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I know there are people that don't like Cam but I personally like following him. This is a great video.
Get over it... the goal is to end the animals life. He doesn't enter animals in P&Y... "nobody cares". Ed F
I followed him on Instagram, until I didn't. My feed was overwhelmed with self promotion. He must do 15 posts a day about himself.
No issue with that, it just not something I want to follow or have time for.
His latest video he seems to have some sort of fixation on death by bear. I find Donnie Vincent's videos to be classier.
I watched most of it. I’m not one to get sentimental but, I don’t judge those who do. I just kinda got lost in all of it. Then the follow up made no sense at all.
I’m a Cam Haynes fan. I think he’s a great ambassador. This just wasn’t my thing.
Wow, talk about pucker time. Shockey did a nice job filming. Thanks for the link. Really enjoyed that.
Really enjoyed that. I didn’t know Roy, but had certainly heard of his exploits, and was shocked when I read of the fall. I’m glad they did this hunt, if nothing else, to let people know a little bit about him, and his influence on the bow hunting world.
Good video I really enjoy cam's content.His friend roy died what he loved doing.think cam is hoping a similar fate.
I've always liked Cam and his messages. Dude is a beast. I'm glad that he has been successful. If you really look at his life story, it's hard for me to imagine folks not having an appreciation for him.
I’m curious what firearm and bullet was used.
Did he do "Timex" commercials???
Outward personalities of Cam and Roy are completely two different people with Cam's personality seeking social appreciation, acceptance and self promotion. In my view proven with the posting of this film.
No one would have ever known who Roy was if it wasn't for others talking about him and his exploits. He was the exact opposite of Cam with regard to promotion within the bow hunting industry. Roy didn't give a rats ass about it.
That said, at their core, they are and were the same individual(s) when it comes to hard core bow hunting, dedication to the essence bow hunting, and dedication to how bow hunting should be done. I don't know Cam all that well but I knew Roy pretty damn well and I can say his spirit was with Cam on that bear hunt. Roy was there in spirit sneaking through the brush trying to get a second arrow in the bear. The difference is Roy would have been by himself, there wouldn't have been a camera crew, and there wouldn't have been a rifle. The bear would have lost too.
Cameron Hanes? Never heard of her :>)))
We as bow hunters are constantly under attack from liberal, progressives etc, when are we going to stop bashing our own and fight the people that are trying to end our way of life. We need to wake up.... stop being bitches
I am not a huge Cam fan. I respect what he has done and he has an amazing work ethic. My wife and I watched the video last evening and video work was amazing. The story telling was kept us glued to our seats and congrats to Cam for telling us the story about Roy. I was not aware of him or his story. I definitely would have been a fan of his.
My comment was meant to reference this joke. And was intended to be funny. Hopefully the less sensitive got a laugh.
I did not mean to imply that Cameron isn’t a great hunter and stellar human being. I’m sure he is both.
That guide was put in terrible position. Cam wanted absolutely no gun involved, come what may. Let the chips fall either way. He or the bear. The fact that Cam put an arrow into the charging bear, really didn’t matter at that range. The guide had to shoot, but you know Cam made it clear he didn’t want it done. Tough job sometimes. Also, hindsight being what it is, I wonder how long they waited? I missed it if they said. The bear didn’t seem to have went all that far, obviously hurt fairly well, maybe liver? I did hear them say there were lots of bears in the area. Maybe that figured in?
Well said Bob, thanks for sharing that perspective.
As a guy who watches a bunch of documentaries… It’s easy to say you wanna get eaten by a grizzly bear in the editing room after you know the grizzly bear didn’t eat you….
Well said Bob. Roy was always someone I admired I often wish I had the opportunity to meet him
Bowhunting with no back up on Grizzly is something that should have been ironed out before booking or planning a hunt. Probably hard or impossible to find an outfitter who would agree to it. No need for any regret. Bowhunting rarely goes the way we plan.
