Moultrie Mobile
Target needs to b boycotted.
Contributors to this thread:
Bent arrow 25-May-23
Bowbaker 25-May-23
Missouribreaks 25-May-23
70lbDraw 25-May-23
JohnMC 25-May-23
WV Mountaineer 25-May-23
TGbow 25-May-23
PECO2 25-May-23
Woods Walker 25-May-23
Lawdog 25-May-23
HDE 25-May-23
Screwball 25-May-23
RK 26-May-23
t-roy 26-May-23
Brotsky 26-May-23
Brotsky 26-May-23
12yards 26-May-23
drycreek 26-May-23
Pete In Fairbanks 26-May-23
Bowfreak 26-May-23
Huntcell 26-May-23
12yards 26-May-23
sasquatch 26-May-23
walking buffalo 26-May-23
Mike B 26-May-23
Bigdog 21 26-May-23
keepemsharp 26-May-23
woodguy65 26-May-23
butcherboy 26-May-23
Dale06 26-May-23
LBshooter 26-May-23
Woods Walker 26-May-23
Meat Grinder 26-May-23
Bigdog 21 26-May-23
fuzzy 27-May-23
butcherboy 27-May-23
Woods Walker 27-May-23
cptbs 27-May-23
70lbDraw 27-May-23
Woods Walker 27-May-23
drycreek 27-May-23
TGbow 27-May-23
Bigdog 21 27-May-23
LBshooter 27-May-23
RK 27-May-23
Bent arrow 27-May-23
Bigdog 21 27-May-23
Mike B 28-May-23
Mike B 28-May-23
spike78 28-May-23
DanaC 28-May-23
TGbow 28-May-23
RonP 28-May-23
Rut Nut 28-May-23
70lbDraw 28-May-23
Bowtech 64 28-May-23
Woods Walker 28-May-23
Tracker 28-May-23
Mike B 28-May-23
nchunter 28-May-23
Mule Power 28-May-23
shade mt 29-May-23
shade mt 29-May-23
shade mt 29-May-23
nchunter 29-May-23
shade mt 29-May-23
Mike B 29-May-23
70lbDraw 29-May-23
2Wild Bill 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
2Wild Bill 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
Glunt@work 29-May-23
BowenAero 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
Bigdog 21 29-May-23
Shaft2Long 29-May-23
70lbDraw 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
TGbow 29-May-23
bigeasygator 29-May-23
Glunt@work 29-May-23
scentman 29-May-23
70lbDraw 29-May-23
Woods Walker 30-May-23
Beendare 30-May-23
TGbow 30-May-23
70lbDraw 30-May-23
stealthycat 30-May-23
KSflatlander 30-May-23
RK 30-May-23
70lbDraw 30-May-23
2Wild Bill 30-May-23
RK 30-May-23
bigeasygator 30-May-23
bigeasygator 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
Nomad @ work 31-May-23
bigeasygator 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
70lbDraw 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
bigeasygator 31-May-23
70lbDraw 31-May-23
hildyatwork 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
Shaft2Long 31-May-23
bigeasygator 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
bluedog 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
KSflatlander 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
Nomad @ work 31-May-23
Will 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
KsRancher 31-May-23
Rut Nut 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
70lbDraw 31-May-23
70lbDraw 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
KSflatlander 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
KSflatlander 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
KsRancher 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
2Wild Bill 31-May-23
Phil Magistro 31-May-23
KSflatlander 31-May-23
70lbDraw 31-May-23
RK 31-May-23
RK 31-May-23
butcherboy 31-May-23
DanaC 01-Jun-23
shade mt 01-Jun-23
shade mt 01-Jun-23
Woods Walker 01-Jun-23
Brotsky 01-Jun-23
Recurve Man 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
Rut Nut 01-Jun-23
Missouribreaks 01-Jun-23
70lbDraw 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
Bowfreak 01-Jun-23
70lbDraw 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
Will 01-Jun-23
70lbDraw 01-Jun-23
Recurve Man 01-Jun-23
Phil Magistro 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
Missouribreaks 01-Jun-23
70lbDraw 01-Jun-23
Missouribreaks 01-Jun-23
Rut-N-Strut 01-Jun-23
DanaC 01-Jun-23
Phil Magistro 01-Jun-23
scentman 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
Lawdog 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
spike78 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
RK 01-Jun-23
TonyBear 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
RK 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
Will 01-Jun-23
smarba 01-Jun-23
Phil Magistro 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
RK 01-Jun-23
butcherboy 01-Jun-23
Woods Walker 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
Woods Walker 01-Jun-23
KSflatlander 01-Jun-23
Bowfreak 01-Jun-23
Woods Walker 01-Jun-23
bigeasygator 01-Jun-23
shade mt 02-Jun-23
DanaC 02-Jun-23
Old Reb 02-Jun-23
Missouribreaks 02-Jun-23
butcherboy 02-Jun-23
KSflatlander 02-Jun-23
bigeasygator 02-Jun-23
bigswivle 02-Jun-23
Will 02-Jun-23
RK 02-Jun-23
Glunt@work 02-Jun-23
Rut Nut 02-Jun-23
Catscratch 02-Jun-23
bigeasygator 02-Jun-23
RK 02-Jun-23
bigeasygator 02-Jun-23
RK 02-Jun-23
Basil 02-Jun-23
KSflatlander 02-Jun-23
KSflatlander 02-Jun-23
70lbDraw 02-Jun-23
RK 02-Jun-23
TGbow 02-Jun-23
KSflatlander 02-Jun-23
Mike B 02-Jun-23
TGbow 03-Jun-23
Woods Walker 03-Jun-23
bigeasygator 03-Jun-23
WhattheFOC 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
70lbDraw 03-Jun-23
bigeasygator 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
70lbDraw 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
Catscratch 03-Jun-23
WhattheFOC 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
WhattheFOC 03-Jun-23
KSflatlander 03-Jun-23
Arrownoob 03-Jun-23
Mike B 04-Jun-23
greg simon 04-Jun-23
KSflatlander 04-Jun-23
bigeasygator 04-Jun-23
KSflatlander 04-Jun-23
TGbow 04-Jun-23
Mike B 04-Jun-23
Woods Walker 04-Jun-23
Woods Walker 04-Jun-23
keepemsharp 04-Jun-23
Kansan 05-Jun-23
RK 06-Jun-23
Woods Walker 08-Jun-23
Rut-N-Strut 09-Jun-23
bowhunt 09-Jun-23
70lbDraw 09-Jun-23
bowhunt 09-Jun-23
From: Bent arrow
These clowns need to b taught a lesson like bud lite. If we all stand together we can get rid of this virus.

From: Bowbaker

Agree !

From: 70lbDraw
I don’t think you need to call for it. I just read an article about the pinch they’re already feeling because of it! North face will be next.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
I'm not sure about that. I think we've got a few members here that could use a "tuck friendly" bathing suit. ;)

Stop it. Only fathead can talk negative about gays.

From: TGbow
They have a right to sell what they want and I have a right to not do business with them. You'd think they would learn that the other 95% of Americans don't go for that...I don't even tuck my shirt tail in majority of the

From: PECO2
What exactly are they doing?

From: Woods Walker
I stopped going to "Targay" when they started letting male perverts into the ladies rooms!

From: Lawdog
I've never shopped there, ever.

From: HDE
"If we all stand together we can get rid of this virus."

The plague of upside-down liberalism can go away as well doing this, just on a massive scale that would have to cripple society...

From: Screwball
Same here Woods Walker, never go in that place.

From: RK
Target has list 9 billion since this pride stuff blew up in their face. Hopefully the losing trend continues

From: t-roy
Maybe if they came out with a Brittney Griner “Signature Series” line of patriotic sport/leisure wear, that would stem the hemorrhaging.

From: Brotsky
T-roy, maybe a Chelsea Manning salute to the military line for Memorial day?

From: Brotsky
Oh...and I didn't know we had so many suburban white women here on Bowsite? Ya'll know who shops at Target right?

From: 12yards
Target has been on the cutting edge of wokeness for a long time. This is nothing new. Maybe a little more in your face than usual. But not surprising.

From: drycreek
I’ve been boycotting them for 76 years.

I heard that the Target CEO actually put out a statement saying to the Bud Light folks: "Hold my beer!"


From: Bowfreak
The crazy thing is many of these companies "don't care" that they are losing their shorts as long as they are seen as doing the "right" thing. Eventually it all comes down to the bottom line and those that are doing the right thing in the name of wokeness will be in the unemployment line if the losses become great enough. This is up to and including the CEO if it is bad enough.

Also....I hate this boycott stuff. I won't shop there but I am not going to tell someone else why they shouldn't shop there. Others are capable to make their own decisions. Trying to garner up an outraged mob mentality is what liberals do.

From: Huntcell
“Target shaved more than $9 billion off the retailer’s market value since mid-week last week with shares down over 12.6%, as tracked by Dow Jones Market Data Group. “

From: 12yards
I never really shopped at Target much over the years. It just seems like a place that has Walmart quality stuff at a lot higher price.

From: sasquatch
Quarterly sales/revenue will tell the real story not the stock price.

Hopefully revenue plummets but I’m not too conf it will, people are dumb and will dig their own graves.

North Face has also decided to paint their clothing like a rainbow for the kids. How many here with North Face attire? Gonna trade it in for the latest outdoorsy patterns?

From: Mike B
Pops..if you like what Europe is offering, then maybe you should go live there.

This is America, and granted, people have the right to live in whatever way they wish. But, shove it in our face and tell us we have to like, accept, approve of, or tolerate it and we're going to have issues. Trans people are not "awesome", they're delusional.

From: Bigdog 21
Mike B same words could be used about bow hunters, shove it in there face and they will have issues.

From: keepemsharp
Swim suits to accomodate balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get outa my life.

From: woodguy65
"Gays, drags, trans… they are awesome and deserve the same respect, acceptance and love you’d want for your own family."

Pops nobody has a problem with the gays, nobody gives 2 shitz what they do on their own time. Its the trans crap being shoved down our frigin throats at every turn - in the schools with small children, everyday in the media, bathrooms in public now have to have a certain sign for these folks, they "men" are now competing in womans sports which is complete BS and sets women back! People (not just conservatives) are PHUCKING sick of having it shoved down our throats at every turn, especially for .001 of the population....and those swimsuits at Target included childrens sizes - absolutely sickening! People are fed up with the far left woke agenda - period!

From: butcherboy
Walmart has it now too. Saw it today. Not as near as bad as Target but it’s coming.

From: Dale06
Pops, just for clarification, there is no such thing as free college, or health care. It’s paid got via taxing the hell out of people. I took care of my own college education via loans ( I paid them off myself) and working two part time jobs while in college. I expect that you could find a job in Europe if you are really enamored by their systems.

From: LBshooter
Target 9 billion in losses in a week and more to come. They claimed they moved the rainbow wear to the backs the store, but they really just "Tucked " it away. How much more will they have to loose before they realize they just need to focus on customers and not some radical cause.

From: Woods Walker
Free college and healthcare? Does that mean that the professors, aides, administrators, custodial staff, office staff, doctors, technicians, and nurses all work for free??? And the power and heat for their facilities are all given to them for no charge? AWESOME!

Question do those people provide for themselves and their families if they have no income?

From: Meat Grinder
Pops--"Nobody is shoving anything in your face. "

How about drag shows in schools? Schools that want to hide student's gender transitions from parents. People losing their jobs for using the wrong pronouns. Schools teaching CRT.

Look at the news on any given day. If your comment is serious, you are clearly not keeping up on current events.

From: Bigdog 21

Bigdog 21's embedded Photo
Bigdog 21's embedded Photo

From: fuzzy
I would boycott them but I never shop there

From: butcherboy
Doesn’t mean squat to move it to the back of the store. It’s still there. Also, go look in the book section, especially the children’s and teen section. My wife is a school teacher and she is always looking for books and was shocked!

From: Woods Walker
This is what happens when you close the insane asylums. These people need help, not promotion. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!!

From: cptbs

cptbs's embedded Photo
cptbs's embedded Photo
"Who cares what designer target is selling? " This is why. Who do they think are homophobes?.....Christians

"Stop it. Only fathead can talk negative about gays."

this isnt about gays. most gays are disgusted by how these mentally ill people ("trans" community) have hijacked them. gays dont need to "tuck" anything. gay men dont claim to be women and gay women dont claim to be men.

From: 70lbDraw
“I stand for lgbtq rights because it’s the right thing to do. And no, I’m not gay either.”

So, what rights have been taken from the trans community? I’m confused as to what their fighting for.

From: Woods Walker
What right? Their "right" to abuse children!

And it doesn't matter if they're gay or straight. You mess with kids then you need to be LOCKED UP...PERIOD!!

From: drycreek
The word “homophobe” is a misnomer. The phobe part refers to a phobia, or to be scared of or by something. Nobody is scared of a homosexual, a dumbass that doesn’t know what sex he/she is, or a man that wants to dress as a woman (or vice versa). Disgusted may be the word, but not scared. There are only two sexes, male or female, and that’s a damned fact. That’s what God created, and it hasn’t changed. As folks have already said, I don’t care at all what these people want to do in their bedrooms among consenting adults, but let the kids alone. And while they’re at it, keep it out of the military. They have one job, and that’s to protect our country. I don’t think we need people who can’t ascertain their own sex defending us.

From: TGbow
Adults have the right to choose how they want to live. I have the right to disagree with them. The problem is they want to force me to accept something I never will accept. Doesn't mean I hate them. The real issue is a moral and spiritual issue. You can regulate people into wanting to live how God intended us..but I do have a problem when they start ignoring the rights of the parents and assume they know what's best for the parent's kids.

