Grizzly Shot and Killed WY
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Bowboy's Link
This bear was shot recently up near Cody.
The lady said there is a perception that people from there hate wildlife? what a nut.
If it was indeed shot, will be another black eye for hunters. Even though it has nothing to do with most hunters. Just the way it works.
Stern words from a retired school teacher. I wonder if the bear was fed by the road since was seen there repeatedly?
Nothing like jumping to conclusions! Let professionals determine what happened.
A LOT of speculation in that article! More like an editorial than an article.
I have a relative that was concerned someone shot a robin in her back yard.
I had to explain that there are 400,000,000 robins and their life expectancy is a couple years. That means a couple hundred million die each year and finding one of those is likely not a murder scene.
Obviously a grizzly next to the road is different but they all die somewhere, somehow eventually.
They don't even know what it died from yet. Could have been bonked on the head by a passing Semi, could have been shot, could have been hit by lightning, could have eaten a rainbow tribe member, could have died from covid, could have died from the clot shot.
Probably ate a photographer and choked on the camera!
Transgender poisoning did it, do not eat one.
Choked on a picnic basket ???
This one is going to be investigated hard. Gun season for black bears opened Monday so possibly someone mistook it for a black bear. At only 40 yards off the highway, I find that very unlikely unless it was their very first time hunting. We’ll see what happens, but whoever shot it (that’s the local buzz), will be in a world of s$&t for leaving it.
The story reads like ksflatlander wrote it.
A lot of assumptions made for sure.
Holy crap, looks like they don't even know if it was shot in the whole article was written. Journalism these says
Two bears were found dead from eating dead geese in the YSNP, that had the bird flu.
A bear was found dead after eating a bunch of cocaine. True story!
She’s pretty damn smart, she knows it was shot before investigators even know if it’s a boar or a sow. She must have been a helluva teacher……
I'll wager it was shot. I pretty sure the state wardens can tell if it was shot or not. If the feds have an active investigation going on, I'm pretty sure they think it was shot. But hey, the picnic basket or the cocaine theories are possibilities.
"She must have been a helluva teacher……"
The illegal killing of any wildlife should not be tolerated, this bear included. BUT, the reason/cause of its death has not been determined. Jumping to conclusion because she thinks so, should also not be tolerated and her statements should have never made the press. But then the press....................................... (you fill in the blanks)
No matter how it was killed/died.....there was no honor in it just being left on the side of the road. What a waste.
Mike hopefully it just got donked in the head and it was a great riddance.
I'm confused about the "honor" due ? If it was killed by a poacher they have no honor. If it was accidental or natural death or "death by misadventures " what honor is due a wild animal so deceased? Burial? Cremation? Candlelight vigil?
Just surfed through several different articles from different sources. Words like "slain" and "murdered" were used. Most all the sources seem to have gotten their "facts" from the same woman who is just speculating. Interesting that they wouldn't write their articles with info given from the investigators. But of course this seems to be on par for most of the media.
Cmon Ace suicide is only the cause of death if the deceased knew too much about high ranking politicians.
I wonder if they tried Narcan?
Corona Virus. They recently found a deer in California that had Corona virus. When in doubt blame Corona virus.
“Interesting that they wouldn't write their articles with info given from the investigators.”
Are “the investigators” actually talking yet?
The story will drop off the radar without updates, right? So I guess that’s what we should expect… I just hope the case will be closed out with no mistakes. I don’t mind waiting.
"Are “the investigators” actually talking yet?".
At the time of the writing of the articles I read the investigators had not talked yet. That's the point; they are writing articles and publishing them with descriptions such as slain and murdered, but they have no clue what actually happened. No facts other than there is a dead bear in the ditch and they're trying to work everybody up in a frenzy. I do hope there is an update soon.
We have had a rash of raccoon, possum, and skunk "murders" along the roads here in Virginia
Car shrapnel? Article says it was shot? Where are the facts? It could have been a semi truck with a cattle guard that hit it. Terrible knee-jerk journalism.
Killed by a black bear hunter.
Jason Stafford's Link
"The hunter fired approximately seven shots at the bear, the affidavit says, and a Game and Fish necropsy later determined that the 530-pound male was hit at least four times."
What the heck kind of rifle was he shooting, a .223 AR platform?
Well the issue is NOT what kind of platform he was shooting. Could have been a rookie g block single. Still could have taken lots of shots
Skill level
Man that would be cool To be able to hunt these in the lower 48. What an amazing looking bear.
