Mathews Inc.
Contributors to this thread:
Rob Nye 26-May-23
Highlife 26-May-23
smarba 26-May-23
Rob Nye 26-May-23
Rob Nye 26-May-23
smarba 26-May-23
Charlie Rehor 26-May-23
rattling_junkie 26-May-23
DanaC 27-May-23
Kurt 27-May-23
Bou’bound 27-May-23
DanaC 28-May-23
Shug 28-May-23
DanaC 28-May-23
From: Rob Nye

Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo

From: Highlife
In a heartbeat full standing mount ;)

From: smarba
Since that bait bucket is only a 5 gallon pail, I'd pass LOL

From: Rob Nye
Not! Big healthy sow. She would be in big trouble if she came in alone so this bait did not get hunted this Spring.

From: Rob Nye

Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo

From: smarba
Great insight Rob, and demonstrates how tough it can be to judge bears. Thx for sharing!

I miss being up there already.

Good call Rob!

From: DanaC
The first picture is out of context. In a live hunting situation you'd see her come in with the cub. If I saw just her, I'd put a 300 grain Barnes in her without asking how she self-identifies ;-)

(For the record, I have and would pass on a sow with a cub.)

From: Kurt
Short body length, fat butt, skinny wrists.....means sow to me. But she is a big old girl for sure.

From: Bou’bound
Dana that is a real sacrifice.

From: DanaC
Kurt, you're the only guy I know who checks out the _wrists_ ;-)

From: Shug
Honestly as soon as I saw the pic I thought sow… for all the reasons said above… wrists/forearms are a great indicator on full size bear

I have to say if she we’re alone I’d have a hard time passing

From: DanaC
Here in Mass. we have more bears than the biologists think is a 'healthy' population. I'm hearing reports of bears from all over the state. Saw one yesterday evening myself. Not enough being taken even with lengthy seasons. Sows? Biologists are *happy* when you shoot one here.

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