Duram Report
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Contributors to this thread:
WV Mountaineer 16-May-23
2Wild Bill 16-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
2Wild Bill 16-May-23
Shuteye 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
WV Mountaineer 16-May-23
fdp 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
4nolz@work 16-May-23
4nolz@work 16-May-23
Skippy 16-May-23
fdp 16-May-23
2Wild Bill 16-May-23
drycreek 16-May-23
70lbDraw 16-May-23
KSflatlander 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Glunt@work 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Lawdog 16-May-23
Jeff Durnell 16-May-23
Boreal 16-May-23
Brotsky 16-May-23
WV Mountaineer 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
JohnMC 16-May-23
bowhunt 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
drycreek 16-May-23
JohnMC 16-May-23
70lbDraw 16-May-23
bowhunt 16-May-23
4nolz@work 16-May-23
bowhunt 16-May-23
Lawdog 16-May-23
bigeasygator 16-May-23
bowhunt 16-May-23
bigeasygator 16-May-23
70lbDraw 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
elkmtngear 16-May-23
Mpdh 16-May-23
JohnMC 16-May-23
Jeff Durnell 16-May-23
kentuckbowhnter 16-May-23
DanaC 16-May-23
4nolz@work 16-May-23
drycreek 16-May-23
DanaC 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
jjs 16-May-23
keepemsharp 16-May-23
spike78 16-May-23
DanaC 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
WV Mountaineer 16-May-23
DanaC 16-May-23
WV Mountaineer 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
LBshooter 16-May-23
Woods Walker 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
RK 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Recurve Man 16-May-23
4nolz@work 16-May-23
Phil Magistro 16-May-23
Woods Walker 17-May-23
Phil Magistro 17-May-23
Missouribreaks 17-May-23
Rut Nut 17-May-23
WV Mountaineer 17-May-23
Catscratch 17-May-23
4nolz@work 17-May-23
tobywon 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
TRnCO 17-May-23
tobywon 17-May-23
4nolz@work 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
LBshooter 17-May-23
Snag 17-May-23
Catscratch 17-May-23
Woods Walker 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
jjs 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
2Wild Bill 17-May-23
KSflatlander 17-May-23
JohnMC 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
2Wild Bill 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
JohnMC 17-May-23
Mint 17-May-23
RK 17-May-23
DanaC 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
Snag 17-May-23
2Wild Bill 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
KSflatlander 17-May-23
TGbow 17-May-23
tobywon 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
Will 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
WV Mountaineer 17-May-23
70lbDraw 17-May-23
KSflatlander 17-May-23
jdbbowhunter 17-May-23
TGbow 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
Glunt@work 17-May-23
TGbow 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
TGbow 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
Will 17-May-23
Recurve Man 17-May-23
Glunt@work 17-May-23
Woods Walker 17-May-23
Recurve Man 17-May-23
2Wild Bill 17-May-23
bigeasygator 17-May-23
Recurve Man 17-May-23
Missouribreaks 17-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Knifeman 18-May-23
4nolz@work 18-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 18-May-23
Bowbender 18-May-23
spike78 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
TGbow 18-May-23
70lbDraw 18-May-23
WV Mountaineer 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Jeff Durnell 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Brotsky 18-May-23
WV Mountaineer 18-May-23
WV Mountaineer 18-May-23
DanaC 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
70lbDraw 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 18-May-23
Will 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
KSflatlander 18-May-23
WV Mountaineer 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
DanaC 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
RK 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
DanaC 18-May-23
bigeasygator 18-May-23
Woods Walker 18-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 19-May-23
WV Mountaineer 19-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 19-May-23
Woods Walker 19-May-23
2Wild Bill 19-May-23
Woods Walker 19-May-23
2Wild Bill 19-May-23
2Wild Bill 19-May-23
Catscratch 19-May-23
70lbDraw 19-May-23
fdp 19-May-23
bigeasygator 19-May-23
RonP 19-May-23
fdp 19-May-23
RonP 19-May-23
fdp 19-May-23
WV Mountaineer 19-May-23
fdp 19-May-23
4nolz@work 19-May-23
KSflatlander 19-May-23
bigeasygator 19-May-23
Glunt@work 19-May-23
Lawdog 19-May-23
bigeasygator 19-May-23
TGbow 19-May-23
70lbDraw 19-May-23
Woods Walker 19-May-23
TGbow 19-May-23
bigeasygator 19-May-23
KSflatlander 19-May-23
Lawdog 19-May-23
DanaC 20-May-23
WV Mountaineer 20-May-23
DanaC 20-May-23
DanaC 20-May-23
KSflatlander 20-May-23
KSflatlander 20-May-23
Beendare 20-May-23
Recurve Man 20-May-23
Mint 20-May-23
Skippy 20-May-23
bigeasygator 20-May-23
fdp 20-May-23
70lbDraw 20-May-23
KSflatlander 20-May-23
fdp 20-May-23
spike78 20-May-23
RK 20-May-23
DanaC 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
fdp 21-May-23
jjs 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
jjs 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
Catscratch 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
Catscratch 21-May-23
fdp 21-May-23
Thornton 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
Catscratch 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
Catscratch 21-May-23
KSflatlander 21-May-23
Thornton 21-May-23
70lbDraw 21-May-23
Catscratch 21-May-23
Beendare 21-May-23
Jeff Durnell 21-May-23
Catscratch 22-May-23
2Wild Bill 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Mint 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Beendare 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
WV Mountaineer 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Lawdog 22-May-23
WV Mountaineer 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
WV Mountaineer 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Lawdog 22-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 22-May-23
Beendare 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
70lbDraw 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
70lbDraw 22-May-23
'Ike' (Phone) 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Glunt@work 22-May-23
Beendare 22-May-23
spike78 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Lawdog 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
Lawdog 22-May-23
Treeline 22-May-23
fdp 22-May-23
RK 22-May-23
Beendare 22-May-23
Beendare 22-May-23
RK 22-May-23
Thornton 23-May-23
shade mt 23-May-23
KSflatlander 23-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 23-May-23
KSflatlander 23-May-23
KSflatlander 23-May-23
KSflatlander 23-May-23
2Wild Bill 23-May-23
2Wild Bill 23-May-23
DanaC 23-May-23
RK 23-May-23
WV Mountaineer 23-May-23
DanaC 23-May-23
RK 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
Treeline 23-May-23
Mike B 23-May-23
70lbDraw 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
70lbDraw 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
4nolz@work 23-May-23
bigeasygator 23-May-23
DanaC 23-May-23
Beendare 23-May-23
smarba 23-May-23
fdp 23-May-23
bigeasygator 23-May-23
Glunt@work 23-May-23
shade mt 23-May-23
WV Mountaineer 23-May-23
70lbDraw 23-May-23
2Wild Bill 23-May-23
Shinkers 23-May-23
shade mt 24-May-23
2Wild Bill 24-May-23
Knifeman 24-May-23
2Wild Bill 24-May-23
Beendare 24-May-23
Will 24-May-23
2Wild Bill 24-May-23
fdp 24-May-23
2Wild Bill 24-May-23
fdp 25-May-23
Lawdog 25-May-23
Bowbender 25-May-23
fdp 25-May-23
Bowbender 25-May-23
Lawdog 25-May-23
Will 25-May-23
Lawdog 25-May-23
70lbDraw 25-May-23
Beendare 25-May-23
70lbDraw 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
2Wild Bill 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
70lbDraw 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
Will 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
2Wild Bill 25-May-23
KSflatlander 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
bigeasygator 25-May-23
shade mt 26-May-23
Rut-N-Strut 26-May-23
WV Mountaineer 26-May-23
Knifeman 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
WV Mountaineer 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
bowhunt 26-May-23
RK 26-May-23
spike78 26-May-23
Will 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
bowhunt 26-May-23
2Wild Bill 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
KsRancher 26-May-23
Will 26-May-23
70lbDraw 26-May-23
Lawdog 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
bigeasygator 26-May-23
70lbDraw 26-May-23
2Wild Bill 26-May-23
Lawdog 26-May-23
Lawdog 26-May-23
70lbDraw 26-May-23
bigeasygator 27-May-23
DanaC 27-May-23
Glunt@work 27-May-23
TonyBear 27-May-23
Beendare 27-May-23
bigeasygator 27-May-23
Lawdog 27-May-23
Bigdog 21 27-May-23
Shinkers 27-May-23
bigeasygator 27-May-23
RK 27-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
2Wild Bill 28-May-23
WV Mountaineer 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
WV Mountaineer 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
Beendare 28-May-23
2Wild Bill 28-May-23
WV Mountaineer 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
Thornton 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
KSflatlander 28-May-23
4nolz@work 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
RK 28-May-23
bigeasygator 28-May-23
70lbDraw 28-May-23
RK 28-May-23
Recurve Man 28-May-23
KSflatlander 28-May-23
Grey Ghost 29-May-23
DanaC 05-Jun-23
2Wild Bill 05-Jun-23
DanaC 05-Jun-23
4nolz@work 05-Jun-23
DanaC 05-Jun-23
2Wild Bill 05-Jun-23
DanaC 05-Jun-23
70lbDraw 05-Jun-23
DanaC 05-Jun-23
70lbDraw 05-Jun-23
2Wild Bill 05-Jun-23

Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link

like him or hate him...no president in my lifetime has been subjected to such a hoax.

This might push fathead, Ziek, Dana, and other political zealots over the edge.

From: 2Wild Bill
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." - Declaration of Independence

Who among you will know what to do about this injustice? Who among you will do anything?

Is life so dear and peace so sweet as to be bought at the price of chains and slavery? - Patrick Henry

From: Rut-N-Strut
Unfortunately the hoaxes continue to this day. They are doing everything in their power to keep him out of office


Phil Magistro's Link
I"m far from a political zealot. I live in the real world. Leave it to Fox to make lemonade out of lemons. How about a more objective view. Yes, the FBI committed serious errors. As noted in the BBC coverage, Durham found "The Department [of Justice] and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law," the report concluded." Based on his earlier findings the FBI long ago implemented dozens of corrective actions.

But given the years and millions spent, this is a big nothing burger. One conviction for altering evidence and two acquittals. Nothing of any real substance. From the BBC coverage -

"Last year, Mr Trump said he believed the Durham report would provide evidence of "really bad, evil, unlawful and unconstitutional" activities and "reveal corruption at a level never before seen in our country".

The Durham report falls short of the blockbuster revelations and prosecutions that some Trump allies hoped for from the inquiry.

The four-year investigation has resulted in three prosecutions. They include an FBI attorney who pleaded guilty to altering evidence while applying for permission to eavesdrop on a former Trump campaign official.

Two other people were acquitted on charges of lying to the FBI.

The former president cited some court filings by the Durham team as part of a lawsuit he filed against Mrs Clinton and several other Democrats and government officials, alleging that they had plotted to undermine his 2016 presidential bid by spreading rumours about his campaign's ties to Russia.

A judge dismissed the lawsuit as frivolous in January and ordered Mr Trump to pay nearly a million dollars in penalties. "

"Last year, Mr Trump said he believed the Durham report would provide evidence of "really bad, evil, unlawful and unconstitutional" activities and "reveal corruption at a level never before seen in our country."

the durham report found all those things...and they werent errors...they were intentional. in my opinion only a political zealot would see these as simple errors.

From: 2Wild Bill
"I"m far from a political zealot" - so says leftist Phil

From: Shuteye
Even a CNN reporter said he was wrong and this looks very bad for the FBI. Sad that many of us could see this happening for years. The CIA and DOJ are dirty also. There needs to be a huge house cleaning but it won't happen until the Republicans have the house and Presidency.

Nice Bill. Instead of discussing facts you’d rather make a ludicrous attack on me. I’m sorry to say I expected as much.

Phil, you just stated it was no big deal. Since when did undermining and cohesion to over throw the workings of this republic become a nothing burger?

To you what exactly is representative of a big deal?

As an American, I find it hard to believe that anyone would take this lightly. It’s a criminal act repeated over and over. One that you and I would serve a lot of time for. So, how is it no big deal.

From: fdp
The entire 316 pages is out there to be read. It's pretty underwhelming in light of some of the other things that have taken place in the past few years.

What I said was that for all the time and money spent chasing this the outcome wasn’t nearly as dramatic as predicted. The FBI and DOJ had issues with why and how they handled the case and they made many changes to address that. There were three prosecutions and two were acquitted.

Durham’s report even states it “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out.”

if the durham report was a waste of money and a nothing burger... was the mueller report an even bigger waste of money and a bigger nothing burger? political zealots tend to be pretty one sided.


Phil Magistro's Link
Well Ricky, I'm not one-sided. I'm open to other viewpoints and try to be objective. I get news from various sources and make a determination. The Mueller report did find links between Trump's campaign and Russia and it found criminal activity along with Russian involvement in our 2016 election system. Like the article I posted above, those aren't my opinions. They are the opinions of reporting organizations.

from the bbc piece...

"A long-awaited report has strongly criticised the FBI's handling of its investigation into alleged ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.

In a 306-page report, special counsel John Durham said the agency's inquiry lacked "analytical rigor".

He concluded the FBI had not possessed evidence of collusion between Donald Trump's campaign and Russia before launching an inquiry."

fabricating a case against a sitting president...with no evidence...in order to remove him from office...is far from a nothing burger...it is an attempted coup.

From: 4nolz@work
its a helluva long damn way from a nothing burger-took 4 years to disprove a weaponization of a supposed neutral government entity with almost unlimited power.

The damage was done so mission accomplished for these lowlife scumbags.

WP got a Pulitizer for this crap.Its like giving Obama a Nobel prize before he was even sworn in.

Nothing burger my azz

From: 4nolz@work
When they come for Biden these same people will howl.

From: Skippy
The FBI is dirty, they have been for a long time. As far back as Ruby Ridge, Waco and the Richard Jewell investigation!

From: fdp
"it is an attempted coup."....and the soliciting of a state official to "find" votes and the inciting of violence to impede the certification of an election are not?

From: 2Wild Bill
lu·di·crous [?lo?od?kr?s] ADJECTIVE so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous:

Phil, It's not funny, you just refuse to recognize your bias on issues political. Your "real world" has all the talking points of the progressive deep state, stated for you here only in case you haven't noticed.

"Nothing burger my azz" - It isn't just me Phil, people read you.

From: drycreek
These discussions are pointless when a lib is part of it. They habitually lie, cheat, and deceive. The liberal news media leads the way in protecting liberal dems and their base eats it like candy. As much as I hate to say it, the so-called conservatives aren’t much better. The whole of DC is like what’s found under an outhouse, and nobody wants to change it.

Lord Acton

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts completely !”

From: 70lbDraw
“When they come for Biden these same people will howl.”

Last I heard the FBI and CIA have decided not to per-sue any investigations into the Biden cartel. The deep state is alive and well, lying to Americans for their own selfish benefit, and the bowlibs soak it up like it’s gospel! The Trump-a-phobics are focused on one thing, and one thing only. It’s amazing how much power Trump still has even though he’s no longer in office.

From: KSflatlander
I’m glad we live in a country where the watchers are also being watched. SOME FBI agents overstepped their authority and got caught. I still back the blue.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely so I’m glad nobody has absolute power under the constitution. Stick with the constitution and we will be fine.

Bill, I couldn’t care less what other people think. Especially when I read their comments.

I do have a political bias but it’s not what you try to make it out to be. If any politician uses their office to further their career and not focus on the people they represent I am against that. If any politician breaks any laws I am against that. But I’m not going to take the word of Fox or MSNBC as gospel. Especially Fox seeing as they have been proven to spread misinformation and rumors to avoid losing viewers.

Drycreek, your characterization of the news media is funny given that Fox has been publicly shown to spread lies and misinformation.

"They are the opinions of reporting organizations."

of course they are...what do you expect them to say? do you really expect them to admit they were wrong in all their reporting on the matter...and complicit it driving a complete hoax? do you really expect the bbc and any of the other news sources that jumped on the russian collusion bandwagon to admit that durham is right and they were completely inept in their reporting.

"...your characterization of the news media is funny given that Fox has been publicly shown to spread lies and misinformation."

thats truly laughable considering the sheer volume of lies and misinformation...including from the the bbc...spread about the russian collusion hoax...it was 24/7/365 for years. denying that goes beyond political bias...its delusional.

From: Glunt@work
So the FBI is rogue and targeted political opponents to sway the Presidency and there will be no real accountability.

Some say that means our system is corrupt. But, some guys who cheated at a fishing tournament are now (rightfully) convicted felons. See? We are fine. Our priorities and systems are fine, just fine.

So you're saying there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia? What about the guys from Trump's campaign that went to prison for colluding with Russia?

From: Lawdog
Oh boy Phil, not to gang up, but goggle is your friend here. Not one of Trump's circle went to jail for collusion with Russia. Quite a few went to jail for lying to the FBI based upon a factual basis later debunked by either Mueller or Durham. Both Durham and Mueller concluded that there was absolutely no evidence of Russian collusion.

"So you're saying there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia? What about the guys from Trump's campaign that went to prison for colluding with Russia?"

yes...to my knowledge nobody was convicted for any collusion with russia...they were all process crimes. just more lies and misinformation spread by those news organizations you trust.

i wonder where all those hypocrites that are constantly screaming "threat to democracy" are right now? probably lining up behind the microphones as we speak...not.

From: Jeff Durnell
Paul Manafort was tax and bank fraud, and failing to disclose a foreign bank account. Roger Stone was false statements to congress and witness tampering.

No evidence of Russian collusion and they ALL knew it from the start. It was a coup. Remember Killary said, 'If we get caught we'll all hang'.

I wish she wouldn't get my hopes up like that.

From: Boreal
Just keep repeating the same lies and the mindless public will believe. The proof is right in this thread.

From: Brotsky
Mueller=Durham, Durham=Mueller, both colossal wastes of time and money.

Phil, Proclaiming to only be interested in truth, yet spend so much time spreading misinformation as the truth, kinda makes all those claims irrelevant.

Refusing to correlate occurrences or point out injustices committed, Is the same as our right lying when I someone blatantly chooses to be. biased.

Yes, it all was a huge waste of money. It’d been cheaper to prosecute anyone caught weaponizing arms of the government against a political opponent. Let’s just forgetaboutit and keep on keeping on. It was only one time with Trump.

So then, by your standards, you aren’t interested in the truth?

From: JohnMC
I think at this point the only ones not involved in the Russia and Trump conclusion. Was Trump and Russia.

From: bowhunt

bowhunt's embedded Photo
bowhunt's embedded Photo
Phil, could you please post the first and last names of the guys on Trump presidential campaign that were convicted of colluding with Russia?

Jeff, you are correct in naming the charges that were proven against them. But Manafort had ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and his ties with Kilimnik. Stone was convicted of lying to Congress, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering as a result of the Mueller investigation. Rick Gates was convicted of, among other things, unregistered foreign lobbying. Michael Flynn lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Bowhunt - From Mueller's investigation these three went to prison - Alex van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, and George Papadopoulus.

"So then, by your standards, you aren’t interested in the truth?"

yours as well?

From: RK
So Phil you were wrong. Why just not admit that, rather than begin to stutter through a post that proves you were wrong.

If it walks like a duck……

It’s been fun but I have things to do. I’ll stop back in a couple of weeks to see if you are still talking about this.

RK. I wasn’t wrong.

From: drycreek
Phil, there’s nothing funny about it. It’s pathetic. Everyone can be wrong once in a while, even Fox. What I’m saying, as you very well know, is that most of the media are in the progressives pocket 24/7/365. As I said, they lie, cheat, and deceive with no scruples whatsoever. Anybody with half a brain knows why all the shell companies were set up to redirect money to the Biden family. Companies with no actual business are money laundering ! Yet, not one network that loves progressives covered it, not one. Silence is deafening !

From: JohnMC
So Phil what your two cents on the Biden's and their ties to Ukraine, China and few other places. If you are this concern trying to tie Trump and few people that were in his circle at some point to Russia. You got to be beside yourself over Biden and his family I would think???

From: 70lbDraw
“It’s been fun but I have things to do. I’ll stop back in a couple of weeks to see if you are still talking about this.”

Why don’t you guys ever argue about How right you are when you’re proven wrong?

I’m still waiting for Matt to show me which lies I knowingly repeated! It’d be nice to see DanaC and the other Trump-a-phobes step up and admit not that they were wrong, but that they were duped by left wing media to believe their own misinformation.

Lol! Trump the liar was right again!!!! But I’m sure the J6 committee will lock him up!!! Not that you guys ever had any credibility, you have even less now!! Lol!

From: bowhunt

Alex van der Zwaan Convicted oflying to the FBI, didn’t work for the trump campaign in articles I just read. He got 30 days in jail

George Papadopoulus- convicted of lying to the fbi-14 days in jail

Richard Pinedo- not seeing anywhere that he worked on the Trump campaign.He was convicted of ID theft

So out of your 3 people I see zero trump campaign guys that went to prison for colluding with Russia

ever notice that people only claim they have things to do when the arguments they were making were proven false? they always seem to have time to make the claims...but never have the time to defend them...funny how that works.

From: 4nolz@work
Don't you know how uninformed and ignorant you all are? It's all Fox News fault because if you watch FN instead of MSNBC you are brainwashed.I love when Liberals claim to not be liberal.Talk about uninformed.

From: bowhunt
For clarification on my post I googled each guys name, then looked at 3-4 different websites to see the background info

Reuters, New York Times, npr, cnn ect. Now that I think about it an article from Fox News was never towards the top 5 websites when I googled each name and the word “convicted of crime”

From: Lawdog
Crickets. MSNBC, CBS, NBC, CNN and others are either not reporting on it at all, trying to discredit it, deflecting, or claiming neither Mueller nor Durham were legitimate investigations. Not a single one of them seem to want to address or rebut the reports' factual bases or conclusions. They just don't like or accept the outcome. And, don't forget about the Inspector General's report.

From: bigeasygator
The Meuller report and the Durham report seem to be about the same level of something, or nothing. Both reports suggested wrongdoing and questionable activity, both in terms of Trump campaign contacts with Russia and possible obstruction of justice as well as in terms of FBI actions related to their investigation of Trump. I'd perhaps characterize the indictments related to Russian interference in the election differently, but the other indictments from both investigations relating to misleading congress, obstruction, etc feel of a similar gravity. Both concluded there wasn't enough to bring larger criminal charges or indictments to bear. Like Brotsky said, Mueller=Durham.

From Mueller: “We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term...Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”

From Durham: "[we do] not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out."

From: bowhunt
That’s a good quote from Mueller Bigeasygator

Conspiracy would be the legal term for “collusion”, what the media was always talking about.

The Mueller probe did not find sufficient evidence of conspiracy.

“ we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. IT WAS NOT”

No sufficient evidence of conspiracy to charge anyone associated with the Trump campaign with a crime!

Kind of ruins Phil’s theory of all the Trump guys charged with colluding with Russia

From: bigeasygator
Mueller was candid that his investigation did not investigate "collusion," since that is not a legal term. However, he documented plenty of instances of what appear to be collusion (collude: cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others). What Mueller said is there was not enough evidence related to those contacts/engagements to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. In short, it is impossible to be charged with collusion. And again, no one was charged with criminal conspiracy.

From: 70lbDraw
So who’s going to get punished for perpetrating this attempted coup??

I mean we’re trying to punish Trump for things he never did. When do we punish the Democrats that DID break the law?

From: RK
70. Don’t hold your breath!

From: elkmtngear
No matter how you slice it, Mueller report makes it clear that the Clinton campaign paid for fake dirt on Trump (intended to hack the Election, but backfired). This also initiated a fake investigation of a sitting President.

Sort of makes Watergate look like a frat party, IMHO. But hey, no big deal, nothing to see here...

From: Mpdh
I would like to know why every time someone voices an opinion or idea, that is contrary to the beliefs of the majority on this site, we can’t discuss it like adults. Personal attacks just because you don’t agree with someone are not how rational people are supposed to act.

"Attempted coup"? The Russian hoax was a successful coup in its outcome in 2020."

theres an argument to be made for that but i don't think youd call that a coup. that...in addition to a bunch of other things contributed to what many think was a manipulated...or rigged...election.

