I'll once again be doing a video series of my spring bear season. Carcus will be making his usual appearance as well. I'm not guiding this year, so I'll have lots of time to try and get that 21". Also, this will by my 12 year old daughters first bear season. She will be trying to get one with the crossbow on the ground. She's not picky, but we are hoping for a nice representative bear for her. Best of luck to all the spring bear hunters!
Carcus and I hunted a couple days ago. I brought my youngest son, Asher (8). We saw 4 bears with one pretty brown sow that had a boar pestering her, she might be the demise of a big bear this month? We saw a beautiful 6 footish brown.
Carcus saw 3, with a couple of them being colors, he said they were nice looking bears but nothing big.
It's still early and the baits have been restocked waiting for us to hunt next week. I made a micro move and I think this is the prettiest stand I've ever hunted. I can see down into the valley now and have a nice view as the bears walk-in through the oaks. Also, the tree is somewhat sturdy!
We are getting some warm weather this month and the bears will really start moving now.
Range finder says furthest barrels are 25, close barrels are 20...giant pawd trail coming into the bait as well, things are looking great, and the wind is perfect!....LOL Scoot!
Nick,I think he would be around 6'2 sq. I know not many people understand that, but that's how I've been measuring bears since 2011, same method as Mike. I doubt it would be a P&Y
The hunt with Kiara will be the highlight of my spring for sure. Shut you are right it is a the most beautiful bear, especially once all the burrs get combed out of its fur!
Thanks everyone, we are coming down to the last 10 days or so of our self imposed season, as baiting gets expensive!
Dandy, carcus! Any markings on that brute? I remember the big color phase giant that you killed several years ago, that had a beautiful white vee on his chest. That’s my dream bear!
David….. seems like a lot of the bears in your videos have some kind of burrs in their fur. Is that what it is, or something else? Looks kinda like what we have in Iowa called burrdock.
Thanks guys...t-roy I moved baits to try and get away from it and still tons of "burrs" or burrdock. Jason's bait isn't that far away and he has none. The big guy I shot didn't have any. Lots of the small bears will have them, the big guys usually don't have much if any.