Even if you don't believe the Bible, secular history proves what happens when a nation becomes blatantly immoral.

"Trans people are awesome! I stand for lgbtq rights because it’s the right thing to do."

trans people have the right to make believe they are any sex they want to be...what they dont have the is the right to demand that i or anyone else play along with their delusion.

From: Bigdog 21
The media demands most the attention.

From: LBshooter
Well guys you can add NORTH FACE to the list of companies looking to piss off their customers. Yes NORTH FACE, wonder how many trans are climbing mountains or out in the woods? Lol to funny how These idiot ceo's are committing Corporate suicide.

From: RK
North Face was done way before this. Too funny to see them Jill themselves

From: Bent arrow
North face burnin down like the other clowns. Base ball gettin in on it too. Dodgers have pride night w/all the clowns. Support the people who are sane.

From: Bigdog 21
Coming to a tree stand near you. Lol

From: Mike B
Ricky TCG: "trans people have the right to make believe they are any sex they want to be...what they don't have is the right to demand that I or anyone else play along with their delusion."

What he said X1000...

I've lived my life trying to be respectful of all people, but what these odd folks need to understand is that people have boundaries as to what is tolerable, and what's not. I'm polite and pleasant....right up to the point when I'm told I must accept and agree with their delusions. Like I said...there are boundaries.

My reactions to the issue were not learned in society, church or elsewhere. They are instinctive.

From: Mike B

Mike B's embedded Photo
Mike B's embedded Photo

From: spike78
Pops none of us cares if you are gay or trans you do you. What we care about is how everything is changing for the worse. Just ask all the swimmers if they appreciate seeing Lia’s nutsack in the locker room.

"We can’t move forward if you keep holding us back."

move forward to what...a completely androgynous society...a society where mental disorders are celebrated and not treated...a society where we sanction and actually encourage the mutilation of children... a society where it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a child...but its legal for an adult to attempt change the sex of a child?

From: DanaC
Ricky, you keep using the term 'mental disorder' for assorted types of non-'straight' sexuality. Two points - 1) modern medicine does not agree, and 2) why are you so worried about how other people screw?

They're not 'recruiting', there's a heckuva lot more of them than you might believe. And it's always been that way. Google 'famous queers in history'.

I've met my share. Mostly they're just *boring* on the subject of sexuality. Especially their own. But your fixation on the subject is equally boring. Mind your own bedroom.

From: TGbow
Every nation that has went the direction we're headed crumbled from within. That's the problem today, we don't even know what's right and wrong anymore. You can't force people to do whats right but the end result will be negative regardless of what the culture says. True, some people speak the truth but in the wrong attitude. If a person is a male and thinks they are a female, common sense tells you they have a mental problem. Doesn't mean they are dangerous but they have a problem.

You can be against a certain life style but still have compassion for the person. After all, we're all sinners and Christ died for sinners..and I'm well qualified

From: RonP
is anyone else surprised Dick's Sporting Goods has not been out front (no pun intended) with a marketing campaign supporting the trans community? seems like a no-brainer and i'd like to see them join this cause.

"Ricky, you keep using the term 'mental disorder' for assorted types of non-'straight' sexuality."

no i dont...not even close.

nice try but i specifically said this is not about is about males who think they are females and females who think they are males. that is gender dysphoria...and it is a mental disorder. its also about transvestic fetishism disorder and autogynephilia...also mental disorders.

"this isnt about gays. most gays are disgusted by how these mentally ill people ("trans" community) have hijacked them. gays dont need to "tuck" anything. gay men dont claim to be women and gay women dont claim to be men."

gay men are still men...and gay women are still women...they just happen to be attracted to people of the same sex.

i couldnt care less about how consenting adults "screw." what i do care about is other people demanding that i play along with their delusion. if anyone is fixated on how people "screw"...maybe its the one who seems to be focused on how people screw.

From: Rut Nut
Just saw that there was a protest at the California State (high school) Track meet. Apparently the protesters were kicked out, but the 2 trans athletes scheduled to compete pulled out of the meet. So good for the protesters! We need more of this! STAND UP for common sense and FAIRNESS to biological women athletes!

From: 70lbDraw
“Again, the comments on here are a small snippet of what’s wrong with our country and why the world laughs at us. Bigotry, intolerance and outright hatred over something you haven’t even taken the time to fully understand. We can’t move forward if you keep holding us back.”

Do you realize that within the world of people laughing at us, there are cultures that execute their citizens for being trans, gay, etc.?

So, again I ask…what rights have been taken from the trans community?

From: Bowtech 64
I work for Toyota and this gets shoved down our throats every day.

From: Woods Walker
Right pops....and healthcare and education should be "free". about being in a "bubble".....NOTHING IS "FREE"!!!

"I've met my share. Mostly they're just *boring* on the subject of sexuality."

i might also add that i know a number of gay and lesbian couples and almost all of well as there friends...are disgusted by how they have been hijacked by the those in anything past the "b" in the lgbtqia2s+ community. they literally want nothing to do with them...and they feel they are a threat to their own existence.

you might want to educate yourself a little more before just jumping on the all "non-straight" lifestyles are equal train.

From: Tracker
Nice post Pops. I try to mind my own business, live my life as I want and let people live like they want. Less hate and anger will make this a better place to live for all.

From: Mike B
Pops: "Again, the comments on here are a small snippet of what’s wrong with our country and why the world laughs at us. Bigotry, intolerance and outright hatred over something you haven’t even taken the time to fully understand. We can’t move forward if you keep holding us back. "

Bigotry, intolerance and hatred.....none of that here Pops. Only person I ever hated was an ex-wife, and she's now deceased.

Time to fully understand? You're joking, right? If you dressed up as Santa Claus and tried to convince me you that were the REAL SC I'd tell you you were nuts. It doesn't bother me that you think you're SC, it bothers me that you want me to agree with you, which only furthers your delusion.

"We can’t move forward if you keep holding us back. " If "holding us back" means that you require the agreement from society that a dude dressed up as a woman is, in fact, a woman, then this is as far as your movement is going to go.

Again...there are boundaries.

From: nchunter
Dana and Pops just don't get it. I have gay friends that feel the trans folks and drag queen issues have set them back 20 years. If my grandsons elementary school had a drag queen show I would there being arrested for dragging his ass out. Sexual deviation has no business being taught in schools.And Pops, have you ever bowhunted or are you here as just a rabble rouser?

From: Mule Power
Target… what’s that? I was in there once. Once.

From: shade mt
Why is this stuff being promoted ? It IS NOT NORMAL!!!.....Do what you will this is a free country, but that does not mean you are free to shove it in everyone's face, try to indoctrinate their children etc....Gays and transgender, and crossdressers etc...have been around a long time.

In the past we just looked the other way, No we didn't approve of it, we tolerated it, but its just not normal.

Now its being taught, being promoted, and people are falling for it hook line and sinker..THIS IS NOT LOVE !! its corruption. Do you teach your children or let them do whatever they want? when you discipline do you still not love them?

You can love someone and still not approve of or agree with what they are doing. Would i help a gay or trans in need? yes, would i approve of what they do? of course not.

What they need is help....not a pat of approval the back....

And yes, stop buying from company's like this.

From: shade mt
Get it straight pops....normal people do not have to "crawl back under their rock".....they are the normal ones.

If anyone needs to crawl back under the rock, it is the bizarre, the ones that destroy NORMAL relationship etc...

And another thing...just to get it straight....You mentioned in an earlier post "you would have to go through me"....well tough guy......I'm not a bully, have no intention of harming gay or trans or drag queens or those that support them, as well as many that do not approve would also not, we are not bullies, so don't bother puffing up your chest skip...But......You try and teach or indoctrinate "MY" family...yer gonna get your butt kicked into the middle of next week....period.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"A trans person is not a threat to your grandkid. You can’t “catch the gay”. "

"trans" and "gay" are two different things.

as far as whether you can "catch" a little research on the social contagion aspect of it...many actually think you can.

From: shade mt
And another thing...get off the everybody else is doing it "europe" kick.

Quit being a puppet and being swayed by this "new" gay and trans, gay pride stuff etc...

If everybody else jumps off a cliff you gonna do that too?....get a backbone and stand for what is right....even if you must stand alone.

From: nchunter
I did not mean I would hurt the guy but i sure would stop the show one way or the other. Sex in this deviated manner has no business in schools or public libraries. I think to Pops that there is no such thing as a mentally ill or a just a sick deviate person- to each his own. I have never personally known a preacher that was a predator. I am not talking about Catholic ministers- there should of been a boatload of them in jail in the last 30 years.

From: shade mt
I can understand the "to each his own mentality"...i can understand the wrong in acts of violence against this odd stuff.

What i cannot understand is how on earth people do not understand that normal hetorosexual people and especially PARENTS, would not approve of this stuff being promoted ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOLS!!!

How can you not see that? How can you not see that one is normal (even nature itself shows you that)....and the other is not.

How on earth can you not understand why this would anger people? ESPECIALLY PARENTS!!! I mean is it not natural for a parent to want to protect their children?

It is becoming a very bizarre world, seems everywhere you turn anymore you see it.

From: Mike B
"Are you guys going to boycott all those companies I just listed or will you simply wait for the next boycott trend? "

Sorry Pops...we don't answer to you.

Said all I need to say here (and some things I didn't need to say). My apologies to the BS staff.

From: 70lbDraw
“I’m always the first to jump off the cliff! Cliff jumping is awesome! So are trans folks.”

If I were trans or gay, you’d be the first person I’d punch in the mouth! Quit grandstanding for people that, for the most part, want to be left alone. When it comes to protecting, and respecting their way of life, you’re doing more harm than good! You’re a troll!

From: 2Wild Bill

"for the most part, want to be left alone" Except for parading their sexuality preferences in public.

Pops, "Open your eyes and let love win."

God is love and he wins, he snuffed Sodom for the sexual wickedness therein. Are you God's judge also?

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
nice try but i specifically said this is not about is about males who think they are females and females who think they are males. that is gender dysphoria...and it is a mental disorder.

Again, still not what gender dysphoria is.

From: 2Wild Bill
BEG, A change of mind in 2013 is hardly science. The issue is people outside the norm and promoting their behavior. They don't reproduce, they recruit, and children are the most vulnerable.

From: bigeasygator
Your definition of what should be the norm, Bill. And this idea of grooming and recruitment is a myth being propagated by the anti-LBTQ+ crowd, just like the myth of the trans bathroom predators. Clearly the propaganda is working.

From: Glunt@work
Phsychiatry and the whole mental health field is overwhelmingly liberal. Shouldn't matter but like all aspects of life, it does.

Where a person sits is important when they tell you where they stand.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Again, still not what gender dysphoria is."

there was more to that quote in relation to males who think they are females and females who think they are males that you seemed to have left out...

"nice try but i specifically said this is not about is about males who think they are females and females who think they are males. that is gender dysphoria...and it is a mental disorder. its also about transvestic fetishism disorder and autogynephilia...also mental disorders."

but even ok with what I said about gender dysphoria.

from american psychiatric association...


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)1 provides for one overarching diagnosis of gender dysphoria with separate specific criteria for children and for adolescents and adults.

The DSM-5-TR defines gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults as a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and their assigned gender, lasting at least 6 months, as manifested by at least two of the following:

A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or in young adolescents, the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or in young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary sex characteristics)

A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)

A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender)"

in laymens terms...a male who thinks hes a female or a female who thinks shes a male.

From: BowenAero

BowenAero's embedded Photo
BowenAero's embedded Photo

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
in laymens terms...a male who thinks hes a female or a female who thinks shes a male.

Lol…I see you conveniently left out the last and most important criteria highlighted above. Again, gender dysphoria is not the incongruence related to birth sex and gender identity some people experience…it is psychological distress that comes from the incongruence, not the incongruence itself.

From your APA link:

Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.”

No distress, no gender dysphoria.

From: Bigdog 21

Bigdog 21's embedded Photo
Bigdog 21's embedded Photo

From: Shaft2Long

Shaft2Long's embedded Photo
Shaft2Long's embedded Photo
Nobody complained when Ford did it.

Nobody complained when the NFL did their major ad campaign last year saying they were hiring trannies for half time shows.

Used to be pride day, then it was pride week. For some reason it went to pride month. Now it’s every single day in all things and if you don’t want to suck it all? Well then you’re a homophobe, transphobic bigot.

Some dumbass above talked about the bathroom predator being imaginary. You might want to look into the facts. Teen girls have been beaten and raped in high school bathrooms due to the school boards trans agenda that was never shared with the parents.

You people are sick. You’re disgusting.

From: 70lbDraw

70lbDraw's Link
“just like the myth of the trans bathroom predators. Clearly the propaganda is working.”

Yeah, tell that to the guy who’s daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt. In addition to that, he was arrested for the way he reacted to his 15 year old daughter being raped! It’s one of many similar cases. Makes perfect sense.

BEG, do you agree with teachers losing their livelihood for simply ‘misgendering’ a minor student? Does it warrant ruining someone’s life, because they called a child something different than what they identify as?

From: bigeasygator
Go ahead and share the links to those stories, Shaft2Long, and I’ll share links to stories about trans individuals being abused. Let’s see who runs out of links first.

Regardless, I have looked at the facts and data. Your isolated story (if it even exists) is not the equivalent of an actual study. People that have done the actual studies have concluded non-discrimination laws do not lead to increased instances of abuse or assault from trans individuals. As pointed out above, studies have shown the opposite to be the case.

