Mathews Inc.
No More Flights to Africa!
Contributors to this thread:
StickFlicker 15-Jun-23
APauls 15-Jun-23
huntr4477 15-Jun-23
StickFlicker 15-Jun-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 15-Jun-23
Bowbender 15-Jun-23
Knothead 15-Jun-23
smarba 15-Jun-23
WV Mountaineer 15-Jun-23
Phil Magistro 15-Jun-23
drycreek 15-Jun-23
spike78 15-Jun-23
scentman 15-Jun-23
HDE 15-Jun-23
Rut Nut 15-Jun-23
Rut Nut 15-Jun-23
Woods Walker 15-Jun-23
cnelk 15-Jun-23
TGbow 15-Jun-23
Catscratch 15-Jun-23
RK 15-Jun-23
TGbow 15-Jun-23
TGbow 15-Jun-23
HDE 15-Jun-23
Catscratch 15-Jun-23
TGbow 15-Jun-23
StickFlicker 15-Jun-23
Bigdog 21 15-Jun-23
Huntcell 16-Jun-23
Aspen Ghost 16-Jun-23
Highlife 16-Jun-23
Brotsky 16-Jun-23
Corax_latrans 16-Jun-23
Treeline 16-Jun-23
scentman 16-Jun-23
RK 16-Jun-23
Glunt@work 16-Jun-23
MQQSE 16-Jun-23
Zbone 17-Jun-23
huntr4477 18-Jun-23
Potro 20-Jun-23
bad karma 06-Aug-23
sundowner 06-Aug-23
Will tell 06-Aug-23
Hawken 19-Aug-23
From: StickFlicker

StickFlicker's embedded Photo
StickFlicker's embedded Photo

StickFlicker's Link
We won't have to take an airplane to Africa anymore! Biden announced he's going to build a train from the Pacific Ocean across the Indian Ocean (Southern Africa).

From: APauls
How in the heck can the leader of the strongest nation in the world make Trudeau look not that bad. This is going too far.

From: huntr4477
And it will go the whole distance on only 1 tank of gas !! What an idiot we have as our "leader"!

From: StickFlicker
I screwed up and used the wrong category when I posted this. I meant to post it so it would have the Africa thumbnail...

What a donkey…holy crap were in trouble lol

From: Bowbender
I'm guessing Pete Buttigeig will be running a train. Or catching one...

From: Knothead
Good and it's about time. I hate to fly.

From: smarba
I'd say "unbelievable", but then again I've come to believe anything is possible when it comes to what he may say...

Going to run on batteries too.

Yep, this man beat Trump.

Nobody over 75 should be allowed to run for President. But I don't make the rules.

From: drycreek
I’m over 75 Phil and I could beat Joe Biden as President if I were drunk, stoned, or crazy. HINT……it ain’t just his age, it’s mostly his pedigree !

From: spike78
The best part is when it derails you will be trapped inside going to the bottom of the ocean lol.

From: scentman
You can always hitch a ride on the next balloon that floats by... just make sure your broadheads are in a quiver. ;0)

From: HDE
Who voted for this embecile?

Oh. Nevermind...

From: Rut Nut
From: Phil Magistro 15-Jun-23

Nobody over 75 should be allowed to run for President. But I don't make the rules.

I’m surprised at you Phil.................that’s age discrimination!

I work with a 97 year old veteran at the VA Hospital nursing home that is more mentally astute than “The Big Guy!”

But there SHOULD be a mental acuity test for all Presidential candidates!

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's Link

From: Woods Walker
Biden hasn't been mentally fit to be POTUS (or much of anything else) since the day he was born.

From: cnelk
“ Nobody over 75 should be allowed to run for President.”

Let’s make that 78 so Trump qualifies. ;)

From: TGbow
Lol..Phil you might have a point.

If they build it..guess who will pay for it???

From: Catscratch
Shouldn't need a rule for the age restriction. Our populous should pick and vote in someone that isn't mentally unfit. The average person should demand and expect better than this. :(

From: RK

Never going to happen. Look at the fools here that relatively intelligent that voted for Biden or voted against Trump.

They truly are to blame for this disaster in DC

From: TGbow
I think a lot of people are afraid of real freedom. Especially when you've been conditioned to think government tyranny is normal.

It's one thing to have a "degree" of freedom but another to have freedom that results in personal responsibility

From: TGbow

TGbow's embedded Photo
TGbow's embedded Photo

From: HDE
"It's one thing to have a "degree" of freedom but another to have freedom that results in personal responsibility"

This right here. The reason people keep voting this way is because they've never really had to lose anything. When they figure out what they lost, it's too late.

From: Catscratch
Bingo! People fall for the fallacy that giving up freedoms is a good exchange for safety. Truth is giving up freedom doesn't garner safety but since that's what politicians tell us a lot of people believe it. Even so, it doesn't really explain how we ended up with biden as our leader. His leadership abilities are very weak on every front.

From: TGbow
Not that I agree with JFK or Reagan on all points but they were better presidents IMO, in my life time.

Why did Biden, Bush, Obama get elected? Because people won't think for themselves. Trump got elected because a lot of folks like myself were tired of the same old crap from both sides. The problem is most people in America on both sides think that some politician will make things better when in reality, the best thing government could ever do is get out of the way.

From: StickFlicker
"If they build it..guess who will pay for it???"

Mexico? Ha! (not meant to be a shot at Trump, just thought it would be a funny response...)

From: Bigdog 21
Looks like he going to take the long route.

From: Huntcell
What a day to celebrate when the east track layers meet the west track layers and drive that final platinum spike, somewhere out in deep blue sea. Joe built that.

From: Aspen Ghost
They are going to send him to bed early and without ice cream for going off script.

Typical Government project. Build it in the least logical way. Dropping you in Kenya. And for Bowsiters, No hunting, even photo tours there have degraded due decades of no hunting.

From: Highlife
Government says we're gonna help you....... keep your hands on your rights and your wallet time for term limits or a rope over an oak limb just sayin

From: Brotsky
This is what happens when you let 10% of the people on the fringes of sanity on the left or right decide who you get to vote on in November.

What Brotsky said.

“Our populous [sic] should pick and vote in someone that isn't mentally unfit.”

Agreed. But you do realize that a majority (or at least a enough) of the American voters looked at Trump and saw him as the poorer choice in that regard….

Biden would be incredibly easy for just about anyone to beat, so long as he/she is willing to distance from Trump and those who have been making excuses for his bad behavior.

From: Treeline
Does not matter who the vote is for, it’s all about who counts them…

From: scentman
Treeline for the win!

From: RK
Exactly right

"God Save The Queen"

From: Glunt@work
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how."

Joseph Stalin

This is good news. Flying gets old.

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo
Joe's train off the coast of NJ...8^)))

From: huntr4477
Hopefully, Joe and some of his fellow Dems will be on the train's maiden voyage.

From: Potro
this comment, make Lopez Obrador looks normal

From: bad karma
About half the people in most law classes are folks you would not hire to represent you for an overdue library book case. Joe Biden was a nitwit decades before he became a senile nitwit.

Yes Joe Biden has never accomplished much for the 40 yrs In government. Except upholding segregation for decades. He Storm Thurmond and Senator Bird were very close friends and Dixiecrats.

From: sundowner
Biden is a racist, a pathological liar, and a damn fool. Always has been. But it tells us something about the dem party, that they're willing to support him and defend his lies and corruption.

From: Will tell

Will tell's embedded Photo
Will tell's embedded Photo
He’s not the only

From: Hawken
He's also selling waders just in case!!

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