Mathews Inc.
DSD Mating Motion Jake
Contributors to this thread:
Bowfreak 29-Apr-23
midwest 29-Apr-23
Bowfreak 29-Apr-23
midwest 29-Apr-23
DonVathome 29-Apr-23
Dale06 29-Apr-23
From: Bowfreak
Who is using this decoy? I am assuming that gobblers run to it when they see it more often than not. If you have it did you do the white head or red? Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Holy crap...that's badass! I think I could make a pretty good facsimile with my half strut jake and a submissive hen. This pic is just hilarious!

From: Bowfreak
The train. Lol

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Mark, I've had several jakes mount my decoys the last couple seasons. Looking back at the pics, it looks like they vary in both colors. Here's a couple screen shots. If you watch the video, you can see 2 strutters in the background and they couldn't care less about the attempted copulation. One did come in a little later and paid the price. :-)

From: DonVathome
FYI I used a full strut jake decoy alone for years, scared a lot of toms away, mature Toms. Finally gave up using it, wish I had quit sooner. Had Mature Tom's coming in (to calls I was making) gobbling etc. Jake out of sight, Tom crests a ridge sees jake, shuts up and turns around and leaves. Private property. Several times.

From: Dale06
I’ve never seen a threesome like that. I’ve used the DSD half strut and a feeding hen for years. Merriams hammer it. Easterns come to it but are much more cautious and less aggressive.

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