Your assertion is the equivalent of reading a story about a singular plane crash and concluding all air travel is categorically unsafe.

From: bigeasygator
Yeah, tell that to the guy who’s daughter was raped in a school bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt.

Stop equating someone pointing out the statistical rarity of an event with someone saying it isn’t traumatic when it occurs.

BEG, do you agree with teachers losing their livelihood for simply ‘misgendering’ a minor student?

No, unless they are intentionally doing it in a repetitive way.

"No distress, no gender dysphoria."

a distinction without a difference.

who in the hell would even consider going through anything associated with transitioning if they werent experiencing "clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

do you think these are just totally normal people transitioning for sport? something to do on a saturday night for kicks?

youre attempting to nitpick this to ridiculousness...and you just sound ridiculous.

From: bigeasygator
youre attempting to nitpick this to ridiculousness...and you just sound ridiculous.

Don’t get mad at me because you continually fail to understand (or deliberately misconstrue) the distinction; a distinction which is very deliberate by design.

im not mad at all, but i will ask the question again.

"who in the hell would even consider going through anything associated with transitioning if they werent experiencing "clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

you go right ahead thinking a mentally stable person would want to do my guest.

no...not mad...just chuckling.

From: TGbow
Secular history already tells us what happens to a culture when open immorality becomes rampant.

Why facts seem to be irrelevant is beyond me. Adults have a right to do what they want. Granted protected rights to any kind of "behavior" doesn't even make sense.

Look at Hate Crimes...absolutely ridiculous. If you harm an individual, no matter their race or sexual orientation, they all should be treated the same. Hate crimes insinuate some people are more important than's stupid.

Leftist and eight wing regulatory ideology always has the opposite effect in reality.

From: bigeasygator
im not mad at all, but i will ask the question again.

"who in the hell would even consider going through anything associated with transitioning if they werent experiencing "clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

Apparently enough for the APA and every other major medical and psychological institution to make it unequivocally clear that not all transgendered people experience gender dysphoria.

From: Glunt@work
If a person is medically transitioning, they need to be diagnosed with something, likely Gender Dysphoria. It's not like getting a nose job or a tummy tuck.

From: scentman
Target to Bud light... "hold my beer".

From: 70lbDraw
“Stop equating someone pointing out the statistical rarity of an event with someone saying it isn’t traumatic when it occurs.”

“No, unless they are intentionally doing it in a repetitive way.”

There is certainly an uncharted depth to your train of thought. I suppose it’s better that I don’t understand it!

"If a person is medically transitioning, they need to be diagnosed with something, likely Gender Dysphoria. It's not like getting a nose job or a tummy tuck."

in my opinion...any reasonable person would see this...unless they are married to a narrative that they just cant back away from.

from what ive read a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is actually a requirement for receiving medically necessary gender-affirming care.

From: Woods Walker
You people are making this WAY too complicated. It's like this...if you have nuts and think you don't, or you don't have nuts and think you do, then.....YOU'RE NUTS!!!

Get some help. And DO NOT try to force your mental delusions down our throats, and STAY THE **** AWAY FROM THE KIDS!!!!!!

From: Beendare
No wonder Target is pushing this stuff. Targets VP of brand management is On the board and treasurer of GLSEN.

From the Daily mail Target’s Vice President of Brand Management has been revealed as treasurer and board member of LGBTQI+ charity that received $2.1 million in funding from Target.

The charity which received the multi-million dollar donation, GLSEN, encourages teachers to hide the gender identities of trans and non-binary students from their parents.

Targets VP of Brand Management Carlos Saavedra is currently serving as the treasurer and board member for the organization which also provides instructions to schools on making math class ‘more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities.’

From: TGbow
I'm going to identify as a rich white dude...Just haven't figured out where the funds will come from


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
oregon school district 4j pride fest...

all welcome...probably just "someone looking like Mrs. Doubtfire reading a Maya Angelou book and singing songs from Frozen"

From: 70lbDraw
“oregon school district 4j pride fest...”

They need to add a disclaimer to that flyer. Warning people that if they don’t choose to attend the parade, they’re automatically labeled as haters and phobics.

Ain’t that right BEG?…it’s all blown out of proportion. It’s smoke and mirrors. It’s a conspiracy theory. None of this has a negative effect on kids… right?

I’m still waiting for someone to tell me what the trans community has had taken from them.

From: stealthycat
Target has been anti-gun for years - I've not shopped there in a decade or more

Dicks sporting good either

and now, Bud Light, Northface .. I boycott ALL anti-gun and such, things I do NOT agree with, I won't support

the people on the other side do it, time we started to as well

From: KSflatlander
“I’m still waiting for someone to tell me what the trans community has had taken from them.“

How about freedom of speech and expression. How about safety (life, liberty). There are currently over 100 bills in state legislatures call for limiting LBGTQ rights.

From: RK
Ks. They have had NOTHING TAKEN from them

From: 70lbDraw
“How about freedom of speech and expression. How about safety (life, liberty). There are currently over 100 bills in state legislatures call for limiting LBGTQ rights.”

Have they been passed? Are they expected to pass?

Are they limiting LGBTQ rights, or the amount of ability they have to influence minors into something they aren’t ready to think about? There’s a difference.

I’m not aware of any laws limiting free speech for transgender folks, unless it hampers their ability to talk to children.

As for safety, we’re all in the same boat. Not only are police being chastised for doing their jobs, there are a million reasons for someone to want to attack someone else. Transgenderism isn’t the only demographic to experience hateful and vengeful people.

What am I missing? Is the oppression really that bad?

“How about freedom of speech and expression. How about safety (life, liberty). There are currently over 100 bills in state legislatures call for limiting LBGTQ rights.”

if one of those bills made parades with naked or nearly naked marchers...carrying disgusting signs...and making lewd sexual gestures for all to see vote for it in a heartbeat.

these parades are apparently so disgusting we cant even post a picture of them here on bowsite...but we allow them to take place in our streets...go figure.

From: 2Wild Bill
2 Peter chapter 2, especially v.6

From: RK

REALLY. So pathetic and weak

Nice effort.

From: bigeasygator
if one of those bills made parades with naked or nearly naked marchers...carrying disgusting signs...and making lewd sexual gestures for all to see vote for it in a heartbeat.

You sound like a lot of fun Ricky. You basically just said you’d ban half of Mardi Gras.

From: bigeasygator
Have they been passed? Are they expected to pass?

Yes and yes.

Are they limiting LGBTQ rights, or the amount of ability they have to influence minors into something they aren’t ready to think about? There’s a difference.

The former.

From: 2Wild Bill
"It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." - Patrick Henry


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"You sound like a lot of fun Ricky."

we obviously have different ideas of fun. public debauchery ...especially in front of minors...just isnt my thing. apparently it isnt for for mardi gras either.

"No Nudity

You’ve probably seen or heard about the way some people come by beads. Police officers might be somewhat lenient about that sort of behavior on Bourbon Street, but it isn’t tolerated along the parade routes. Keep all your clothes on!

Contrary to popular belief outside of New Orleans, Carnival is overwhelmingly family-friendly. Many New Orleanians take their kids to parades, and a good rule to apply here is, if you wouldn’t do something in front of kids in your hometown, you shouldn’t do it here (exceptions to this rule include screaming, dancing and waving your arms to score beads). Plus, in this day and age you will probably end up on the Internet, and not in a good way. We can’t stress this enough: Do NOT flash for beads."

From: Nomad @ work
"Pops" is nothing but a troll & he's violating Bowsite rules by not listing his correct name in his profile. No one here can really believe his name is Sam Witch!

The Donkey said to the Tiger: “The grass is blue.” The Tiger replies: “No, the grass is green.” Their discussion heated up. So they submitted it to arbitration before the Lion, the King of the Jungle. Even Before reaching the clearing where the Lion king was sitting on his throne, the Donkey shouted out loud: “Your Majesty, the grass is blue, right?” The Lion responded: “Yes, you’re correct, the grass is blue.” The Donkey continues: “The Tiger contradicts and annoys me, please punish him.” The Lion punishes the Tiger with 5 years of silence. The Donkey cheerfully went on his way repeating: “The grass is blue.” The Tiger accepts his punishment, but asks the Lion: “Your Majesty, why have you punished me? Everyone knows the grass is green.” The Lion says: “Yes, you’re very true but you are being punished because a brave and intelligent creature like you wasted time arguing with a Donkey!

From: bigeasygator
Police officers might be somewhat lenient about that sort of behavior on Bourbon Street, but it isn’t tolerated along the parade routes. Keep all your clothes on!

LOL! Just go ahead and google Krewe du Vieux. And for the last 8 years I have ridden in the largest parade during Mardi Gras. I promise nudity is not limited to Bourbon St.

"There are currently over 100 bills in state legislatures call for limiting LBGTQ rights."

thats more than a little deceptive. the vast majority of those bills have nothing to do with LBG and have everything to do with T...specifically biological males competing in female sports...transition surgeries on minors...and to a lesser extent drag shows for children.

do you think biological males should be competing against biological females in hs and college?

do you think we should be performing permanent sex change surgeries on people who havent reached the age of consent?

Do you think drag shows are appropriate for children?

do you think its appropriate to have a child chemically castrated or have their breasts or penis removed... before they are even allowed to vote or have a beer?

a simple yes or no on those would be great.

."LOL! Just go ahead and google Krewe du Vieux. And for the last 8 years I have ridden in the largest parade during Mardi Gras. I promise nudity is not limited to Bourbon St."

im sure it isnt.

a certain segment of the population will do what they do regardless of any rules or laws. just go ahead and google shootings on the streets of chicago...drug abuse on the streets of san francisco...and child trafficking in the district of columbia.

From: 2Wild Bill
"Just as no human being has control over the wind to restrain it, so also no human being has control over the day of his death. Just as no one is discharged during war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it." - Ecclesiastes 8:8

From: 70lbDraw
“Have they been passed? Are they expected to pass? Yes and yes.

Are they limiting LGBTQ rights, or the amount of ability they have to influence minors into something they aren’t ready to think about? There’s a difference.

The former.”

BEG, please feel free to elaborate! Is America going the same way as Uganda? Are we going to imprison and execute people for it? Will we be able to make a citizens arrest if we suspect someone is transgender?

Your incessant need to bolster the victimhood of certain people is, to say the least, dishonest and deceptive. It’s no different than you telling a bunch of conservatives that the Democrats aren’t really trying to silence free speech. I think you guys refer to it as a ‘red herring’, or a ‘straw man argument’, or perhaps a silly conspiracy theory.

Put your money where your mouth is and back your claim.

From: 2Wild Bill

Truth as you see it, is not.

From: bigeasygator
BEG, please feel free to elaborate! Is America going the same way as Uganda? Are we going to imprison and execute people for it?

Queers like Sam Brinton need dropped out of a helicopter

homosexuality and transgender confusion is not a "choice"...its a sin.

If we all stand together we can get rid of this virus

If some people on this forum had their way we would.

It’s no different than you telling a bunch of conservatives that the Democrats aren’t really trying to silence free speech

Not something I've ever said...I think both parties are trying to silence free speech when it suits them.

I think you guys refer to it as a ‘red herring’, or a ‘straw man argument’, or perhaps a silly conspiracy theory

Not sure who "you guys" is referencing. But regarding the victimhood of people and putting money where my mouth is, there is more than enough evidence out there.

Currently over 491 anti-LGBTQ+ pieces of legislation in various statuses across the country. Some of the legislation I support. But I still recognize it as being anti-LGBTQ+. And lots of it I do have an issue with - such as those bills related to what can and can't be taught (ie, "Don't say gay" legislation), bills related to free speech and expression (ie, laws limiting drag shows), and bills limiting gender affirming care (would much rather let professionals weigh in on what is best for the health of anyone questioning their gender identity - which is absolutely a group that is at higher risk of distress and depression, bullying and violence, and suicide).

From: 70lbDraw
“Queers like Sam Brinton need dropped out of a helicopter

homosexuality and transgender confusion is not a "choice"...its a sin.

If we all stand together we can get rid of this virus

If some people on this forum had their way we would.”

Ignorant comments do not equate to laws.

So again, there are no laws against transgenderism. The laws are in place to protect children from being exposed to it unwittingly. It’s no different than laws that prevent minors from drinking, smoking, etc. I suppose adults who smoke and drink are being victimized, because there are laws that don’t allow them to exploit children with their bad habits? Same difference.

Who are you really trying to protect? The adults with questionable habits, or the kids with impressionable minds?

From: hildyatwork
Pops...what is your view on "God" and the principles this country were founded upon?

From: 2Wild Bill

In America we have tolerated homsexuality and thus empowered those practicitioners. We don't have to go back to Geneva where repression was tried and failed. American civil government ought to be fair in matters of morality. The absolute authority of law flows from the Creator, not the government, or the barrel of a gun, as Mao taught. "Civil rights" have become anything but that as government declares itself the authority and not the Creator. The state we are in today is that LGBTQ is violating the "civil rights" of people with a faith in the Creator, and the government is pushing a morality that is not of goodness and truth, but rather an exercise of oppression. In 1947, that separation of church and state ruling by the Scotus misconstrued the the wall into an endorsement of atheism, and making the Federal government the enforcer. Separation between church and state is valid, but separation between the Creator and country is not. Today, believers are the oppressed. Believe it or not, and I don't expect you will, because you are selective of the evidence you push.

"If we all stand together we can get rid of this virus" - Very true, the question is how.

"If some people on this forum had their way we would." - I'm proud to one of "those guys".

From: Shaft2Long

Link to one assault where father was arrested for being mad.

How bout the trans people with agendas to kill Christians? That’s probably not happening either.