We can try and figure out why we missed and work on it but perfect hits under stress aren't a given.
We practice and spend trying to make bowhunting easier but the truth is that the uncertainties and the challenges are what make it great. If we ever knock all of them off the list, we end up losing.
It appears cam is a little over bow'd, he should probably drop down to 80 pounds
You can go to the 41:00 mark if you don't want to watch an hour. Pretty intense stuff and nice tribute from Cam at the end.
Who's Roy? I watched until they turned the great outdoors into church...
HDE just do a search on Roy Roth and you will get your answers as to he was
Roy Roth, AK bowhunter who died in a fall while sheep hunting
Altitude sickness…Johnny carry’s a .300 Ultra Mag for backup, as do most of Lance’s guys. He’s usually loaded with a Barnes 180 TTSX but can’t say for sure that’s what he had loaded here.
Either way I guess you got your answer Nate
Not giving more time for the arrow to work was costly.
I mostly fast-forwarded through the slow stuff. What annoys me is that they didn't tell us how long they waited and what the first shot hit. It could've been a learning tool for people. From the video you cannot tell how long they waited but it doesn't seem like it was a long time. When they saw the bear they thought it was dead at first so I am guessing it was really hurt. It might have made sense to back away and wait a little longer if it was thay down and out.
Any why did everyone go track? It was a while caravan of people. But I also know it's easy to criticize when we aren't there, but I do agree ryanrc they should've been more transparent.
Cam Haynes was an inspiration for me when I first went to the mainland after elk with his backcountry bow hunting book. Since then he seems to be a mainstream ranch hunter which is fine but i stopped following his not so adventurous hunting. That being said, I loved this video. Very well done. Great tribute to Roy and hardcore bow hunting.
Enjoyed the film. Glad I got to hunt Brown Bears in Alaska with Roy, spring of 2015. Blood trailing the bear through the alders the next morning after a 12:40 AM shot....nobody I'd have rather been with than Roy. Bear went about 220 yds with a low heart shot. He was packing a Mossberg 12 ga pump with slugs. No issue as the bear was dead.
Wouldn't have liked an entourage like shown in the film when camping, hunting or especially blood trailing. Bet Cam wishes the same thing despite his affinity for the spotlight.
I watched the film last night.
I thought the film was well done. They brought everything they could with the editing. I can’t imagine what they had to leave out.
Cant argue with Cams success and drive like it or not, he’s self made. I think that deserves respect.
Being an arm chair quarterback is pretty easy I guess, but I can say I would have appreciated those guys having my back too.
His ending speech was obviously in the “ moment” It’s a film for hunters, and hunters we are of all kinds.
Branlin Shockey did some excellent work.
It's a lot harder than it may seem to get within bow distance of a grizzly. Doing it with a camera crew has got to take real skill for all involved.
A tribute and hero worship should not be combined in the same narrative unless both lie within a single subject.
Bowhunters need to stop apologizing and whining about back-up being used in dangerous game hunts. To do so evokes Timothy Treadwell. And not in a good way.
A little emotional and drawn out, but a cool hunt. Definitely admire what Cam has achieved. Gotta wonder how well he'll be walking when he's old, but that's another topic. I would never get mad at a guide for stopping a bear from gnawing on me. He did his job.
Cam is for sure self made. And if it were me, I would be hunting the ranches like him every year too. His hard work to get to hunt how he does now has paid off well for him.
"Either way I guess you got your answer Nate"
Whatever do you mean? Did I ask another question or make a statement?
Nicely done on all counts
Is Hanes still the hardcore guy? Hunting wise I mean, I know he does all the training. I stopped paying any attention after I read his book but seems he’s a commercial guy now?
No Cam isn’t hardcore on most hunts. All private ranch, high cost elk hunts. I couldn’t even tell you the last time he did a DIY elk hunt. I hope he’s reading this. I’d love for him to do some DIY elk hunts again.
Nicely done on all counts
808bowhunter took the words right out of mouth.
