Summer Training/Workouts
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This separate pack is what I put the MT Dew 2 liters inside. Before I secure it to the actual pack frame.
This separate pack is what I put the MT Dew 2 liters inside. Before I secure it to the actual pack frame.
I know most of us are staying steady and true on keeping our workouts going strong.
I'm down to 186.7 this early AM. I don't really want to get too close to 180 as I start to feel tired weak?? not sure why.
During the winter I'm 6 days on, 1 day off start over. Mainly because most of it is indoors and weights/track/pool/steam room stuff.
Now I'm mainly outside, 10 days on, 1 day off.
Backpack is up to 33lbs of deadweight water. I add another MT Mnt. Dew 2 liter filled with water every 3 weeks with my goal of 43 lbs for August and into fall hunts.
UP to 2.5/3.0 miles a day now and want to peak @ 3.5/4.5 by August into fall hunts.
The ole 2x Covid survivor Lungs seem to be doing pretty dang good, a puff on the Inhaler in the early AM is about it for now.
How y'all doing on your training and weight?
Good luck, Robb
Pack out packpack with the other back inside.
From water and training to packing meat out the same gig.
This way, I don't seem to ever get hot spots when packing meat or antlers out by training with the same pack set-up, maybe a few extra boned out meat ponds though.
Enjoy, Robb
Burned a few calories.
Burned a few calories.
We did a 12 mile ruck put on by my local gym with some service members in honor of Memorial Day. I carried 45 lbs. of sand in my Kifaru.
Thank you to Robb and all who served.
I do the insanity workouts every morning before work.
I will start rucking in the evenings starting in July. Start around 40 pounds in the pack and add water bottles every week to work up to around 60 pounds by Sept 1.
Lift weights 6 days a week with some hiking mixed in. I don’t have an elk tag this year….so I don’t have the motivation to hike more. If I get lucky in the Left Over draws and I pull a tag, I’ll ramp up the hiking….but I’ll always continue to lift heavy throughout.
Doing my normal cardio and strength training 6 times a week.
Normal training. 6 days weight training with 1 hour cardio split between-stair master, eliptical, and run/walk on treadmill. One body area per day with a free day to do misc mixed stuff-like lunges and close grip pull ups and anything else I might have missed during the week. 7th day-20-30 mile bike ride. 30-45 min stretches 5 days with split on upper and lower body. Come hunting season, no worries.
Much the sam as most...doing what works for me.
For the past 2 months; p90x for 2 weeks, insanity/asylum for 1 week- repeat. Walking with weighted pack 20 lbs; increase by 5 lbs monthly.
I start walking and then slowly add weight. Glad I have some hills and a spot with steep hills to walk in. Still recovering from a full knee replacement last year. I try to walk 3-4 times a week. Usually start at 3 miles miles a trip and by July 5-6 miles a hike. I'm starting to add weight now and usually stop adding weight to my pack when it hits 35 lbs. Been doing this for a while and it works for me.
Other than the normal lifting, running, rucking and weighted hill climbs, I added climbing the grain leg near me with a 50lb pack on. 7 minutes up, 3 down. Doesn’t take long to wear a guy out. My goal is 10 trips up without much rest at the top or bottom.
I just do a little jogging here and there, maybe 30-35 miles per week.
Seven days a week of lifting hard and heavy. Always making sure my compound lifts stay heavy and improving. Starting to run more each week as the weather gets warm and the countdown to September begins.
Kinda makes the run not as impressive
Damn Dude--- is that 4 plates per side!!
I believe consistency and continued workouts are the style for me and success.
No doubt good eating is definitely important too.
Good luck, Robb
Doing my military swim / pool work outs includes weights almost daily. As a elder hunter the water is king.
At 67 my fitness goals have changed. Strength and endurance. I no longer try to max out my lifts. My lifts are heavy enough to be challenging and eventually I move up in weight. My back and shoulders will no longer tolerate heavy squats or bench presses. I work with my body weight and do more reps. My knees will no longer take the pounding of running outside. So, I run on a treadmill trying to run progressively faster. I run at least 1/4 mile at 9 mph (so the machine says) and drop back down to finish and absolutely hate (but do anyway) the stair master. We don't have hills of any kind in SW Florida, so that is the best I'm able to do. But, I have been known to take a pack full of water bladders to the gym and use the treadmill. I just go grossly early to avoid unwanted attention. And, just as important, I do a regular stretching routine.
Started with my 40ish lb pack this week. I just do hill repeats a few times per week all summer, in addition to my normal biking regime. Ive accumulated a bunch of extra weight this winter that I need to drop, so will be very focused on diet over the next 3.5 months. I have been injured the last few summers so the upper body work has waned but will be doing more of that in earnest as well.
100lb tractor weights in each hand, walk till fail, into Push-ups till fail. Repeat 6 sets. Peloton two-three days a week.
Good for you guys.
Stay injury Free and Go for It,
Been using this Badlands pack for my daily treadmill workouts (4 days/week) for almost 10 years now. It has a lead brick in it, wrapped up in heavy material, about 30 pounds altogether.
30 minutes alternating between 3.5 and 4 mph, on a 12 percent grade. Also 300 pushups, butterfly crunches, and tricep lifts.
I've added in a 10 minute yoga stretch before the treadmill, in the last couple years, and can honestly say it has improved my overall flexibility.
I was actually down to my "fighting weight" this AM (170#), so, I'm ahead of the curve this Year (so far). 62 now...gotta keep hammerin' !