I’ll just say it, if trans people are being abused, they’re asking for it. Trying to force compliance with that lunacy is making people angry. Secretly trying to transition kids in schools funded by taxpayers is going to have repercussions.

More than likely though, BEG links will be people who got their ass kicked and just happened to be trans. Then the media spins it for sensation and agenda.

People like me, didn’t care. As long as you kept it to yourself. Now they want EVERYONE to kneel for it. Well, they’ll get the appropriate response.

From: bigeasygator
So again, there are no laws against transgenderism. The laws are in place to protect children from being exposed to it unwittingly

This isn't even remotely true.

Who are you really trying to protect? The adults with questionable habits, or the kids with impressionable minds?

LOL you want to talk about a strawman.

Bill - "The absolute authority of law flows from the Creator,..."

That is ridiculous. Government makes the laws. Period.

From: bluedog
I see Chick-Fil-A is now celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo

Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
pops got one thing right...

"America has become the laughingstock of the rest of the free world..."

From: 2Wild Bill
Welcome back Phil, that was a long two weeks.

Read your American Declaration of Independence, absolute rights come from the Creator, and governments are formed to uphold those rights, not what anybody wants for law in violation of the Creator's law.

"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God." - Thomas Jefferson

"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever. —Thomas Jefferson

From: KSflatlander
What kind of guy snoops around and tries to post information on another posters family? RK (robert kiebler from TX) that’s who. What a lowlife dbag even though he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And then has the gaul to tell me to “quit worrying.”

RK- that post reveals a lot about exactly who you are. You have no room to lecture anyone on morality. What a complete dbag.

Bill, that was the other thread I'm not going back to.

First, the Declaration of Independence is a fine document. But it isn't the Constitution which is the document that our country is built upon.

I have read the Declaration. I didn't see anywhere in it that says laws come from God. Now you've switched to rights. So which do you really mean - laws or rights? And, while we're at it, which Creator are you talking about, the one you believe in or the one I believe in, or the one that someone else believes in?

Each of us is entitled to believe as they choose. None of us are entitled to force our religious views on others or have the government force religious views on the citizens.

Finally, I don't think that, as a Christian, you want to hold Jefferson up as a role model. He was a slave owner that had at least one child out of marriage with one of his slaves.

"Finally, I don't think that, as a Christian, you want to hold Jefferson up as a role model."

if anyone is looking for a role model...the following is a list of all people in human history who are without sin:











if i missed any...let me know.

Christ was a real person, right?

From: 2Wild Bill

Plain as the nose on your face, "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Endowed, endowed, endowed, get it? I guess not.

So tell us Phil, who is your Creator? I know who Jefferson meant when he wrote.

From: 2Wild Bill
Phil, It seems you want to say that Jesus the Christ was a real person, is he your Creator?

This isn’t about me Bill. I’m not the one pushing my religious views on others or using my religious views to judge others.

From: Nomad @ work

Nomad @ work's embedded Photo
Nomad @ work's embedded Photo

From: Will
This thread affirms that the next time I need shampoo and a new T shirt, school stuff for my kids, some Christmas lights or Halloween decorations, I'm going to Target.

Decent prices, lots of options.

From: 2Wild Bill

It is about you and numerous other, so called Americans, who deny the Almighty Creator his due, even in civil justice.

Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, with the Creator, because it doesn't work without him, as evident in today's society.

From: KsRancher
2Wild Bill is worrying about the LGBTQ being pushed on people all the while pushing "the creator" on people. LMAO

"Christ was a real person, right?"

yes...he was fully human and he was fully god...unlike any other mere mortal that has ever existed.

From: Rut Nut
From: Phil Magistro 31-May-23

Finally, I don't think that, as a Christian, you want to hold Jefferson up as a role model. He was a slave owner that had at least one child out of marriage with one of his slaves.

Why NOT Phil? As Ricky pointed out, WE are ALL sinners and therefore NOT perfect beings. But I guess that fact is not so popular in the age of “CANCEL CULTURE!” : (

"2Wild Bill is worrying about the LGBTQ being pushed on people all the while pushing "the creator" on people. LMAO"

good point...maybe we should only teach that as much in schools as we do religion.

by the keep referring to the lgbtq community when it is actually lgbtqia2s+.

thats not very inclusive of you have any idea how the ia2s+ group feels about you being so dismissive to their plight?

Rut, cancel culture? Seriously? Your side wants to cancel all LGBTQ people. Your side wants to cancel the FBI. Your side wants to cancel much of DOJ.

No, you don’t get to throw cancel culture around as though you have the moral high ground.

Bill, believe whatever you feel is right. But don’t try to force your religious views on others.

"Your side wants to cancel all LGBTQ people..."


From: 70lbDraw
“Each of us is entitled to believe as they choose. None of us are entitled to force our religious views on others or have the government force religious views on the citizens.”

Absolutely agreed! If only it were that way with everything, and not just religion. Which is what many here are trying to say. But certain folks feel as though their beliefs need to be embraced by others, to the point that they’re called buzzwords like, racist, bigot, sexist, etc. etc. etc. it’s human nature. Nobody wants to be alone in their struggle to justify themselves and their way of life.

From: 70lbDraw
“Your side wants to cancel the FBI. Your side wants to cancel much of DOJ.”

Don’t tell me you think those two departments are worthy of anything but total oversight and overhaul?!! They’re FAR from being an asset to this country!

Oversight? Oversight went out the window a long time ago. Who could provide non-partisan, unbiased oversight? I believe both departments need to be reviewed. Wray was appointed by Trump. Does that make him good or bad?

Like many government offices, I believe that both departments are filled with lots of dedicated, country-first people just trying to do their job. I also believe that there some that hold extreme views but they are not in the majority. The news media on both sides does not do anything good by presenting biased reporting. Politicians on both sides do no good when they get involved especially when trying to use those departments to further their agenda.

Ricky, ""Your side wants to cancel all LGBTQ people..."

hogwash. "

Have you read the comments on this thread?

From: KSflatlander
“No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever.” -Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was very clear on his stance of church and state. He unequivocally believed in separation of the two.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

Just for you WildBill. As plain as the nose on your face.

From: 2Wild Bill
KS, Why how selective of you. As plain as the nose on your face, I agreed to a separation of church and state, but not a separation of Creator and country. Jefferson stated on behalf of the other framers that American rights come from the Creator.

Ignoring the truth as Phil has, doesn't make it so.

From: KSflatlander
Apparently just as selective as you as it’s a quote…duh.

Splitting hairs and calling it “Creator and country” doesn’t make it so either. Jefferson and you agree on separation of church and state. Practice or not practice any religion you choose but the U.S.A. cannot establish a religion. It is against the constitution. You’re going in circles. What then is your Freaking point besides virtue signaling?

What truth am I ignoring?

Bill - "Ignoring the truth as Phil has, doesn't make it so. "

What truth? Your truth? Not my truth. Definitely not a universal truth.

Bill, believe whatever you feel is right. But don’t try to circled your religious views on others.

From: KsRancher
Bill - "Ignoring the truth as Phil has, doesn't make it so. " What truth? Your truth? Not my truth. Definitely not a universal truth.

Dang! I almost hate to agree with Phil. But, I just have to on that one.


Now that didn't hurt did it?

From: 2Wild Bill
Accusing me of splitting hairs? That's laughable. Just like you asking me, which creator and then saying our rights come from government. Is it said government creates all mankind equal? Twist in the wind as you might, you are denying the truth. You even mimic Pontius Pilate, "what is truth".

"This law of nature, being coeval with mankind and dicta­ted by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original." - Justice Blackstone, revered by the framers of the Constitution.

The First Amendment was written and passed Congress in 1789, and a Constitutional requirement to record the delebrations makes no mention of separation of church and state. James Madison, who was a friend of Jefferson could have introduced that language if if was to be understood the way it was applied in 1947, but he didn't. The "wall" as defined today is a fabrication of Chief justice Hugo Black, former KKK leader and hater of Catholics. It makes atheism the religion of the government, and of course that is unconstitutional. During the presidency of Jefferson he regularly attended church in Federal buildings and is known to have earmarked Federal funds to provide a Christian pastor for native American tribes.

From: 2Wild Bill
Let me rephrase my statement. No mention of a wall, but the government cannot establish a national church, which is not what I'm pointing to. Rather the Creator is not government and apart from the creation, supernatural and in charge of the creation.

"Have you read the comments on this thread?"

sure i have. for the most part what I am seeing is that some people feel that the whole lgbtqia2s+ community is living in sin. i believe they are....but i also believe everyone else is too... beyond that...adults can do whatever they want and believe whatever they want to believe...just dont demand that everyone else do or believe the same thing. i dont choose to take part in someone elses delusion...and i sure as heck dont think its appropriate to push it on children.

"...adults can do whatever they want and believe whatever they want to believe...just dont demand that everyone else do or believe the same thing. i dont choose to take part in someone elses delusion...and i sure as heck dont think its appropriate to push it on children. "

I agree.

From: KSflatlander

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”

As plain as the nose on your face.

From: 70lbDraw

70lbDraw's Link
But the people that disagree with them are the real domestic terrorists, and haters?…riiiggght!!!

“The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who identify as a group of "queer and trans nuns," are known for mocking Christian beliefs, including holding an annual "Foxy Mary" and "Hunky Jesus" contest, pole dancing on crosses, and using the saying, "Go forth and sin some more!"”

From: RK
Yea. Those messed up nuns are incredibly perverse

Hard to believe

From: RK
I'm with Will. Go to target and shop. Not an issue

From: butcherboy
I think some of you are mechanical broadheads trying to identify as a fixed blade or COC broadhead. LOL!

From: DanaC
"Yea. Those messed up nuns are incredibly perverse

Hard to believe "

Not if you attended a parochial school ;-)

From: shade mt
I think the whole thread was started by normal people boycotting be it.

You want to support LGBTQ or whatever it is, you do it, go to Target, drink budweiser, take your kids to disneyland, drag queen shows etc...

Then sit back and Be quiet, when the rest of us do our business elsewhere, and choose not to support LGBTQ, pull our kids out of public school, and choose not to support this madness.

This isn't about differences or freedom, this is about right and wrong, morally right and wrong.

From: shade mt
I'll double post here because i think those of us that do not support this madness need To pull together. We DO have the right to do our business elsewhere, we DO have the right to teach OUR children what is morally right or wrong, and no you DO NOT have to agree with or support LGBTQ, or any of this transgender madness.

This is probably not going thing we can do is simply ignore them, not give them our business as much as possible, pull your kids out of public school if you can, it is YOUR responsibility as parents to teach and safeguard your kids. They are YOUR children, not the Gov't...and certainly not LGBTQ...

As christians you have the right to protect, but not the right to offend...there is a big difference. It is NEVER right to hate, Those of us that believe in normal hetorosexual marriage and God given gender, simply need to remain steadfast, and unmovable , i mean after all they cannot force you to be or think like that...

These people will eventually self caught in their own snare....etc..

"These people will eventually self destruct..."

i think youre right. the tendency of extremists on both sides is to overreach...and the american people have a tendency to snap them back. the majority of americans...if not supportive...are at least tolerant of gay...lesbian and bi long as they just go about their lives like everyone else. the tqia2s+ crap is a bridge too far and and the american people are fed up with it and are starting to push back. if you want to piss of americans...mess with their kids.

From: Woods Walker
You mess with my kids, and you are ****ing with your heartbeat. And I don't care what gender you really are/prefer, or think you are. Gay, straight, QRSTWLAMO/whatever. It's not threat, it's a PROMISE!


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Mess Around and Find Out
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Mess Around and Find Out
pushing this trans crap on children is definitely a 10 on the mess around and find out graph...

From: Brotsky
The Under Armour Pride collection came out today guys! Keep Hammering!!!!

From: Recurve Man
My son was a senior this year at a public school. He came home and told us in his history class there was a chapter where the teacher was going to go through the LGBTQ. We are Christian and do not believe in supporting those beliefs. We call he school and spoke with the principal and told him our son would not be participating in that chapter of the class. So they sent him to study hall for the duration of it. He still received a passing grade. It definitely lowed his grade point which lead him to be the Salutatorian instead of Valedictorian. So in his Salutatorian speech he spoke of his HS career and touched on how his beliefs caused him to not achieve his worldly goal but his faith he would not compromise to the worldly ways. After graduating he honestly had a line of people who thanked him and said they had never heard a better speech from a young HS age student.

I encourage you who all who have beliefs in Christ to take a stand and do compromise to the ways of our crooked world.


From: bigeasygator
the tqia2s+ crap is a bridge too far and and the american people are fed up with it and are starting to push back. if you want to piss of americans...mess with their kids

And what about kids that are showing signs they maybe questioning their gender identity? What about kids that are demonstrating gender dysphoria?

From: Rut Nut
From: Phil Magistro 31-May-23

Rut, cancel culture? Seriously? Your side wants to cancel all LGBTQ people. Your side wants to cancel the FBI. Your side wants to cancel much of DOJ. No, you don’t get to throw cancel culture around as though you have the moral high ground.

Well, last I checked we live in a FREE country Phil- where we are FREE to believe whatever we want! We’re not TOLD (by the government) what to think or how to act or imprisoned or fined for those beliefs...............................oh wait- you might just have something there! ;-)

No side wants to cancel LGBTQC, but they do not need to be in my face. What they do in the bedroom is up to them.

From: 70lbDraw
“And what about kids that are showing signs they maybe questioning their gender identity? What about kids that are demonstrating gender dysphoria?”

