Future Yard Hopper goose retriever
Small Game
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Eleven month old Teal did well at his first two, back to back, hunt tests here in Colorado last weekend where mallard ducks were used. There is hope he will be able to handle a bow shot goose this fall during start of the annual Yard Hopper Series. Having fun as usual. Paul and Teal
Congratulations Teal and Dad! He sure is a fine looking pup, and I'm also looking forward to the Yard Hopper Series.
That's awesome, Paul! Congratulations to you both (and Trish for putting up with the two of you)!
He is a good looking dog!
Congrats! I'm guessing he will be more than ready to do his part.
Congrats Paul! What do those 2 ribbons mean? Assuming blue is good?
Regal looking pup there!! Looks like you're both having a lot of fun. Many more good times to come! Keep on "keepin on" and we ALL look forward to seeing/hearing about them!
Looks like both parties are in great shape! Congrats Teal and you as well, Paul!
Them poor geese---->
Congrats Teal & Paul,
Congrats Paul! Good looking pup...and I'm not surprised you are training him very well!
Well done young men! Congratulations!
Congrats Paul, that's an awesome picture. I think you are both lucky to have each other. Yard Hoppers Beware!!
Congratulations Paul... fine looking puppy. Go get em Teal.
HRC? If so, which chapter? I was a PVHRC member in the early 90's when I lived out there.
That’s awesome Paul…looking forward to your hunting reports!
and on land
and on land
1. the ribbon can be yellow, blue, red. depending on the club and what they order. The three levels of training and Tests, are, 1, Started, 2, Seasoned, and then 3. Finished
In Started, the young dog is required to retrieve, back to back, a single retrieve (dead mallard) out to 40-50 yards. One series on land and then on water. The dog can be lead to the starting line on lead and then released with the duck hit the water. He can deliver to hand or to the ground at the starting line. This is the Test Teal was in as a young dog.
2. The next Test and level gets harder. Seasoned. The dog is healed to the line, sits on command and does not go until the handler gives the word. Here the dog watches a double launch of the birds. One is the memory bird and the second one is the mark which the dog retrieves first and then the second. The retrieves can be out to 60-70 yards. The third part of this series if the blind retrieve. A duck that the dog did not see killed and does not know there is landed. The handler, directs the dog to the bird with hand singles, on both the land and water test.
3. Third level, Finished, Just harder, three birds launched, longer blinds, longer marks, and then the dog must "honor" the next dog that is running by setting near by and watching the birds thrown, dog release, all with out breaking from his spot.
2, X-Man, Yes, the Platte Valley Hunting and Retrieving Club, ie, PVHRC
Nice Paul, seeing these kind of posts makes me miss my black lab!
Nice! I was in that same club chapter 1990-1994. Is that Dan Sulivan sitting in the judges chair in the top picture?
Congratulations Paul and Teal! Can't wait for the yardhopper series again this year!
Not trying to steal your thunder Paul but, this thread brought back a lot of good memories... R.I.P. HRCH Sir Charles Citori 01/25/1990 - 10/17/2003.
Rob, all Labrador Retriever memories are good. They train us well and then leave us as better person. My Browning OU Citori serves me well also.
Dan Feighert was the Started Judge.
Awesome pup! Hard to beat a good lab. I have two. Just got a german wirehaired pointer as well, he's 3 months and we're starting to work on some stuff. He has a pretty good hunt drive and a pretty good retrieve drive. I'm having fun with him so far. We'll never do field tests, but I hope I can help him develop into a competent hunter
Way to go fellas! Looks Teal is coming right along, congratulations!
I actually thought of the Yard Hopper thread this morning on my way to work. This time of year, there's a field that always floods in the bottoms on my route to work and there are always a small group of Canadians there. I wondered if those geese were Yard Hopper escapees? Best of luck to you both!
Good job Teal. Beautiful dog for sure. You do a great job training for sure.