"The 2020 & 22 elections were rigged via the dominion tabulators and that is a fact."

no...that is a fantasy...come up from the rabbit hole.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: Jeff Durnell
The elections were rigged alright, but it was a lot more involved than just Dominion.

when ever the FBI makes statements now the media should ask, "Is this fake like the Trump/Russia collusion case you manufactured or is their any real evidence"?

From: DanaC
Yeah, it was a coup. Those evil demon dems ran a candidate who out-polled the Holy Trump. Those satanic bastards.


From: 4nolz@work

"the Trump/Russia collusion case you manufactured or is their any real evidence"?

More or less but it should say "when ever the Media makes statements now the Voter should ask, "Is this fake"?

From: drycreek
Dana, you can roll on the floor all you want but you can’t deny that Hillary started the Russia Hoax, that’s a proven fact, then bleached her digital trail and smashed the Blackberries. Who does that if they aren’t guilty ? Just like all the shell companies that funneled the $ to the Biden family. Adam shiftless lied time and time again to anyone who would listen that he “had the goods” on Trump. Your side of the aisle stinks to high heaven. Sorry for your luck.

From: DanaC
Drycreek, mostly I'm on your 'side of the aisle' - where we part ways is largely the Cult of Trump. Yeah, Hillary got away with attempted whatever, but she lost the election. Then Trump lost the next one., The difference is, she ain't whining like a puss. (And Trump is still in crap to his neck. )

From: RK
" drycreek mostly I'm on your side of the isle"

Anyone that believes that horse shot is a true fool

DanaC you are as Dem as it gets but not honest enough to admit it, which is par for the dems.

Speaking of lmao!! I'm in at you.

Spin another yarn Dana

From: jjs
Read through all of this, the main point was the election collision of taking a POTUS from lies from Federal Department Heads and associates, Main Stream Media (MSM) and Congress members highly endorsing this fraud by falsely slandering, withholding evidence and sedition.

Do not care what party one stand for but this is a direct assault on our Republic and no one is going to be held accountable for it do to how deep the Deep State is.

If Trump is elected there will be a reckoning that this country have not seen for sometime and it will be about time but before that happens Trump will be another JFK and there will be a lot of joy from people supporting this, sick.

From: keepemsharp
Hate is a powerfull thing, it can overcome common sense.

From: spike78
One thing is for damn sure this country is broken it’s all down hill from here.

From: DanaC
'rk', - (if 'Robert Kiebler' is your actual name) - you're such a Trump Cultist that truth is just a social media page to you. "Anybody who does not bow to the Holy Trump is a (gasp!) democrat!"

This is why Trump will lose - again - he and his minions have spent too much time and effort alienating those they need as allies. "You ain't marching in lockstep with us so you're the enemy."

From: RK
I am exactly who and what I post

Hope Trump does not get elected. Not because he will not do a good job but because you democrat liberal Asshats will start trying to impeach him again when he gets elected.

So your Trumpian guilt trip you like to attach to anybody that did not vote to ruin this country like you did is not going to work

It's pathetic what you people voted for only because of Hate.

I don't think you are a democrat. I know you are a liberal piece of garbage for what your TDS allowed you to do to this Country.

Dana, Trump received more votes from democrats than anyone ever. The first and second time. Keep on being that parrot Dana. Half of this country will vote for him because they support him as president. And, you can take it to the bank that the clown show we’ve had the last 2.5 years is going to equal even more of those votes.

As bad as he sours your mouth, you are part of the reason he’s running. I love it.

From: DanaC
RK, keep lying about me and I'll keep reminding you that you worship a liar. Enjoy ;-)

Give RK a steak. Said it exactly right and made it clear when he did. I really love it.

From: RK
If you could prove I'm lying I'd listen. You can't because you are exactly what your shallow self lets you be

You spend to much time trying to convince people that know better what you want them to think of you

Have at it I know I enjoy watching a fool at work

"Those evil demon dems ran a candidate who out-polled the Holy Trump."

they did that in 16 also...they just didnt have all the other things to back it up...but they were going to make damn sure they had all the bases covered in 20...the russian collusion hoax was just the start...and it worked.

From: LBshooter
Now trump can go on the trial and say, I told you so to all the crooked media. It's sad that none of the perpetrators can be prosecuted, they certainly deserve it. Let's hope that karma catches them all and I guess the one good thing is Hillary won't be making another run for president.

From: Woods Walker
The only reason Trump will not get reelected is the same reason why he didn't "win" in 2020....mail-in ballots and Democrat election fraud. And that debacle has NOT been fixed!

We're done as a country.


Phil Magistro's Link
That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. There is no proof that any widespread election fraud took place and the few isolated cases where it happened would not have changed the outcome of any election. And mail-in ballots can only be submitted by voters that meet eligibility and validity requirements.

That's not my opinion, it is the opinion of people that researched this including - "Former Attorney General Bill Barr said he became "demoralized" when discussing allegations of voting fraud tied to Dominion voting machines with former President Donald Trump because Trump had "become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff."

And this report by a group of conservatives - "Eight prominent conservatives released a 72-page report Thursday refuting claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election in dozens of unsuccessful court cases brought forth by former President Trump and his allies.

The group — which includes former federal judges, Republican senators and Republican-appointed officials — said they reviewed all 64 court cases Trump and his allies initiated challenging the election outcome, saying they had reached an “unequivocal” conclusion that the claims were unsupported by evidence.

From: RK
Wonder if that is as believable as 51 believable national security individuals swearing that there was a Russian collusion issue with trump.

Got to love this stuff

And better yet Phil I thought you said you were gone for a couple of weeks. Damn you Libs are masters when it comes to not telling the truth

I missed the comedy here so I stopped in before bed.

From: Recurve Man
All I know is I’m tired of these dumbasses wasting my tax money I pay in on stupid investigations they know damn good and well aren’t true. This country is pathetic right now. The worst is yet to come and it will come sooner than later because we’re on a fast track to destruction. Conservatives stand no chance at anything because we don’t have any judges in this country who’ll stand up and take charge. Basically because they fear their lives because the left wing extremist will do away with them. Look at any one who crossed the Clintons.

Hell you can’t even get guys who hunt and are outdoorsmen supposedly to even get along on a hunting site. How can we expect anything out of real idiots in this country.


From: 4nolz@work
Changing the thread from FBI corruption to claims of election fraud......

I don’t understand why you ridicule people instead of having a civil discussion. Does it make you feel superior?

From: Woods Walker
Hey Phil....you believe your BS and I'll believe mine. It's still a free country....for now.

Darren, I understand perfectly. You think you know everything and are unwilling to accept that you may not have it all figured out. Of course it's fine to have opinions but acting like the expert on every topic and not being open to the possibility that your opinion is just an opinion and not fact shows how intolerant you really are.

I don't have a hatred for the God of the Bible. I realize that our founding fathers wanted religion to be be a personal choice and not forced upon others.

Libtards isn't a cute description. Combining liberal and retard is demeaning to those that do suffer from mental health issues. It is ironic that you believe liberals DEMAND that you follow their beliefs when you do the exact same thing by DEMANDING that they follow your beliefs. Who made you the Lord and master of all knowledge?

What I've taken from all your posts is that you really don't know if masks work, you have an opinion. You assume that anyone that disagrees with you has a hatred for this nation which is the height of arrogance. You reject science, choosing to cherry pick what suits your narrow views. You expect that anyone that disagrees with you is clueless and a threat to our nation.

We are close to a complete failure as a Constitutional Republic but not for the reason you think. It is because of you and some others that think they are the source of truth on every subject, lack tolerance and respect for differing viewpoints, and see the world through a very narrow and restrictive lens - my way or the highway.

I understand perfectly. You, and the people that share similar opinions like you are the real problem we face as a country. You are in the minority. I've always known people that act and talk as you do and have always held a contempt for their intolerance and arrogance, especially when they claim to follow God and the Bible, yet act in a completely opposite manner.

I'm sure you'll respond and tell us how everything I've said is wrong. I would expect nothing less. But I don't care. I am done here now. As I said, I know people like you and some others exist in this world but now I'm choosing to not waste my time interacting with you and them.

"That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. There is no proof that any widespread election fraud took place and the few isolated cases where it happened would not have changed the outcome of any election."

the entire 4 plus year russian collusion investigation was just shown to be a fraud. if you are suggesting that the russian collusion fraud...along with a whole list of other willful and coordinated deceptions had no bearing on the election...youre a lot more of a political zealot that what you care to admit.

All I know is, the democratic party is 100% supported by PETA, HSUS, ASPCA, and all other anti hunting groups. Why is this ?

From: Rut Nut
Phil reminds me of all those Liberal "celebrities" who promised to leave the country when Trump got elected.........................................

Hackbow x 2. Perfectly stated. And, right on point.

From: Catscratch
I never understood the "fraud was found but it wasn't enough to matter" crowd. ANY fraud is enough to matter! Every single one of our votes should count and as a matter of principle shouldn't our elections be 100% secure? It's like shugging off your wife cheating on you because she didn't get pregnant... you know... because it wasn't enough to matter if the results weren't changed.

From: 4nolz@work
Libtard is an insult to retarded people

From: tobywon
I'm not a Trump thumper here and I truly believe that we need new blood in the presidency and congress for that matter. I don't think Trump is an angel by any means, but if Trump and Biden are on the ticket, Trump will get my vote, no way I will ever vote for Biden and this country needs an ass-kick to get back on track after the Biden administration has screwed it up so badly. What I absolutely hate is the blatant double standard that we have seen in this country with the justice system, media and many other departments in the government.

There is no arguing this point. We have the classified documents where this was huge news with Trump yet Biden's classified documents located all over the place where he had no authority as VP was pretty much swept under the rug. We have J6 where video clearly shows that the insurrection was not nearly as bad as portrayed by the media and government while other groups are destroying cities with no consequences. We have Hunters laptop and Biden family dealings and it gets swept under the rug, yet Trump is constantly under fire. This also goes back to Hillary and her wiping her computers and Blackberry clean. This isn't fake news, all media outlets have reported these topics, just in very different ways. If you want to indict Trump go ahead, then all of the others should follow. We cannot have two different standards in government or the justice system. It's sickening on all levels.

From: bigeasygator
Nobody said it doesn't matter, Catscratch. But widespread election fraud involving hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes - which is what has been and is still being claimed by some - is a lot different than an individual here or there lying about their State of residence, as an example.

There are multiple layers of protection when it comes to securing our elections, and as they have proved very robust as the litany of lawsuits and allegations that went nowhere following the 2020 election have proven. With that said, what would you focus on and what would you do to make elections more secure, Catscratch?

From: TRnCO
Do away with mail in ballots. Do away with ballot harvesting. Require proof of citizenship at the ballot box. Those for starters.

From: tobywon
Don't allow dead people to vote :)

From: 4nolz@work
BEG in today's statistical/computer age it doesn't take widespread fraud it just takes targeted fraud in specific precincts in specific swing States to change an election.In Georgia/Arizona it just took a few precincts to change the State's outcome.

From: bigeasygator
Do away with mail in ballots. Do away with ballot harvesting. Require proof of citizenship at the ballot box

Don't allow dead people to vote

There are multiple steps in the process that take place before and after a ballot is dropped in a mailbox or picked up by someone else to ensure that the an absentees vote is secure. They differ from State to State, but things like limiting who can drop off a ballot, limiting the number of ballots a person can collect (in the case of ballot harvesting), signature verification, etc. Are you saying these steps don't work?

From: LBshooter
If you don't think there was some foul play in some states then your a fool, the only thing is proving it and that's almost impossible. What this report does do is give trump the ability to say he was right again, and it shows how dishonest the media is. Personally, I don't see Biden actually running, I believe he will announce he is not going to run at the middle/ end of summer in order to give others a chance too. However, if he does run it will be fun to watch him try and refute the lies he told during the last campaign.

From: Snag
Yes, all have sinned and fallen short of Him glory. Republicans and democrats. We all should vote and do our civic duty. But the Bible prophets through God’s word tells us everything we should know. If we would only ready and study the most important book in history. No other book has foretold the future and they have come to pass. Why? Because it is from, inspired by Almighty, righteous God. No other. Even unbelievers shall know Him, “Romans 1:18–32 describes why God rightfully condemns humanity and some of what He has done about it. Humanity's fall is pictured as a downward progression. It starts with rejecting God as creator, refusing to see what can be known about Him by what He has made. We also reject that He is our provider and stop giving Him thanks. We worship His creation instead of Him. Finally, God acts by giving us over to the unchecked expression of our corrupt sexual desires and all other kinds of sin. In part, He expresses His wrath by giving us what we want and condemning us to suffer the painful consequences.“ We are seeing this before our own eyes. Wake up

From: Catscratch
I'm not going to speculate on how to change things to eliminate voter fraud. I simply don't know enough about it to have an informed opinion on the changes that need to be made.

Back to my original statement. You're either ok with it in principle or you're not. Justifying one fraudulent vote is the same as justifying all of them. My stance isn't that there was or wasn't enough fraud to change an election. My stance is that it isn't ok to shrug off fraudulent votes. I think our elections should be secure and accurate. No room for error. If your stance differs I'm ok with that, but it's not how I feel.

From: Woods Walker
"There are multiple steps in the process that take place before and after a ballot is dropped in a mailbox or picked up by someone else to ensure that the an absentees vote is secure. "

LMAO!!! "Secure".........RIIIIIIIIGHT!!! And let me guess who does who much of that "securing"....DEMOCRATS!!! Wait....are we on the joke thread?

From: bigeasygator
BEG in today's statistical/computer age it doesn't take widespread fraud it just takes targeted fraud in specific precincts in specific swing States to change an election.In Georgia/Arizona it just took a few precincts to change the State's outcome.

Agree. Theoretically, it takes only a singular vote to swing an election. But there is not evidence that is what happened, and certainly nothing approaching hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes that the former President said swung the election. In the six battleground States that were disputed by Trump (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI), there were less than 500 instances of voter fraud identified (less than .15% of the margin of victory by Biden and less than .002% of total votes cast in those States).

From: 70lbDraw
“I don't have a hatred for the God of the Bible. I realize that our founding fathers wanted religion to be be a personal choice and not forced upon others.”

Apparently, that isn’t the case when it comes to the LGBTQRST folks. Otherwise we wouldn’t have their lifestyle shoved down our throats. I guess that’s different though since we are intolerant and you are not?!

“Libtards isn't a cute description. Combining liberal and retard is demeaning to those that do suffer from mental health issues.”

Yeah, that’s because liberalism IS a mental health issue! It’s amazing how you recognize mental health as a delicate and sensitive subject. Yet instead of addressing the issue, you label people as intolerant for pointing out the obvious mental health problems that plague this country to begin with.

From: jjs
Snag, agree. History repeating itself, just go back to Isaiah , Jeremiah, and Ezekiel throughly explain then and what is going to be reaped.

This was a election interference which is sedition and the math proves it out if it is ever allowed, can't make this up.

From: bigeasygator
Apparently, that isn’t the case when it comes to the LGBTQRST folks. Otherwise we wouldn’t have their lifestyle shoved down our throats.

Just curious...do you consider decades and decades of beer related ad campaigns showing scantily clad women shoving a hetero lifestyle down peoples' throats or not?

From: 2Wild Bill
"I understand perfectly." - In Phil's mind, not a political zealot.

I misunderstand purposely - As in witnessed by those who see his slant on facts.

"So Phil what your two cents on the Biden's and their ties to Ukraine, China and few other places. If you are this concern trying to tie Trump and few people that were in his circle at some point to Russia. You got to be beside yourself over Biden and his family I would think???"

From: KSflatlander
Phil x 2. Perfectly stated. And, right on point. You’re a standup guy Phil.

LBTGQ shoved down your throats. LMAO as you try to convince them it’s a choice and they should pray the gay away or go to hell. Take yourself and your god and go away. Cause it isn’t the Christian God of tolerance, love, and the golden rule.

Hackbow understanding anything about science…maybe 200 years ago…maybe.

From: JohnMC
So if I shot a deer the night before bow season with a rifle, spotlighted from the truck. But claim I shot it the next morning with my bow. If no one can prove it. Even though my truck was spotted going down road where a spotlight was seen and gun shot heard the night before in same area. Does that mean I am not a poacher since it could not be proven i didn't kill deer with my bow?

From: 70lbDraw
“In the six battleground States that were disputed by Trump (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI), there were less than 500 instances of voter fraud identified (less than .15% of the margin of victory by Biden and less than .002% of total votes cast in those States).”

So, is that the result of a truly robust voting system, or is it the result of the demographics behinds the people that make the determination that there is no fraud being committed?

BEG, are you comfortable with our voting process? Why does everything suggested as security measures automatically get labeled as “voter suppression” by the left?

From: 2Wild Bill

What do you believe is the purpose of the "golden rule"?

From: 70lbDraw
“Take yourself and your god and go away. Cause it isn’t the Christian God of tolerance, love, and the golden rule.”

Just because someone has conservative views, it doesn’t necessarily means they posses a strong religious value that promotes what you consider to be intolerance.

“Just curious...do you consider decades and decades of beer related ad campaigns showing scantily clad women shoving a hetero lifestyle down peoples' throats or not?”

Good question! Good point! When you walk through life and witness heterosexuality at a significantly higher percentage than homosexuality, you don’t think about it that way. I’d also say that we were meant to be heterosexual, and I’m sure you disagree. But if we weren’t, why wouldn’t we all look the same and possess the same physical attributes?

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo

From: Mint
I always wondered how the left could defend and idolize a murderer like Che Guevara but nothing surprises me now. It's sad to see that the FBI is as corrupt as Biden is. I didn't expect much from some Democrats since some still defend the progressives destroying beautiful cities like San Francisco. It once was a great liberal city and now is a hellhole. I don't think much will change and now just look forward to moving to a deep red state.

From: RK
Well said Mint. Don't know when you plan to retire but I'm betting that we see more Red states in the future

From: DanaC
"Any arrests ..."

Did you actually read any of this thread? Or were you too busy killing orcs on video?

From: bigeasygator
BEG, are you comfortable with our voting process? Why does everything suggested as security measures automatically get labeled as “voter suppression” by the left?

Overall, yes. Do I think there are opportunities to strengthen security? Yes. Do I also think there are opportunities to modernize our voting systems (both processes and technologies)? Yes I do as well. In terms of voter suppression, there is always going to be this tension between expanding voter access and election security, but I think the reality is most of it gets overblown by political parties who at the end of the day are really only interested in expanding their electorate. As a principle, I think we should look to expand voting access but also ensure fraud is being managed at an ALARP level.

I’d also say that we were meant to be heterosexual, and I’m sure you disagree. But if we weren’t, why wouldn’t we all look the same and possess the same physical attributes?

I don't know what you mean by "meant to be"...To me, if it wasn't meant to be it wouldn't happen. Blame that on God, genetics, other external factors, or whatever - but history and nature are full of these examples. And not trying to be dismissive, I don't understand the point about having the same physical attributes if we all weren't meant to be heterosexual?

From: 70lbDraw
Call it God, or call it Mother Nature. No matter the terminology, all forms of life are meant to procreate. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t exist.

You’re argument (“is showing scantily clad women shoving a hetero lifestyle down peoples' throats or not?”) suggests that you don’t believe we were meant to procreate. As if procreation and heterosexuality were simply another flaw in our original design, even though homosexuality does no promote procreation and the continuation of life itself.

From: Snag
“Meant to be”… everything was perfectly fine until man turned from God, his creator, and put sin before or ahead of what God had made. He also created us with a free will. He didn’t create mindless robots. So what we are seeing is some continuing to go their own way, ie boasting, lying, hating, lovers of self, lovers of money, etc. While more and more are turning to God. What we are force fed in the media is mostly the sinfulness of man.

From: 2Wild Bill
az, Not quite correct. ALL Americans have suffered because of injustices by the very departments and offices meant to uphold American Constitutional justice, some just don't understand yet and still believe the lies/liars.

"Justice delayed is justice denied." - MLK

From: bigeasygator
Call it God, or call it Mother Nature. No matter the terminology, all forms of life are meant to procreate. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t exist. You’re argument (“is showing scantily clad women shoving a hetero lifestyle down peoples' throats or not?”) suggests that you don’t believe we were meant to procreate. As if procreation and heterosexuality were simply another flaw in our original design, even though homosexuality does no promote procreation and the continuation of life itself.

I still don't know what you mean by the word "meant," as there are plenty of exceptions to your assertion that "all forms of life were meant to procreate." And being gay or being transgender doesn't preclude you from procreating.

And I've said nothing about procreation and heterosexuality being a flaw. I certainly don't believe that, just as I don't believe that being homosexuality or transgender is a flaw. I'm merely pointing out the fact that despite 99% of Bud Lights marketing being geared towards heterosexuals, it's a bit ironic that all of a sudden the 1% that isn't is somehow "shoving a lifestyle down your throat."


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
Bill Barr on the Durham investigation:

"I take away from it that it was a success in that its purpose from the very beginning was to get to the truth. It was not launched as a criminal investigation. And people who compare it to the Mueller investigation are simply wrong," Barr said.

Barr said he asked Durham to "get to the bottom of" the origins of the Russia investigation, and told him that any crimes found should be prosecuted but that the prime goal was to substantiate how the Trump inquiry was launched."

""And I think the real story here from the FBI's perspective is what an abomination this was, this so-called investigation. It wasn't a witch hunt, it's a damn good imitation of one."

"Trump deserves a lot of credit for what he accomplished. And this [Russiagate] was a grave injustice. And the fact that he was able to accomplish a lot in the face of it, I think was a great achievement,"

From: KSflatlander
70- there are trillions of gene mutations or genetic variations in the history of organic life that weren’t a net positive on procreation. Remember that life began as asexual reproduction. There are some multicellular organisms that use asexual reproduction today which is a much more efficient way to reproduce. But the trade off is lack of genetic variation. Procreation is not the only purpose otherwise asexual reproduction would win the evolutionary race. Homosexuality in humans is not an evolutionary winning proposition either but that doesn’t mean that it’s unnatural in the sense of evolution. There are many higher level vertebrates that exhibit same sex behavior. It is and always have/will be a part of nature or the natural world.

Your premise is based on religion which isn’t practiced by any organism besides Homo sapiens. Dolphins exhibit homosexual behavior naturally because it’s nature.

How about let people love who they want to because it’s their lives. They are not infringing on your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so don’t infringe on theirs.

From: TGbow
Capital Hill is so corrupt its pathetic. Both sides have a cancer of dishonesty and corruption, not to mention the abuse of power. I've lost no love for the Republican party but the Biden administration may be the worst in US history...and that's compared to some pretty bad Democrat n Republican administration's both.

We are nearly a full blown Marxist, Fascist, Police State...all rolled up in one package.

Until we vote these thugs out of office on both sides of the isle and assume personal responsibility as individuals, we will most certainly crumble as a nation. We are morally bankrupt and until we change from the grass roots,, get fed up with the abuse, it won't get any better. Don't think for a moment the Republican leadership won't seize total power if given the chance. Democrats are just more blatant with it.

If Trump committed a crime he should pay for it like the rest of us would have to. The same goes for Biden.

From: tobywon
I don't care how anyone identifies, whether it's race, religion, sexual orientation, or anything like that. My problem with "shoving down our throats" is when someone is purposely put into a position that they are in no way qualified for just because its politically correct (example: VP Harris and WH Press Secretary Jean-Pierre to only name two high profile ones that are no where near qualified for those positions). I hired a young person who is gay, not because he is gay or I had to meet some diversity quota, but because he is qualified for the job. Plain and simple.

From: 70lbDraw
“They are not infringing on your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so don’t infringe on theirs.”

I agree. So why am I chastised for not embracing alternative lifestyles , at the same time I’m being told that my lifestyle is toxic and intolerant towards others? If I want my kids to see a drag show, it’s ok. But if I choose not to let them see it, I’m suddenly a bigot and a hater. Why is that???

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t care what others do, and they shouldn’t care what I do. Everyone should keep it to themselves.