What about them? When you feed crap to kids they soak it up like a sponge. Do you think Greta Thunberg was born with the natural instinct to recognize that climate change was going to kill her before she was a grown woman? No…she was brainwashed by ignorant and selfish fools that don’t care about her well being as much as their care about their own self loathing?

Do you lack common sense on purpose, or do you take medications that help keep it suppressed?

From: KSflatlander
WW/Ricky- you all are ready to fight (physically harm) if someone talks about LBGTQ issues in front of your kids?

What would you do if your +18 year old kid came to you and told you they were gay, had gender dysmorphia, or wanted to transition?

How much do you really truly unconditionally love your own blood? How much courage do you really have? What would you do?

70- I don’t know about you but I’ve known I’m straight all my life. There is no way to convince me now or when I was a teenager to be attracted to the same sex. You think that you can convince any person to become gay or transgender? Could you have ever been convinced to be gay or transgender?

If being gay or transgender is solely a choice then please tell me the time and date that you chose? It was never a choice for me to be straight. It’s just always who I’ve been. I’ve always liked boobs. Lol

Yes, absolutely culture plays a part in sexuality but so does genetics. Human sexuality and the expression of is very complex because culture AND genetics have influences. If you believe it’s a choice then take some estrogen pills and watch you body and mind change. And yes there will always be people out there to do things for attention and shock value. Those that do aren’t being true to themselves and can’t sustain the facade for a lifetime.

From: Bowfreak
“And what about kids that are showing signs they maybe questioning their gender identity? What about kids that are demonstrating gender dysphoria?“

I would like to see these people receive the treatment they deserve instead of being pushed over the ledge to transitioning.

I honestly feel that in the future as society we are going to look back on this period as one of the largest black eyes since slavery. The people suffering from these issues are not being helped, they are being harmed to push extreme leftist ideology.

From: 70lbDraw
“70- I don’t know about you but I’ve known I’m straight all my life. There is no way to convince me now or when I was a teenager to be attracted to the same sex. You think that you can convince any person to become gay or transgender? Could you have ever been convinced to be gay or transgender?”

Ughhh! Do you guy really not understand? This has nothing to do with whether someone is or isn’t gay! No, I’m not afraid of gay people, and I’m not afraid that I might be gay! Being gay is being gay. It doesn’t require surgery and drugs to achieve gayness. When a kid is a legal adult with a fully developed brain they’re welcome to do as they wish. The problem is letting them make decisions that could ruin the rest of their natural lives. There are plenty of transgender adults that will tell you how badly they regret going through such a life changing experience at a young age. If your 12 year old decides he wants an MS-13 face and neck tattoo, do you give him a few hundred bucks and drop him off at the parlor of his choice?!! I mean, where do YOU draw the line between childhood, and consenting adulthood?

"And what about kids that are showing signs they maybe questioning their gender identity? What about kids that are demonstrating gender dysphoria?"

what do you do when your child insists they are a teenage mutant ninja turtle? do you affirm that they are ninja turtle and have a shell surgically attached to them?

studies have shown that 80% of kids who think they are transgender change their minds and do not continue into adulthood.

in my opinion you would have them get counseling...with a counselor that is not hell bent on only affirming...and get them through puberty. i would seek to have their mental illness treated...not celebrated. when they reach adulthood...they can do whatever the wish.

From: bigeasygator
I would like to see these people receive the treatment they deserve

Couldn't agree more. For me, I'll rely on professionals to articulate what that treatment should be. As it stands, a number of major medical organizations have published position papers and guidelines on how to provide age-appropriate gender affirming care for individuals who are questioning or who are suffering, including:

American Academy of Pediatrics (

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (

The Endocrine Society (

The American Medical Association (

The American Psychological Association (

The American Psychiatric Association (

Guessing all of these professionals lack common sense too, right 70lb? Just a bunch of institutions out there looking to harm children, eh?

From: Will
Recurve man - good on your son. Stood up for his beliefs and worked hard. Well done.

"WW/Ricky- you all are ready to fight (physically harm) if someone talks about LBGTQ issues in front of your kids?"

never said that...never implied that...never even came remotely close to implying it.

if they did...i would remove my child from that situation...and try to make it so the offender couldnt do it to anyone elses child. if anyone from that....or any other community...laid a hand on them in an inappropriate way...i cant say what i would do.

"What would you do if your +18 year old kid came to you and told you they were gay, had gender dysmorphia, or wanted to transition?

How much do you really truly unconditionally love your own blood? How much courage do you really have? What would you do?"

if they said they were gay...i wouldnt necessarily like it but i would understand and nothing would change in terms of my relationship with them.

if they said they were trans and wanted to transition i would do everything i possibly could to get them the mental help they needed but ultimately it would be their choice. i wouldn't love them any less than if they had any other mental illness. what i wouldnt do is play into the delusion.

From: 70lbDraw
Better yet. What do you do when your kid comes home from school with a head and neck tattoo that his teacher convinced him to get, as well as drove him there to get it without your knowledge?

“Guessing all of these professionals lack common sense too, right 70lb? Just a bunch of institutions out there looking to harm children, eh?”

You’re welcome to trust who you want to trust, I personally don’t trust anyone with my kids except their mother and I. Our government is supposed to be made up of professionals as well. Apparently you trust them a lot more than I do as well. When did thinking for yourself become a bad thing?

From: Recurve Man
New International Version “’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

That is from Leviticus 20:13

This should be reason enough not to be a homosexual of sorts.

Rut, “ Well, last I checked we live in a FREE country Phil- where we are FREE to believe whatever we want! ”

I completely agree. It’s not the beliefs that cause problems. It’s the actions. Like DeSantis taking on Disney because he doesn’t like what they said. They should be free to believe what they want without fear of retribution.

From: KSflatlander
Ricky- I appreciate your response. I don’t necessarily agree with all of it but I understand better where you are coming from.

From: bigeasygator
When did thinking for yourself become a bad thing?

Never said it was. Also never said you aren't free to disagree with professionals and experts, though you do so at your own risk.

However, what I do have issue with is the notion that any support of LGBTQ+ positions is interpreted as support of harming children. Call me naïve, but for one, I think none of those organizations arrived at their positions lightly or haphazardly. They've weighed the evidence and evaluated trade-offs in order to define policies and guidelines they think are in the best interest of both gender questioning individuals as well as the broader public at large.

You're free to disagree, but I think it's asinine to suggest that those institutions are motivated by anything other than advancing and improving public health, let alone motivated to facilitate the harming of children.

Disney was getting a pass on paying their share of taxes. The fact that they are woke is a different choice. I simply stopped spending my money there, which of course is my choice.

From: 70lbDraw
“However, what I do have issue with is the notion that any support of LGBTQ+ positions is interpreted as support of harming children.”

It’s interpreted as harming children, because it DOES harm them!

If a child, under 18 has a life threatening medical condition that requires surgery or other drastic measures, then the professionals are the people to trust. I don’t understand why anyone would rush to assist a minor child in self mutilation, simply because they feel a little different. They turn 18 and regret doing the changes, then they’re messed up for the rest of their lives because a responsible adult didn’t step in and convince them to wait until they are able to make sound decisions on their own. Why is that such a foreign concept for you to grasp?

Gender dysphoria is not a life threatening condition.

It sure seems like some hunters stood directly along side PETA, HSUS, and the ASPCA in supporting the administration against the second amendment, as well as hunting and trapping.

From: Rut-N-Strut
The studies that any institution does on this subject are flawed in the fact that this is a new phenomenon. This gender transitioning on this scale has only been around 5-10 years which is way too short of a time to really see what the long term damage could be. What is fact is that the transgender community suffers from the highest suicide rate of any group. Mostly by those who transition at a young age. Not because of bullying and attacks like the left want you to believe but because of mental anguish due to their disorder. Help these people mentally, not physically

"Like DeSantis taking on Disney because he doesn’t like what they said. They should be free to believe what they want without fear of retribution."

disney is free to believe what they want...but they are not free from retribution both by government... in terms of having special perks taken away...or by the general public in terms of not giving them their dollars.

it would be one thing if desantis punished them with different rules. thats not the they have the same rules as everyone else. disney is killing themselves.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
ksflatlander and bigeasygator...

i answered your how about answering mine?

what would you to if your child informed you one day they were a furry and they identified as a cat? would you indulge them by supporting their decision to be a cat, feed them cat food...communicate with them via cat noises...refer to them as their new cat name...and for all intents and purposes affirm that they are a cat?

From: DanaC
First time you put a plate of stinky cat food on the table they'll drop that silliness ;-).

Kidding aside, most kids go thru phases, and get over it. This too shall pass.

Ricky, You made my point. Disney should be free to believe what they choose without fear of retribution by the government. People can boycott Disney but the government shouldn't take punitive measures just because they (Desantis) doesn't like what was said.

As far as the agreements between Disney/Florida, you really need to get more information.

From: scentman
Target is selling Bud Light 30 pacs for 22.99.

From: bigeasygator
what would you to if your child informed you one day they were a furry and they identified as a cat? would you indulge them by supporting their decision to be a cat, feed them cat food...communicate with them via cat noises...refer to them as their new cat name...and for all intents and purposes affirm that they are a cat?

A lot of details left out in your hypothetical that make it hard to answer specifically. But I'd certainly ask questions about what they are feeling and why they might be feeling that way. Depending on how significant their feelings are, I would likely make a judgement call as to whether this is something I thought would pass (ie, a phase) or whether it was something more serious that could use the support of professionals. If it was the latter, I would seek professional help at some point and trust that they could better diagnose what may be happening and trust that they have a playbook to inform follow-up actions.

From: KSflatlander
Good grief Ricky…I’m not sure your silly question deserves a response but here goes. At some point, nearly all kids say they are a dog or a cat and act silly mimicking sounds and behaviors. However, they rarely do it for more than an hour or so because they are pretending and it’s normal. If it lasted months and years every day then I would discuss it with them and try to figure out what’s going on. I know they do not have feline genetics so the source of the feeling are coming from somewhere else.

However, being gay is not a silly pretend thing they do for an hour. It’s in their subconscious mannerisms and behavior everyday of their life. In addition, it’s likely something they bring up after puberty so the is some maturity vs a pre-teen acting like a cat.

Maybe you should come up with a more intelligent question that isn’t a ridiculous and poignant statement masked by a question mark.

Now this is where you find a childish meme of an adult who dresses like a cat and post it as a childish response.

I tell you…this right wing media culture wars play on this is melting your brain and priorities. Maybe you could make better use of your time if your worried about kids by focusing on the #1 killer in America.

From: Lawdog
Good lord guys, he was making an analogy, a metaphor. I don't think he intended a literal comparison. Yet, you all are treating it like a legitimate question albeit maybe tongue-in- cheek. Mildly entertaining. Carry on.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Good grief Ricky…I’m not sure your silly question deserves a response but here goes."

apparently you didn't go to the link i ill post it again

in case you didn't know...a furry is one of the +'s in lgbtqia2s+

you might want to get up to speed.

i think it's silly too but surely a man of your inclusivity and tolerance wouldn't.

"Good lord guys, he was making an analogy, a metaphor. I don't think he intended a literal comparison. Yet, you all are treating it like a legitimate question albeit maybe tongue-in- cheek."

i wish it was tongue and cheek but sadly i was dead serious. if just goes to show how absolutely ridiculous this "identify as" crap has become...and we havent even gotten into Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or Two-Spirit yet.

"Kidding aside, most kids go thru phases, and get over it. This too shall pass."

do you feel the same about boys who think they are girls and girls who think they are boys?

Just a phase?

this too shall pass?

" If it was the latter, I would seek professional help at some point and trust that they could better diagnose what may be happening and trust that they have a playbook to inform follow-up actions."

what if the "professional" said if your child thinks he's a cat we must affirm their identity and that you the very minimum...respect that and start referring to them as a cat?

or how about if the "professional" referred you to a surgeon that could take a large flap of skin from your chids forearm and fashion a nice little tail for him... and then your child could go to a tattoo artist and have 6 more nipples put on his abdomen so he could really feel like his true self?

From: KSflatlander
I’m not sure how I would react. I know for sure I wouldn’t ostracize them, ridicule them, marginalize them, or recommend that they are thrown out of planes. I guess I’d just be their dad. If they are an adult then it’s their life…not mine or yours. Then I’d live my life too.

Oh boy, now right wing nuts will call for a boycott of stuffed animals and cartoons.

“in case you didn't know...a furry is one of the +'s in lgbtqia2s+”

So what? It’s an acronym.

"I’m not sure how I would react. I know for sure I wouldn’t ostracize them, ridicule them, marginalize them, or recommend that they are thrown out of planes"

would you play along with their delusion by calling them by their proper pronouns, and actually acting as if they were a cat?

From: KSflatlander
That depends on a whole lot of variables. I think I’d do what the medical doctors recommended since I have no experience. I wouldn’t care what they wanted to be called. They are still my child and I’m still their dad and we would take one day at a time.

What would you do?

From: bigeasygator
what if the "professional" said if your child thinks he's a cat we must affirm their identity and that you the very minimum...respect that and start referring to them as a cat?

If it was clear that is what it would take to make my child happier, safer, more secure, etc and I felt the long term benefits outweighed the cons, then why wouldn't I?

or how about if the "professional" referred you to a surgeon that could take a large flap of skin from your chids forearm and fashion a nice little tail for him... and then your child could go to a tattoo artist and have 6 more nipples put on his abdomen so he could really feel like his true self?

