing me. Drew as they both looked away. They must’ve known something was wrong, as they started to slowly walk away and I arrowed one at about 15 yards. First archery bird without a ground blind! Tagged out in MO, as I got a great bird the first day I hunted last Saturday.


BOHNTR's embedded Photo
BOHNTR's embedded Photo
Called this one in for my son this am. One arrow from 20 yards did the trick. His first Turkey. Public land, DIY.

From: Mt. man

Mt. man's embedded Photo
Mt. man's embedded Photo
Mt. man's embedded Photo
Mt. man's embedded Photo
In past years I have harvested many birds with Archery tackle. However, as a widowed dad raising 2 boys who love the bang of the gun. I'M GONNA BANGSTICK.....LOL. I won't put up our bangstick birds on here, but I am going to post one. On opening morning here in Idaho my 10yr. old and I pulled a triple. That afternoon I got a text from one of the property owners. Her brothers wife was put on Hospice that day (Since Passed) and her nephew really wanted to hunt turkeys. She asked if I was willing to spend some time with Michael in the turkey blind mentoring him, talking to him about my boys losing their mom and JESUS. I not only said yes but heck yes. Michael was treated to a 7 Jake beat-down by 3 mature Tom's. Then my Avian-X decoy being violated only to calmly smack his first ever turkey. I was so thrilled for this boy and the ability to give him such JOY as he was about to lose his mom. When he realized my wife (My sons mom also passed from cancer) it opened a whole new conversation that trumped my tagged out status for sure. Congrats Michael and RIP Christine.


From: jdbbowhunter
Awesome job Scott! That young man's smile says it all.

Mt. man: U da man. Your work is never done. “It only takes a moment to make a moment”.

From: Copperman
Great birds!

From: Errorhead

Errorhead's embedded Photo
Errorhead's embedded Photo
Rainy day bird, came in quite, 16 yard shot.

From: Stoneman
Really well done Mt. man!

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Many thanks to my bud, Brotsky, for the invite to chase some turkeys around the Black Hills of South Dakota for a couple days. Had a blast and arrowed my first Merriam’s!


Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
Altitude Sickness 's embedded Photo
I got out hunting for the second time this season. Hens came in first to the call with 3 long beards in tow.

Shot the one that stood still the longest. 15 ish yards quartering to me

From: Brotsky

Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo
Midwest and I had too much fun chasing these birds! I’m not an elitist..Jake in the decoys?!? I’m sending it! :)

From: Brotsky
Great birds everyone! Been a fun season so far!

From: midwest
Only because I couldn't find my damn release fast enough, JB! :-)

Beauty of a longbow tom, AS!

From: beemann

From: beemann

beemann's embedded Photo
beemann's embedded Photo
Great birds all Congrats . Had a little luck in SD even though the weather was nasty... Keep em coming.

From: beemann

beemann's embedded Photo
beemann's embedded Photo
The old hang em from his spurs trick....

From: sheds
Hell ya, nice limb hanger trad brother, beautiful bird.

From: Starfire

Starfire's embedded Photo
Starfire's embedded Photo
MN April 14 10yds 23 lbs 1 1/8” spurs 9” beard

From: Dikndirt

Dikndirt's embedded Photo
Dikndirt's embedded Photo
Had this big ol boy slip in silent to check out my lady decoy! Shot through the window flap and still punched a broadhead through him.

From: JohnMC
That is a pretty Merriam.

From: Whocares

Whocares's embedded Photo
Whocares's embedded Photo
Got him this evening. Just barely got blind up and decoys out and sat down. Dug my call out and didn't even get ready to call and saw him strutting in. Wasn't actually at the ready 2 minutes! 11 yd shot and he dropped in his tracks. Crazy!

From: Buglemaster

Buglemaster's embedded Photo
Buglemaster's embedded Photo
Also this evening. 25 yd frontal full strut. He made it 15 yds.

From: Pocoloco

Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Gould turkey. 20 yard shot. Didn't go far. Broadhead hit his upper leg near joint. Cancelation hunt in the Sierra Fría Mountains, Aguascalientes, Mexico

From: Pocoloco

Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Pocoloco's embedded Photo

From: Pocoloco

Pocoloco's embedded Photo
Pocoloco's embedded Photo

From: hoytshooter1

hoytshooter1's embedded Photo
hoytshooter1's embedded Photo
Wyoming bird

From: Djl

Djl's embedded Photo
Djl's embedded Photo
Minnesota bird.

From: Lewis

Lewis 's embedded Photo
Lewis 's embedded Photo
Tennessee bird 15 minute hunt good luck all Lewis

From: scentman
Nice birds, way to go guys.

Hoytshooter, what make bow is that? lol

From: hoytshooter1
Hoyt Double XL. Made some changes to my RX-7 Ultra the day before, so it wasn't ready to hunt. Grabbed this one, made sure yardage tape was still good and took it with me on Saturday.


BOHNTR's embedded Photo
BOHNTR's embedded Photo
My turn this morning. Gotta love the White Mountains of Arizona!

My turn this morning. Gotta love the White Mountains of Arizona!

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
Finally connected on an Iowa bird, this morning. One of the darkest turkeys I’ve ever killed.

From: beemann
Nice work everyone . Great looking birds....

From: Dino
T Roy! What a beautiful bird! Congratulations! Did u weigh that sucker? Looks like a giant!

From: t-roy
Thanks, Dino. No I didn’t. He was a pretty good size bird. I would guess him in the 23-25 lb range. I didn’t realize he was so dark colored until after I went to pick him up.

From: JW

JW's embedded Photo
JW's embedded Photo
Ohio 5/12/23 Nice birds everyone!

From: JTreeman
JW—that is a legit photo, congrats.


From: sasquatch

sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo
sasquatch's embedded Photo

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Late season bird I forgot to add…

From: Jasper

From: Dan Mallia

Dan Mallia's embedded Photo
Dan Mallia's embedded Photo

From: Dan Mallia

Dan Mallia's embedded Photo
Dan Mallia's embedded Photo

  • Sitka Gear