From: Will
My thoughts on the report are summed by this AP piece from yesterday: https://apnews.com/article/durham-report-fbi-trump-clinton-2016-campaign-f3039e651eeb35a09091c363419e6766

From: bigeasygator
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t care what others do, and they shouldn’t care what I do.

Well, your statements clearly don’t jive with not caring about what others do. Not caring about what others do means you wouldn’t be outraged that others are cramming their lifestyle down your throat when you hear of the existence of a marketing campaign; a campaign that - If I had to guess - I bet you’d have zero clue even existed if you weren’t told it did. In reality, nobody is shoving anything down your throat, let alone asking you to embrace anything.

Eliminating voter fraud is so easy it’s ridiculous that no one is doing it. Vote in person. No mail in ballots. No early voting for anyone except military. And an ID. It’s not hard. But, no one on the left wants it fixed. Their guy would lose EVERYTIME like this.

From: 70lbDraw
“In reality, nobody is shoving anything down your throat, let alone asking you to embrace anything.”

Really? Then why do public school unions feel the need to indoctrinate our kids with inappropriate behavior, and tell us we’re intolerant for not accepting it?

"Bill Barr is uber corrupt. Rotten to the core right from his daddys knee."

you never run out of conspiracy theory bullshit do you?

From: KSflatlander
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t care what others do, and they shouldn’t care what I do. Everyone should keep it to themselves.”

Absolutely positively agree 100%.

WV- In KS we show ID but can vote in-person weeks before Election Day. Why would you oppose early voting in person?

From: jdbbowhunter
WV I agree, we know what day voting day is for next 20 years. If it's that important to you to vote, show up on that day with a Photo ID and vote, doesn't seem difficult.

From: TGbow
Bryan, I believe in parental rights. You are correct when you say they want to indoctrinate our kids. Schools should stay out of sex, other than the function of the human body. Public schools should stay out of religion also. It's the parents responsibility to teach their kids as far as sex education and religion.

Transvestites, ect should not even come up in a class room.

If a person can't see the leftist want to indoctrinate our kids thru sexual contents then that person must be blind or ignorant.

Stick to reading ,writing arithmetic, ect. We were taught how the human body works and reproduces in high school...that's as far as it should go.

From: bigeasygator
If it's that important to you to vote, show up on that day with a Photo ID and vote, doesn't seem difficult.

Well, depends who you are. If you live out of country or out of State, are older or have a disability, are hospitalized, work in a remote location (like an offshore oil rig, etc). Voting in person is relatively difficult for these individuals.

From: Glunt@work
I am fine with all those exceptions. Request a mail-in ballot with an explanation.

Also the same process should be allowed for purchasing a firearm. Not everyone can get to an FFL dealer.

From: TGbow
People have been voting by absentee ballot for years. If we didn't have absentee ballots a lot of folks wouldn't get to vote. That's not our problem. Our problem is fraud and corruption.

From: bigeasygator
TGBow, according to the responses above plenty of people have a problem with absentee voting and seem to think it is the biggest vehicle for voter fraud (despite no evidence that is the case nor any evidence that it would actually favor one political party over the other).

"TGBow, according to the responses above those things are essentially one and the same (absentee voting and fraud)."

there is a big difference between what we know as an absentee ballot and mass mail in voting that happened in 2020.

From: TGbow
Absentee voting has worked for years. Some people have a hard time being at the polls due to being in the military, bed ridden,,ect.

It should stay as it has been...I have a problem with no restrictions on absentee voting...too much room for fraud IMO. But, fraud has been an issue for years..best we can do is keep the absentee voting for legitimate reasons and require everyone else to vote in person, and it only makes sense to require ID to prove who you are. We have to do that just going into a bank and withdrawing money.

From: bigeasygator
there is a big difference between what we know as an absentee ballot and mass mail in voting that happened in 2020.

And? Are you saying our systems weren’t robust enough to handle the increase?

From: Will
What fraud? Just pointing at the last two elections, Trump's appointed team to specifically ID all the fraud that he said happened, found next to zero, just an infinitesimal amount. The last go-round, a few cases were caught and prosecuted - most of those being R's. For like 30yrs "fraud" has been a "battle cry," on the right yet it never pans out. Because whatever fraud happens is minute, and most of the time, is caught.

Regarding voting remotely/early, how about places where over the last few years laws have been passed closing polling places, creating a scenario where poor people, elderly people, and people without transportation, may have to travel extensive distances (hour plus) to vote, and thus simply can not. Why are those folks denied their right to vote?

Given literally all validated evidence shows voting is not impacted by fraud in a way that impacts elections, I see no reason not to keep it simple and easy for folks to vote. (in this day in age, I'm limiting that to evidence proven to be true due to court cases. People don't have to like that reality and don't have to believe it. But it's reality.)

From: Recurve Man
Hey I’ve got an idea. How about the votes are counted the day of the election. Seriously multiple states shut down and took days to count. Yea my ass. Anyone who thinks the ballot counting was not rigged or whatever you wanna call it is a real idiot. Good ole common sense will take ya a long way in this world. I’m really starting to see this becoming a lacking skill set.

From: Glunt@work
“There was a widespread understanding that this election was not on the level”

Hillary Clinton

It's not just the right that has election concerns.

From: Woods Walker
"How about the votes are counted the day of the election."

But if the race is close, then how do the Democrats know how many votes they have to invent/steal/find in the trunk of poll worker's cars, etc, in order to win? That takes TIME!

From: Recurve Man
WW. I see you were raised helping your dad work on stuff and he taught you the common sense. Exactly what I’m talking about.

From: 2Wild Bill
"That takes TIME!"

WW, Here in Connecticut the Dems already have a bag of votes in Bridgeport waiting for the next election. It has been that way for the last thirty years. We never know who won the election till Bridgeport turns in their count.

From: bigeasygator
Anyone who thinks the ballot counting was not rigged or whatever you wanna call it is a real idiot

So…it was rigged because it took time? Recurve, how much time have you spent actually looking into what it takes to canvass an election?

From: Recurve Man
Gator can you make me a list of Presidential elections where states had to shut their counting down until the next day. Why did they shut the counting down. Elections have not been called because they were too close to call and needed a recount.

Guessing they had to go home and get some rest by counting “SHEEP”…..

Once again I’ll reiterate the common sense thing again.

Who here stood and voted alongside and with PETA, HSUS, Friends of Animals, ASPCA and all other anti hunting organizations against the 2nd Amendment, hunting, and trapping ? In other words, you voted democratic !

From: bigeasygator
Gator can you make me a list of Presidential elections where states had to shut their counting down until the next day.

What State “shut down counting” in the last election?

"And? Are you saying our systems weren’t robust enough to handle the increase?"

in some cases yes...others no. in my state some people got their ballots some people didnt... some people got multiple ballots...etc...etc...etc. not to mention in many cases the changes were unconstitutional. my problem with mass mail in voting isnt so much with the systems capabilities but with who is voting and why...but thats a discussion for a different day.

From: Knifeman
WI did . If memory serves, midnight until 300 a.m. How come the fuckups always end up favoring the democrat?

From: 4nolz@work
Atlanta (Fultan? County)Georgia stopped counting and went home with Trump ahead by 13,000 votes because of "flooding pipes"(backed up toilet) I woke up to Georgia called for Biden.Video showed people moving ballots during the night.But don't question the results....yeah fk that.

Georgia republicans were so pissed they stayed home for the Senate runoff.

From: Rut-N-Strut
If voting laws weren’t changed in key states because of the “pandemic”, Biden had no chance of winning. I also find it very hard to believe that he received more votes than Obama by campaigning from his basement.

From: Bowbender
Fraud, rigged, moving ballots, .... True? False? All I know is, in 2016 Joe Biden could not beat the most hated woman in the world for the party's nomination. She then lost to Trump. In 2020, Biden selected a running mate that could not garner more than 5% of her party's support for a presidential run. So, two ****ing losers end up with more votes than anyone in history. Have a hard time wrapping my head around that.

From: spike78

spike78's Link
Yeah and not only did he get more votes then Obama he got a hell of a lot more votes. This link should be all you need. Look at the amount of votes between Trump and Biden and the votes Obama got. Are you telling me that millions more voters came out of the woodwork for this election as opposed to Obamas? Give me a break


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Are you telling me that millions more voters came out of the woodwork for this election as opposed to Obamas? "

actually yes...because of mass mail in voting...which heavily favors democrats. in other words...many people who would have never bothered to vote at all didnt even need to come out of the woodwork. covid was the perfect storm for a candidate that ran from his basement...and voters who were allowed to vote from their basements too.

From: bigeasygator
WI did . If memory serves

Atlanta (Fultan? County)Georgia stopped counting and went home with Trump ahead by 13,000 votes because of "flooding pipes"(backed up toilet) I woke up to Georgia called for Biden

In neither of those cases did a State “shut their counting down until the next day.”

In the case of Wisconsin, it was Trump losing a lead as key precincts continued to update their vote count and report the results. So basically the opposite of shutting things down.

In Georgia there was a four-hour delay in processing ballots due to flooding at a singular ballot processing center, State Farm Arena. Members of the media, election officials, observers and poll watchers were not asked to leave while repairs were being made. Again, hardly a State “shutting their counting down until the next day” as Recurve claims.

From: TGbow
Like the JFK assasination, I don't think we'll ever really know how much fraud goes on during the elections. Everybody should want fair elections regardless of the outcome.

There's so much misinformation out there it's hard to know what sources to trust.

From: 70lbDraw
“Everybody should want fair elections regardless of the outcome.”

Except when Trump is running! I still can’t figure out why they’re so afraid of him. The only reason he hasn’t gotten the JFK treatment is because they know it would start an uprising.

At 9 pm election night Pennsylvania announced they were stopping the count until the morning. With 98% of percents reported. Trump was leading with over 700,000 votes. By 5 am the next morning, Trump was trailing over 200,000 votes with 98% of prevents reported.

There are explanations for this that could be factual. However, none of those examples were ever given as a reason. Nothing was explained. Only that trump lost the state of Pennsylvania.

From: bigeasygator
At 9 pm election night Pennsylvania announced they were stopping the count until the morning.

No they didn't. (1) The State of Pennsylvania made no such announcement - at 9PM or any other time on election night - and (2) the vote counting did not stop statewide. You're literally making up facts.

From: Rut-N-Strut
PA allowed mail in ballots up till Nov 6. Three days after the actual election. What better way to find ballots to make up the numbers the dems were down

From: bigeasygator
You. Can’t. Just. Make. Up. Ballots.

From: Jeff Durnell
It wasn't statewide. It was the counties around Filthadelphia and Pissburgh, dem strongholds of notorious corruption. A few pole watchers were technically allowed 'in the same room' a massive room, and forced to stay much too far away to see what was going on. The windows were covered so cameras couldnt see inside. They stopped the counting with Trump ahead by several hundred thousand votes, but by morning, by golly, look what we found... almost a million Biden ballots. What luck!

Pa voting is an absolute train wreck.

From: bigeasygator
They stopped the counting with Trump ahead by several hundred thousand votes, but by morning, by golly, look what we found... almost a million Biden ballots. What luck!

They did not stop counting the votes in Philadelphia. There was a pause in updating results, but counting did not stop. In Allegheny County, they paused the vote counting (ie scanning ballots) at 2am. Poll watchers and officials were still on hand in all these cases. Not sure why it’s surprising to anyone that when they commenced reporting the results from the two largest metropolitan centers in the State that are largely Democrat that it tilted things in Biden’s favor.

So again, not a State shutting down the count and also events that are common and accounted for in the election canvassing process.

From: Brotsky
Jason you are a far more patient man than I. Oof.

BEG, I’m not lying. I watched it on TV. If I misspoke about the whole state then I stand corrected. What I’m not wrong about is they stopped counting votes. Then when everyone woke up, Trump was losing.

Are you just compelled to argue because it’s Trump? Or, do you live that shallow of a life to not witness anything except what MSNBC tells you?

I wish I was as smart as you were Justin. I’ve watched you do this for a couple of Years now. From growing tired of people resisting masks and the Covid vaccine, to all the simpletons that bore you. It’s got to be hard being so intelligent. Keep at it. You’ll catch BEG in no time.

From: DanaC
"Got them from Chyna no less. "

From the same plant that prints MAGA hats? ;-)

From: bigeasygator
Are you just compelled to argue because it’s Trump?

I’m compelled to argue because people keep spreading fake news. You literally said, “At 9 pm election night Pennsylvania announced they were stopping the count until the morning.” You literally made up facts and act like I’m the one out of line for calling it out? Hilarious.

From: 70lbDraw
“From the same plant that prints MAGA hats? ;-)”

That’s the plant that China joe and Hunter paid for. Why would they print MAGA hats there? I’m guessing so they can cover up the treasonous crimes they’re committing against the USA!?!?

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
Remember in the 2020 election when Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million absentee ballots and got 2.4 million back? Good times.

Also fake news.

LINK: “More than 3M in Pennsylvania apply for mail-in ballots”

From: Rut-N-Strut
Big difference between absentee ballots and mail in ballots. Everyone got a mail in ballot without any application needed. At least here in MA that was the case

From: Will
I can solve this for everyone easily. If elections are rigged, easily stolen, etc... Then I encourage everyone to make a huge point fall 24 and not vote. Seriously. It won't matter, right? So just stay home. That will show them!

I'm just still trying to figure out how those sneaky rascal libjerks managed to make it look like Trump lost, while other R candidates on the same ballot won - and none of those folks stepped away and declared a new race was needed in THEIR election. Weird.

From: bigeasygator
Big difference between absentee ballots and mail in ballots.

The terms are interchangeable. What term is used and the rules around them differ from state to state, but they refer to the same thing (ballots that are mailed out to voters ahead of the election).


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"The terms are interchangeable."

they both utilize the mail but they are different...an absentee ballot has to be applied for whereas in most cases mail in ballots are sent to all registered voters.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
“Some states prefer to call it “mail-in voting” rather than “absentee voting,” because voters will be mailed a ballot regardless of whether they are in town or “absent” from their polling precinct on Election Day.

Why are there so many terms? It’s a result of a decentralized election administration system in the United States, in which each state sets its own rules on how to conduct elections, experts say. And each state’s rules and regulations around absentee voting vary.”

“Some states prefer to call it “mail-in voting” rather than “absentee voting,” because voters will be mailed a ballot regardless of whether they are in town or “absent” from their polling precinct on Election Day."

thats what i said...with mail in voting ballots are sent to everyone...absentee ballots are only sent if applied for. thats the difference.

"From the same plant that prints MAGA hats?"

not sure...but the big guy and the entire biden family will get their cut either way.

From: Rut-N-Strut
An absentee ballot must be requested. Mail in does not

From: bigeasygator
thats what i said...with mail in voting ballots are sent to everyone...absentee ballots are only sent if applied for. thats the difference.

You all seem to be confusing all-mail voting with mail-in voting. All-mail voting is where everyone receives a ballot without requesting it. It is one form of mail-in voting. Absentee voting whereby a ballot is shipped through the mail is also considered mail-in voting. Like the dictionary.com article you posted says:

“The term mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.”

As it also says, “In popular discussions, some people will use the terms absentee ballot and mail-in ballot to mean the same thing.”

Regardless, in the context of the election results I’m not sure why this distinction matters, particularly in the states we were discussing.

you can keep saying it as many times as you want...you can even change the wording slightly...but the only one that seems to be confused about the difference between mail in and absentee voting is you.

From: bigeasygator
I didn’t change any wording. I literally copied directly from the article you linked. You might want to try reading it again, Ricky. Again, from your article:

The term mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.

From: KSflatlander
BEG- Ricky will continue to gaslight you until the end of times. He’s got a dead horse too…ripe for kicking.

even though I didn't need to...i did read it...in it's entirety.

like most states...my state offers absentee ballots that can be applied for when a person cannot make it to the polling location on voting day...and as an exception during covid allowed mail in voting to take place where a ballot was sent to every registered voter.

Absentee ballot vs. mail-in ballot

So, all absentee ballots are sent through the mail (or very occasionally fax), but not all ballots sent through the mail are absentee ballots.

The takeaway:

The term absentee ballot is generally used in every state to refer to a ballot filled out by a voter who cannot, for various reasons, physically make it to a voting location on Election Day.

The term mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.

In popular discussions, some people will use the terms absentee ballot and mail-in ballot to mean the same thing: voting by mail, regardless of why. However, many people will use absentee ballot specifically to refer to a ballot that is mailed when a person can’t vote in person, and use the term mail-in ballot in the context of voting policies that enable all people to vote by mail.

"popular discussions" quite often use terminology incorrectly...kind of like when people use engine and motor interchangeably...but the fact is they are not the same.

"BEG- Ricky will continue to gaslight you until the end of times."

no surprise that the guy who is always claiming the moral high ground would use any opportunity to get his petty digs in...thats your stock in trade... but you might want to look up gaslighting...just another example of someone using a term incorrectly.

1). BEG, made up things aren’t facts. They are false.

2.). You are a fool. And, I don’t use that word lightly.

3.). You can literally make up ballots in any mail in vote.

4). The danger of not bullet proofing our elections, is a huge deal.

You claim I’m wrong based on nothing but what you’ve been told. By the same people that has spent 7-8 years now, lying to you. As this finding reports. Over and over. You are a clown if you believe anything different.

You are painfully arrogant, willfully ignorant on purpose, and every bit the ego maniac you claim to loath.

I told you I was wrong. It’s been a long time ago. And, I don’t research Google on every topic that I post on.

Anyways, it doesn’t change the premise of mine or anyone’s argument that refuses to take anything we’ve been fed, as factual with such an overwhelming biased. Until proven as so. And, if you’re honest, no one has done anything but tickle with anything that would have helped define if we are being told the truth.

This republic doesn’t exist without a voting system that promotes honest results. It appears you think it’s no big deal. And, I’m certain it should be to anyone concerned about the future of this country.

From: bigeasygator
like most states...my state offers absentee ballots that can be applied for when a person cannot make it to the polling location on voting day

And if those absentee ballots were delivered via the mail, they are mail in ballots. Period.

The takeaway:

The term mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.

Here’s a question for you Ricky:

(1) does Pennsylvania have a “mail-in ballot”? (2) do you need to request it or is it sent automatically?

From: bigeasygator
You claim I’m wrong based on nothing but what you’ve been told.

No, I claim you are wrong because you are wrong. Your assertions are easily refuted with a minuscule amount of research.

I told you I was wrong. It’s been a long time ago. And, I don’t research Google on every topic that I post on.

Well, you might want to try it. Usually worthwhile backing up statements with actual evidence.

This republic doesn’t exist without a voting system that promotes honest results. It appears you think it’s no big deal

I never once said that. I said people that question the integrity of our election systems need to come with the goods to prove it. You, nor anyone else on this forum, nor anyone else in the public space (be it Sidney Powell or Trump himself) has done so.

From: DanaC
Maybe winning some court cases instead of losing 60 would 'prove' that you're not moon-spinning.

From: bigeasygator
For me individually it would be providing evidence that isn’t easily discredited by more logical explanations, that convinced me that the various layers of security related to canvassing our elections all failed. More convincingly, win a court case.

From: RK
Similar to Louisiana elections

"(1) does Pennsylvania have a “mail-in ballot”? (2) do you need to request it or is it sent automatically?"

it is my understanding that in pa you have to request both but only the absentee ballot requires a reason for not being able go to the polling place on election day. that is why one is called a mail in ballot and one is called an absentee ballot. seems to me if they were the same, there would be no differentiation.

From: bigeasygator
Seems to fly in the face of the assertion that

“thats what i said...with mail in voting ballots are sent to everyone...absentee ballots are only sent if applied for. thats the difference.”

From: DanaC
"Fact. Hard to prove election fraud in the courts when the courts won't accept the cases. "

Fact, courts won't accept a case where *zero* evidence is presented up front to show that there IS a case. You don't get to start an open-ended fishing trip with no rod, reel or bait.

From: bigeasygator
I’m sure it had to do with those things, az, and nothing to do with the reality that there wasn’t any evidence of massive fraud to base a case on. And no, we didn’t forget about 2,000 mules, it just left far too many questions unanswered. Like how did these mules collect 400,000 ballots - ballots with a unique bar code, printed on special paper, and a special envelope - and successfully forge 400,000 signatures? Still waiting on an answer to those questions. Again, there are far more likely answers to who these “mules” were that have nothing to do with a massive, coordinated election fraud.

Seems to fly in the face of the assertion that “thats what i said...with mail in voting ballots are sent to everyone...absentee ballots are only sent if applied for. thats the difference.”

oh im sorry...i wasnt aware that pa voting regs were for the whole country now...i stand corrected...

From: Woods Walker
Well they sure as hell aren't for Illinois. My wife and I were sent mail in ballots and we NEVER asked for them. Just Democrats doing what they do best....lying/cheating/ stealing...whatever it takes to stay in power so they can show how much they hate us.

Lying scum. I don't believe a SINGLE word they say ....period.

From: Rut-N-Strut
Same here WW. Wife and I got mail ins that neither of us requested. So imagine, say a household of 4-5 voting age people receive these mail ins and only one cares about voting. Whose to say that one person doesn’t tell the others to mark it D or R ( mostly D) and send it in. That’s just not how it’s supposed to work and in my mind is fraudulent. It’s ballot harvesting which isn’t legal in most states

You. Simply. Can’t. Make. Up. Ballots.

You guys didn’t receive ballots to vote on. You can’t make up facts. Those mailed ballots had a security detail linked in. Plus, they were to ensure you knew how to fill out the ballot once at the polls. So, the poll workers could maintain 6 feet distance from you at all times.

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
From the census bureau.

From: Woods Walker
Lie/cheat/steal...repeat as necessary to command total power. WTF do you think they want to disarm us???

"Why do you "NEED" an assault weapon? Why?? Because people like YOU say I can't have them!!!"

From: 2Wild Bill

The government doesn't have a "need" to know. You don't have to answer that question because they don't have the "right" to ask it. "Not infringe" is pretty explicit. "Don't befuddle the matter as they do.

From: Woods Walker
Of course they don't. But they ask/force it on us anyway, which is EXACTLY why we "need" them!

And then there's the ultimate hypocrisy/proof...... "YOU can't have them, but WE can! (And you of course, have to pay for them)" ......

From: 2Wild Bill
WW, "And you of course, have to pay for them" - Your and theirs.

A former FBI agent-turned-whistleblower over the agency's alleged handling of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot investigation tells Newsmax he blames troubles at the bureau on rules that have it acting "like a cop trying to hit a quota."

Appearing Thursday on "Rob Schmitt Tonight," former special agent Steve Friend said the FBI's "integrated program management protocols," which were implemented a decade ago, mean the agency sets "quotas for itself to meet. And in order to meet those, they have to gin up the numbers in any way possible to justify the funding that it receives from Congress."

As a result, he said, it's no mystery why the number of domestic terrorism cases has quadrupled in the FBI over the past 10 years.

All senior executives receive financial compensation and bonuses for meeting these metrics

That amounts to virtue for sale at the FBI.

^^^^ this!

That program actually started at the Texas compound that starts with a W.

That agency and the other that deals with Alcohol and tobacco had to show off their new toys and tactics. To justify the funding.

The history of these programs are easy to find with a quick search. And they continue to this day.

From: 2Wild Bill
Waco! Yes the Feds killed the people with a show of force. Janet Reno was in charge then.

From: Catscratch
Don't forget Ruby Ridge is in there with Waco, and those lead to the OKC bombing.

From: 70lbDraw
“I’m sure it had to do with those things, az, and nothing to do with the reality that there wasn’t any evidence of massive fraud to base a case on.”

Except the exposure of the Russia collusion hoax!!!

BEG, it’s difficult for us conservative simpletons to believe it when you defend an action by a group that has already proven to be corrupt to the core. It’s easy to claim your legitimacy when the judge, jury, and executioner, are ALL playing for the same team.

From: fdp
So based on Bowsite wisdom and knowledge could it be assumed that the only mail in or absentee ballots in 2020 that were legitimate ballots were the ones cast for the Republican candidate? Since he won 16 states that either have "no excuse" absentee voting or are "mail vote" states ? He won 24 states that allow some form of absentee voting but don't let that muddy the waters.