Maybe depends on how old my "child" was. Personally I don't think I'd feel comfortable green lighting surgical options until my child was at an age where I felt they "better" understood the ramifications of their decision (call it 16 years old at a minimum). I'd also probably get more than one opinion. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, but if it became clear it was in the best interest of the health of my child, again, why wouldn't I? As the American Pediatrics Association says regarding gender affirmation treatments that are surgical in nature:

"Surgical Affirmation: Surgical approaches may be used to feminize or masculinize features, such as hair distribution, chest, or genitalia, and may include removal of internal organs, such as ovaries or the uterus (affecting fertility). These changes are irreversible. Although current protocols typically reserve surgical interventions for adults, they are occasionally pursued during adolescence on a case-by-case basis, considering the necessity and benefit to the adolescent’s overall health and often including multidisciplinary input from medical, mental health, and surgical providers as well as from the adolescent and family."

i think there is a lot of quibbling and back pedaling going on here.

first my question was silly and didnt even really deserve an answer...then when it was pointed out that this is a real thing...the back pedaling started on in terms of oops...i need to be inclusive here...i need to appear as though i respect others chosen can i say im the inclusive person i claim to be if i say anything other than sure son...if you think youre a cat...ill think youre a cat too...and if you think cat reassignment surgery would make you on board with it too.

why wouldnt you? because its a lie...and the first thing we owe our kids is honesty.

as to what i would say no son... i love you but you are not a can never be a cat...and i will never refer to you as a cat. i will not live that lie but i will get you help.

From: spike78
So I guess you guys didn’t see the Ford rainbow truck in their commercial? So who is gonna be the first to get rid of their Ford?

From: KSflatlander
Backpedaling LMAO…sure ok if it makes you feel better Ricky.

"Backpedaling LMAO…sure ok if it makes you feel better Ricky."

what would you call it? you went from this...

"Good grief Ricky…I’m not sure your silly question deserves a response but here goes."

to this...

"I’m not sure how I would react. I know for sure I wouldn’t ostracize them, ridicule them, marginalize them, or recommend that they are thrown out of planes. I guess I’d just be their dad. If they are an adult then it’s their life…not mine or yours. Then I’d live my life too."

and then this...

"That depends on a whole lot of variables. I think I’d do what the medical doctors recommended since I have no experience. I wouldn’t care what they wanted to be called. They are still my child and I’m still their dad and we would take one day at a time."

if anyone should be "lmao" it is everyone here watching pretty sure you call that "flopping on the bank."

he didnt fall sbc...he now identifies as an eel...and we should all respect that.


From: RK
RTCG flopping on the bank is what it's called in The Midwest Crawfishing in Louisiana

Skillfully played !

From: TonyBear
If one of my children was identifying as a cat they would be getting some serious mental health assistance. Yes it's a real deal and we had one in a neighboring school district.

I have said it once and I will say it again some people just don't do well in mainstreaming school or the greater community. We had a hermaphrodite in class when I was growing up and that individual had many, physical, medical and mental, behavioral issues-there was no way school was being helpful. Shocked a few of us when the classmate showered in the boy's locker room naked. The poor soul was obese, almost blind, almost deaf, but still trying to be a kid and enjoy the pool, swimming experience. His father or a sibling should have been with him (yes he identified as male but visually was both) in the locker room. Pretty obvious he was getting frustrated with the shower, swim gear drying mechanism and locker. If you tried to help he would scream and holler. Again, should never been in mainstream school as they were not prepared for helping him.

From: KSflatlander
The “silly question” was a statement about the author not the words. I followed that up with a genuine response. For the 100th time Ricky…context.

I’ll point out that at least one other person didn’t think your question was serious and that you really wanted an answer. Cause with most things with you…you don’t accept any answers that disagree with your OPINIONS.

From: bigeasygator
what would you call it? you went from this...

to this...

and then this...

You're the one that kept asking questions and moving the bar, and so KS answered. I don't see anything inconsistent in those responses.

will not live that lie but i will get you help

What help would that be? What if all the professionals you sought for help said that you should treat them like a cat?

From: RK
An effort at recovery by Dr. BEG. Awesome

I would take them to the vet. Get them neutered or spayed Chip them and turn em loose!!

"What if all the professionals you sought for help said that you should treat them like a cat?"

now thats a silly question...but unfortunately some "professionals" probably would suggest that. probably the same ones that would suggest affirming that my son was a girl. i would seek out a "professional" that wasn't an idiot.

by the sure ksflatlander appreciates your support...but youre pretty much in the same boat...trying to defend the indefensible.

carry on.

From: bigeasygator
Welp, that's one solution, RK. I don't think Ricky would approve as he seems very opposed to any of the surgical treatments!

In all seriousness, I would like him to answer the question. On another thread he cited numerous organizations as seemingly credible when it came to the way they characterized gender dysphoria. These are institutions like the American Psychiatric Association, the National Health Service (UK), and the Mayo Clinic. All of these institutions have policies in support of gender affirming care (up to and including surgical options for certain individuals). He seems to acknowledge the credibility of these institutions and recognize them as experts in their field. So like I said, what happens when the professionals tell him he should treat his kid like a cat?

From: bigeasygator
Well, Ricky answered while I was typing my last response. So care to comment on the fact that the experts you cited when discussing gender dysphoria all support gender affirming care?

"I’ll point out that at least one other person didn’t think your question was serious and that you really wanted an answer."

i actually don't fault him for not truly does sound ridiculous. but then again...hes not the one claiming to be all inclusive and all knowing when it comes to lgbtqia2s+ issues. that would be you.

carry on.

"So care to comment on the fact that the experts you cited when discussing gender dysphoria all support gender affirming care?"

thats a fair question. first of all i would say that just because those organizations took a stance...that doesnt mean that every therapist agrees...many do not.

think about what the organizations like ama and the apa were saying about the effectiveness of masking and prior covid infections in terms of needing to be well as the need for children to be well as prolonged school closures...etc. many doctors did not agree. how did that work out?

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
now thats a silly question...but unfortunately some "professionals" probably would suggest that. probably the same ones that would suggest affirming that my son was a girl. i would seek out a "professional" that wasn't an idiot.

You seem to suggest that it would be ludicrous for a professional to suggest such a course of action, but you seemed to acknowledge these are the professionals when it comes to gender dysphoria, no? I mean, at a minimum they aren’t “Uber-left,” right?

From: Will

Will's embedded Photo
Will's embedded Photo
BEG - saw this the other day. Then read this thread's last 10 posts or so here... and it jumped into my mind so I hunted it down and thought you would enjoy it. Not really about any of the topics in the thread, just a cool flow chart. I dont know the original author, but it's a pretty good decision tree to make anyone slow down and think a little bit...

From: smarba
Pretty funny Will.

Unfortunately, and I believe this is what many of us consider to be a problem, the flow chart for the current topic of discussion is "Does a minor (who can't choose their own bedtime or curfew, and isn't of age to drink, smoke, drive, or enlist in the army) currently think or feel like they are the opposite sex, despite science concluding they are not?" If YES...chop off their weenie...or boobs. We are being told any other flowchart boxes are unnecessary and we are in fact bigoted to even suggest such.

How many of these kids get this surgery?

From: KSflatlander
That’s a great question Phil. The last number I heard of minors getting transgender surgery was 78 individuals a year. I didn’t dig deep into it but I’ll bet that includes infants born with sexual organ issues.

Ricky- I never claimed to be an expert but I’m guessing I have more direct experience than you personally and scientifically. Regardless, my mother taught me to be empathetic and follow the golden rule. Stand up for those who can’t stand for themselves even when they aren’t looking. Also be yourself and f#%k everyone else. There’s a whole lot of direct and passive homophobia and bigotry around here. I’ll call it out regardless of how hurts your, or anyone else’s, insensibilities.

Why don’t you quit hiding and just admit it. They are an easy target for your negativity. Why else do you bring up something so minor and insignificant all the time. If you really care about kids then why aren’t you incessantly worried about and discussing the #1 cause of children deaths in the U.S.? Because you aren’t honestly worried about transgenders, they are just an easy target for your negativity and you get a backslap with every childish marginalizing comment and/or meme.

RK- ride that bench LMAO.

From: RK
Damn. The hate now is crushing.

From: butcherboy
What’s changed over the course of history to cause this mass delusion now? How many people were there 50, 100,1000, 2000 years ago that thought they were a different gender? Probably not many or dare I even say none? I believe it’s the new cool thing to do and the liberal media, govt, or whoever pushes it down our throats.

From: Woods Walker
"WW/Ricky- you all are ready to fight (physically harm) if someone talks about LBGTQ issues in front of your kids?"

Yes. Same as I would someone pushing drugs on them or threatening them with a weapon, or telling them they can be a bird if they feel like it so they can fly off a building.

From: KSflatlander
A 100, 1000, or 2000 years ago you either hid it or possibly get killed for it. You actually think there wasn’t these issues with human genetics in the past? We see it in the natural world today and in the past with most any species. Genetics with any species is trial and mostly error. For humans, culture and intolerance have an affect. Some humans automatically react defensively and/or with fear for things that are outside the “norm” or things that they don’t understand. There isn’t a “norm” with nature. Nature doesn’t care.

From: Woods Walker
Just stay away from my kids and we have no problem, and I don't care WHAT your sexual preference is, as long as kids aren't involved. WTF is so hard to understand about that?

From: KSflatlander
Ahhhhh…what do you mean by “Just stay away from my kids…?”

Do you mean on your personal property?

What if they are in the same store or restaurant as you?

What about if you’re in the same public park?

What do you mean is “kids are aren’t involved?”

Can you expand on “involved?”

Is there a proximity distance or buffer distance for “away?”

From: Bowfreak
The problem is that wokeness has oozed into the medical profession to the point now that if you took your child to the doctor because they identified as a cat the Dr would schedule them to have whiskers installed after the first visit. If you don’t believe it listen to some of the guests that Jordan Petersen has had on about gender disphoria and the damage the left has done to children and the medical profession.

Listen to Jordan Petersen episodes 319 and 347. It is shocking to say the least

From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's embedded Photo
Woods Walker's embedded Photo
Real simple.....mess with my kid and you WILL pay the price. Figure it out. But you won't/can't.

"Why don’t you quit hiding and just admit it. They are an easy target for your negativity. Why else do you bring up something so minor and insignificant all the time. If you really care about kids then why aren’t you incessantly worried about and discussing the #1 cause of children deaths in the U.S.? Because you aren’t honestly worried about transgenders, they are just an easy target for your negativity and you get a backslap with every childish marginalizing comment and/or meme."

admit what? that im not a hypocrite like you? you know nothing about me...nothing about the way i was raised...very little about what I believe. youve made it abundantly clear that you conflate homophobia with recognizing mental disorders and not being willing to play along with them. that is exactly what the tqia2s+ crowd was looking for when they attached themselves to the lgb community...and you seem to have swallowed it hook like and sinker.

oh and by the way...i am very concerned about the number one cause of death in children...abortion...nothing else comes close. the next leading cause is not even a rounding error to that.

From: bigeasygator
youve made it abundantly clear that you conflate homophobia with recognizing mental disorders

Tbh it seems to be mostly transphobia, with just a sprinkle of homophobia. Also still waiting for you to tell me why the organizations and institutions you’ve cited as unbiased experts are now wrong?

From: shade mt
Why is saying something is wrong suddenly considered a phobia?

wonder what phobia they will come up with next?

From: DanaC
Shade, some people here are way beyond disagreement with or even moral disdain for the issue. Hatred is often a sign of real fear. Threats of violence, etc. ? Yeah, some people are real scared.

And the media is amping up fear. My mother didn't feel the need to make sure I got on the school bus, nowadays they're all scared some boogeyman out there is gonna steal their child.

From: Old Reb

To a dem, everyone else is racist and has phobias. That is a well illustrated view by the liberal socialist dems.

From: butcherboy
No, I don’t think we had these issues with human genetics in the past. That’s my stance and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. We can agree to disagree.

a phobia is an irrational fear of something.

how that fits with transphobia...which is a dislike or strong prejudice against beyond me.

i dont have an irrational fear of transgender people. i feel sorry for them...just like i would for anyone with any mental illness. i hope they get the treatment they need.

i am concerned about living in a society that normalizes and celebrates mental illness...any mental illness. that cant end well. i dont think that concern is irrational.

From: KSflatlander
If that’s your stance butcherboy then you don’t even have an elementary understanding of genetics and physiology. Your stance and opinion don’t mean squat. There is no agreeing to disagree on that. You’re just wrong. Human genetics and probability prove that.

Sorry Ricky, if you don’t like being called out. I call it as I see it. You just hide it a bit better than most. But you give yourself away by strolling right past bigotry most of the time then jump in on occasion with a bigot comment for a back slap from the “boys.”. Then you say you have gay friends and they dislike transgender people too. You draw generalized conclusions that all gay people must feel that way. That in itself is bigotry as it’s really a way for you to feel better about yourself. Oh and nice dodge on the #1 killer of children in the U.S. I figured as much from you. There isn’t many backslaps from the boys down that road.

Missouribreaks- sometimes a spade is a spade. If Bowsite is a representative sample of conservatives then there is plenty of bigotry and phobias going around. It seems the shoe fits. Maybe some conservatives here need to push back on the bigots here. And I’ll add that I’ve never once seen you call out anyone for racist or “phobic” remarks and there are plenty around. You’re a complacent simpleton who is narrow minded. Lastly, I can’t believe hunters voted against America when voting for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote for an attack on democracy. It was a vote for insurrection, sedition, bigotry, hate, racism, fascism, white supremacy, white nationalism, domestic terrorists, science denying, etc. That’s your logic.

From: bigeasygator
i hope they get the treatment they need

*treatment they need according to you...not the treatment the actual subject matter experts recommend, amiright?