5x/week at the gym over lunch. It's just a 30-45 minute lifte/cardio workout, but it's something I can do each week. June, July, and Aug I'll add in running and biking in the evenings. I do some hill workouts in July and Aug too. I'm in decent shape now, but will be in better shape by Sep. 1st. My goal is to lose another 5 lbs an be down o 180-182 by Sep. 1st.
Thanks man.
It's dang near mid- December and I'm cruising along and heading out for round 2 on my Desert Ram hunt.
Ya gotta stay in shape year-round it seems anymore.
Tipped the scale this morning @ 184.3, I'm content.
Good luck, Robb
You guys must be a bunch of young bucks! I just turned 73. I hit a tread mill 4-5 days a week 4-4.5 mph fast walk at 8% incline for 30 min. And weight machine twice a week, 80 pounds or less various lifts.
Been running since I was 53, started feeling the effect of 7-800 miles a year. My sister invited me to her cross fit class at the first of the year and I have been rejuvenated. I am the oldest (69) at my gym and have increased my strength enough to pull 65 lbs of draw weight on my bow again. Trying to get a little more cardio (running a couple miles a day) into the routine. Biggest goal is just to stay injury free.
Keeping injuries at a minimum is vital for sure!
183.6 this early AM, right on target/goal for winter keeping the lbs off.
Good luck, Robb
I lost 38 lbs last year, this year the goal is to simply maintain around my weight but build up a weight training routine to get stronger and continue to slim down without losing weight.
Eating cleaner and not drinking alcohol does more than any workout regime can IMO. It takes all 3 to hit peak performance but if you had to rank them diet > exercise.
Visiting family in Florida this week and it’s been nice getting runs in every morning without dealing with Alaska temps/snow levels.
At almost 50 years old and two back surgeries I do lots of body weight workouts and use kettle balls quite often. That said I still do high rep count squats and lunges with push ups and pull ups. I also hunt coyotes like I do deer and elk. I put on a heavy pack and hike miles looking for good spots. I see it more as a get out and hike but like the idea of shooting some coyotes along the way. It keeps me from totally pooping out come September.
Been running since I was 53, started feeling the effect of 7-800 miles a year. My sister invited me to her cross fit class at the first of the year and I have been rejuvenated. I am the oldest (69) at my gym and have increased my strength enough to pull 65 lbs of draw weight on my bow again. Trying to get a little more cardio (running a couple miles a day) into the routine. Biggest goal is just to stay injury free.
I am 74. Good physical this week. Got cholesterol down to 84, and weight down to 192. Doctors said. No more weight loss. BP very good. Low carb diet, limited alcohol, very limited. no beer. Workout 150 to 200 min a week, all water work outs, combat swims. 2 days of weight work.
Do you guys use an app to help you keep track of things, and help you plan workouts? Or a website to help with a plan. I'm 61, run 3 miles when the weather is good, otherwise ride the stationary bike for an hour, 4 - 5 times a week. I would like a program, to add weights to my workouts. I am planning to buy a bike once the weather gets decent to try something different for me. BC
BC- you're doing pretty darn great! I don't track my workouts, I just do em! Some guys like to log miles, lifts, hikes, etc. If that will be motivating for you, then you should do it. I'm sure someone on here will offer an app suggestion.
I use to keep records. Of miles, weekly minutes etc, for my doctor. Not needed anymore, hit target weight and levels. I simply used a File Ap, my daughter put on phone, to write in records. It allows lots of titles, so now used as a notebook for various activities that I need to keep tract of, from medical appointments to what ever.
I don't use an app, I just have my daily routine and weight chart next to my digital scale here @ home. The only difference is indoors during winter mostly unless I'm snowshoeing or x-skiing, then outdoors, on the mountain trails, once it warms up.
Backpack with weight, 33 lbs, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, just hiking no weight. Ab's work every day and lifting every other day.
I go to a gym with a .10 of a mile track up above the double basketball courts/pickleball so I get my 3 miles a day in that way, but the hard flooring starts to get my knees/hips somewhat sore, I take Sunday off and rest up.
Quit smoking 01-06-2014, been Sober since 07-05-2017, both of those make a big difference for sure.
Good luck, Robb
Thanks for the info! I plan to up my game some, you all have helped with my motivation! BC
Summer workouts are about staying active and keeping things fun so you don’t burn out. I love mixing things up to keep it interesting! Running outside or doing HIIT in the park is excellent for cardio—it's a perfect way to enjoy the sunshine. If you’re looking for something different, a few rounds of jump rope or cycling on the trails is a good pace change. I also recommend trying bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups; they’re easy to do anywhere. You can never go wrong with
fun workouts like dance or yoga to stay flexible and strong. The key is finding activities you enjoy so it doesn’t feel like a chore. For more inspiration, you can check out some fun workout ideas on fun workouts.
Not summer but felt motivated to start my winter workouts this week. Had both knees replaced last winter so pushed it this summer and it worked. Guided elk hunters for two months this Fall and it went well, packing meat and all. But was ovious the quads weren't what they were previous. So started good workouts this week instead of waiting til after Thanksgiving or New Years. Determined to be going strong by next Fall, not to mention feeling better all along. Pays dividends at my age.
Good for you
It certainly is a year-round commitment as starting fresh in March or April and having to re-lose the same winter 15-20 lbs put on every winter isn't good anymore.
Lat year I found a new gym that has an indoor .10 of a mile track so I wear my training pack and do figure 8's, this way I get 2 stories high, sets of stairs in on each figure 8.
Figure 8 represents, the upstairs track and then downstairs, opposite direction x2 basketball courts.
Hardly anyone in there when they open @ 0500, so that's nice.
With still having 2 more hunts before the end of the year, Staying in Packout shape is vital.
Keep it a year-round objective.
Stay Healthy,