From: bigeasygator
You. Simply. Can’t. Make. Up. Ballots.

Maybe you aren't understanding the context of the comment, but it's in response to comments such as "What better way to find ballots to make up the numbers the dems were down."

To do this suggests there are ballots sitting on the sideline - either pre-filled out or filled out in the moment, I have no idea - that can be inserted in the count. For this to happen, a ballot would need to be assigned to a registered voter, the security marks (barcodes, serial numbers, etc) associated with the ballot would need to match with the security marks on record for that registered voter, the signature on the ballot needs to match that of the registered voter, and at the end of the day the ballot counts need to match those on the voter rolls.

I don't know if Rut-n-Strut and others that make the comments like I quoted are being tongue-in-cheek, but it's clear there's some non-trivial amount of the population that believes this is happening - that all of these safeguards are effectively being bypassed somehow, that somehow thousands and thousands of election workers overseeing the process are in on this mass scale fraud, and that the audits of these results have either ignored this fraud or the deception is so perfect that they can't uncover it (despite doing a deep dive on voter rolls, ballot counts, signature verification, etc).

I, for one, feel that we as a people and a country are nowhere near that sophisticated or competent to pull off something like this, and I feel that there would be an ample trail of evidence uncovered during canvassing or follow-up audits that would have revealed this fraud.

From: RonP
this thread is one of many recent ones that shows Biden's plan and action for unity are working.

From: fdp
"Biden's plan and action for UNITY are working."........as opposed to......division and dissent?

From: RonP
fdp, take a break from being a contrarian and arguing every word. i was being sarcastic.

From: fdp
RonP....I'm just enjoying the moment.

Exactly Greg. Arguing that fraud wasn’t likely or that fraud didn’t happen, is asinine when the potential for it to be is over whelming.

Human nature demands people will find a way to win. Fair or not. Humans will always cheat to get what they want. They always have. And, they always will if the opportunity is presented.

I’m also certain that the narrative of wide spread fraud is what’s feeding the loons that refuse to acknowledge what we do know about the failures of this past election procedures.

Yet, I’m considered a simpleton. And no one questions why a voting procedure that is ripe to falling victim to fraud, is discussed as a nothing burger. Why? Because someone says, “Trust me, there’s nothing to see here.”.

You betcha. A man that can’t complete a coherent sentence, who refused to leave his basement, beat a setting president that had more votes than any other presidential candidate in history.

Which brings up another point liberals and lefties harp on. If Trump stands no chance at reelection, how did he receive so many votes? Why is it now he’s poison? How is that possible? If the election numbers weren’t fraudulent, how is it that the guy who received so many votes, can’t beat a guy that can’t read a sentence teleprompted to him? Especially with the results of his administration up to this point?

I’m all ears waiting on the political geniuses among us to explain that one.

From: fdp
"Humans will always cheat to get what they want. They always have. And, they always will if the opportunity is presented."........so is that ALL humans, and does that apply to everyone? Regardless of political affiliation?

"how did he receive so many votes? ".....'cause he was the only Republican on the ticket?

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

From: KSflatlander
WV- when are you ever going to get that Biden only won because he was running against Trump? People are tried of the braggadocio, name calling, divisiveness, narcissism, dog whistles, and conspiracy theories. Stop flailing around. Trump did not receive more votes in history. Biden did. Had a non-sociopath been the R candidate then they would have run away with the election easily. That’s the only reason Biden won. For goodness sake Trump’s first secretary of defense is a lead QAnon idiot. He claimed to hire the best then as soon as he had disagreements or they resigned Trump proclaimed them as morons.

January 6 and the lack of a peaceful transfer of power hang around Trumps neck like an anchor. Some people care more for the Constitution then any party or demagogue.

I agree with BEG. Maybe you should spend more time researching when forming opinions. You might be a happier person.

"You betcha. A man that can’t complete a coherent sentence, who refused to leave his basement, beat a setting president that had more votes than any other presidential candidate in history."

dont forget that the only people that really saw bidens foibles were viewers of fox news and a few other small right leaning outlets...and the vast majority of those viewers were going to vote for the republican candidate anyway. everyone else that was watching abc...nbc...cbs...cnn...msnbc...and pretty much every other outlet other than fnc...was shielded from all the negative things about biden and his family...yet if trump sprouted a pimple...it was headline news for days. it was a large part of how the election was manipulated...not stolen...manipulated. when you only see positive news about one candidate...and only see 4 solid years of 24/7/365 negative news...real and made up...about the other candidate...it takes quite a toll.

if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it...

From: bigeasygator
I do think that ballot harvesting and unattended ballot drop boxes have a huge potential for fraudulent voting

In the absence of other security measures, sure. In person voting also has massive potential for fraud in the absence of other security measures.

But we do have other security measures related to protection against tampering, protection against impersonation, and protection against ballot stuffing. Seems a bit unfair to say these things have huge potential for fraud without commenting on the effectiveness of the mitigation measures in place. And again, seems more unlikely that we’d have massive fraud without a trail of evidence showing tampered envelopes, mismatched signatures, alterations on the paper ballots, double voting, etc.

From: Glunt@work
Unfortunately, pretty hard to have faith in the system at the moment.

People who doubt the integrity of the election aren't swayed by the fact that the system they believe is corrupt, didn't find corruption.

People who were adamant that Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016 aren't swayed by the fact he is a free man running for President again or the contents of the Durham report.

All the failures of the system during Covid added to people believing the system is incompetent, broken or purposefully being used for wrong.

With all the information we have access to, its surprisingly hard to get past stuff that is more confirmation of bias than clean facts.

We are in for a rough stretch.

From: Lawdog
Jason, you're going in circles with these guys. The problem I have with elections is that there really isn't a way for us peons to know for sure that fraud did or did not exist. I, like many others, have lost faith in the institutions that were put in place to prevent voter fraud. I also have no confidence in the powers that were charged with investigating those allegations in the past. Now, my loss of faith and confidence may or may not be founded. But, that doesn't mean that my concerns aren't valid. If the Constitutional founders were around today, I'd bet we'd hear them say-told you so. If there was fraud, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it now nor do I have the ability or desire, at this point, to verify it one way or the other. It is what it is. I (we) have no choice but to trust that the safeguards you referenced work and that the folks in charge have fidelity to the idea of fair and honest elections. But, saying that there is no voter fraud at all and that the safeguards prevent it seems a bit naive.

From: bigeasygator
But, saying that there is no voter fraud at all and that the safeguards prevent it seems a bit naive.

These discussions always go in circles, Blake haha I understand the lack of faith in the leadership and institutions in this country. For clarity, I never said fraud isn’t a concern nor have I said there is no fraud. But very specific allegations have been made that are not supported by evidence. And as long as people keep bringing those up, I’ll keep making the same points until they’re addressed in a way that makes me feel differently.

If there was fraud, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it now nor do I have the ability or desire, at this point, to verify it one way or the other

Well, you said you don’t have the ability or desire, but there are plenty of ways to get involved firsthand. There are institutions at the local, state, and national level that recruit people to work the polls. Most election workers and officials are volunteers.

From: TGbow
Fellas, we should all want our voting system, our courts, Federa, state and local governments to value our liberty and to pursue what is right according to the constitution.

Democrat, Republican, Liberal, conservative, independents,....we all should realize we all lose when injustice is served.

"Let's not seek the Democrat or Republican answer but the right answer".

In case you haven't noticed we've been becoming more n more a police state. I have liberal friends n right wing friends that are concerned.

What is going on TODAY..is not liberal or conservative...it's more of a Totolitarian, Marxist, Fascist movement all rolled up into 1.

From: 70lbDraw
“What is going on TODAY..is not liberal or conservative...it's more of a Totolitarian, Marxist, Fascist movement all rolled up into 1.”

Apparently, since there is no significant voter fraud taking place, this is exactly what Americans want! Majority rules, correct? If our elections are as legit as the bowlibs claim them to be, then obviously constitutional freedoms are no longer cherished by the majority.

From: Woods Walker
And the liars keep on lying. Democrats personified.

From: TGbow
That's the part that bothers me most. Seems there are too many folks that don't care about what's right but about how things turn out for them..and. I'm speaking of the Left and teh Right. In my family, there are Democrats n Republicans...I find myself often disagreeing with both sides.

If Donald Trump truly lost the election then that's the way it is, if there were shady stuff going on..which I don't doubt, I don't think we will really ever know. I do know that a lot of politicians are capable of doing some very corrupt things. Using DOJ and other entities to do things that are wrong.

We now live in a nation where the government, if so inclined, can railroad an individual without due process.

Nixon committed a crime with Watergate...folks went to jail. Why is it Nixon served no time? The Clinton's and the Bushes have done unconstitutional things but there's no consequences.

We all better wake up n smell the roses.

During the trial of the Boston Massacre, John Adam's..future president, defended the British soldiers. He felt they should be properly represented but I'm sure there were those that would have let them hang speedily.

If the government can manipulate things in your favor they can also at some point manipulate things that are not in your favor.

Trump did some good things but as an example: He wanted to call in the 82nd Airborn during protest...Not good.

On the other hand, when a mayor or governor refuses to protect their citizens from criminals I think someone has to step in and protect them.

If we don't attempt to seek truth and justice for all..we will all be servants of the government.

I don't trust CNN, MSNBC, Foxx,..to give me the whole truth.

A well known Dr from PA named Cyril Wetch said in one of his speeches, "we re moving toward a police state in this nation". He is a life long Democrat. I don't know what all his views are but he is right on the money with that statement. The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm out on this thread. God bless fellas.

From: bigeasygator
Fellas, we should all want our voting system, our courts, Federa, state and local governments to value our liberty and to pursue what is right according to the constitution.

Couldn't agree more, TGBow. In the case of the elections, I haven't seen anyone claiming otherwise. We need to balance the right to vote with ensuring we secure our elections as well, and I know this is something I take seriously.

That's why I also take seriously accusations of voter fraud seriously. And when individuals are claiming we have massive voter fraud - which I would characterize as a coordinated effort aimed at altering more than a handful of votes - we should take those accusations seriously. But the evidence needs to be there to back them up. And when it isn't, we should equally hold those accusers to account, as they are doing nothing but sowing seeds of discord and eroding trust in our institutions.

In the case of the last two elections, we've heard of multiple claims of literally "millions" of illegal votes being cast opposing Trump. We have yet to see any evidence that supports these claims, for which there has been ample time to disclose. So, at this stage, these are nothing more than lies. And I think everyone should treat lying about massive voter fraud as serious as we do actual voter fraud. If the current administration, or any future administration - regardless of political party - made the same claims, I'd hold them to a similar burden of proof and be equally critical of them if they hadn't delivered.

From: KSflatlander
Absolutely BEG. Well said.

From: Lawdog
Jason, let me address this:

"If there was fraud, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it now nor do I have the ability or desire, at this point, to verify it one way or the other."

I was referring to past elections.

"Well, you said you don’t have the ability or desire, but there are plenty of ways to get involved firsthand. There are institutions at the local, state, and national level that recruit people to work the polls. Most election workers and officials are volunteers."

I agree and have done so. But, folks should consider taking several steps more. Get with your local, state and federal representatives, tell them your concerns, and get involved in the process from the beginning to the end. Find out how the local election officials run the show, understand the procedures and process, and ask questions. Experience has taught me that understanding the process often leads to intelligent discussions and meaningful solutions.

Didn't this thread start out with something about the Durham Report?

From: DanaC
" Didn't this thread start out with something about the Durham Report? "

Yes, and the latest on that seems to show that the power abuse by members of the FBI was directed at the left as well as the right. Power corrupts, and we still don't learn that lesson. None of us. This country will never see another Thoreau, another Eisenhower.

"Yes, and the latest on that seems to show that the power abuse by members of the FBI was directed at the left as well as the right."

really? can you direct us to an instance where a completely fabricated fbi investigation...of basically treason...has ever been perpetrated against a sitting president?

No. But, he will sure look at things so twisted and one sided, in order to keep from admitting that Trump got treated unfairly.

From: DanaC
Ricky, I did not say the cases were 'equal'. You're really good at creating 'straw man' arguments and refuting them. While missing the larger point - that government power abuse can be directed at *anyone*.

"Ricky, I did not say the cases were 'equal'. You're really good at creating 'straw man' arguments and refuting them."

sorry bub but it is you that was actually engaging in a big red herring.

"Yes, and the latest on that seems to show that the power abuse by members of the FBI was directed at the left as well as the right."

"the latest on that" refers to the durham report. so what in the durham report would support your claim?

we can all agree that power corrupts...but if you were being honest with yourself as well as everyone else...you would agree that what they attempted to do to a sitting president is unprecedented...certainly in my lifetime...maybe in american history.

From: DanaC
" "the latest on that" refers to the durham report. so what in the durham report would support your claim? "

Damn, dude, do you not follow the news at all? Or does Fox conveniently ignore anything that doesn't include Trump? Durham reported that FBI also launched unwarranted investigations into Jan. 6 'protesters', BLM and thousands of donors.

"you would agree that what they attempted to do to a sitting president is unprecedented."

Never said it was not. Again, you're making straw men out of everything I do NOT say.

From: KSflatlander
The IG investigation initiated by AG Barr and carried out by Durham was warranted IMO. I’m curious if anyone knows how many indictments Durham recommended? Of those how many convictions?

" Durham reported that FBI also launched unwarranted investigations into Jan. 6 'protesters', BLM and thousands of donors."

were those investigations based on completely fabricated evidence of something that never happened?

i think you might be confusing "unwarranted investigations" with improper surveillance.

ill ask again in a different way...what pages of the durham report speak of fraudulent investigations into jan 6 and blm and thousands of donors...based on completely fabricated "evidence?"

by the way...i didnt rely on any news source...i read the report...did you?

"The IG investigation initiated by AG Barr and carried out by Durham was warranted IMO."

agreed...and the findings were as ag barr said "a grave injustice" to trump...“I think the real story here from the FBI’s perspective is what an abomination this was, this so-called investigation”... "if it wasn’t a witch hunt, it’s a damn good imitation of one.

regarding how many indictments, barr also said “I take away from it that it was a success in that its purpose from the very beginning was to get to the truth,” he said. “It was not launched as a criminal investigation. And people who compare it to the Mueller investigation are simply wrong.

From: KSflatlander
An IGs duty is to refer crimes were found via their report. That’s one of their job responsibilities/duties. Barr sounds just like someone deflecting because there was only 1 conviction and 2 acquittals due to the Durham report. One FBI lawyer was convicted for altering evidence (email). That’s not good but it is far from exposing the “deep state” or witch hunt Trump claimed. Nor IMO is this unprecedented. Seems similar to the Comey press conference on HC weeks before the general election. The Comey investigation led to 0 indictments after that press conference.

One FBI lawyer doesn’t indicate a deep state against Trump. Neither does ex-FBI agent Steve Friends testimony. Note that Steve Friend was paid by Trump loyalist for info and given a job at a right wing nut think tank. I understand that Steve Friend was a Trump sympathizer but he’s not biased? His actions after losing his security clearance for violating FBI rule certainly says otherwise.

It sounds to me like a few FBI agents let their bias get the best of them. Kind of like a few police do to some minorities (George Floyd or Rodney King). But a few bad apples doesn’t indicate a systemic problem. Nor does it support the idiotic call for defunding the police (left wing nuts) or FBI (right wing nuts). Deep state…hardly. Trump is full of s#%t again. It’s just typical Trump gaslighting. Repeat as many times as he wants but it doesn’t make it true. I want to see convictions. Same goes for the Mueller investigation…it fell flat even with many axillary convictions. Let me guess…Trump worshippers will still cry “deep state” even with no evidence from an IG appointed under Trump/Barr.

The system of checks and balances at work and I’m thankful for them. Somebody is watching the watchers.

Back the Blue or you don’t ever deserve a response to a 911 or help call. The overwhelming majority of police, FBI, CIA, etc do a good job and I’m thankful for their service.

i think weve come full circle on this one.

like i said in my first post...

"like him or hate him...no president in my lifetime has been subjected to such a hoax."

...quite possibly ever in american history.

From: Beendare
The dirty Democrat elites used their power to corrupt Federal agencies, the DOJ and FBI.

How many of them went to jail? Heck, the Biden admin gave the dirty FBI agents like Mccabe that were removed back their pensions.

Thanks to the report, Good guys like Gen Flynn are vindicated and will make hundreds of millions suing the Feds. The FBI lied, shut down his banks accounts and credit cards crushing his family and wrecking his reputation. Transcripts show he never lied…but the FBI concealed those in his railroading working from their “notes”

Congrats to the Dem voters…we are officially a corrupt 3rd world country ….and thats on them. Grow some IQ points will ya…sheesh.

Most of the stuff never would’ve seen the light of day if the Republicans would not have taken Congress and exposed this stuff.

From: Recurve Man
Beendare please don’t use common sense on this topic. Some on here only want 100% facts generated by the liberal news media. Keep your common sense approach to yourself or this world will steal it from ya. Just pretend someone is pissing down the back over your neck and the government tells ya it’s raining. Do not take an approach as if it looks like skunk smells like a skunk then it probably a skunk. Government says it’s a cat that just not sure of its identity or possibly an illegal cat just welcome it with open arms.

It amazes me the idiots on here are stupid enough to think a guy who’s been a problem in politics since his career started cannot see past the bullshit the left wings and the rhinos have created in just a few years. Biden is a pathetic idiot and so is anyone who voted for him.

Scares me to think I could possibly be hunting somewhere in the US with some of this idiots on this site.

From: Mint
The Democrats attempted a non violent coup is what the Durham report lays out. FBI leadership quashed any and all investigations into the Clintons. Carl Bernstein was actually correct when he said it was worse the Watergate except the shill got it completely backwards.

From: Skippy
A lot of bow libs on this page are trying to turn their feelings in to facts.

From: bigeasygator
Some on here only want 100% facts generated by the liberal news media

Pretty hilarious coming from the guy who said “Seriously multiple states shut down and took days to count.”

Gator can you make me a list of Presidential elections where states had to shut their counting down until the next day

Here’s the list:

From: fdp
There certainly are a lot of folks trying to make emotion facts....but they ain't all " bow libs."

From: 70lbDraw
“Most of the stuff never would’ve seen the light of day if the Republicans would not have taken Congress and exposed this stuff.”

Which is exactly why they hate Trump so much! Back when “Drain the swamp”, was the phrase of the day, the Dems began preparing for the storm ahead. And here we are, no law enforcement, no protection for our children in school, minimal ability to protect yourself, woke stupidity, handicapped leaders that need to step down rather than be praised for be different…etc…etc…etc!!!

The dirty secret is slowly being revealed. Unfortunately the Republicans don’t have the balls to do their jobs help expose it. The best part about it is that Trump has been right the entire time!!!

From: KSflatlander
I heard Durham found 1 bad FBI lawyer, Bigfoot, Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and the tooth fairy but the “deep state” just barely got away. I believe Durham said the “deep state” is holed up in the Kingdom of Far Away with Shrek and donkey.

Mueller found +30 axillary CONVICTIONS and it was evidence of a big hoax for Trumpers. Durham had 1 conviction and right wing nuts say jackpot…”deep state.” Unbelievable.

Some of you are pissing down your own back. Blame yourselves if you feel raindrops.

From: fdp
This thread is riddled with nonsensical delusion.

From: spike78
Then I guess you guys haven’t been watching the FBI whistleblowers that are now being retaliated against by the FBI.

From: RK
Nothing more entertaining than reading KS, BEG, DANA and fdp

Keep it up men. You make us all laugh

From: DanaC
RK, I feel the same way about all you Trumpsters, pumpkin. More fun than burning ants with a magnifying glass ;-)

From: KSflatlander
RK…the Walmart greeter of Bowsite.

"Mueller found +30 axillary CONVICTIONS..."

"axillary" is right...having to do with the armpit that is washington.

convictions for what? all process crimes. no conviction...or even a charge to my knowledge...having anything to do with russian collusion.

like alan dershowitz said... "Lavrentiy Beria told Stalin 'show me the man and I'll find you the crime.' Thats what my friends, my liberal freinds are doing..."

this goes beyond pissing down your own back...youre shitting in a bowl and telling yourself its chocolate pudding.

From: KSflatlander
I believe I said the Mueller report fell flat. The Steel Dossier was base on nothing that can be corroborated and the FBI got burned. Good they should have. if the Mueller report was a waste of money and a nothing burger... was the Durham report a nothing burger with a conviction of one FBI lawyer altering one email? You (a political zealot) tend to be pretty one sided.

However, I hate to tell you Ricky but when you have political associates in your campaign and administration that are convicted of crimes and then you pardon them…you are the swamp. We haven’t seen that happen since possible Nixon.

From: fdp
There are a whole bunch of things on here that are more entertaining than Dana and I. Including those who spend all of their time expounding about how victimized the political party they associate with is.

And, spend their time trying to make a narcissistic sociopath appear to be a victim.

And watching those people spend their time assuring each other of how religiously, intellectually, and morally superior they are to everyone else in the world that doesn't align with their beliefs.

From: jjs
KS, your opinion is yours no matter how disconcerting.

The bottom line is what the government agency, political party and media did to an elected POTUS to destroy him at any cost and no one is held accountable and that is one scary action that happen in out Constitutional Republic.

What policies from Trump you dislike compare to Biden's and which standard of living was better?

This is very trouble some no matter which party and it is the Road to Serfdom. This country is on or past the tipping point of civil liberties and that should be very concerning to everyone in this country.

I am concern when coming to the next election he will have a JFK event from the power to be. I do remember JFK very well and his policies were some what similar. ( I was in jr high)

As far as my politics I am a political atheist and one vote to whom that will follow the Constitution and continue to put this country better for the citizens, that makes me an outcast in this era.

Enjoy your hunt.

From: KSflatlander
Jjs- no offense you sure don’t sound like political atheist. You don’t think Biden is blasted by as many right wing “news” agencies as Trump was/is with the left? IMO it’s a victimhood fallacy argument that Trump was mistreated by the media and Biden wasn’t. I guess you didn’t see any broadcasts from Fox, Newsmax, or OANN. IMO the vitriol was strong with the right wing media. However, I concede that left wing news was unfair to Trump.

I didn’t like the Trump tax cuts. My net taxes went up under Trump. I didn’t like his travel bans based on religion. I didn’t like his policies on our energy future. I didn’t like his SCOTUS appointments. I didn’t like the nepotism in his administration. There were things I liked too. I agree with the border wall, Covid vaccines, the Great American Outdoors Act. There are others.

If you’re a constitutionalist then I’d like to hear your opinion on asking other countries leaders for political favors and the January 6 riot/sedition.

Provide a list the things you agree with regarding Biden’s policies.

"Now you have a live bull..."

on that we can agree...and as long as that bull keeps doing what bulls do...making bullshit...ill keep kicking.

From: jjs
KS, sorry there is nothing that I like with Biden, just carry on the Obama's agenda of radicalism, weaponizing the IRS and the alphabet groups was insidious, The Rules for Radicals was and is on full display, it is a grab for total governmental control ie; communism in a nut shell, which answer your questions that I do not need to explain.

Either you for it or against it and I am of the latter and nothing will change it.

"KS, sorry there is nothing that I like with Biden..."

you know...i contemplated this when i was out working in the lawn this morning and i can honestly say that in terms of anything of any substance...i can't think of a thing that i agree with. im sure there is something...but i cant think of it.

i can give him credit for expanding the rollout of the covid vaccine but thats about it. everything else in terms of covid...mandates to masking to shutdowns to mixed messaging has been a big failure. it will take at least a generation to restore trust in our health systems...if ever.

if someone can think of anything that biden has done that would please a conservative...im all ears.

From: KSflatlander
Fair enough jjs but you’re no political atheist. If you can’t name anything that is redeemable about those opposite of who you voted for you’re heavily BIASED. I answered your question then you take the chicken exit. I’m not going to try to label you but “politically neutral” are not two words that describe you…but nice try. Maybe you think it gives you more credibility but it doesn’t.

