Matt moose/sheep hunters beware
Contributors to this thread:Moose
From: Pop-r
Well the idiots lived up to their reputation. I hate to say it but it's true. They screw up majorly every year on something. I've said it 100x over...they just don't care and/or realize how important it is to get this stuff right.
Who, what, where, when?
From: Z Barebow
From: DonVathome
I am getting older. My ticker cannot take that, first I thought it was joke then read it, man, to quote a past NRA spokesman
"They can have my sheep tag when they pry it from my cold dead fingers"
I cannot imagine getting a 680 tag then loosing it. Ouch. Lotta disappointed guys in 482
From: bowhunt
Your tag safe Donv?
From: Saphead
I got a sheep tag once in South Dakota for about 6 hours. Till they said oooops
Damn government
From: WV Mountaineer
I truly don’t know how you could take applications for so long, then set the date to draw them, and get a screw up like this. People mess up. But, the frequency that draws get messed up in numerous states, is a sign of something besides a thoughtless mistake. It’s fundamentally weak to begin with.
From: cnelk
AI wouldn’t have messed up
From: Z Barebow
You think they would learn from previous mistakes,,,,,
You have one job.
From: Jaquomo
Colorado did this with deer a few years ago. I know someone who drew, then didn't.
From: sticksender
Wow, they must not be using any type of routine audit process. Most of the sheep tags are for ewe, but still.....Interesting, with that many mistakes, they made no mention of any hunts being underdrawn.
From: Glunt@work
I'm never surprised at government's screwing up stuff.
From: DonVathome
Ss good point, maybe when that happens their buddies hunting?
My tag is for 100-20 so as far as I know yes it's safe
From: Z Barebow
From: WI Shedhead
Wish these agencies in all the states would mirror the Nevada system or just hire kalkoney outright. No problems thier- it seems
From: Pop-r
MT is the worst it seems. Two years ago they issued 600 extra NR Big Game Combos and just let it go. You can't make this stuff up.
From: DonVathome
I really really really hope my tag is sage, who knows if they caught all the errors? Probably......
From: Castle Oak
I'm not trying to defend MT but as a retired Wildlife biologist with experience in this I can say it happens to every single state in the US. Regs and laws have gotten so complicated coupled with changes each year things get missed. We rigorously reviewed our reg digest every year prior to printing. Each biologist was required to review the digest and yet things still got missed even by the studious proofreaders. On one occasion when we were expanding public access to services through the 1-800 phone system, a biologist discovered by calling each number that one number went to a phone sex provider. Glad we caught that one.
From: Jebediah
Castle Oak, did he try it several times, just to be sure he hadn’t mis-dialed?
From: DonVathome
Castle Oak, good point. However, it was caught by them, how do you catch it after not before?
From: Pop-r
They're now saying that some of the extra licenses will have "no biological impact" They come up with some good stuff.
From: TreeWalker
Incompetence. No one on the team took the time to compare tags issued vs. tags authorized. This was not a misunderstanding of complicated regulations. This involved tag quotas not unit boundaries or point restrictions. Balancing a checkbook is not much simpler than looking at tag issued and then looking at tags authorized. You could count on your fingers, if you were so motivated. No one on the team was so motivated. That is a shame and I am sure someone got a stiff talking too then was told not to worry since we all make mistakes. Every member of that team should have to call one or more hunters to discuss taking away the tag that sure looked valid a few days ago.
From: Pop-r
Just a thought..IF there are NO biological impacts then why aren't those tags already in the quota?! That doesn't even make sense.
Arizona screws up every single year... they just issue more tags... forget management. Their high school IT department needs to be fired and outsourse... Ed F
From: Bake
Arizona has the WORST online draw system. I don’t mean to denigrate the whole state. It’s a beautiful state with wonderful wildlife. But their online system was apparently designed by a junior high web design class. The fact you have to enter all information for each and every tag is plain ridiculous.
From: IdyllwildArcher
California gets their draw done in under 2 weeks.
For all their dysfunction, if CA can do it, so can everyone else. It's called computers, folks.
From: DonVathome
Agreed about AZ. Florida draw results take 2 days.
From: Castle Oak
Don, no redundancy in the review process. On more than one occasion after field staff reviewed and corrected errors, some knothead in the central office with little knowledge would change the edits. After the second time this happened, field staff reviewed the final edits before it went to print.
From: DonVathome
Yikes! I have heard nothing about my sheep tag so I feel pretty safe. I'm checking this thread constantly hoping I don't see new units added to the error list
From: Boris
I am waiting to see how this license season goes in Pa. We are now able to buy our Antlerless deer tag over the counter when you buy your general hunting license. They even increased the Antlerless licenses by 147,000.
From: jjs
Just think of the elections, this sounds familiar with the drawings.
From: midwest
Meme stolen from Brotsky.