First video from Cameron Hanes I’ve watched in probably 15 years
I thought Cameron Hanes came across as a guy that was truly sad to lose a very important, close friend. He credited Roy Roth with his success, and said Roy saved him from being a loser. The hunt was a tribute to his close friend that lived, and died in Alaska.
Zero product pimping, and honestly I thought Cameron came across as pretty humble in this film.
He stated what bow hunting meant to HIM, personally.
Out of the hour video, maybe 10 minutes was a little annoying, mostly by others in the film.
I watched the film last night, thought it was a great film. My interpretation was really that if Cam had it his way there would not have been such a large hullaballoo about the hunt. Honest if they're way any self promotion in that film it was only the ex corporate guy who set up the hunt. And I imagine he's entitled to his shot, he prob paid for it.
I'm not really a fan of any athlete or hunter, but watch all kinds of stuff. What interests me, is both before Roy's death and after I have never heard Cam put Roy in any other status than above his own. For all Cam has done in his life I have found him to be incredibly humble. He is totally self made, so I am pretty shocked to see others above say he is about self promotion. You understand he has essentially made a living out of motivating other people on the daily right? This means he needs to do something. He can't hide in his basement and punch out articles on a typewriter and continue getting paid.
Anyways, more complaints about free movies...
Evidently showing your bow on a rifle kill is the new normal.
The fact that cam didn't want the guide to shoot regardless is just foolish and I'll say playing to the camera. Let's say the guide didn't shoot and let cam get mauled, then steps in and shoots. The lawsuit against the guide would have been filed before they flew back to the main camp. My question is what was the hurry to find the bear? Why not give it time and wait considering the shot placement. Hard to armchair but as an experienced hunter and knowing how many hunters haven been wounded or killed by a so called dead bear it wasn't very wise to approach in the thick cover. But as Forests mamma said, stupid is what stupid does.
Not like they were gonna eat it, leave the thing till the next day if you have to.
Bob what do they do with grizzly meat?
Not a big Cam fan and thought the Kip fellow was super annoying, but the hunt and tribute to Roy were excellent. Cool to see Roy’s trophy room. Cam seemed more genuine and down to earth than I recall, but haven’t followed his stuff for quite a while.
They did have a scene of him hacking off what appeared to be a backstrap. But maybe that was just for show.
Up in that neck of the woods, Unalakleet, locals boat up and down the river and shoot bears on gravel bars and leave them lay. Just kill them to kill them. I don't know of anyone who eats grizzly meat period, but especially if they've been on fish. They smell bad enough you don't want to even try eating them.
I thought it was pretty good. I have no desire to do a hunt like that but fun to watch. I love hearing about the adventures of Roy Roth. From what I've heard and read, he was one tough man with a very strong Christian faith.
I, too, would like to know where that first shot hit, how far, etc.
I guess this video would not qualify as to how to hunt big bear with a bow due to all the missteps. Would have been helpful,maybe humbling to analyze what factors lead to lead.
I enjoyed the film and what Cam had to say about Roy. Unfortunate to have to end it with a bullet but in that situation there was no choice. Great footage by Shockey!
The fact that cam didn't want the guide to shoot regardless is just foolish and I'll say playing to the camera
I didn't get that out of the video at all. Cam essentially said he understood why the guide shot and that he recognized the guide had no other choice in the matter. I think the only emotion that came out was related to the fact that it got to that point in the first place - that the bear didn't expire from the first shot, that he couldn't get an angle for the second shot, and that the bear made a move that forced the guide's hand. That was my take, anyway.
Regardless, I thought the video was well shot, and well edited. But I've been a fan of Cam's since I read Backcountry Bowhunting about a dozen years ago, and it was actually a big inspiration for getting out and going on some of the hunts I have. I can get why he gets some of the hate that he does, but that said, I think he still displays quite a bit of humility and genuinely seems concerned with marching a path that will make him a better bowhunter.
Bob that has to be the world record Black bear?