From: Catscratch
Humans tend to focus on what we don't like about someone more than the good in them. I suppose I'm guilty as anyone. When I think of biden I think of Afghanistan, poor kids being as smart as white kids, black people not being black if they don't vote for him, Rittenhouse labeled a supremacist, inflation, shutting down a pipeline and backing out of the deal with Canada, defunding police, open boarders with a media blackout to cover up them mess, hiring unqualified people based on skin color or gender identity, free college promises, fights against the 2A, making jokes about ice-cream minutes prior to addressing a mass shooting, etc. I could certainly use some words of encouragement. Would someone fill me in on the good he's done?

From: KSflatlander
If you look at the totality of Trumps existence on earth and you think he is the good in “vs evil” then you do you. But you honestly haven’t looked at Trump through his actions and investments. He is not for the 95% of us and he’s no patriot.

I don’t look at it at all as good vs evil. Most people are good and inclusive regardless of who they voted for. Trumpers are not. The idea of Trump I understand. Someone that doesn’t own the establishment anything and who will do what is best for the blue collar American. Someone who stands up for the 95% of us and our freedoms to let us be who we want to be. I’m ready for a presidential candidate like that but IT AIN’T TRUMP.

“Would someone fill me in on the good he's done?”

3.4% unemployment rate

"Someone that doesn’t own the establishment anything and who will do what is best for the blue collar American. Someone who stands up for the 95% of us and our freedoms to let us be who we want to be. I’m ready for a presidential candidate like that but IT AIN’T TRUMP."

i think you meant "owe" the establishment but whatever...

youre right...trump isnt the person you describe in all aspects but in my opinion he is much closer than biden...and thats the only thing that matters. that was the choice we had in 2020 and might be the choice again in 2024. we can only play with the hand we are dealt...thats reality.

From: KSflatlander
Yes “owe” instead of “own.”

Agreed but it’s a shitty hand and we deserve better.

From: Catscratch
More people with jobs is always better than less. Even though wasn't biden caught lying about the numbers? Said 16 million when it should have been 5 million? Hard to believe much if what he says or stats he presents. Kind of like his inflation numbers don't include food or fuel. To be honest I'd never known that inflation was sometimes measured without those categories. Is that standard, or how long has it been calculated like that? I find it very misleading to delete those items as they take up a large percentage of my paycheck.

From: fdp
Food and energy prices have never been part of the core inflation indicators/calculations.

From: Thornton
Here's a couple hundred things Trump's admin accomplished for the insistent yapping of ksflathead.....................https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/

From: KSflatlander
Catscratch- you asked for 1 and I gave it to you.

Thornton- ahhhh never mind.

From: Catscratch
??? Kind of of an odd reply.

Here's what I said "I could certainly use some words of encouragement. Would someone fill me in on the good he's done?". I don't remember ever putting a number to it? I did agree with you on the 1 you gave... that more people working is always good.

From: KSflatlander
Catscratch- Yes you said more people working is good then you doubted the number which is calculated. It’s calculated the same for Biden and Trump and every president in our lifetime. Your original premise was that there was nothing “good” about the current administration. I gave you 1 and you could have just agreed. So you agree Biden is doing something good (yes or no question)?

From: Catscratch
Yes, low unemployment rates are good. I answered that very clearly originally and won't change it. Never doubted the calculation but did question that biden spoke accurately about it. Go back and reread what i wrote if you like. Return question for you; did biden misrepresent the numbers when talking about it (yes or no)? Here's a link if you want a quick glance before you answer; https://www.factcheck.org/2023/01/bidens-misleading-unemployment-statistic/

I can see why you're being standoffish. You are under attack quite often on this forum. I however did not approach you that way. I never premised that biden has done "nothing good". You made that up. I did ask for what's he's done that's good. You came up with one thing and I agreed with it. It's disappointing that someone looking for good points gets a list shorter than 2.

From: KSflatlander
Yes, Biden misrepresented it. So does every president. They all spin every number positive. But if you get the data from the same source measured the same way Biden’s number regarding unemployment is as good as Trump. It’s apples to apples. It’s a moot point IMO…as if the president owns unemployment, inflation, gas prices, etc. Because they don’t.

When you ask if he’s done anything good the natural inclination is that you assume he hasn’t done anything good. Otherwise you would have answered your own question. By your answer you agree Biden has done some good. Agreed. So has Trump.

I’ll give you credit Catscratch, you do call balls and strikes on this thread at least, even if there is mumbling after.

Are you moving the goalposts and asking for another one?

From: Thornton
Quit yapping

From: 70lbDraw
“Cori Bush and others are pushing for Trillions in free money to everyone Black.”

So regardless of the demographics of the poor community in question. What does it look like when a social group that is used to having little to nothing, suddenly has enough money to buy everything? What kind of collateral damage will that create?

From: Catscratch
I never mentioned any other presidents or questioned the data, just asked if biden flubbed up the data in his statement. Was a simple yes or no question that got way more complicated than it needed to be.

I'll quote myself (again). Please read it carefully this time; "I could certainly use some words of encouragement. Would someone fill me in on the good he's done?". I never asked for 1 good thing, and I never said "if" he's done good things. Simply asked for some encouraging news on the good he's done. I asked this after admitting that I personally can focus on the negatives rather than the positives.

I've not strayed one bit and no goalposts to move. Not really even sure what you're getting at with that statement? My question was straight forward and hasn't changed. Your natural inclination has become obvious as you've either misread my question twice, or you read it and changed it in your mind to fit what you wanted it to say instead of what it actually said. Please go back and read my original post; I admitted I can focus on the negatives, listed a handful of those negatives, and then asked for some positives. Nothing more, nothing less. Wasn't looking for an argument, really just wanted to see some positives that I may have overlooked. Guess I was barking up the wrong tree as even though I agreed with you you still want to hash it out.

From: Beendare
Well, it seems not all Democrats are dumb as bricks.....

Robert Kennedy Jr.: “That report is appalling…You have…fifty top level CIA agents who agree to collaborate in a project to fix an election.”

Kennedy better have a food taster and not sit on any park benches or the poor guy will be suicided for not bowing to whomever is pulling the strings in the DNC.

From: Jeff Durnell
Those fifty were just a tiny tip of the election project iceberg.

if i didnt know better...it would almost seem like some people want to make this discussion about anything other the findings of the durham report.

From: Catscratch
My bad Ricky. I was not on point for the thread with my original post. That's on me. With that said I really don't know how it turned into the shit show that it did.

no problem catscratch...people are free to talk about anything they want...it just seems that certain people would rather divert attention away from the durham findings. i dont care what side youre on what happened here should scare the shit out of everyone.

if you want to talk about collusion...what the fbi...the justice department...democrats in congress...and a willing media...all in coordination... did to a sitting president is unbelievable.

From: 2Wild Bill
"unbelievable", is relative.

Nixon won his second term in a landslide because the public liked his involvement in reducing the administrative state, as the "deep state" was then known, and in return they fueled his demise. Hillary was an Alinsky diciple and eager to practice what she was learning while serving on the prosecution team. ?It was an unbelievable experience,? she recalled.

From: fdp
"the "deep state" was then known, and in return they fueled his demise.".....that is as a big a crack as has ever been posted on here. Nixon fueled his own demise and drove the car across the finish line.

the difference with nixon is that he actually did what he was accused of. with trump it was completely fabricated.

From: Mint
Mueller didn't get any convictions. The guy had no clue what was in his own report when testifying. It was far left Weiss that secured convictions mostly process crimes based on the false investigation. Eric Holder says on the record that John Durham is not a political investigator and has no bias. I don't expect much from the same people still wearing masks while driving alone in their cars.

From: fdp
The fact is the Durham Report was extremely underwhelming. The guy who did the report couldn't even find any grounds to suggest any type of wholesale reorganization of the department or any cause to bring any charges against any additional individuals. As was mentioned previously in reference to some other things....all that were uncovered were "process" problems. Nothing illegal, nothing criminal. So that being the case one either has to accept what was reported, consider that Durham was a buffoon, completely incompetent, and didn't know enough about what he was investigating to actually uncover any criminal activity, or, each person interpret the report way they want to, to get the result they are looking for. That's the most popular method here.

And the inference that there is something unusual about Trump being investigated by the FBI as a sitting President is completely wrong. Reagan, Clinton (who was actually investigated on 2 occasions, and who became the first sitting President to testify before the Office of Independent Council, which Trump refused to do because of his "immunity" while holding office) and George W. Bush were all investigated while in office.

Give it a break.

From: Beendare
When the Fed Agencies play politics…we all lose.

The Durham report exposed this.

Transcripts from FBI agents on the railroading of Gen Flynn is beyond reprehensible. Read those transcripts ….and put yourself in Flynns shoes…then try to claim, “Its no big deal”

Hillary runs all of her dirty dealings through a maze of law firms. If its legit….why all of that? She ran the State dept like a pay to play scheme….$30m to her foundation after signing off on the selling strategic uranium reserves to said Russian? The ignorant will claim its just a coincidence. The FBI turned a blind eye…even letting her police her own illegal server.

The Hunter lap top held under wraps for over 2 years…oh, no corruption there, eh? Whistleblowers exposing Bidens bribes…and exposing the FBI….getting slammed by the politicized Feds. Heck, one Biden whistleblower was labelled by Biden as an arms trafficker to get him off their back. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

I could go on and on…but my bet is history will show this recent crop of Dem politicians will eventually be exposed as being the most corrupt in US history.

From: fdp
Who cares about Hunter's laptop? He is not an elected official, nor is he running for political office.

If you think for a microsecond that if someone wanted to put in the effort to find it, they couldn't round up a truckload of garbage on the Trump kids as well you are living in a fantasy world.

The individual people in any one party are not any different than the individual people in any other party. There are those that are greedy and power hungry. No one party has ANY semblance of a lock on morals, ethics, and honesty regardless of how people try to represent them on here. No one party is any more victimized than the other. And to try and make a case other wise it totally, absolutely preposterous.

I’m glad fdp showed up. Now we can all rest easy that this is a big nuthin’ burger. Assure as such by the critical thinking among us.

From: fdp
"I’m glad fdp showed up. Now we can all rest easy".....yeah ya' can. Like I said, you can make whatever you want to make. You can convince yourself and all of those of like mind that all D's are evil and all R's are angelic, but that doesn't mean anybody else has to buy into that garbage.

There are as many good people on each side as there are bad people on each side. Really hard for some to accept that.

From: Lawdog
I kind of care about Hunter's laptop, particularly what it reveals about Joe Biden. Let's focus upon his ties to China, and the questions it raises. The one most obvious is whether Joe Biden has been compromised by the CCP.

As for the Trump children, they have been after Trump and his family for almost 8 years. So far, they have come up with exactly nothing. If they had that "truckload of garbage", I think they would have put it out there long ago.

The Durham Report, the Mueller Report, the IG's Report, Hunter's Laptop, 51 "intelligence" folks, 278,000 warrantless searches, suspension or deliberate ignorance of Constitutional civil rights, lying to a FISA court judge to open a politically motivated investigation against a political adversary, corrupt FBI officials, destruction of evidence (Hilliary), manufacturing of evidence (Hilliary), deliberate and coordinated propaganda on the Russian hoax, selective prosecution of criminal matters, entrapment and prosecution of political adversaries, and . . . .

Boy, that equals a pretty big deal to me. Or, are you ready to live in a police state or George Orwell's utopic world. They're already trying to alter our freedoms, adapt our thinking by changing or outlawing vocabulary, and pitting one group against another. I'm an old white guy who believes in the Constitution. So, I'm a racist, white supremist, domestic terrorist, or political adversary.

At what point do you say "enough", or will you be content to go quietly into the night? FDP, your comments make a sad epitaph.

fdp, don’t put words in my mouth. You don’t hold the slightest inclination of similar thought to my thoughts. Not one. So, there is zero chance you got any of that right.

However, I think it’d do everyone good to hear your thoughts on lawdog’s last post.

From: fdp
Well based on that train of thought you would HAVE to be equally as concerned about the connections that the Trump family had with Russia for instance (and it is documented fact) prior to their having taken political office, and the fact that his son and law (at the very least) continued to have dealings with foreign countries while serving in an appointed political role. And what type of influence did DJT being President afford the Trump boys in their business dealings?

Many comments on this thread could be said to "make a sad epitaph" if one wishes to think of them in that way.

And no......I'm not one that will go quietly into the night.....for either political party or any politician.

fdp, show is a laptop, any email implying senior took a buyoff, or anything remotely handled by trump and his family compared to the travesty the Biden family grown into. Just one example. You are a liberal nutcase if you truly believe there is one ounce of comparison between the two.

We have all kinds of incriminating evidence of all things Biden. In 7 years of EVERYONE looking, we’ve yet to find anything incriminating concerning Trump and his family.

Are you truly being serious ?

From: fdp
WV....you can't show any kind of trail implying that Biden took a buyoff/payoff either. It's just like all this other stuff. Anybody can read it, and get out of it what they want to get out of it plain and simple. And I don't recall having put any more words in your mouth than you have put or attempted to put words in my mouth or a twist on what I wrote.

From: Lawdog
Well, Frank. Now's your time to bring forth the goods. Show us the goods on Russia/Trump family, the dealings with foreign governments, and please keep it to dealing with governments (like the CCP), not doing business in a foreign country. At least 2 reports, Mueller and Durham, dispel your arguments.

The "sad epitaph" I referred to is willful ignorance of obvious corruption and deliberate devisiveness. As to your direction, you do appear to be leading with your left foot. You also seem willing to give all a pass. That makes for a pretty quiet night.

From: Rut-N-Strut
Biden is on video saying that if Ukraine doesn’t fire the guy investigating Burisma, who Hunter was working for at the time, they wouldn’t get the $1Billion Obama was supposed to give them. Maybe not a payoff but crooked as hell. Definitely a quid pro quo which they impeached Trump for. There’s also so much in the Hunter laptop implying that money went to “The Big Guy” which was backed up by Tony Bobalinski, a business partner of Hunters. The list goes on and on.

From: Beendare
Who cares about the Hunter laptop....Really. it shows he created apps 20 LLCs while he was VP to funnel funds from Other countries into his families finances. Business partners have implicated Joe.

When a president is owned by the Chinese...you don't think that matters? Wow

One example of China getting huge returns on their bribe to Joe; Biden alone released the tariffs on China- his call that is estimated as handing China Billions of dollars.

Watch what he does...not what he says. He hands China Billions. He pushes businesses offshore due to his crappy policy. He runs interference for the China spy balloon.

You may choose to believe the lies....about his dirty dealings...that the Border catastrophe is 'under control'. He has woke individuals and unqualified folks in many key positions of gov; Rachel Levine, that creepy Sam dude in charge of Nuclear stockpiles, the interior sec, Energy sec, he nominates a black man that is totally unqualified and cannot answer key questions about the FAA. Biden refuses to abide to a budget even with crippling inflation.

Its a total shit show...if you cannot see it...thats on you.

From: fdp
If you are doing business in Russia you are doing business with the government. Same with China, Venezuela as well as other places.

Tariffs have little or no affect on the country that they are put on. The cost associated with a tariff is merely passed on to the consumer. Always has been.

And nope.....I'm not willing to give anybody a pass, but I think they ALL (both sides) should be held to the same standard and expectation which is NOT the case in many of the discussions that take place on here.

From: 70lbDraw
“No one party is any more victimized than the other. And to try and make a case other wise it totally, absolutely preposterous.”

In other words, when the Democrats decide who is, and who isn’t, worthy of scrutiny, they’ll let us all know.

Fdp, do us a favor and provide a detailed rundown of how insignificant Hunters laptop really is. Do you have proof that China joe isn’t involved in anything nefarious? Please, enlighten us!

From: fdp
" Do you have proof that China joe isn’t involved in anything nefarious? Please, enlighten us!" 70lb....do you have PROOF that he is? Inquiring minds want to know so please enlighten us if you do.

"In other words, when the Democrats decide who is, and who isn’t, worthy of scrutiny, they’ll let us all know."......nope, that's exactly the kind of foolish statement I was talking about. Who do would have make the decision of who should and should not be scrutinized? Just Republicans?

From: 70lbDraw
I asked you first. I’ll wait for your answer.

Let me know when anything actually happens...

From: fdp
"I’ll wait for your answer."......I'll wait for yours as well since the tone of your statement was/is that proof of such activities does exist.

From: Glunt@work
If anyone on this thread from either side is waiting on charges and convictions before believing in corruption, they can likely go through life confident everything is fine.

How things should work isn't how things really work.

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
Beendare's embedded Photo
Who creates a maze of 20 LLC's when they are an elected official for legit purposes?

Why would the Chinese gov give a Crack addict Millions of dollars to manage their assets?

Why would a Ukrainian Gas company pay the same drug addict dropout $60k a month to be part of their organization?

Someone is a total imbecile not to see what's going on here with the purchasing of influence... And its not just that...its promoting WOKE culture....if you really want to be sickened, watch the vid from this screenshot on Twitter at this guys feed....its disgusting.

Thats on Liberal Democrats...thats not Conservatives pushing this stuff on little kids.

From: spike78
If Trump had a crackhead son receiving millions from foreign country’s, weaponizing the DOJ, and trying to sway an election these idiots on here would be up in arms but it’s Biden so that’s ok. And yes none of the candidates were qualified for their positions but since they were black, trans, or a woman they were good to go. BTW wasn’t the freaky guy fired for stealing luggage? Welcome to Biden’s government but it’s all good cuz it’s not Trump. As I’m burning through 100’s like crazy I’m thankful for no Tweets.

From: fdp
"weaponizing the DOJ" (he attempted to do that, and to a point did do that with Bill Barr), "and trying to sway an election" (and he did that was well when he organized and then participated in an event that lead to the attempt to stop the certification of a lawful election) "And yes none of the candidates were qualified for their positions" (and according to DJT the majority of his weren't qualified or capable either based on his description of them after they moved on).

So there's that.

From: Lawdog
Frank, you haven't answered the question, just deflected. Give us chapter and verse.

On one of your other arguments, there is no equality of treatment or justice. Both Mueller and Durham clearly determined inequality. Plus, it is clearly demonstrated every day in other media. Hunter Biden and Hilliary Clinton are 2 glaring examples. Compare how the issue of classified documents was handled with Trump and Biden, Roger Stone, General Flynn, and others. Often, we eventually found that the accusation was the only evidence, but these accusations were treated as evidence, repeated ad nauseam and bolstered by unnamed sources and news media. Remember Goebbels? But, you aren't giving anyone a pass. Right.

I should probably surmise at this point that this is the best you can do, but let's see if I can follow your logic on doing business in foreign countries. Biden buys oil from Venezuela and previously from Russia all the while shutting down our own oil and energy production. Biden sold a part of the US strategic oil reserve to China. Going with the tariffs, Biden allows China unfettered access to US markets. That includes buying real estate. Biden goes with the Green New Deal knowing that virtually all of the batteries and solar panels are made in China. China owns a huge amount of the mining operations used to make these products.

Gee, Trump didn't do any of that. There is nothing that indicates that Russia or China compromised or could leverage Trump. Remember, they tried to get him on the emoluments clause. Biden?? Come on, man.

From: fdp
"answered the question"....what question?

From: Lawdog
Willful ignorance will not assist you nor will I. My posts are clearly worded.

From: Treeline

Treeline's embedded Photo
Treeline's embedded Photo

From: fdp
Lawdog, I'm not trying to prove that anyone did or didn't do anything.

From: RK
Treeline. Funniest thing I've seen today and SO appropriate for these Bowsite libs! Thanks for the laugh.

Fdp thanks for upholding crawfish season

From: Beendare
Questions for you fdp.... Who creates a maze of 20 LLC's when they are an elected official for legit purposes?

Why would the Chinese gov give a Crack addict Millions of dollars to manage their assets?

Why would a Ukrainian Gas company pay the same drug addict dropout $60k a month to be part of their organization?

Then, So you agree with what the Biden Appointees stand for; Rachel Levine.....Sam Brinton, Nina Jankowitz [the Disinformation nutjob] and the many other unqualified hacks he installed in high places ?

Do you like that Biden panicked out of Afghanistan leaving Billions in arms and equipment to the Terrorists and abandoning many US folks?

Do you agree with Biden abandoning the civilian air traffic controllers brought in during the past conflicts over in Syria/Afghanistan...... then leaving them hanging and letting hostile countries prosecute them for war crimes?

Simple questions....that have nothing to do with Trump....

From: Beendare

Beendare's embedded Photo
Sam Brinton wearing the dress he lied and said he didn't steal, The Biden admin claims he is a super smart guy....
Beendare's embedded Photo
Sam Brinton wearing the dress he lied and said he didn't steal, The Biden admin claims he is a super smart guy....
In case you need a reminder of what the guy you are defending did....Appoint this whack job

Oh but he's so smart...he posts pics of himself wearing a Designer dress he says he didn't steal.....

From: RK
Fdp by tomorrow you should be able to gather your thoughts, for whatever that is worth.

I know we are all expecting a comprehensive, intelligent answer to the questions posed to you.

From: Thornton
Queers like Sam Brinton need dropped out of a helicopter in the arctic whilst wearing those very same clothes.

From: shade mt
The worst part of the whole mess is the blindness or willing ignorance of some of the American people.

Where on earth is your common sense?..WHERE?.....Look at Joe Biden and his crack head son. Are they good ,decent, moral individuals?..Do they stand for all that is decent and good?

In your blindness and willing ignorance you are willing to overlook the pathetic agenda, lack of leadership, and general immoral degrading of our nation because of your seething hatred for MAGA.

Maga stands for "make America great again"....That SHOULD be the theme of every single politician, and American citizen. Yet many including Joe Biden use the term MAGA as if it were some plague, that needs to be wiped out and avoided.

Those of us that still stand for what is good, decent and proper, that still stand for "In God we trust"...Our constitution...Our flag...Our anthem..And Freedom are still very much present in this country.

Conservative America has always been slow to act, not hasty to offence but rather build a strong defense...But make no mistake....History shows when conservative America finally has had enough and climbs off their porches, and leaves their family's and farms and goes on the offensive...somebody's gonna get their butt kicked. We have always tolerated the oddity of the liberal mind, often just smiling and looking the other way, nobody stopped you.

But what we will not do is allow it to be shoved in our face, over and over, or taught to our children corrupting them.

Regardless of what political party you affiliate with, it is time to clean house, revive America, not further corrupt it...

This report proves.....Its time to take out the trash, because its sure stinking up the country.

From: KSflatlander
Notice the irony between Thornton and shade mt posts. Or even within shade mt own post. From “throw queers out of helicopters” to “where is human decency and goodness.” So many MAGA folks just walk right by bigotry and racism while preaching the Bible and moral values. You might want to look at yourself before judging others.

If you want to MAGA, what decade do you want to go back to? When minorities and gays “knew their place” or their lack of standing in society? You MAGA folks can go backwards. The rest of us are going forward for an inclusive future. It ain’t perfect by any means but all are welcome.

From: Rut-N-Strut
Changing the subject with identity politics. That’s number one in the liberal playbook

From: KSflatlander
“Changing the subject with identity politics. That’s number one in the liberal playbook”

LMAO Rut. Do you even read threads before you post? I didn’t bring up identity politics…Beendare did. I just commented on the irony and hypocrisy of the back to back post. Apparently, identity politics is a MAGA playbook tactic as some Trumpers bring it up incessantly eating up the deflection sent to them by Fox, Newsmax, OANN, and other right wing nut propagandists.

You MAGA folks keep marginalizing and generalizing various groups of people. Stir them up and see how it goes in 2024. If Trump makes it through the primary it will be this behavior that prevents his reelection. And you Ultra-MAGA will be astounded that Trump lost and start flailing by yelling “fraud” and “rigged” again.

"So many MAGA folks just walk right by bigotry and racism while preaching the Bible and moral values. You might want to look at yourself before judging others."

"You MAGA folks can go backwards. The rest of us are going forward for an inclusive future. It ain’t perfect by any means but all are welcome."

the irony here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. bigotry, moral superiority and judgement have many different faces.