And let me help you...when all of the same experts you cited (you know, the NHS, Mayo Clinic, APA, etc) come out and say "this is not a mental illness" but you continue to beat that drum, that is text book transphobia.

From: bigswivle
I am a proud transphobic!!!!!

From: Will
Now I'm way off of my reservation, so to speak, but historically, in many cultures, trans people were considered shamans or religious leaders and even healers. In other cultures, people who would be LGBTQ by today's standards were killed or shunned. Probably a lot of "Dont ask dont tell" too...

It's impossible to know how many people were trans and just got on with life, or perhaps committed suicide with no one ever knowing.

It's a population of people that experiences much more violent crime against it than the rest of us, largely due to who they are. Who they are, overall, are people that just want to get on with living a happy life, like the rest of us.

From: RK
“I gosta know”

Will. Which culture(s) were trans people considered shamans, religious leaders and or healers?

From: Glunt@work
What changed that shifted the mental health industry to stop considering gender identity not matching biological gender as a disorder?

It seems reducing stigma, following progressive agenda and allowing easier access to surgery and hormone treatment was the driver more so than unlocking some new psychiatric or physical evidence.

I'm not sure we will ever know if its a wiring or plumbing issue. If you are born without the use of one leg, a surgery that results in full use of that leg makes sense. If you have two good legs but feel you should be an amputee (body integrity disorder), having your healthy leg removed doesn't make sense, especially if you are a child. If an adult wants to cut off their healthy leg, that's their deal. Should we celebrate it, promote it and encourage it?

I see a big distinction between fixing a child's cleft palate and removing their genitalia.

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's Link
I saw this video this morning and couldn’t help but think of this thread...........................

From: Catscratch
Glunt, I would think someone wanting to remove a healthy leg would require mental health services before surgical interventions. Especially (as you said) a child. Neither should be celebrated or promoted, just simply dealt with between the family and their trusted medical professionals.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's Link
Will. Which culture(s) were trans people considered shamans, religious leaders and or healers?

Plenty of info on Wikipedia, RK. Here's a snippet...

"Transgender people (including non-binary and third gender people) have existed in cultures worldwide since ancient times. The modern terms and meanings of "transgender", "gender", "gender identity", and "gender role" only emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. As a result, opinions vary on how to categorize historical accounts of gender-variant people and identities.

Sumerian and Akkadian texts from 4,500 years ago document priests known as gala who may have been transgender. In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and Rome, there were galli priests that some scholars believe to have been trans women. Roman emperor Elagabalus (d. 222 AD) preferred to be called a lady (rather than a lord) and sought sex reassignment surgery, and in the modern day has been seen as a trans figure. Hijras on the Indian subcontinent and kathoeys in Thailand have formed trans-feminine third gender social and spiritual communities since ancient times, with their presence documented for thousands of years in texts which also mention trans male figures.

Today, at least half a million hijras live in India and another half million in Bangladesh, legally recognized as a third gender, and many trans people are accepted in Thailand. In Arabia, khanith today (like earlier mukhannathun) fulfill a third gender role attested since the AD 600s. In Africa, many societies have traditional roles for trans women and trans men, some of which survive in the modern era. In the Americas prior to European colonization, as well as in some contemporary North American Indigenous cultures, there are social and ceremonial roles for third gender people, or those whose gender expression transforms, such as the Navajo nádleehi or the Zuni lhamana.

In the Middle Ages, accounts around Europe document transgender people. Kalonymus ben Kalonymus's lament for being born a man instead of a woman has been seen as an early account of gender dysphoria. Eleanor Rykener, a male-bodied Briton arrested in 1394 while living and doing sex work dressed as a woman, has been seen as a trans woman. In the Balkans since the 1400s, female-assigned people have transitioned to live as men called sworn virgins. In Japan, accounts of trans people go back to the Edo period. In Indonesia, there are millions of trans-/third-gender waria, and the bugis of Sulawesi recognize five genders. In Oceania, trans-/third-gender roles like the akava'ine, fa'afafine and fakaleiti exist among the Cook Island Maori, Samoans, and Tongans."

From: RK
Thanks BEG. THAT Wikipedia write up was a little more believable than the new advertisement harking the wonderful reasons you should choose San Francisco for your summer vacation this year!!

I’ll dissect that article when I’m on the plane to San Francisco !!


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Sorry Ricky, if you don’t like being called out. I call it as I see it. You just hide it a bit better than most. But you give yourself away by strolling right past bigotry most of the time then jump in on occasion with a bigot comment for a back slap from the “boys.”."

here we go with the moral superiority crap again. i push back on bigotry here all the time...especially yours and people like you. in my opinion you are one of the most bigoted posters here...just not against the particular groups you feel are worthy.

"Then you say you have gay friends and the dislike transgender people too. You draw generalized conclusions that all gay people must feel that way."

both false statements. your problem is you cant help reading your own biases...and phobias... into what other people say.

"Oh and nice dodge on the #1 killer of children in the U.S. I figured as much from you."

figured as much from me? nice dodge? roughly 700,000 abortions are performed every year in this country. what is the next leading cause of death in children...3600? that's not a dodge... its simply a fact...and im glad you expect that from me. if you dont consider unborn babies human beings...or worse yet do so by convenience...thats your issue...not mine. (see attached link) it doesnt change the fact that the next leading cause of death for those under 18 is but a rounding error.

"And let me help you...when all of the same experts you cited (you know, the NHS, Mayo Clinic, APA, etc) come out and say "this is not a mental illness" but you continue to beat that drum, that is text book transphobia."

gender dysphoria is a mental illness...and just because the experts dujour try to differentiate it from someone who actually believes they are the wrong sex...but they just arent distressed about psychobabble.

it would be like saying schizophrenia or autistic spectrum disorder arent really mental disorders unless the person is distressed about them. it defies common sense.

as to "textbook transphobia"...look up the definition.

i dont have a "dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people" any more than i have a "dislike of or strong prejudice against" those with autism or schizophrenia. i feel sorry for them and i hope they can get treatment for their mental illness.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
gender dysphoria is a mental illness

Straight from the NHS site that you posted. Happy to post examples of the institutions/organizations saying the same thing.

So who to believe, the experts whose job it is to diagnose and treat those with gender incongruence…or Ricky?

From: RK
These are the next generation of experts that originally, 1970s and early 80s, defined Gender Dysphoria as Gender Identity Disorder. It was originally defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

It was originally most commonly found in patients that suffered from Autism and Schizophrenia

So BEG That science has now progressed to where it is now It's easy to assume it will continue to progress and that is why my trust in the so called experts you hold up Is reserved to some degree. That and living thru the pandemic and watching the medical experts fail time and time again.

So I'm through playing MD for the day and I'm going to go load the truck for the redfish and trout weekend


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"So who to believe, the experts whose job it is to diagnose and treat those with gender incongruence…or Ricky?"

we can go back and forth all day long with competing experts but at the end of the day you are going to believe what you believe and i am going to believe what i believe. it is not universally accepted one way or the other.

"Gender dysphoria in adults and children is considered a disorder if the person also experiences significant distress or impairment in major areas of life as a result of the incongruence. Identifying with a gender different from the one that was assigned is not a mental disorder in itself. There is debate in the field as to whether this experience should be classified as a mental illness."

"So who to believe?" i say dont believe me...or you...people should do their own research and come to their own conclusions. i have...and those conclusions differ...just as they do among experts. that doesnt make anyone transphobic or a bigot.

unfortunately that's the go to for some here. if you dont agree with are a homophobe...a transphobe...a whateverelsephobe...or a bigot.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link

From: Basil

Basil's embedded Photo
Basil's embedded Photo

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
Ricky- your film ranks right up there with 2000 mules. Experts LMAO. Keep hitting that right wing nut propaganda.

did you watch its entirety?

From: KSflatlander
Not yet. I’ll watch it just like I did with 2000 Mules. That’s an hour I won’t get back.

From: 70lbDraw

70lbDraw's Link
Here’s another one of those ‘absolutely untrue’ incidents!

“Oklahoma school accused of violating law after teen girl 'severely beaten' by trans student in bathroom”

From: RK
Never got your 2 hours back from BrokeBack mountain either. Pretty much a wash

"Not yet."

of course you didnt...i figured as much.

arent you the guy that claims he likes to watch and hear things for himself before he forms an opinion? sure you are...lmao

just so you know...the "experts" that he talks to in the film are more heavily weighted in support of trans...gender affirming care...etc...or at least they try to be.

oh...and for what its worth...i watched 2000 mules also and thought much of it was pretty far fetched. I have no problem saying that because unlike not married to a particular agenda.

From: TGbow
When my wide was in college one of her professors was an atheist, they got into the discussion of gender..he told the class.." if you're confused about what you are, when step out of the shower tonight ...look down". Pretty simple amd true advice even if it came from an atheist

From: KSflatlander
I hadn’t even heard of it until you posted it. Am I supposed to watch it before I even know about it? C’mon Ricky, I said I’d watch it. Are you always so argumentative? That’s rhetorical…foot vs dead horse.

"I hadn’t even heard of it until you posted it. Am I supposed to watch it before I even know about it? C’mon Ricky, I said I’d watch it. Are you always so argumentative?"

only when confronted by hypocrites and dishonest ideologues.

you never watched never even heard of it...yet you had no problem telling everyone how it rates right up there with other right wing nut the experts in it are laughable...etc.

"Ricky- your film ranks right up there with 2000 mules. Experts LMAO. Keep hitting that right wing nut propaganda."

id tell you what youre full of...but you just outed yourself...and i dont really want to have another post removed.

From: Mike B
As usual, the thread boils down to a few guys arguing with each other...just for the sake of arguing.

I've decided to just accept the fact that humanity has lost it's freakin' mind. Insanity is the new norm.

From: TGbow
Mike, I think you're right. Large percentage of the people in this country are willing to give up their liberty for their own demise. I listen to my family members talk about why they think the Democrats or Republicans are gonna make things better. I tell them they are the reason why we're in such piss poor shape as a nation..I hear both sides. The only way the government is going to help us is to get out of the way

"Insanity is the new norm."

in my opinion...when it comes to the tqia2s+ crowd (as well as others)...this is the goal. they want everyone to accept their mental illness as normal. it will not end well...both in terms of the individuals themselves...or society in general.

From: Woods Walker
Ya think??

From: bigeasygator
you never watched never even heard of it...yet you had no problem telling everyone how it rates right up there with other right wing nut propaganda.

I just watched it. Fair warning it’s an hour and a half you’ll never get back of your life, KS.

Two things. I’ll say is that if you couldn’t see that the movie had an agenda you are blind. Beyond that, nothing I heard in it was any different than what I’ve heard from plenty of people on this thread: people that fail to make a distinction between sex and gender and find it unfathomable that someone could feel different about who they are as a person or how they want to live or be perceived relative to the sex they were born with.

From: WhattheFOC
I have no problem with most deviant behaviour - as long as it happens between consenting adults. Most of us kept our mouths shut on all this nonsense - until women and children became victims of the movement.

Can’t help but wonder what deviant behaviour is next to be normalized … my bet is pedophilia. For those of you on this thread that can justify genital mutilation and chemical castration of children, pedo activities should be fairly easy to rationalize. BTW - the new term we are supposed to use is ‘minor-attracted’ not pedo. My bad.

"I just watched it. Fair warning it’s an hour and a half you’ll never get back of your life, KS."

not surprised you feel that way...thats your prerogative. at least you watched it before you ran off at the mouth about it...i can respect that.

just curious...were you impressed by the "experts" that were in support of gender affirming care like the therapists (gert comfrey-michelle forcier) ...gender reassignment surgeon (dr marci bowers)...or even the psychology professor (patrick grzanka)?

how about the other "experts" like psychiatrist that spoke out against much of what is going on ( dr meriam grossman) or even dr jordan perterson...what if anything did grossman or peterson say that you disagree with?

would you feel comfortable with any of the therapists or psychologists working with your child? if so...which ones?

From: KSflatlander
I watched it. It reminded me of a Michael Moore movie. There were many opinions but the film was devoid of any real scientific data. That was a tip off that makes me question the motives and credibility of the creators. Many interviewees referenced general “data” to back their point but the film makes never show the actual data. Lots of loaded language. I didn’t get that the host really want to know the answer to his question “What is a women.” He was biased from the get go and the question wasn’t a question but a point. Not a good sign of a documentary. In the end, like Michael Moore films, it was theatrical. “Truth” wasn’t the intent of the movie IMO.

In one of initial statement in the beginning he’s says “nature always tells the truth.” Oh wow, nature doesn’t “tell” anything. There are scientific truths in physics and mathematics. Nature in his context is a bit more subjective and Einstein taught us the perspective can influence observations.

I’d give the movie high marks for production but low marks for content.

From: 70lbDraw
“Two things. I’ll say is that if you couldn’t see that the movie had an agenda you are blind. Beyond that, nothing I heard in it was any different than what I’ve heard from plenty of people on this thread:”

In case you hadn’t noticed, this thread is a minuscule sample of the feelings of a majority of Americans. The silent majority is the loudest when it comes to living life by their own standards and protecting their children.

You defend that Biden was voted in fair and square, with no proof of deception, yet you fail to see the overwhelming majority that is voting with their wallets against something they see as deviant and evil against children, regardless of their religious beliefs. The more they threaten children, the more they’ll be alienated by society. The fact that you fail to understand this is frightening in itself. Until the targeting of children is stopped, It’ll get worse before it gets better for the transgender and pedophile communities.

