Moultrie Mobile
Clethodim and 2-4D B for Clover
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Buckwatcher4 16-May-23
Buckwatcher4 16-May-23
Pat Lefemine 16-May-23
Buckwatcher4 16-May-23
Lewis 16-May-23
pav 16-May-23
Lewis 16-May-23
Buckwatcher4 16-May-23
Shiloh 16-May-23
t-roy 16-May-23
Shiloh 16-May-23
drycreek 16-May-23
Buckwatcher4 18-May-23
Pat Lefemine 18-May-23
HunterR 01-Apr-24
Mark Watkins 01-Apr-24
Osceola 04-Apr-24
Shiloh 05-Apr-24
t-roy 05-Apr-24
Shiloh 05-Apr-24
t-roy 27-Dec-24
Shiloh 27-Dec-24
Mark Watkins 29-Dec-24
From: Buckwatcher4
I'm going to be spraying my clover here shortly, and I was just wondering if you could put 2-4D B with the Clethodim so I would only need to spray it one time to kill the grass and broadleaf.

From: Buckwatcher4
I'm going to be spraying my clover here shortly, and I was just wondering if you could put 2-4D B with the Clethodim so I would only need to spray it one time to kill the grass and broadleaf.

From: Pat Lefemine
I do it all the time. Just make sure your plot has no chicory mixed in. Butyrac kills chicory. If you have Chicory swap out the DB for Imox. That Will also kill grass + broadleaf weeds.

From: Buckwatcher4
Thank you. What is your Oz of Clethodim and OZ of 2-4D B per acre do you put in per gallon?

From: Lewis
Be sure to use crop oil with your clethodim good luck Lewis

From: pav
I've always wanted to try both on a single spray. The fact I mix bean oil with Clethodim has stopped me from trying. I've never used a surfactant with Butyrac (2-4DB). you use a surfactant with the mix?

From: Lewis
I always use crop oil and I mix both together been doing it for years Lewis

From: Buckwatcher4
@ Lewis how many ounce of each do you use per gallon. I've got about 2 acres to do. Im just making sure I don't short myself. And yes I do use surfactant.

From: Shiloh
16 oz clethodim 3 pts 2-4DB 1% crop oil

All per acre

From: t-roy
Buckwatcher…… the amounts of chemicals that you mix and use, are per acre, not per gallon of water. You need to figure out how many gallons of water per acre you are spraying, and mix your chemical accordingly. Wether you are spraying 10 gals per acre, or 20 per acre, you still mix the same amount of chemical In whatever amount of water it takes to cover that acre. Hopefully that makes sense………I believe Shiloh’s amounts of chemicals are correct.

From: Shiloh
T-Roy is correct. Plenty of videos on calibrating spray rigs on YouTube I imagine. I still don’t have mine just right.

From: drycreek
I hate to contradict guys that know what they are doing, but I’ve never calibrated a spray rig in my life. I mix oz. to gal. and spray at about three mph and I have never had a problem doing that. I use .5 oz. of cleth and three oz. of Butyrac per gallon for clover but I never did spray them together. I finally stopped spraying for weeds, just mowed the clover at about eight inches high. My plots were always too ragged to try to figure acreage. :-) I have no good place to grow clover now, but that’s how I did it a few years ago.

From: Buckwatcher4
Thanks guys for you help

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
This rate is based on my sprayer. For small food plots it can be helpful only as a guide.
Pat Lefemine's embedded Photo
This rate is based on my sprayer. For small food plots it can be helpful only as a guide.
This is my chart based on 20 gallons of water. Understand that this is based on my sprayer but can be used as a rough guideline.

As Drycreek mentioned, for small food plots of clover and other things a rough guideline is ok. When you are putting in 30 acres of beans, corn and other crops you need to know how much pre/post you’re putting down per acre. Calibration is necessary.

Good luck.

From: HunterR

From: Mark Watkins
Great info Gents!

It wont be long!!!


From: Osceola

Osceola's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Osceola's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

I sparyed my clover plots with Clethidium and Imox on 4-3-24. Below is the 5 day temp forecast and the 7 days after that all reach high of 65 degrees. I have never sprayed this early and all the plants are tiny.

What is your projection of the chemicals's effectiveness?

From: Shiloh
This year I will be putting out 10oz of clethodim and 4oz of imazethapyr. This was a recommendation from a well respected biologist in our area. It is supposed to work longer than the 24db mix. We’ll see.

From: t-roy
Keep us posted on your results, Shiloh.

From: Shiloh
Will do

From: t-roy

Was going through some old threads and saw this. Shiloh……how did your cleth/imazethapyr mix work for you this past year?

From: Shiloh

Rain timing and early summer heat kept me from getting this done before the grass got out of hand. I ended up letting it all go and bush hogging later in the summer.

From: Mark Watkins
The best weed control I’ve found in the past 10 years for clover is:

-A full rate of clover over seeded each early spring (keeps your stand thick, strong and fresh)

-IMOX and Cleth sprayed together (per Pat’s label ^^^)…ideally 72 or above and actively growing. IMOX is good (not perfect) on broadleaves and Cleth is very good on killing grasses. A foliar can be added in as well for nutrition.

-Mow three times per growing season when the clover is actively growing…to about 5-6’ taking the tops off the clover and broadleaves

-Pray for timely rains


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