From: KSflatlander
I’ll accept the “moral superiority and judgement” label over bigotry any day. That’s fair. But we’ve had this conversation at least 2 times before, however, we all know how much you like live bulls and dead horses.

"I’ll accept the “moral superiority and judgement” label over bigotry any day."

what do you mean "over bigotry?"


obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

your disdain for anyone maga is by definition bigotry...your just so blinded by it that you cant see it...thats what makes your claim so ironic.

like i said before...as long as the live bull keeps producing bullshit...ill keep pointing it out.

From: KSflatlander
If you want to call out my bigotry with bigots…go for it. I’ve told you 4 times now I’m good with that. I didn’t call all Trump voters bigots. Never have and never will because that isn’t true. I have immediate family members that voted for Trump. Good people and love them dearly.

Circles it’s always circles with Ricky. Obtuseness is not a virtue.

From: 2Wild Bill
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." - Declaration of Independence Who among you will know what to do about this injustice? Who among you will do anything?

Is life so dear and peace so sweet as to be bought at the price of chains and slavery? - Patrick Henry

From: 2Wild Bill
I have to agree with Biden, ice cream is good food:)

From: DanaC
"your disdain for anyone maga is by definition bigotry"

MY disdain is for Trump idolators. Which is a subset of folks who want to improve this nation. Donald Trump is NOT the way, the truth and the light. You can do better.

From: RK
An old dog can learn new tricks. Congrats GG. It’s a hoot for sure

I’m headed down Wednesday to do so fishing. Excited to say the least.

"MY disdain is for Trump idolators. Which is a subset of folks who want to improve this nation. Donald Trump is NOT the way, the truth and the light. You can do better."

the problem is...you...ksflatlander...and a few others here seem to think anyone who has anything good to say about trump...or points out the proven witch hunt that was perpetrated against him...somehow idolizes him...or is a maga type. thats just patently false...its a straw man...and yes...its bigotry.

and yes...we probably could do better than trump...we can also do a hell of a lot worse...which in my opinion is what we are experiencing right now. if trump and biden end up being the nominees...its no longer about doing better than them...its about going with the better of the two...that is reality.

From: DanaC
Ricky, unfortunately 'maga type' has come to mean '100% Trump-er'. I hope the two terms move apart and not closer together.

Unfortunately none of the other GOP candidates has the talent for gutter fighting that Trump has.

From: RK

You are spot on with regard to DanaC, KS, fdp and others Being so infected with TDS it affects nearly all of their thoughts. Is entertaining though

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo
RK....you and some of these other guys crack me up!

From: Treeline
Congratulations GG!

Although I have caught small baby tarpon on the fly rod, catching one of those big ones up around 100# on a fly is definitely on the list!

From: Mike B

Mike B's embedded Photo
Mike B's embedded Photo
KSF.."You MAGA folks keep marginalizing and generalizing various groups of people. Stir them up and see how it goes in 2024. If Trump makes it through the primary it will be this behavior that prevents his reelection. And you Ultra-MAGA will be astounded that Trump lost and start flailing by yelling “fraud” and “rigged” again."


You should buy a dog and name it "Clue". At least then you'll have one.

"Ricky, unfortunately 'maga type' has come to mean '100% Trump-er"

i know a lot of pretty conservative people and i dont think i know a 100% trumper. im sure there are some...but for the most part they are a figment of your imagination. i dont even think there are any of those here,

just because you support some of what biden has done...does that make you a full blown leftist or a wokester?

From: 70lbDraw
“If you want to MAGA, what decade do you want to go back to? “

Let’s start by going back to a time when people kept their private lives to themselves. Everyone had their own thoughts, own opinions, own likes and dislikes. To not air out your dirty laundry kept you free of being judged by others.

Nowadays you can’t wipe your ass without someone labeling you as a racist because you use white toilet paper! That didn’t stem from constitutional conservatism. You bowlibs think you know what is truly in a man’s heart. And you show it by using stupid words like, racism, bigotry, haters, etc.

Even being a bowlib, there are people out there that hate your guts simply because you “kill innocent animals for entertainment”. In your heart, hunting is something completely different than just killing, but you can’t explain that to some rube that refuses to understand you, simply so he can look superior to you. Every swinging dick here knows what I’m talking about, and have experienced it at one time or another.

That’s exactly how you guys look at, and label, everyone you encounter. It makes you look extremely shallow, not to mention how counterproductive it is to an entire society of people.

The saddest part of it all is, in the 20+ years I’ve been on this site, we’ve always had differences and disagreements. But they have never been separated by the size of wedge that left brained politics is currently driving between us.

Danac justifies his ‘hate’ for trumpers, by painting them all with a broad brush.

Fdp justifies his hate by labeling others as ‘haters’, yet he cant fight his way out of a wet paper bag when someone challenges his position.

So when it come common sense and integrity, you fellas are FAR from being the morals authorities!!!! Lol!

Kinda makes you wonder if isn’t being done by design…hmmm?

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo
"Fdp justifies his hate by labeling others as ‘haters’, yet he cant fight his way out of a wet paper bag when someone challenges his position."

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo

From: 70lbDraw
Fdp…thank you for proving my point!

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo
"Fdp…thank you for proving my point!"

From: 4nolz@work
GreyGhost congrats Ive dont that a few times May is on fire for tarpon especially near Boca Grande Pass on the flood moon.

Us bitches would have read 25 responses from you if you were in town so the high road isnt where you are postijng from :)

From: bigeasygator
Let’s start by going back to a time when people kept their private lives to themselves. Everyone had their own thoughts, own opinions, own likes and dislikes. To not air out your dirty laundry kept you free of being judged by others.

So we're going back to...never?

That’s exactly how you guys look at, and label, everyone you encounter. It makes you look extremely shallow, not to mention how counterproductive it is to an entire society of people.

And I'm sure "bowlib" is meant as a term of endearment lol

"I am 100% MAGA and 100% pro President Trump and 100% proud of that."

really? so how can you be so against the covid vax and be 100% pro trump? wasnt he instrumental in developing it and didnt he encourage everyone to take it? how about putting fauci in charge? how about banning bump stocks? how about his support of israel? how about all the jews in his administration?

you dont know what the hell you are...you just jump from one conspiracy theory to another.

From: DanaC
"I am 100% MAGA and 100% pro President Trump and 100% proud of that."

Az, if nothing else, I'll vote for the anti-Trump just to cancel *your* vote. Who are you supporting in the primary? Don't want to miss out...

From: Beendare
I simply pointed out that Liberal Dems OWN the current Mess. ...and of course the Dems here chose to ignore every single issue;

Crime off the charts Illegal immigration that is going to be a huge suck on the US for decades Spending like Drunken sailors- driving up Inflation- all to pander to special interests The Dem policy creating the "I'm Entitled" mentality instead of Merit based which is how we get the current Energy Sec, Interior sec, Asst HHS sec, Sam Brinton- etc....they are dumbing down the system to hit a quota.

Does Tim Cook- qualified to run Apple- walk around in leather with other men muzzled on leashes? No, qualified people don't do that.

The Dems here deflect and deny. Instead of addressing their own disaster of a corrupt party they cherry pick on Trump- or the extreme right like above.......while totally ignoring failed policy after failed policy. They will never admit that they are so brainwashed against Trump...they literally can't see anything else.

I'm no Trump fan...but its easy to see he was railroaded and his Civil rights were trampled on. I could care less how Sam Brinton lives his life...but to appoint that clown show kleptomaniac to an important gov position is criminal. Same goes for the gov officials pushing dangerous Gender changing drugs on surgeries on young children- that is liberal arrogance at its worst. If an adult want to transition- who cares...as long as it doesn't affect the rest of us.

The Durham report exposes this current Liberal Democrat Corruption....if some can't see this...its on them.

" I could care less how Sam Brinton lives his life...but to appoint that clown show kleptomaniac to an important gov position is criminal. Same goes for the gov officials pushing dangerous Gender changing drugs on surgeries on young children-"

youre assuming biden even knew who he was appointing...i dont think thats the case. his people tell him who to appoint based on which box needs to be checked.

From: smarba
Well said Beendare.

From: fdp

fdp's embedded Photo
fdp's embedded Photo

From: bigeasygator
Oh wow…did az finally get the axe??

From: Glunt@work
If you hate Trump or the people making Biden's decisions , worst case is they are gone in 4 years. The rot in our system will take decades to fix....and that's only if we start.

From: shade mt
Somebody asked..."how far back do you want to go"....well good grief i'd at least like to go back far enough that people knew which bathroom they should use.

sorry Ksflatlander ......our current confusion is far from "moving forward"

The “Moving Forward” mentality is arrogance expressed by lost souls. Human nature never has nor ever will change.

We aren’t moving forward. We are just becoming more convinced as a society that self centered, enlightened people have it all figured out. Which is as far from reality as you can get.

People aren’t content with opportunities. Most want special consideration. Whether it be for their sexual choice or their middle finger is crooked. Why, because that’s what people have always fought for.

The difference in our society currently is it’s considered a weakness to expect normal behavior. Thats become taboo. Instead, we celebrate every oddity as a great thing. And condemn anyone who questions these celebrations.

That’s evil. Not enlightening.

From: 70lbDraw
“That’s evil. Not enlightening.”

It’s a mental disorder. We all them, just some worse than others!

"Somebody asked..."how far back do you want to go"....well good grief i'd at least like to go back far enough that people knew which bathroom they should use."

...and when patriotism was thing...capitalism was good and socialism was bad...our founding fathers were admired...america was a force for good...men didnt menstruate...mothers werent birthing people and babies were breastfed...not chestfed

From: 2Wild Bill
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as in with God, because what we witness in America today is without God.

Denying God is to deny the source of your American rights. In America you have been tolerated, and now having the reins of political power, your oath is worthless, a mockery of truth and destructive to goodness.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

From: Shinkers
"Be it enacted by General Assembly that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief, but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of Religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities." - Thomas Jefferson

From: shade mt
wvmountaineer...and ricky the cable guy...good post.

and we should add accountability to that. Nobody likes being told they are wrong.

rather than accept the truth, or reprimand for something wrong, they rebel, scream hate crime etc....homosexuality and transgender confusion is not a "choice"...its a sin.

as well as lying by gov't officials, slander etc....

From: 2Wild Bill
Shinkers, In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson told the world that Americans derive their rights from their Creator and not mankind or government.

What I said in my previous post is that without the Creator people have no true power to govern themselves or others. John Adams recognized that also. The conventional notion of free will without God is flawed and proven in society today. Self righteous people put self first, always for a personal goal.

" reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington

From: Knifeman

Knifeman's Link
The new democrat party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrevMWGTsBg

back to the durham report...

"This report does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability in how counterintelligence activities are carried out. Rather, it is intended to accurately describe the matters that fell under our review and to assist the Attorney General in determining how the Department and the FBI can do a better, more credible job in fulfilling its responsibilities, and in analyzing and responding to politically charged allegations in the future. Ultimately, of course, meeting those responsibilities comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines and policies currently in place, guidelines that date from the time of Attorney General Levi and that are designed to ensure the rule of law is upheld. As such, the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old. The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI's guiding principles of "Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity" are notengrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI' s mission of "Protect[ing] the American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States."

reminds me of those who argue for more gun control...what good are new gun laws when the old ones are sufficient...if they are actually followed?

From: 2Wild Bill
"Ultimately, of course, meeting those responsibilities comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath"

" “Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths”? - George Washington, from his farewell address

From: Beendare
Durham exposed the FBI…and they admitted it…..FBI says, “ oh, we fixed it” Yeah right.

Currently the FBI is refusing to turn over documents and evidence to the Congressional oversight committee. WTF? The Democrats are the new Fascists- doing as they please in a totally corrupt government.

Do you liberal Dems realize how badly the Biden admin has mismanaged foreign policy? H He is trying to get us in a war with Russia.

The Biden admin OK’d using US missiles to shell Crimea…they provided US humvees to invade Russia, etc, etc. Biden is poking at Russia as a last gasp to draw attention away from the Dems disastrous policy.

All while arrogant Democrats deflect, deny and ignore what their party has become.


From: Will
I'd like to apologize for my fascist behavior. As someone who leans left, I'm sorry I'm ok with books being read, privacy being had, experts helping form decisions, freedoms being expanded to INCLUDE others vs exclude them, teachers being allowed to teach facts - even if they challenge "our" perceptions/past beliefs, the environment being protected for all of us, democratic norms being good, autocrats/demagogues being bad, The USA being great, separation of religion and state, using government to provide guard rails for capitalism (how it's historically worked best for all), I could go on but Ill stop there.

Because again, as a person who leans left, those sorts of things which pretty much sum up a bunch of issues a lot of folks in liberal land think are good to have in mind appear deeply fascist when I reflect on them. Ill consult at the next Meeting of Liberals Anonymous to see if we could change it up.

Perhaps, with the excellent laws and strategies being used in many conservative states to mandate behavior by law and stuff, I could see the light, and recognize how affirming that a law allows all to be free, vs making new fun laws to take freedom away, if fascist.

That may be the snottiest, and most obnoxious thing Ive ever posted on bowsite - which is like a near 20 year history at this point including a bunch on the old CF... So... That's probably going to rub the wrong way. Apologies. Probably should have just deleted it. But, well... Liberals, by literal definition and modern actions, are not fascists. So there is that.

From: 2Wild Bill

"mandate behavior by law and stuff" - such as the masks and shots?

"making new fun laws to take freedom away" - such as religious liberties, firearm ownership and freedom of speach by advising social media on what should not be said?

From: fdp
"such as the masks and shots?".....who had a LAW that required the wearing of masks? Not a mandate, but a LAW? ""making new fun laws to take freedom away"....such as removing the right for parents to raise their children as they choose, whether you or I like it or not, etc.

From: 2Wild Bill
Frank, You overlooked the "stuff". What's your point, are you saying the left did not do those things? Here in Connecticut the legislature was somewhat suspended as the Governor exercised his 'emergency" powers for the plandemic. And in fact Connecticut did overule parents religious rights to keep their children from taking the shot, by way of LAW and not just the king/governor ruling with "emergency" powers.

Also, did you not hear about the White House wanting private social media to censor matters according to their say so?

From: fdp
So what about the states where the right is banning or censoring books, interfering with individual rights, working to affect the statewide voting landscape, the gut who tried to use executive power to manipulate the outcome of a lawful election? Are you trying to say those things are less dangerous to the individual rights of the citizens of this country ?

From: Lawdog
Frank, One by one. The "right" as you term it is banning pornographic and sexually oriented books from our grade schools. Is that bad? What individual rights are you referring to and what is the interference? Working to "affect" the statewide voting landscape? As in making it more accessible to all registered voters, mail in or early voting? How is that a bad thing as long as the vote and voter are indentified and verified? Using executive power to manipulate the outcome of a lawful election? Are you referring to Hunter's laptop again or Obama's use of the FBI against Trump as detailed in the Durham Report (hint-the FBI is part of the executive branch of government)? Add some substance rather than just repeating platitudes, please.

"I'm sorry I'm ok with books being read"

unless those books are dr seuss...harry potter...animal farm...to kill a mockingbird...the adventures of huckleberry finn...the bible...i could go on but ill stop there.

"privacy being had,"

unless you are a republican running for president...a social media platform mining personal data...the irs leaking tax returns of political opponents...i could go on but ill stop there.

"experts helping form decisions,"

like the ones that said masks were ineffective...long term school closings were a very bad idea...business shutdowns were ineffective...natural immunity didnt matter...covid may have started in a lab...i could go on but ill stop there.

"freedoms being expanded to INCLUDE others vs exclude them,"

like not allowing conservative speakers on college campuses...or shouting them down and engaging in violence in order to stop them...like attempting to cancel anyone they dont agree with...like not allowing any christian groups in schools...like black only graduation ceremonies...black only housing...school choice...i could go on but ill stop there.

"teachers being allowed to teach facts - even if they challenge "our" perceptions/past beliefs"

like critical race theory...sexualization of elementary school children...math is racist...america was founded on racism...i could go on but ill stop there.

"the environment being protected for all of us,"

like suggesting that electric cars are any better for the environment than gas powered cars...like relying on foreign sources of oil rather than utilizing our own vast resources...like putting a higher intrinsic value on animals than we do humans...i could go on but ill stop there.

"democratic norms being good,"

like adhering to the rule of law by spying on presidential candidates and launching a years long investigation based on fabricated evidence in order to hobble and ultimately remove a sitting president...like the notion that all women must be believed and that people are guilty until they prove their innocence...like ever expanding federal government/power...like attempting to silencing political opposition...i could go on but ill stop there.

"autocrats/demagogues being bad"

like barack obama...joe biden...aoc...cori bush...al sharpton...ibram x kendi...bernie sanders...i could go on but ill stop there.

"The USA being great,"

like insisting the america has "never been great"...like teaching that america is inherently racist/misogynist/homophobic...like demonizing our founders and trashing our founding documents and principle...i could go on by ill stop there.

"separation of religion and state,"

like telling private entities what cakes they must bake...health benefits they must offer...health measures they must take regardless of their personal religious beliefs.

"using government to provide guard rails for capitalism (how it's historically worked best for all)"

like imposing onerous redundant regulations that ultimately hinder the poorest among us the most...like demonizing profit (unless the profit is going to one of the preferred classes)...like thinking you can excessively tax corporations and businesses without those costs being transferred to the customer...again affecting the poorest among us the most. denying that capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system...i could go on but ill stop there.

From: Bowbender
"such as the masks and shots?".....who had a LAW that required the wearing of masks? Not a mandate, but a LAW? ""making new fun laws to take freedom away"

Smartest guy in the room doesn't know that mandates carry full weight of law. So in essence a mandate IS law. The only difference is how it came to be. That's how it is in PA and other states I have checked.

From: fdp
"The "right" as you term it "...I use this term to distinguish this group from the group commonly referred to her as "leftist", libtard", "bowlibs", etc. "banning pornographic and sexually oriented books from our grade schools. " let's see where the bans stop.

"What individual rights are you referring to and what is the interference?"...the rights of individuals to live their lives as they choose (the LGBT community would be the easiest group for folks here to identify with), whether I do or don't disagree with the decisions that they make. 'As in making it more accessible to all registered voters, mail in or early voting? How is that a bad thing as long as the vote and voter are indentified and verified?".....increased accessibility and security no, however attempts to manipulate particular districts in a state (such as has been introduced in Texas affecting the city of Houston) is not a good thing.

"Using executive power to manipulate the outcome of a lawful election? Are you referring to Hunter's laptop again or Obama's use of the FBI against Trump as detailed in the Durham Report (hint-the FBI is part of the executive branch of government)?"...if it turns out to be proven that these things are/were actual event that took place then thos certainly would need to be handled legally. However, so should the case of the guy who stated for months prior to the election that he may or may not concede peacefully should he lose, that stated numerous times that the VP had the Constitutional power to overturn the results of the election, and that encouraged individuals to march on the capital to challenge the results of the election.

"mandates carry full weight of law." in some cases that's true, but a mandate is not a law.

"Smartest guy in the room".....nope...never said I was. There's LOOOOOOTTTSSS of people here that are smarter, and especially more clear thinking, moral and religiously centered than me. They tell folks that all the time.

Have fun fella's.

From: Bowbender
"mandates carry full weight of law." in some cases that's true, but a mandate is not a law."

Well I haven't found a state where it wasn't true. But since it carries full weight it IS law and is enforceable by LE. The only diff is in how it comes into a effect. Law=legislature. Mandate=EO. You know that. We know that you know that. Being coy is NOT a virtue. Now back to your regularly scheduled side step...

From: Lawdog
Frank, your wrote:

However, so should the case of the guy who stated for months prior to the election that he may or may not concede peacefully should he lose, that stated numerous times that the VP had the Constitutional power to overturn the results of the election, and that encouraged individuals to march on the capital to challenge the results of the election.

I assume that you're referring to January 6th. First, the VP does have that constitutional power, but only as a tie breaker. Trump did not encourage folks to march on the Capital. If you're getting your information from the Jan6 Committee, you're being seriously mislead. That whole affair was a farce. There is still a lot contradictory information coming to light.

"the rights of individuals to live their lives as they choose" I don't have an issue with that. If you want to identify as a beetle bug, I don't care-carry on. But not at the expense of other folks civil liberties. That is where it's going and the rhetoric from the left about it all is divisive. If you disagree, you're a "phobe" of some sort or a racist.

"attempts to manipulate particular districts in a state (such as has been introduced in Texas affecting the city of Houston) is not a good thing." Gerrymandering has never been legal and has been carried out or attempted by Dems and Repubs alike for a long time. But that goes far beyond your original comment. I think we agree on my basic premise.

"banning pornographic and sexually oriented books from our grade schools. " let's see where the bans stop." I do not understand your comment. Keeping this content out of grade school libraries should not even be controversial. Woke advocates want to ban non-woke books or other works, add explicit woke books, or change or edit others. The kids have every right to just be kids, but what is happening now is well beyond providing an education. The kids are not state property to be manipulated and indoctrinated by either the government or woke advocates. Exclusive of abuse, neglect, or abandonment, parents are in charge.

"...if it turns out to be proven that these things are/were actual event that took place then thos certainly would need to be handled legally."

if? is that really even a question?

From: Will
WB - what religious freedom has been legally removed from American life? At last count, zero.

If someone wants to be super religious in whatever format, they can do it. They just are not allowed to do it as a representative of or legal part of the government (that's said poorly but hopefully the idea makes sense).

If the population is gradually moving away from some religious beliefs or something, that's not a factor legally; it's just a cultural phenomenon.

Back on track though with this whole thread. End point for me about Durhams report, is that it was basically just a rehash of stuff the justice dept noted 2 years ago and really tells us nothing new.

From: Lawdog
Will wrote:

"Back on track though with this whole thread. End point for me about Durhams report, is that it was basically just a rehash of stuff the justice dept noted 2 years ago and really tells us nothing new."

I don't necessarily disagree, but despite multiple independent reports and investigations that bolster and verify one another, the media and others in the government and left continue to chant otherwise. For example, The Washington Post, Peter Strzok and other FBI officials, Adam Schiff, and "mainstream" media continue to try to validate their actions and reporting that the hoax was real and their actions justified.

So, although it may not be much new, these reports continue to validate those that said it was a hoax in the first place and manufactured largely by the FBI. And, it points to gross governmental abuses and overreach that cannot be allowed to continue. Someone posted a cartoon that seems to sum it up. "We've investigated ourselves, and we've done nothing wrong".

This should concern everyone. Ironically, while the Twitter reporter was testifying in front of the committee on the weaponiztion of the federal government, the IRS just happens to show up at his house. No one is immune from this overreach and abuse.

So, although this seems like a rehash, IMO it's important to take note of it and use it to promote or demand a change.

From: 70lbDraw

70lbDraw's Link
The first paragraph from the attached article:

“It is clear from the Durham report and the work of House Republican hearings that the current scandals in the Biden White House — and senior bureaucracies at the Justice Department, IRS and elsewhere — are much deeper and more cancerous than Watergate ever was.”

The question is, will anyone actually do anything about it? Guaranteed the left wing voters will continue to turn a blind eye as long as it benefits them.

From: Beendare
Nice cherry pick Will...all high and mighty ignoring the facts.

So you are for young children taking transitioning drugs without their parents consent?

So you are OK with Massive illegal immigration with zero control? And along with that enough Fentanyl to kill 1/2 our country

You are OK with the IRS being used as a weapon against Taibbi who testified to Congress and telling the truth on Twitter [Twitter files] exposing Gov corruption So what does the Fascist Biden admin do? Open an IRS investigation and SEND IRS AGENTS TO HIS HOME to intimidate him?

Then add the Dem policy controlling the deterioration of our cities with No Cash Bail, Easy on crime, Homeless crisis going ballistic [SF just pays they $960 to live on the streets]

So many of these cities under Dem Rule- your pipes- for 1/2 a century....do you think things are THE RAINBOWS AND BUTTERFLIES OF YOUR LAST POST?

This is the current Dem party doing this....your chosen ones.

My apologies for pointing out the inconvenient facts you totally ignore about your current ideology.

