And I know Im real close because i guessed 335 on my recent Manitoba bear and I only missed it by 70 pounds ;)
Millie took a bear with measurements like that one of our trips to Dorintosh SK. The boar weighed just South of 400#.
I'd say yours is a bit over 400.
Here's a question - how many have shot 'huge' bears and then had to face considerable 'ground shrinkage'?
I have a bear weight calculator on Excel spreadsheet that is very accurate that was created by a bear biologist. You need the following measurements. Nose to tail, circumference around the belly, circumference around the neck and height at the shoulder. With your 2 measurements and guessing on the neck and shoulder, I get 338.
I used this same calculation on my Manitoba bear from last year. The spreadsheet said 367 and the scale said 368. It's been just as close on other bears.