Sitka Gear
Wyoming Cuts 10k Plus Tags 2023
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 19-Apr-23
Bou’bound 19-Apr-23
elkmtngear 19-Apr-23
Missouribreaks 19-Apr-23
PushCoArcher 19-Apr-23
wytex 19-Apr-23
BULELK1 20-Apr-23
redneck hunter 20-Apr-23
Lone Wolf 20-Apr-23
tradmt 20-Apr-23
PushCoArcher 20-Apr-23
Lone Wolf 20-Apr-23
Bowboy 20-Apr-23
Bowboy 20-Apr-23
Bowboy 20-Apr-23
wytex 20-Apr-23
BULELK1 21-Apr-23
Pop-r 21-Apr-23
wytex 21-Apr-23
7mm08 21-Apr-23
Jaquomo 21-Apr-23
WapitiBob 21-Apr-23
Jims 21-Apr-23
Tracker 22-Apr-23
wytex 22-Apr-23
PushCoArcher 22-Apr-23
wytex 22-Apr-23
PushCoArcher 22-Apr-23
7mm08 22-Apr-23
Mint 10-May-23
wytex 10-May-23
Live2Hunt 10-May-23
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Going to be tough draw odds this year.

From: Bou’bound
Good this is the way wildlife should be managed not by the ballot box and opinions of the masses.

From: elkmtngear
"Good this is the way wildlife should be managed not by the ballot box and opinions of the masses".

Yes! Or, by the expected revenue !

Good move !

From: PushCoArcher
Amen Bou! While Wyoming isn't perfect they do the best job in the nation of managing their wildlife.

From: wytex
Might be a few more coming actually, in some pronghorn areas. Going to do some in the field surveys of live and dead animals and adjust based on what they see. Might not have real final numbers til closer to draw deadline.

Some areas are doing ok, some got hammered. Baggs area and West is sad they are saying.

Good move for sure.

Thanks for the link Craig,


Good for them looking out for the wildlife. I agree that too many decisions are driven by politics and money. Wish other states had the guts to do this.

From: Lone Wolf
Do they have it broken down by area?

From: tradmt
Wyoming seems to do a good job at managing wildlife. Montana is more about managing money unfortunately.

From: PushCoArcher
Lone Wolf yes the set quotas for each unit.

From: Lone Wolf
Are the quotas available? If so can someone provide a link or post?

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Go to the Wyoming Hunt planner. Not available until May per WY G&F website

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Double post

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link

From: wytex
I don't believe they have out the splits in tag numbers yet, quotas for each Rs and NRs. A little math is involved yet to determine what NRs are allocated. Might be some emergency cuts yet to come but we'll see.

This link has each species quota listed, click "View Draft Regulation***Updated for Commission" under each species.

True that.

I'm just going to wait until the Final Draft is out and go from there.

I see they cut 50 more tags from Region G.

Good luck, Robb

From: Pop-r
I can't agree that they do the best job managing their wildlife.

From: wytex
^^^ care to elaborate?

From: 7mm08
They still issue too many tags year in and year out.

From: Jaquomo
^^^ and you know this how? Are you a wildlife biologist?

From: WapitiBob
The Dept has cut 70% of the pronghorn licenses since 2011.

From: Jims
I agree with Jess Johnson's comments in the article listed above:

Jess Johnson, spokeswoman for the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, said the long-term focus should be on improving deer and antelope habitat.

“Habitat, habitat, habitat,” she said. “Yes, worry about predators, but worry about habitat more.”ould have to agree with this guy's comments in the WG&F article mentioned above:

From: Tracker
Nice thought but WY still lets the residents have all the tags they want in the General units.

From: wytex
Not pronghorn, they are all a draw license.

From: PushCoArcher
Yea and Wyomings elk herd has exploded in the last few years. Dosen't appear uncapped resident license have effected things negatively. Wyoming has less then 600k residents compared to over 5 million Colorado residents. Capping resident OTC elk just isn't a issue fir Wyoming right now. Deer is another story and personally wouldn't mind seeing all deer tags except whitetail only tags go limited.

From: wytex
^^^ lots of the same sentiment across the state right now on going LQ for deer. Not sure how I like it but needs to be done perhaps. Many residents say they will self regulate on what they hunt and take this year, we'll see I guess.

"Wyoming Cuts 10k Plus Tags 2023"

the ops link wouldnt open for this because of too much interest generated by youtube?

From: PushCoArcher
More like a epic winter kill!

From: 7mm08
Tracker: Get educated man! Residents get ZERO OTC antelope tags... ZERO! We have to draw, and we get no more than a NR. Although... we cannot even build points for a good area like a NR can. If we don't get drawn, we are back to square one with no preference, no points.

We get zero unlimited tags for any animal... no more than any NR.

From: Mint
I talked with the biologist in the area i'll be hunting and he said that it didn't get hit bad at all and very few cuts. The problem will be that other hunters will put in for that unit since the herd did so well there. Previous years it was 100% with one preference point.

From: wytex
^^^^ that will be an issue for every area not hit hard I think. Draw odds may go through the roof but maybe some will use their PPs and be out for those waiting another year or so.

From: Live2Hunt
That is good management. Here in WI they would issue more tags and say there is no problem!!!

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