From: 70lbDraw

70lbDraw's Link
“And along with that enough Fentanyl to kill 1/2 our country”

Here’s another inconvenient article. Democrats don’t want to ban fentanyl, because drug crimes tend to target black and brown people only. So by their logic it doesn’t matter how many people die from it as long as black and brown people don’t suffer the same consequences as the rest of us!

Can anyone here please explain this in a way that justifies the liberal logic?

From: bigeasygator
I reread Will’s post, Beendare. He said none of those things.

From: 2Wild Bill
Will, WB - what religious freedom has been legally removed from American life? At last count, zero.

Wrong Will, here's one on the books in Connecticut, which is still part of America.

CSDE Guidance Regarding Public Act 21-6, “An Act Concerning Immunizations” May 25, 2021 On April 28, 2021, Governor Lamont signed into law Public Act 21-6, “An Act Concerning Immunizations,” which updates Connecticut’s immunization requirements for students attending preK-12 schools, day care programs, and institutions of higher education by removing exemptions that are not medical. School districts and families understandably have numerous questions regarding the implementation of this new law, particularly with respect to the provision allowing students, in certain limited circumstances, to continue to assert a religious exemption from statutory immunization requirements. This document is intended to address questions that school districts and families have regarding the implementation of this new law. Overview Q1: What does this new law do? A1: In very general terms, this law broadens the scope of students required to comply with statutory immunization requirements, in order to keep students, school staff and families safe. By way of background, Connecticut law requires that school-age children receive certain mandatory vaccinations prior to enrolling in school. The law previously contained an exemption from this requirement for students who, through a parent or guardian, determined that the immunizations were contrary to the religious beliefs of the parents/guardian or the child. The new law removes this exemption, effective April 28, 2021, with limited exceptions as provided below. No new religious exemptions submitted after this date will be considered valid.


"WB - what religious freedom has been legally removed from American life? At last count, zero."

its not like they havent tried...and tried...and tried.

just a few of the most recent high profile cases...

burwell v. hobby lobby

masterpiece cakeshop v. colorado civil rights commission

kennedy v. bremerton school district

Liberal thought is a disease. You can diagnosis it in this thread. To heck with protection of children. To heck with everything that doesn’t stink of the “forward mentality”. It’s all good. If reading perverted tales to children influences them to be baby raping molesters, it’s ok. Because good thoughts and progressive values are more important. What a frigging idiotic thing to say. We should all agree. Right?……

From: bigeasygator
To heck with protection of children. To heck with everything that doesn’t stink of the “forward mentality”. It’s all good. If reading perverted tales to children influences them to be baby raping molesters, it’s ok. Because good thoughts and progressive values are more important.

And literally zero people on this thread have said any of that.

From: KSflatlander
I have a religious objection to paying taxes. Maybe I can get a religious exemption for that.

Don’t want the vaccine then go to a private school that doesn’t require it. There’s a choice. Nobody taking anyone’s freedom of religion or freedom from religion.

From: 70lbDraw
“And literally zero people on this thread have said any of that.”

Most people on this thread don’t need to point out the obvious. The question is why don’t some of you even decry the harmful side effects of all that you hold sacred? You really seem as thought children aren’t very important when you can’t even support defending them.

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
It looks like Connecticut has other vaccine requirements. I didn’t hear WildBill objecting to those pre-2021. Wonder why?

"Don’t want the vaccine then go to a private school that doesn’t require it."

what happened to my body my choice? isnt that the liberal mantra?

From: KSflatlander
Sure is. You have a choice. Go to a private school.

"Sure is. You have a choice. Go to a private school."

so if a woman wants an abortion...she might have to go to another state...or if a person wants to marry somone of the same sex...they might have to move to a state that allows that...if a black person wants to eat at a lunch counter...they'll just have to go to one that allows blacks....gotcha.

From: KSflatlander
I haven’t seen so many strawmen as much as Ricky pulls together and I live I Kansas. WildBill brought weak example about schools and vaccines. I responded.

Obviously your example is ridiculously obtuse (again) regarding protected classes. The rest…that’s how it is today based on SCOTUS rulings. Excluding gay marriage.

MAGA is not a protected class Ricky…stop playing the victim.

No!!!!! The rules ebb and flow as long as it suits liberals. Hard stances and values are only meant for the educated. The rest just needs to fall in line.

BEG, you literally have said it on multiple threads. Along with others. Own it. Don’t deflect.

From: KSflatlander
It’s funny how discriminators whine and cry when they perceive they are being discriminated against. I’m talking specifically about Ricky, WV, and WildBill. I guess it doesn’t feel so good to walk in other’s shoes.

I can take it. You can too setting in front of your computer. Post up some more homophobic memes for us to read. It’ll hold us over while BEG is Google searching his next reply.

From: bigeasygator
BEG, you literally have said it on multiple threads. Along with others. Own it. Don’t deflect.

Point to one example of me saying anything close to what you just claimed I said. You won’t cause you can’t. For someone that LOVES to flaunt the Bible so much, it’s quite shocking that you’re so willing to lie and bear false witness.

Bowsite search doesn’t work. But, you aren’t getting off that easy. You’ve said it and everyone on this thread read it. You posted 67 times in one thread defending it. Don’t be a spineless mouthpiece your whole life. Own it.

From: bigeasygator
If I posted 67 times on a thread it should be easy to find one example where I said “to heck with protecting children” or “reading perverted tales to children influences them to be baby raping molesters, it’s ok.” You’re not getting off that easy. Show me where I said any of those things.

From: Will
I had a big long thread noting all the good things my mental illness (leaning liberal) has and still does for the nation, including the original liberals of their time - the founders... But I deleted it. Instead, In good faith I ask, as no one has been able to answer this for me very well... What does "Great Again" represent in Make America Great Again?

I hear "Again" and I think "when"? What made it great then? Why is that truly better than now? Is that pre WW2, post WW2, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 1830's? What does it mean, and why is it better?

See, America IS great to me. Literally. Sure, we have issues that need work and improvement - as does every person and institution, nothing is perfect. But overall, This country is absolutely frigging amazing! Such a wild array of environments and cultures. Amazing learning institutions. Amazing people - who for the most part will go out of their way to help others. Amazing artists and craftsmen. Great cities and small towns. historically speaking, great congruency between states allows us to travel around and see/visit our neighbors. And a government that is amazing.

I could go on - this place is awesome. It has issues, and that's normal, so it's just something that will gradually change over time. When and what does "Great Again" mean to you. Help me understand better. Change my mind. Elevator pitch me. Get me to vote Trump/DeSantis or whoever.

From: KSflatlander
Will- you forgot the “who.” Great again for who?

From: 2Wild Bill
I'm sorry KS I didn't post the whole law because the issue was answered when it stated that there would no longer be an exemption for religious reasons. So once again here is the law as answered in question 5.

Q5: Does the removal of religious exemptions apply to both public and private schools? A5: Yes

The law applies to private as well as public school. The nickname for our governor is "King Ned".



"Help me understand better. Change my mind. Elevator pitch me. Get me to vote Trump/DeSantis or whoever."

You lack sincerity to be believed as redeemable, that's just how you fascists are.

From: KSflatlander
Then choose home schooling.

Will- I think WildBill is projecting again

From: bigeasygator
You lack sincerity to be believed as redeemable, that's just how you fascists are.

Will has always been one of the most thoughtful and sincere posters on here. Pretty petty post, WildBill.

And WV, still waiting.

From: bigeasygator

"Obviously your example is ridiculously obtuse (again) regarding protected classes. The rest…that’s how it is today based on SCOTUS rulings. Excluding gay marriage.

MAGA is not a protected class Ricky…stop playing the victim."

i know thats the way it is for the things I mentioned...im just glad to know youre ok with it. when it comes to gay marriage...im glad you would be ok with having to go to a different state in order to get married...same with blacks eating at a lunch counter. that was my point. you seem to be a-ok with someone elses ox being gored...as long as its not yours. thats the way the left often operates.

whos playing a victim? im no victim of anything...im just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

who said anything about maga being a protected class? maga is obviouslythe boogeyman you see behind every tree. i bet when you lay bed at night you make sure your hands and feet dont hang over the edge...so the magaman hiding under your bed cant grab you.

talk about straw men...

From: shade mt
Lets face it, a large segment of our society has just simply lost all ability to reason with a sound mind. Can happen to anyone i suppose, how? one step at a time. "all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient" In this country you are free to choose, but not all things are good for us or society as a whole.

I'm simply amazed how such a well educated society..CAN BE SO BLOOMING DUMB!!

willing ignorance, and blind to the truth.

I'm thankful i was taught right from wrong, didn't always do it, but i've come to realize following the right path isn't always the easiest, not always the most attractive, but always the best. Following the wrong path never works out for the best, and usually has consequences...We are reaping those consequences, or will in the future by a continual degrading of our society.

Ponder the path of your feet..your choice...your life. You can fight and bicker politics all you want. But as you follow these men, just Be sure they are heading in the right direction, and not further into a mess. Unless you have become reprobate in your mind, the right way isn't that hard to distinguish.

From: Rut-N-Strut
A guy just got sentenced to four years in prison for putting his feet up on Pelosis desk. On the other side, BLM protestors are going to be awarded over $80 million for in settlement cases due to “injury’s” from police trying to stop them from burning down our cities. Sounds like we’re heading in the right direction.

"Lets face it, a large segment of our society has just simply lost all ability to reason with a sound mind. Can happen to anyone i suppose, how? one step at a time. "all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient" In this country you are free to choose, but not all things are good for us or society as a whole. I'm simply amazed how such a well educated society..CAN BE SO BLOOMING DUMB!!"

should that really come as much of a surprise? highly educated...but in what? what we are seeing is the result of a couple generations of young people who have been indoctrinated by activists instead of being taught by teachers. the product of these activists are now the new teachers...lawyers...doctors...and business people. activists like the one behind the bud light marketing fiasco arent born that way...

BEG, Maybe you and the queer basher could put your resources together and Google it up. You are the Google master.

You, Will, and the queer basher defended drag Queen men reading sexually provocative books to children. You know it. Stop lying. It makes you look like an even bigger POS then everyone already knows you are.

From: Knifeman

Knifeman's Link

From: bigeasygator
You, Will, and the queer basher defended drag Queen men reading sexually provocative books to children. You know it. Stop lying

Never once have I said that. Never once. I said I have no problem with Drag Queen story time: where they are most certainly NOT reading sexually provocative books, and there is NO DATA backing up your assertion that any of this leads to children later becoming “baby raping molesters.” If any of what you claimed were actually happening, that would not be okay; but there is no evidence to support that claim, something I tend to rely on when forming my opinions. It’s clear your opinion is formed of ignorance and hate and not of any actual facts: you self-admitted you don’t research everything you post on so not surprising there.

Furthermore, I think exposing kids to people and cultures that are different from them and learning from other’s life experiences and perspectives in an age appropriate context will better serve and protect our children down the line than sheltering them because you have fears that are not supported by the facts of the matter.

So again, WV, you simply lied when you claimed I said what I said. You are a microcosm of what is wrong in this country - you are a self-righteous know-it-all who stands on their religion but spews hate and intolerance, who makes no effort to actually listen to others, ignores facts, and forgoes reason and logic for slander and defamation when it comes to debate.

Yes. Yes you did. No. No I didn’t. You know it. Own it.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
"Furthermore, I think exposing kids to people and cultures that are different from them and learning from other’s life experiences and perspectives in an age appropriate context will better serve and protect our children down the line than sheltering them because you have fears that are not supported by the facts of the matter."

apparently "its not gonna lick itself" is referring to the ice cream that will be served after the show.

and apparently...this is teaching kids good savings habits but tucking dollar bills away.

age appropriate?

From: bigeasygator
apparently "it aint gonna lick itself" is referring to the ice cream that will be served after the show.

Seeing how this particular event took place in a gay owned ice cream shop, pretty much. To me this is about as sexually explicit as naming a restaurant “Hooters” - so about a 2 out of 10 on a scale of sexual explicitness.

age appropriate?

In terms of exposing them to the sign, in cases where a kid might be too young to understand, the double entendre should be easily explained away by anyone with even the tiniest of parenting skills. If a kid is old enough to understand the double entendre, then it’s probably age appropriate and any further discussions related to reproduction, sexuality, etc are also appropriate.

And in certain scenarios, it probably is age inappropriate. Exposing kids to content that isn’t age appropriate isn’t unique to one side of the sexual spectrum, and should be taken seriously by all.

Also, this was a private event at a private institution whereby parents chose to bring their children to the event. Again, no different than parents choosing to take their children to a restaurant called “Hooters” with half dressed women serving up beer and wings. I have no problem with either.

Unless I missed the headline where all the baby rapers molested a bunch of these kids during the event? Did I miss that?

From: bowhunt

I can’t believe someone would think it’s appropriate to have very young children stuff dollar bills in the bikini of a man acting like a female stripper.

The adults looking on in glee taking photos have serious mental issues

From: RK
BEG. you don't have children, do you?

you are certainly welcome to your opinion...we dont have to agree. if you think either of those situations is age appropriate...knock yourself out.

yep...parents brought them there...that just shows the overall degradation of our society. would your parents have taken you there? would you take your kids there? would you allow your kids to tuck money into some strangers underwear?

mrs. doubtfire is appropriate for that age...not this garbage.

regarding hooters...last time i knew even they dont allow anyone to tuck bills into the waitresses shorts...especially children.

as to the "performer" in the bottom picture... forget about what the parents allow...what kind of pervert would even want children doing that to them?

thats sick.

From: spike78
Oath Keepers founder just got sentenced to 18 years. That’s more years than some murderers, rapists, and child molesters.

From: Will
Ok. This is fun. I'm confused, I'm both called a queer basher and told I like to teach kids about drag when I didn't talk about either thing.

WB, I appreciate the kind words. We have had several conversations on the CT page in the past; you know where I stand, and I know where you stand. The statement that my comment was not in good faith, is factually wrong. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, that you truly didn't believe me. Apologies. Help me out.

What does "Great Again" mean?

When (time period) does it infer? What qualities of that time make it admirable to go back to? Why does that time suggest better things for all?

For example, if we say the early 50's, I'd say ok, I see some good things, like a massively higher corporate tax rate and less income inequality leading to both massively helpful infrastructure development and some of the best middle-class growth in our history - not to mention continued business development... Oh, and Brown v Board of Ed which was fantastic, happened too, so that's cool. Maybe it's the 70s, and the EPA was created leading to absolutely massive changes in the health of our environment, as a hunter and fisherman, and a person interested in health, I give full cheers too. That was great!

But I have no clue what "Great Again" means in the context it's used as a slogan, given while good things happened, so did bad. I mean, are we talking about the Jim Crow era where Hitler sent people to the US to study how to segregate based on policies that were going on HERE? That ugly nastiness actually happened... So no, I don't want to go back to that time frame.

So, you can say I'm a horrible mentally deranged person. But I'm frigging trying to hear "your" case. It's absolutely true that I may disagree with the answer. it's quite likely that I will not vote differently. But at least Ill have learned something and been able to understand a bit more where other people are coming from.

So, one more time. I dont want policy etc. That's easy to find. I want to understand the "movements" "slogan". Explain "Great Again" to me.

From: bigeasygator
Hard to say anything based off one picture with zero context, but on the face of it, the bottom picture doesn’t look age appropriate to me, either, Ricky. Again, instances of exposing children to content that is not age appropriate is wrong, regardless of the sexual orientation of that content.

And you’ll be happy to learn that Drag Time story hour is more Mrs. Doubtfire than anything close to that second picture you posted. So do you have a problem with someone looking like Mrs. Doubtfire reading a Maya Angelou book and singing songs from Frozen?

From: bowhunt
You don’t need any context to know that a VERY young child stuffing dollars into the front of a guys bikini dressed as a women is wrong.

That is perverted and the guy should be arrested. He is enjoying having children stuff money into his bikini around his “private” areas.

Always very wrong in any context. Should be illegal, if it is not already.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"And you’ll be happy to learn that Drag Time story hour is more Mrs. Doubtfire than anything close to that second picture you posted. So do you have a problem with someone looking like Mrs. Doubtfire reading a Maya Angelou book and singing songs from Frozen?"

based on their own definition of what it is and what it is designed to do...yes i have a problem with it. they have a clear agenda. in my opinion, that agenda is not something our prepubescent children should be subjected to.

"What is Drag Story Hour? It's just what it sounds like! Storytellers using the art of drag to read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models."

From: 2Wild Bill

"So, one more time. I dont want policy etc. That's easy to find. I want to understand the "movements" "slogan". Explain "Great Again" to me."

If you have objections to the easy to find stuff, you'll never get the matter. Like I said,"You lack sincerity to be believed as redeemable". I think you just want posts you can hammer on with objections. We never discussed politics on the CT forum. You were belligerent there as you are here.

From: bigeasygator
DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models."

And I have no problem with their agenda or their approach. Nothing wrong with queer storytellers teaching kids not everyone is the same, to preach tolerance of those that are different, and for those that are different, that’s it’s ok being and feeling that way.

Question though…is the next paragraph where they discuss their plans to sexualize kids and molest babies? Cause I don’t see that above…

From: KsRancher
Since we are so far from original thread here, i just as well join in. I would agree with has been mentioned. A person doesn't need to know the context of either of those pics to know that it shouldn't be happening.

Back farther up on this thread I remember people saying that sexual subjects should not be taught in school. I think of myself as a fairly conservative guy. And when I hear about parents saying that sexual education, safe sex and safe touching types of talks shouldn't be allowed in school. I just can't understand why they think that way. They say that those talks should be done by the parents. Those same people that think that way will be the ones preaching about why abortion should be outlawed. Do those parents realize that a lot of kids don't get that talk at home and if they end up pregnant an abortion is the next step for some of those people.

Same way with the "safe touch" talks. Our county sheriff comes out and has a talk with the elementary kids about all of that. There are plenty of parents that exclude their kids from that since that "shouldn't be taught at school". There are so many kids out there that need those talks that aren't going to get them at home. And the "conservative" parents don't give a dang about those kids enough to understand why this stuff NEEDS to be taught in school

I know I am like every other person and says that they are "middle of the road". But dang, a good portion of the guys are on here are pretty far out there to the "right" on this forum. And a couple appear to be fairly far "left". There are plenty of "middle of the road" type on here. But it seems you don't here much from them. It's the ones that are "far" out there to the right that we hear from a lot. I understand being conservative, but dang guys.

From: Will
Thanks, WB. Belligerent? Really? Sorry you feel that way. I think I'm disagreeing, at times strongly and sticking to my beliefs, but not being belligerent. Perhaps I'm wrong. Regardless, I apologize for offending you. I suspect given your past and current comments, that you will not believe that, and Ill be ok with that as I can not clarify further or to your satisfaction.

My assumption about "great again" is becoming one of nostalgia. Which I get, we all glamorize our or "the" good old days. So maybe that's it. Just a general: "it felt better then" sorta thing.

From: 70lbDraw
“What does "Great Again" mean?”

We’ve never been a perfect country. It would be nice if we could go back to a time when people simply supported and respected America for being our home. Rather than burning flags, and poisoning our children with ‘other peoples opinions of how they should be raised’. We want to make it a criminal act to stand up for your own children, but we’re fine letting murderers and rapist have all the opportunities they need to exploit them.

I’ll ask again. Why don’t some of you even decry the harmful side effects of all that you hold sacred? You really seem as thought children aren’t very important when you can’t even support defending them. Either that or you just act as thought they need no guidance and they’ll be fine figuring it out out on their own.

"And I have no problem with their agenda..."

with all due respect then...i feel sorry for you.

"Question though…is the next paragraph where they discuss their plans to sexualize kids and molest babies?"

first of all...i never said or implied anything of the sort. dont wage your wizzing matches with other posters through me.

now...how about answering my questions. Would your parents have taken you to such a performance? Would you take your own kids to such a performance? what kind of an adult would want little children tucking money in their underwear...if not a pervert?

simply put...they are trying to normalize abnormality. even most lesbians and gays are against this garbage as they have come to realize that these mentally ill people have hijacked their cause.

From: Lawdog
Are we seriously having a discussion that's ok to sexualize children, teach them that white skin color is bad, teach deviant behavior, that America is a racist country? Come on, man. Or . . . perhaps someone is just being a spoon?

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, from the executive summary conclusion:

Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.

As noted, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith committed a criminal offense by fabricating language in an email that was material to the FBI obtaining a FISA surveillance order. In other instances, FBI personnel working on that same FISA application displayed, at best, a cavalier attitude towards accuracy and completeness. FBI personnel also repeatedly disregarded important requirements when they continued to seek renewals of that FISA surveillance while acknowledging - both then and in hindsight - that they did not genuinely believe there was probable cause to believe that the target was knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign power, or knowingly helping another person in such activities. And certain personnel disregarded significant exculpatory information that should have prompted investigative restraint and re-examination.

Our investigation also revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities. This information in part triggered and sustained Crossfire Hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel Mueller's investigation. In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump's political opponents. The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them, even when at about the same time the Director of the FBI and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence. In light of the foregoing, there is a continuing need for the FBI and the Department to recognize that lack of analytical rigor, apparent confirmation bias, and an over-willingness to rely on information from individuals connected to political opponents caused investigators to fail to adequately consider alternative hypotheses and to act without appropriate objectivity or restraint in pursuing allegations of collusion or conspiracy between a U.S. political campaign and a foreign power. Although recognizing that in hindsight much is clearer, much of this also seems to have been clear at the time. As such, the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old. The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI's guiding principles of "Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity" are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI' s mission of "Protect[ing] the American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States."

Mueller was simply unwilling to attack the FBI and political actors this directly. Unfortunately, the FBI and DOJ seem to still be in this mode and protecting political allies rather than enforcing the rule of law. Until this gets fixed, no one will be safe.

From: bigeasygator
with all due respect then...i feel sorry for you.

And I’m sorry that you feel that way about an agenda focused on spreading tolerance and equality.

now...how about answering my questions. Would your parents have taken you to such a performance? Would you take your own kids to such a performance?

As far as my parents, can’t say - you’d probably get very different answers from them on where they’d draw the line. But in terms of a drag story hour, I’d guess neither of them would find any objection. With that said, I don’t know what performance you’re referencing, because you seem to be conflating a lot of different things as all being the same. Gay clubs at 2AM, drag brunches, and drag time story hour are not the same thing and are not age appropriate for everyone.

what kind of an adult would want little children tucking money in their underwear...if not a pervert?

As I said, seems age inappropriate based on the picture.

From: bigeasygator
Are we seriously having a discussion that's ok to sexualize children, teach them that white skin color is bad, teach deviant behavior, that America is a racist country?

Nope, Lawdog. No one has said any of that.

From: 70lbDraw
A good example of what liberalism does to children is Greta Thunberg! That poor kid has been brainwashed to think her world won’t last past her 21st birthday! Her childhood was stolen from her at the behest of fear mongering by grown adults. But it’s ok, she’s probably the only child to be considered collateral damage to woke politics.

“Nope, Lawdog. No one has said any of that.”

They don’t need to. Why are you afraid to acknowledge the fact that it’s happening?

From: 2Wild Bill
Lawdog, The solution seems to be, no new rules, but instead, new people able to uphold the old rules. Sort of "make the FBI great again". I could see that and hope that Congress will also.


Because you lack sincerity, you can't offend me.

From: Lawdog
BEG, you apparently fooled me. But, carry on, it's mildly entertaining.

There are folks that advocate that the leadership of both the FBI and DOJ need to be replaced wholesale. You saw what a s-show Trump faced when he fired Comey. Trump had the absolute right to do so. And, most of the show was irrelevant. They all serve at the pleasure of the President.

The problem will be getting the right folks in office who will have the intestinal fortitude to do just that. The leadership of the FBI and DOJ are, in theory, working for us and are accountable to us. So far, these folks believe that they're above it all, and none have, and probably won't, be held to account.

From: Lawdog
Hackbow, we posted at the same time. I agree. In these times, I keep the scripture about the armor of god at the top of my mind. Peace brothers. Let's all try to honor and remember the fallen this weekend. They made discussions like this possible.

From: 70lbDraw
“Try reading books instead of banning them.”

