Moultrie Mobile
Broadheads for Bear Hunting
Contributors to this thread:
WhattheFOC 11-May-23
Sam 11-May-23
Charlie Rehor 11-May-23
Kurt 11-May-23
rattling_junkie 11-May-23
Shug 11-May-23
carcus 11-May-23
rattling_junkie 11-May-23

Bill V - Iron Will 's Link
We compiled a video from four years of hunting big bears in Saskatchewan. Let me know what you think and if you have questions. I head up for trip number five in ten days.

From: WhattheFOC

WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
WhattheFOC's embedded Photo
You’re missing the first mosquito hatch right now. So big they could carry away a small child.

From: Sam

Sam's embedded Photo
Sam's embedded Photo
Just returned from Alberta hunting with Mike Ukrainetz and killed this boar with the IW 125G double bevel wide. Pass through and had to pull the arrow out of the wood crib.

Well done video. Good luck in Sasky. C

From: Kurt
Good video with accurate information on shot placement. Bears vitals wedge out going forward to the front of the chest cavity making the shot tight to the shoulder a very poor choice.

That said I've had full penetration with mechanical 1.5" diameter three-blade heads over the past 6 years on black bears excepting the one I spined......but certainly think the Iron Wills are a fine head that will make quick work of bears with the recommended shot placement.

Thanks for putting the video together and hope the bear bowhunters watch it.

I agree Kuet to a degree. Guys shoot bears generally too far back and leave very little room for error. Just behind the crease 3-4 inches and you have the best of both worlds. Solid looking broadheads.

From: Shug
Nice video… I’d like to congratulate David for not using the term “shiddle” in a post about bear shot placement…jk pal

From: carcus
Nice bh's for sure, I shoot a 1.5" mech for bears, they blow through like nothing even at 60lbs and a 28" draw length

LOL, Shug! It was hard not to say it!

Thanks guys and congrats on that bear Sam! Can't wait to get up there.

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