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
were you impressed by the "experts" that were in support of gender affirming care like the therapists (gert comfrey-michelle forcier) ...gender reassignment surgeon (dr marci bowers)...or even the psychology professor (patrick grzanka)?

I don’t think I was impressed by anyone in the movie. Like KS said, reminded me of a Michael Moore movie - who I absolutely despised. It’s pretty easy to edit a film to make anyone look bad, especially when you have an agenda to do so as Matt Walsh clearly does. Like KS said, I don’t think he really cared about the answers anyone gave.

of course walsh has an agenda. so did each one of the "experts" he interviewed. if walsh wanted the film to be completely one sided he could have easily only interviewed people that agreed with him. he didnt do that. he pretty much asked the same questions to all...and when some became uncomfortable...they stopped the interview. very telling.

in my opinion, the main takeaway is that unlike what some want us to believe...there is definitely no consensus among "experts."

again...would you feel comfortable with any of those therapists and psychologists working with your own child?

what did you think about pertersons assertion that therapists shouldnt be in the business of "affirming" anything...its not their job to affirm but to treat. "theres no such thing as a gender affirming therapist...thats a contradiction in terms." "you dont get a pat on the back from a therapist for your preconceived axiomatic conclusions."

think for a minute if a male having abdominal pains went to a physician and said he was absolutely convinced that he had ovarian cancer. should the physician "affirm" his belief and begin treating him for ovarian cancer? that would make as much sense as a man going to a therapist and saying that he was absolutely convinced that he was a female living in a males body...and the therapist simply "affirmed" that...and set about making him a female.

From: KSflatlander
“again...would you feel comfortable with any of those therapists and psychologists working with your own child?”

I don’t think I want to answer that question based solely of what’s in the film. If they have a medical degree from an accredited American university then initially I’d say yes. Do you do a sit down and have a day long discussion with your medical doctor about their medical and political views and knowledge?

I take a bit of an issue of the “affirming” thing. I get the point in the movies biased context that a doctor should not be leading to their conclusions. However, if a person comes into the doctor with stomach pain and says they believe they have ovarian cancer then the doctor will treat based on the symptoms (described by the patient) and medical tests. The doctor concludes the patient doesn’t have ovaries or cancer but affirms they have an appendicitis. If the doctor concludes they don’t have cancer then the patient can either accept the diagnosis and treat or get another opinion.

There isn’t medical testing for most issues in psychology and we are only just understanding the complexities of genetics. Most all treatments are based off of symptoms described by the patient. That makes it extremely hard to accurately diagnose and treat.

I also have a big issue with Matt Walsh or anyone here calling medical doctors that treat gender dysmorphia as pedophiles. Was your doctor that did a hernia test on you in Junior High a pedophile? It’s ludicrous, stupid, and waters down the seriousness of pedophilia.

Ricky- is a hermaphrodite a male or female?

From: 70lbDraw
“I don’t think I was impressed by anyone in the movie. Like KS said, reminded me of a Michael Moore movie”

So in a movie of this type, what would you like to see as far as the people interviewed, or interviewing? What content would you agree or disagree with, that would be considered a non biased and balanced interview?

From: KSflatlander
Peered reviewed medical journals and a summary of the medical consensus in the United States would be good. Otherwise, you could be talking to the 1 out of 10 doctors that doesn’t recommend brushing your teeth.

"I take a bit of an issue of the “affirming” thing. I get the point in the movies biased context that a doctor should not be leading to their conclusions. However, if a person comes into the doctor with stomach pain and says they believe they have ovarian cancer then the doctor will treat based on the symptoms (described by the patient) and medical tests. The doctor concludes the patient doesn’t have ovaries or cancer but affirms they have an appendicitis. If the doctor concludes they don’t have cancer then the patient can either accept the diagnosis and treat or get another opinion."

that all sounds good...and thats the way it should work...except when it comes to transgender issues...the trend seems to be affirm first.

"Ricky- is a hermaphrodite a male or female?"

whatever physical deformities one has i think it would depend on their chromosomal makeup. xy male xx female

"What content would you agree or disagree with, that would be considered a non biased and balanced interview?"

for many people it is an interview that supports their preconceived beliefs.

From: KSflatlander
“ “that all sounds good...and thats the way it should work...except when it comes to transgender issues...the trend seems to be affirm first.”

Says who and what are you basing that conclusion on? I sure hope it isn’t based on the video you linked.

The genotype of a hermaphroditism is XX/XY. Is that PERSON a male or female?

From: Catscratch
There's several types of hermaphrodite. Genotypes vary greatly; XX, XY, a combination, and XO, XXX, XXY. It can be fairly complex genetically, or it can simply be a developmental issue from exposure to certain hormones.

"Says who and what are you basing that conclusion on? I sure hope it isn’t based on the video you linked."

Are you always so argumentative? That’s rhetorical…foot vs dead horse.

"Is that PERSON a male or female?"

what relevance does it have to this conversation? are you suggesting that all transgender people are hermaphrodites?

From: WhattheFOC
There’s one Disney executive who has not one, but two confused kids. One trans and the other is pansexual, whatever the hell that is. Two - in the same house - hmmm, think about that for a minute - the odds must be staggering, if not impossible.

KSF, your question is just a red herring, this isn’t about hermaphrodites, it’s about social contagion.

From: KSflatlander
Ricky- I ask you a question about your conclusion and that’s argumentative? Lol. You are very literal when you think it suits your argument so I was just checking.

It has every relevance. Just answer the question.

No I don’t think most transgenders are hermaphrodites and I’m not suggesting they are.

If you think my question about someone with both sex chromosomes in a discussion about binary sex or gender is a red herring then you don’t know what a red herring fallacy is.

Ricky- I ask you a question about your conclusion and that’s argumentative?

i was just dishing your own words back to you...thats all.

It has every relevance. Just answer the question.

i already answered the the best of my ability.

if youre not suggesting that all hermaphrodites are transgender, it has no relevance to this discussion.

hermaphroditism is a biological condition that can be verified biologically...objectively. transgenderism is completely is all about how someone is subjective.

now...get to the point youre desperately trying to make. the one you obviously think youre going to back me into a corner with.

From: KSflatlander
“hermaphroditism is a biological condition that can be verified biologically...objectively. transgenderism is completely is all about how someone is subjective.“

Is it possible that someone has a phenotype of a woman but have a genetic variation that causes elevated testosterone levels? Or vice versa?

There can be hormonal imbalances that can cause various physiological and physiological issues. For example depression. Is it possible that hormones can affect sexual preferences or man you feel inside like the opposite sex? Is that biologically possible?

Is it possible that someone has a phenotype of a woman but have a genetic variation that causes elevated testosterone levels? Or vice versa?

i would think so. if that were the case you would have a more masculine female or a more feminine male. the world is full of both but they arent confused about what gender they are.

From: WhattheFOC
The percentage of people born intersex (truly intersex, not ‘with intersex traits’) is less than .02%. Red herring.

From: KSflatlander
“i would think so. if that were the case you would have a more masculine female or a more feminine male. the world is full of both but they arent confused about what gender they are.”

How do you know what they feel inside? You know how they all feel.

“The percentage of people born intersex (truly intersex, not ‘with intersex traits’) is less than .02%. Red herring.”

The % of the U.S. population that are transgender is 0.04%. The number born with sex organ defects is about 3%. It’s not a red herring especially in a discussion about binary sex/gender and some silly misinformation move that starts out with “nature tells the truth.” You just don’t like that you can’t answer the question. There is no right answer. The parents often CHOOSE the gender at birth and the baby has surgery.

I have no idea what you mean by “truly intersex, not ‘with intersex traits?” If the phenotype is intersex then the genotype is intersex. That makes no sense.

From: Arrownoob
People everywhere just can’t stop talking about this topic. So many forums and conversations.

From: Mike B
Arrownoob...the hottest stars usually burn out fast. Hope that's the issue in this case.

Just last Monday I was looking at some images taken at Arlington Cemetery, and had the sad thought of "What we are seeing in America today this what these good men and women fought and gave their lives for? Does this honor their sacrifice?"

"How do you know what they feel inside? You know how they all feel."

cant the same thing be said about furries? i dont know how they feel inside either...but i know they arent the animals they "feel" like they are.

lets get real...this argument isnt really about truly intersex people...or hermaphrodites. thats just what is used as a justifiable defense for the activity they want universally accepted.

the same tactic is used in the abortion debate. "what about in the case of rape and incest" they say.

ok...if its truly about the one tenth of 1% outlier cases...what if we say abortions should be allowed only in the cases of rape and incest...and gender affirming care should only be allowed in verified intersex and hermaphrodite do you think that would go over? i dont think anyone here would have a problem with that... but i bet the tqia2s+ crowd would back away from that faster than a cockroach when the lights come on.

its not about the outliers...and it never has been. its a smoke screen.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
ill let you all have the last word on this one...i just hope the tide is starting to turn on this insanity.

From: greg simon
I’ve learned a few things the hard way in my life. One lesson that came at great cost to me: Unreasonable people can’t be reasoned with.

It’s a fool’s errand. To expect any different will leave you disappointed.

From: KSflatlander
I guess you didn’t listen very well Ricky. The point about somebody with XX/ZY is that demonstrates that genetics can and does play a part in LBGTQ experiences. Genetics can cause someone to feel like the opposite sex. Culture can influence it too. You’re just arrogant enough to decide how others should feel within about themselves. You’ve stated that many times on this thread.

Ok let me summarize here. As long as people with gender dysmorphia, endocrine and genetic issues involving sexual reproduction and orientation remain out of the public eye, sit at the back of the bus, and stay within the guardrails you establish then you are good with it. Basically, keep their inter-self hidden and that will ok for Ricky. In other words, don’t “shove it down our throat” and live your life the way Ricky dictates…but out of sight.

Wow, how thoughtful and empathetic of you. At least you your children/grandchildren don’t have to hide who they are and live in fear of being ridiculed, demonized, or targeted for violence. Dodged a bullet there. But good for us “normal people.”

From: bigeasygator

bigeasygator's embedded Photo
bigeasygator's embedded Photo
its not about the outliers...and it never has been. its a smoke screen.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

i just hope the tide is starting to turn on this insanity.

Per the image above, I think it is, Ricky.

From: KSflatlander

KSflatlander's Link
Ricky- linked is video talking about the science of genetics, endocrinology, and sexual orientation. Maybe it will interest you. Science hasn’t figured it out completely but we know that there is a correlation between genetics and gene expression and sexual orientation which relates to gender identity. It is likely that whom we are attracted to is not consciously determined by us nor is whether we are masculine (attracted to females) or feminine (attracted to males).

From: TGbow
God already made it very simple to figure out

From: Mike B

Mike B's embedded Photo
Mike B's embedded Photo

From: Woods Walker
......and reopen the insane asylums! Or if we can't do that, have traveling carnivals again with sideshows so the bearded ladies can have a real purpose in life. I'd rather see them there than having them with the Department Of Energy in charge of nuclear waste!!!

From: Woods Walker

From: keepemsharp
Me thinks KSflander is NOT from Kansas.


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"i just hope the tide is starting to turn on this insanity."

From: Kansan

Kansan's embedded Photo
Kansan's embedded Photo

From: RK
Closing in on 15 billion worth of market share loss

Certainly did the wrong thing when it came to performing for their investors. Which really was their only job


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
13:00 - 18:30 "psychological epidemic"


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
"Some of the nation’s largest transgender “health care” providers are rubber-stamping approvals for life-altering sex-change procedures — and even falsely representing health diagnoses of patients — so insurance companies will cover the medical expenses"

From: Woods Walker
The only people more repulsive and evil than these "doctors" who would do this to children, are the so-called PARENTS of these poor kids who seek and endorse it!

Special place in Hell waiting for them.

From: Rut-N-Strut

Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
Rut-N-Strut's embedded Photo
Todays google image

Would anyone like to see pics of my vacation from last month?

not really...especially if your in drag...or worse yet your "tuck friendly" bathing suit from target.

"That's where we differ, Ricky. I couldn't care less what you wear, or who/what you identify as. If I shopped at Target, I'd walk right past the rainbow isle without giving it a second thought, because it doesn't affect my life one bit."

first of all...that was a joke but we actually dont differ on that at all. i couldn't care less long as they keep it to them selves and dont actively work to normalize abnormal behavior...especially with children.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

"I'm sure some folks are offended when they walk by the hunting and gun section at Walmart, too. So what. I'll never change their minds, and they'll never change mine. It would be a waste of time to even try."

what if those same people were actively trying to change laws having to do with hunting and guns...then is it a waste of your time to fight back?

"so what?" how selfish...

From: bowhunt
“I'll never change their minds, and they'll never change mine. It would be a waste of time to even try.


Grey Ghost just posted possible the most profound, intelligent thing ever posted on a Bowsite political thread!

From: 70lbDraw
“The timeline and frequency of some of the posts on this thread is remarkable. Where do you guys find the time?”

You found the time to come back and tell us how much time we spend on this thread. If ya don’t care, why did ya bother?

From: bowhunt
I think Grey Ghost was trying to have an intervention with you 5-6 guys that have been having the same argument with each other for going on about 3 years


He was just trying to help you guys out!

I’m glad at least one of the pot stirrers accidentally admitted he only posted on these threads to get a rise out of people while he sat on the toilet in the am.

I’m wondering how many others do the same thing!


Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
anyone who thinks this is just about how adults choose to live their lives... and it has no effect on impressionable children and society in general...or think so doesnt affect my life...have the courage...or should i say the listen this interview with dr miriam grossman. if you still think its no big are either in total denial...or you are so ideological that you are willing to sacrifice our children on the altar of woke.

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