Are you referring to the ones that have been edited in an effort to appease the liberal sensitivities, or the science books that have been edited to appease the liberal climate agenda?

"As far as my parents, can’t say - you’d probably get very different answers from them on where they’d draw the line. But in terms of a drag story hour, I’d guess neither of them would find any objection."

how about your own kids?

"Our investigation also revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities. This information in part triggered and sustained Crossfire Hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel Mueller's investigation. In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump's political opponents."

this is it in a nutshell.

a politically motivated farce...together with a politically motivated fbi...politically motivated members of congress...and together with a politically motivated media...worked for 4 years to cripple a president and remove him from office...or at the very least make sure he was never elected again.

rigged? of course it was. anyone who cant or wont see that is either delusional or dishonest...take your pick.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
As I suspected after having a minute to actually look. Not a drag queen, but a cisgendered burlesque performer. And no, despite the message, I don’t feel that it’s age appropriate for a child that young to be at a burlesque brunch.

From: DanaC
Ricky, it's a bit of a stretch to suggest that a slanted investigation 'rigged' the entire election. Yes, it was shoddy, partisan work by some within the FBI. Yes, that organization needs a house-cleaning from the basement to the finial on the flagpole. But enough with the 'poor Donald got f*ed' narrative. He screwed himself over in the minds of the majority of voters. And lost.

And if I'm wrong, what 'lesson' will the Republicans learn from all this? That it *worked*? We're on a path leading from the 'culture wars' to the 'information wars.' And we are ALL f*ed.

"Ricky, it's a bit of a stretch to suggest that a slanted investigation 'rigged' the entire election."

What do you mean "slanted?" it was completely made up. that's not "slanted"...its a complete hoax. wall to wall coverage by the legacy media...telling the entire country...insisting actually...with irrefutable proof... that their president basically committed treason...for 4 solid years...and you dont think that worked to rig an election? add to that a couple of bogus impeachments... a dozen or two other fake stories that were conveniently leaked to the press... 90% negative press coverage while at the same time coordinated suppression of virtually any negative press about his opponent...and you say trump was responsible for the chaos?

like i said if thats what you believe you are either delusional or dishonest...take your pick. actually...ill add a third choice...both.

From: Glunt@work
The country is split about in 1/2. No need to "rig" and entire election. A little nudge one way or the other gets a win.

If a poor choice gets elected President, that is bad but we can recover. Our system being rotten will likely require a reboot. Its not a new story. Its been happening in human societies since there have been human societies...usually pretty ugly. Hard to say when its too far gone.

From: TonyBear
What I have been hearing is that DOJ, FBI held back on investigating Hillary and her ilk as they were concerned about retaliation if/when she got elected. I wonder how many who know the details ever got past the "orange man bad" mindset and thought maybe we'd best do our job to make sure Hillary doesn't get elected when breaking the law and mishandling sensitive intelligence information? Surprising how all of the Clinton non-profits dried up after she lost as well.

Its going to take a long time for some of us to ever have any faith in DOJ or FBI again.

From: Beendare
BEG, “I reread Will’s post, Beendare. He said none of those things.“

Look, I don’t want to pick on Will as I read his posts for years and enjoy them.

That sanctimonious comment insinuating that Democrats are the “free religion” party put me over the edge.

The current Dem regime sent a armed swat team to a Christian mans home ( he might have been a preacher even) and arrested him at gunpoint in front of his family.

A peaceful Christian. Why…for a peaceful protest at an abortion clinic.

Thats fascist…not the party of free speech and religion you guys are making excuses for.

Now the the latest from your liberal Woke (Fascist) dems in NY are dictating to banks; ( woke is more important than sound banking practices)

On Thursday, the New York City Banking Commission, which consists of Comptroller Brad Lander, Mayor Adams, and Commissioner Preston Niblack of the Department of Finance, has taken action against two major financial institutions, Capital One and KeyBank.

The Commission decided to limit deposits at the banks after they failed to submit the required plans demonstrating their commitment to combating discrimination.

Capital One, with $7.2 million in City deposits across 108 accounts, and KeyBank, with $10 million in City deposits across three accounts, refused to submit the required policies, leading to the decision to freeze new deposits for up to two years.

No elevator pitch here…but if you guys cannot see the absolute destruction the Dem party has created with its policy from; The Incompetent Biden or Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, the Squad, the woke DA’s in many large cities….and on and on…

I don’t know what to think of the Dems condoning these policies and electing the above.

These Dem politicians have prostituted the system ( per Durham report and other facts) to the point there is no check and balance- its disgraceful and you Dem voters own this….but its a flaw in the liberal mind that you won’t address it or admit it.

From: bigeasygator
These Dem politicians have prostituted the system ( per Durham report and other facts) to the point there is no check and balance- its disgraceful and you Dem voters own this….but its a flaw in the liberal mind that you won’t address it or admit it.

I’ve never voted for a Democratic candidate in a major election in my life. And I think many of their policies or political tendencies are absolute train wrecks - from gun control, to energy, to the presentism that seems to be more prevalent on the left.

With that said, the Republican Party is pushing away many of us who have been lifelong voters (again, doesn’t mean we’re voting Democrat or supporting the party). They have shunned the “maps and math” crowd in favor of the populists who used to be on the fringe of the party. Their attack on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights and abortion are only further alienating those centrist/independent voters that have historically tipped elections.

So excuse me for wishing the Republicans would move more to the middle on these issues. I think until they do, they will struggle in national elections, which worries me.

The results of the last two elections only reinforce that for me - Trump lost not because Biden was great, it’s because the vast majority of the country viewed Trump so unfavorably. What was supposed to be a red wave last year was anything but.

And as far as any political party prostituting the system, I have two comments: (1) most of these “scandals” are hardly centrally coordinated efforts by a political party more so than rogue decisions made by a handful of individuals and (2) there are examples of these individuals from across the political spectrum. It certainly isn’t the sole domain of one party or another.

From: Lawdog
Think on this. Biden and Trump were separated by about 7 million votes. Now that a lot of votes to say that but for fraud, it would have gone the other way. But, they need the electoral vote as well. That was separated by about 60 votes. Evenly divided the popular vote was aboutn 140,000 per state. Now, that is most likely suseptable to a lot of futher critical analysis. But, is it so far fetched that that a little bit of fraud or improper influence made a difference? I'm not looking to overturn an election, but it's possible that the FBI and others influenced it just enough to make a difference. After all, the election was decided by 4.6% of the votes. That's not a lot.

"Trump lost not because Biden was great, it’s because the vast majority of the country viewed Trump so unfavorably."

gee...i wonder why he was viewed so unfavorably? could it have something to do with wall to wall coverage by the legacy media as well a pretty much every democrat in congress...telling the entire country...insisting actually...with irrefutable proof... that their president basically committed treason...for 4 solid years. add to that a couple of bogus impeachments... a dozen or two other fake stories that were conveniently leaked to the press... 90% negative press coverage while at the same time coordinated suppression of virtually any negative press about his opponent...

"most of these “scandals” are hardly centrally coordinated efforts by a political party more so than rogue decisions made by a handful of individuals..."

come on man...you cant be serious.

"rogue decisions made by a handful of individuals?" you mean like pretty much the entire fbi leadership ... every democrat in congress...and pretty much the entire legacy media. they all coordinated together to bring trump down. "rogue decisions made by a handful of individuals"...thats azelkhntr level lunacy.

like i said...anyone who cant or wont see this is delusional...dishonest or both.

From: Bigdog 21
Hillary said at all cost Trump could not win again.... Kinda Scarry with her track record. Of people gone now

From: Shinkers
Here's an interesting thought:


I'd wager that far more children have been abused by church clergy than drag queens, or those in the trans community. Should we bar children from going to church?

From: bigeasygator
I'd wager that far more children have been abused by church clergy than drag queens, or those in the trans community.

I’ll pass on that bet Shinkers. It’s much more pointed than that, though. The instances of child abuse at the hands of transgendered people - be it at a Story Time, a brunch, or in a bathroom - are so few that they are, by every metric, statistically insignificant. It’s the bogeyman.

From: RK
I'd love to see all those stats BEG. Please post them

From: bigeasygator
Here’s one related to the myth of trans predators. If you want examples of priests molesting boys that’s not hard to find. Hell, they have their own Wikipedia page (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sex_abuse_cases_in_the_United_State).

If you have data that suggests or studies that conclude anything else, please post them RK.

Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Laws in Public Accommodations: a Review of Evidence Regarding Safety and Privacy in Public Restrooms, Locker Rooms, and Changing Rooms


“This study finds that the passage of such laws is not related to the number or frequency of criminal incidents in these spaces. Additionally, the study finds that reports of privacy and safety violations in public restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms are exceedingly rare. This study provides evidence that fears of increased safety and privacy violations as a result of nondiscrimination laws are not empirically grounded.”

"I'd wager that far more children have been abused by church clergy than drag queens, or those in the trans community. Should we bar children from going to church?"

and i would wager that the number of children abused by clergy pales in comparison to the number of children abused by a parent or relative...thats not the point.

many believe the normalization and celebration of a mental disorder is abusive to children in an of itself. im not necessarily concerned about someone at DSH raping or physically abusing a child...what i am concerned about is the grooming that takes place in terms of suggesting to children that a mental disorder is normal.

From: 2Wild Bill
"reports of privacy and safety violations in public restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms are exceedingly rare." How many go unreported?

However, those locations are mentioned because the "opportunity" is found there, and ought to be the places where authority stands with the innocent and discourages rather than allows deviant behavior with undue liberty.

Privacy and "safety" are not supported by calling and allowing a known danger to morality, normal. "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."

Laws do not make a people moral, but they clearly define the limits of the desired and undesired. "What we tolerate, we empower." - Michael Farris

^^this^^. I had a previous post that got deleted. Because I called anyone who knowingly and willing exposed children to a known harm a POS. I stand by that. It isn’t bigotry or homophobia. You can replace drag Queen with drugs, etc….

From: bigeasygator
what i am concerned about is the grooming that takes place in terms of suggesting to children that a mental disorder is normal.

Been hitting the same sites as az I see, Ricky. Might be time to get your information from somewhere that isn’t the alt-right.

How many go unreported?

Ahhh, yes, gotta all be unreported.

However, those locations are mentioned because the "opportunity" is found there, and ought to be the places where authority stands with the innocent and discourages rather than allows deviant behavior with undue liberty.

The opportunity exists regardless of whether there is a law on the books, and again, there is no data to back up the assertion that any individuals are systematically taking advantage of these opportunities. Bathroom discrimination laws would do as much to stop predators as gun control laws in Chicago do to stop violence.

Privacy and "safety" are not supported by calling and allowing a known danger to morality, normal.

*Your* morality. And this is the heart of the matter. It has nothing to do with actual safety from physical or emotional danger. It is safety from exposing individuals to a way of life you feel immoral. We get it, y’all hate LGBTQ people. To that end, how does making someone who looks like Caitlin Jenner use the men’s bathroom any “safer?”

Because I called anyone who knowingly and willing exposed children to a known harm a POS

The only real harm the data supports actually exists is the increased risk of abuse - verbal and physical - transgendered individuals encounter in areas they are forced to use bathrooms incongruent with their gender identity.

It isn’t bigotry or homophobia

You really struggle with the definition of words, WV. Because perpetuating myths and lies that serve to ostracize and defame LGBTQ people is about as text book an example of bigotry and homophobia as you can find.

My data suggest differently. That’s why you are a POS.

"Been hitting the same sites as az I see, Ricky. Might be time to get your information from somewhere that isn’t the alt-right."

you mean "alt right" like these?






might be time to get your information from somewhere that isn’t uber-left.

From: bigeasygator
You do realize “gender dysphoria” is not the same as being transgendered, right? Gender dysphoria is essentially the stress that comes from being transgendered in world with people like you.

From the APA: “Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.“

From your Mayo Clinic link: “The diagnosis [of gender dysphoria] was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment. The term focuses on discomfort as the problem, rather than identity.

Maybe you should actually read the links you post next time.

From: Beendare
For all of my rants against the woke liberal Dems….I’m no Trump or Rep fan either.

What I see is a system that has been prostituted by politics. There is no fair and equal or a system of check and balance in our fed agencies. The constitution and bill of rights has been trampled.

The integrity of the system itself matters. Currently, its shot, gone. The current thinking by liberal Dems is, “Good it works for me”

We simply can’t have Biden, Hillary and all of the many other politicos using their position to milk the US taxpayer.

Political winds make big swings…the Woke folks might want to consider what happens when the shoe is on the other foot. At the rate things are going with all of the crime….…it won’t take long for it to shift.

From: 2Wild Bill

You do realize that all transsexual, transgenderism and gender dysphoria are in denial of factual DNA, you know, science.

Don’t talk like that Bill. It makes him look like a bigot and a liar.

From: bigeasygator
You do realize that all transsexual, transgenderism and gender dysphoria are in denial of factual DNA, you know, science

Huh?? Nobody is “denying” DNA. Nor is DNA the end-all be-all when it comes to “science.” Lastly, you seem to be confusing biological sex with gender.

"Maybe you should actually read the links you post next time."

i did... to me its a matter of which came first...chicken or egg. if a person didnt originally have "psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity" what would be the reason for wanting to transition? that wouldnt be "some people who are transgender" it would be all of them.

why dont we just quit dancing around this...

2 questions.

1...do you think a person can actually transition from a male to a female...or from a female to a male? that would be a simple yes or no answer.

2...if a person thought they could were a cat born into a human body and therefore sought to transition from a human to a cat...and started acting like a cat...what would you call that if not mental illness? or how about something a little easier...if a person believed they were a black person born into a white body and actually thought that curling their hair and coloring their skin would make them black...and starting acting like what they thought a black person should act like...what would you call that if not mental illness?

in other words...if a person "identified" as a cat...or if a white person "identified" as black...would you consider that normal?

From: bigeasygator
that wouldnt be "some people who are transgender" it would be all of them.

Sigh. You didn’t read very well, then. Straight from the APA:

“Not all transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria and that distinction is important to keep in mind. ”


1...do you think a person can actually transition from a male to a female...or from a female to a male? that would be a simple yes or no answer.

In terms of biological sex, no.

if a person thought they could were a cat born into a human body and therefore sought to transition from a human to a cat...and started acting like a cat...what would you call that if not mental illness? or how about something a little easier...if a person believed they were a black person born into a white body and actually thought that curling their hair and coloring their skin would make them black...and starting acting like what they thought a black person should act like...what would you call that if not mental illness?

I’m not a doctor, so I wouldn’t even attempt to diagnose them. What is pretty clear is that every major medical, psychological, and scientific organization in the world - including the ones you posted - has made it clear that being transgendered is not a mental illness. At the end of the day, I don’t really care how people want to live their lives as long as it’s not harming me or others.

"At the end of the day, I don’t really care how people want to live their lives as long as it’s not harming me or others."

on that we can agree. i would also add that however they decide to live their lives, dont expect me to share in their delusion. what we apparently dont agree on is what constitutes "harm"...especially as it relates to children and normal childhood development.

i am confident that we will look back on the decision to chemically castrate and mutilate children...or even normalizing trans as a massive mistake.

do you have kids beg?

From: bigeasygator
Nope. You have many LGBTQ+ friends or colleagues, Ricky? Been to any Drag Story Hours?

From: bigeasygator
Duplicate post.

From: bigeasygator
Thanks for the super scientific assessment, Thornton. Maybe stick to stuff you’re actually good at like stalking people on social media.

From: Thornton
Or maybe that video you posted trying to outshoot me on the Dicken Drill after I did it one handed at 41 yards without even trying.


i figured as much. its very easy to opine about what is best for children when you dont have any.

"You have many LGBTQ+ friends or colleagues, Ricky?"

i don't know about "many" but i know a number of gay and lesbian couples and a number of single gays and lesbians...and yes have known a few who are transgender but would not consider them friends...just acquaintances...through my kids.

"Been to any Drag Story Hours?"

no, have you?

From: bigeasygator
"Been to any Drag Story Hours?"


I figured as much as well. Just pointing out that if you think having first hand experience is a pre-requisite for forming an opinion then your opinion on most of what we’ve talked about is equally as invalid. Personally, I don’t feel that way regarding the necessity of first hand experience. I’ve listened to people on both sides of the argument (people with kids) and done my own research to form mine…as you seem to have done with yours.

i said this before on another thread...but seeing the durham report thread has turned in to an lgbtqia2s+ thread...i thought id post it here too.

"i know a number of gay and lesbian couples and almost all of them...as well as their friends...are disgusted by how they have been hijacked by the those in anything past the "b" in the lgbtqia2s+ community. they literally want nothing to do with them...and they feel they are a threat to their own existence."

"Just pointing out that if you think having first hand experience is a pre-requisite for forming an opinion then yours is equally as invalid."

in many cases i would agree but having and raising children is a whole lot different than having a theory about having and raising children...even if youve talked to people whove done it. kind of like putting an arrow through an animal...you can talk to all the people you want...and read all the books you want...but until you draw down on one of your own...you really have no clue.

From: KSflatlander
Ricky- have you raised a gay or transgender child? If no then you have no clue what you’re talking.

What a really dumb argument. If you’ve never given birth then you have no clue about women’s rights.

From: 4nolz@work
Gay people have fought for tolerance my whole life,now that they largely have it they are the least tolerant among us.Insist in being in your face and you better accept or we'll put you out of business.There wont be progress made past this stage because people are sick of it already.Go live your life.

From: bigeasygator
but seeing the durham report thread has turned in to an lgbtqia2s+ thread

Apparently we’re getting it all in on one thread…elections, LGBTQ, Durham report…

even if youve talked to people whove done it. kind of like putting an arrow through an animal...you can talk to all the people you want...and read all the books you want...but until you draw down on one of your own...you really have no clue.

Never said experiencing something firsthand isn’t different in many ways you would have never imagined. Also doesn’t mean reading the stories and listening to the advice and perspectives from Chuck Adams, MR James, Dwight Schuh, G. Fred Asbell, and others didn’t ring true and resonate when it finally happened for me.

From: RK
First hand with any subject is better than hearsay

If you have children your perspective on much of this is way different

If you have raised two children that are gay like KS your perspective will be different

Want realities? Check with people that have lived it

if ksflatlander has raised gay children it would be interesting to know what their take is on how trans is sucking up all the oxygen in the room...and how...as the gay people i have spoken to...the gay and lesbian community are concerned about young people who would previously just been considered homosexual are now being railroaded into gender affirming care and ultimately transitioning.

unfortunately, im not sure hed be honest with us if what they say wasnt quite as tolerant of the current trans contagion as some would like us to believe.

From: bigeasygator
Want realities? Check with people that have lived it

I have. Thanks RK.

From: 70lbDraw
“if ksflatlander has raised gay children it would be interesting to know what their take is on how trans is sucking up all the oxygen in the room”

Why? They just want to live their lives. No different than heterosexuals, they don’t care what others think of them. They aren’t all out to make a statement. Certain people are. You need to recognize the difference. Not everyone needs to stick their lifestyle in your face. Those that do, are in it for a whole different reason.

From: RK
That's awesome BEG. Work on showing that. You are not showing that.

From: Recurve Man
Is this turning into Brokeback Bowsite.

From: KSflatlander
70lbs X 2

"Why? They just want to live their lives. No different than heterosexuals, they don’t care what others think of them. They aren’t all out to make a statement. Certain people are. You need to recognize the difference. Not everyone needs to stick their lifestyle in your face. Those that do, are in it for a whole different reason."

why? because normally when people want to educate themselves on a particular subject they ask questions of those involved in that particular subject. its not a matter of what i think about them...its a matter of what they think.

if someone asked me a question about a matter that could possibly negatively affect me or my family...i would have no problem answering it.

if a non-hunter asked me a question about something that had the potential to put hunting in a bad light...i would have no problem giving my opinion...would that be shoving my lifestyle in their face? we do it here all the time.

think about the way most ethical hunters react when someone posts an inappropriate kill photo on social media or some goofy crap on some hunting show. how do most hunters react? that is the way many gay and lesbian people feel...at least the ones ive talked to... when they see some of the over the top trans stuff in the news today. they dont want to be lumped in with that stuff any more than hunters want to be lumped in with the things that make us look bad.

as was told to me by a lesbian couple that we know. "we dont want anything to do with any letter that comes after the "b" in "lgbtqia2s+."

their words...not mine. i dont blame them.


From: Grey Ghost
Never thought I’d see a pic like that on Bowsite. Wish I never had. But it doesn’t affect my life one bit, if that’s your thing.


"Never thought I’d see a pic like that on Bowsite."

yeah...ive seen a lot worse here but i get that the truth is hard to see sometimes.

the fact remains that if the lgbtqia2s+ community just wanted to live their lives...without shoving anything in anyones face...why would they engage in such disgusting behavior...in public...in pretty much every major city in america.

when was the last time you saw a straight pride parade...with naked or nearly naked marchers...carrying disgusting signs...and making lewd sexual gestures for all to see? would it even be allowed to happen? we all know the answer to that.

i would imagine that any self respecting gay or lesbian would be disgusted by such behavior. i know as a straight person...if i saw anything like that...supposedly promoting straight pride...i would be absolutely disgusted.

"Wish I never had. But it doesn’t affect my life one bit, if that’s your thing."

me too. pretty sad that some people only seem to be concerned about the things that only effect them directly.

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo

From: 2Wild Bill
DanaC, You lie. If you had been freaked by that, you woudn't have posted that photo. Go away and don't come back.

From: DanaC
Bill, a lot of these self-proclaimed defenders of children see NOTHING WRONG with the sexualization of children, they just use it as a cover for their own hatred of 'different' people. I posted that to remind them of what they DO tolerate and even celebrate. Dressing your 5 year old daughters like sluts is as sick as any 'drag queen hour' or whatever your 'conservative' outrage-of-the-month is.

From: 4nolz@work
Bill I bet you didn't you know you use outrage at sexual exploitation of children as an excuse to hate "different" people.Everyone who doesn't embrace this stuff must be a racist homophobic bigot.Its a pathetic argument that no one believes except the people who repeat that sad old argument.

From: DanaC
So, 4nolz, what's your feeling about the sexualizaton of young girls by 'Christian conservatives'? Is it okay as long as it's done by straight people?

From: 2Wild Bill
DanaC, "a lot of these self-proclaimed defenders of children see NOTHING WRONG with the sexualization of children", and by your post you join them in demonstrating the same. If they are hypocrites, you have to be smaller than them to hide behind them and their practice.

Besides, "a lot" isn't specific enough to mean anything other than you're generalizing to suit yourself.

From: DanaC
Bill, I ain't the one whoring my daughter. But you go right on making this about me. Ad hominem arguments are your specialty.

From: 70lbDraw
Unfortunately the kiddie pageant is no better than drag queen reading hour. Except in kiddie pageants, the mothers of those kids are the the ones that need help.

“or whatever your 'conservative' outrage-of-the-month is.”

Pretty sad when children’s safety is ridiculed as conservative outrage. Even worse when folks like you cherry pick which child exploitation event is acceptable and which is not.

i think theyre both disgusting.

having said that a lot of pageant girls grow up to be well adjusted women...much less chance of that happening with little girls who think they are boys.

From: DanaC
"Even worse when folks like you cherry pick which child exploitation event is acceptable and which is not. "

70, I never said that ANY form of child exploitation was acceptable. Just pointing out that some conservatives are indeed comfortable with some forms of it. (Same as some liberals.)

From: 70lbDraw
“Just pointing out that some conservatives are indeed comfortable with some forms of it. (Same as some liberals.)”

Agreed! Thanks for clarifying.

"I never said that ANY form of child exploitation was acceptable."

but according to the meme you posted...you did say you were more freaked out by kiddie pageants than drag queen shows.

From: 2Wild Bill
DanaC, "I never said that ANY form of child exploitation was acceptable." - But you posted the pictures, right?

I ain't the one whoring my daughter. -But you posted the whoring pictures, right?

But you go right on making this about me. - But YOU posted pictures, continuing the exploitation. And you being a fine liberal/progressive/godless guy to boot.

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