Good that he turned himself in but should’ve of did it the same day. I’m sure the judge will ask that question.
I was gonna go with Russians...... maybe white supremacists......
Shoulda brought a bigger shovel......
azelkhntr, I don't think he's a "legal hunter". He's a hunter though!
I couldn't figure out why some you guys keep blaming the locals for being outraged? Whenever a trophy buck or bull gets killed or some guys cheat in a fishing tourney a number of men here get really upset. I'm sure someone will enlighten me.
"I couldn't figure out why some you guys keep blaming the locals for being outraged?"
I could be one of them that you're thinking about. I wasn't blaming the locals for being outraged, I was blaming the media for reporting speculation (and for using human terms such as slain and murdered on an animal). Now that they know exactly what happened and who to blame they should be outraged as much as they want. I just find it silly for the media to throw guesses out there without facts, and silly for the public to get worked up over articles that obviously aren't factual.
Now that they know it was a hunter, he made a mistake, he turned himself in (eventually)... how do the locals feel? Lots of examples of mistaken id in hunting; MO woman shot an elk thinking it was a deer, Montana woman shot a husky thinking it was a wolf, a Wisconsin hunter shot two elk thinking they were deer, etc. Personally I think a false id shouldn't happen to a hunter. Always know what you are shooting at, or don't shoot. With that said I did shoot some hen mallards in my younger years thinking they were drakes. This was when you could only have 1 hen in your limit. The numbers were down and it was taboo to shoot a hen in our group and we frowned upon it. Still feel bad for that.
Patrick Gogerty of Wapiti, WY. Plea deal coming down the tube Friday.
I get sick of news/media using terms like that also. Quit watching mainstream media programs altogether 4 or more years ago because of all that and many other things.
Catscratch, we may not use the words murdered and slain to describe the death of an animal but this one particular resident did. I'm guessing she was upset just like most of us are in a high profile poaching case of buck or an elk. Just this one thread has comments that reflect poorly on the hunting community. I wonder how non-hunters would perceive them?
As for the guy making the mistake (if that's what really happened) of confusing an adult brown bear with a black bear at 30-40 reported yards, his dumb ass doesn't need to be hunting! Anyway, I wish you the best and lots more rain for your state.
The time it sickened me with terminology was the LEGAL wolf hunt that happened a few years ago in WI. The news called the the Killings and went on to bash it. It was in reality a real hunt that went well.
Thanks canepole! There's been rain around this week but somehow it keep splitting and going around us. Maybe the next front will drop something wet on us.
I certainly think a guy accidently killing a grizzly bear then hiding from it reflects poorly on the hunting community. Simply not a good image.
I'm not too hung up on waiting until the next morning to turn himself in. It's a guaranteed legal mess and the bear wasn't getting any less dead.
No idea if it was really a mistake but it does happen. That doesn't excuse it but that is reality. A large carnivore biologist for Wyoming Game and fish did the same thing while bear hunting in 2014.
The good news is we can all sleep well at night knowing that 399 has emerged with a cub.
I'm pretty sure he didn't wake up that morning thinking "I think I'll go kill a griz down by the highway where everyone can see me and incur thousands of dollars in fines and legal bills". He had a black bear tag, he made a serious mistake. But it seems obvious it wasn't his intent to kill a grizzly. So he should be fined significantly to encourage others to be careful to correctly identify what they are shooting. I'm guessing the fine will be thousands of dollars and his lawyer's fees will be bigger than the fine.
We saw a big one on Monday fairly close to where this one was killed. Maybe Ron will chime in on how close.
I guess we'll wait and see. Maybe it wasn't shot 4-5 time 40 yards from the road and it was an "accident". The article posted here initially stated that the bear was shot.
"A large male grizzly that people had reported seeing alive and well just east of Yellowstone Park in recent days was found shot dead off U.S. Highway 14-16-20 early Monday, sparking outrage among locals."
For whatever reason(s) half the contributors to this thread wanted to deny that could have happened. I'll voice my opinion and guess he was a slob road hunter. Maybe shooting for fun. Defend this guy if you want but he strikes me as someone like those who have accidently shot another hunter my mistake. Regardless of the free legal advice posted here, leaving a crime scene doesn't make a lot of sense to me if it was an accident.
I have to agree that it’s not a good look for this guy to have dropped the bear so close to the road. There are usually laws about that sort of thing. So no, he’s not up for Sportsman Of The Year, but it does seem to have been an honest mistake, however bone-headed, so no sense hating on him. JMO…