New Brunswick black bear
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Headed to new Brunswick early in am, Lloyd tells me he has one of the biggest black bears he’s seen awaiting for me to bring back to Indiana … it will be a challenge to get one bigger than last one (pic included)…we will soon see! God bless America!
Evidently with Lloyd in New Brunswick, bou…
Didn’t know where he was operating out of in the province these days though. Still Jemseg area or has he moved on?
Awesome! Good luck and hope you get a crack at the big boy! Lloyd and Rhonda run a great camp! Always a great time!
Good luck and God bless America !
Shouldn't it be "God save the queen, man"?
Landed the night in Maine… rained hard once got into Massachusetts all the way to Augusta… church then camp!
I understand last couple of weeks weathers been not the best with rain and cooler temps… this week things suppose to change a little with warmer weather/no rain.
Tomorrow we will give it our first seat in the stand.
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers…
Monday… getting ready for first set in. Overcast yet sun is popping through here and there. Little breezy and no flies.
Have a few sows visiting this bait with cubs… a big boar has been checking them… hoping one of them comes in heat and kicks cubs and brings him in… have a purpose here in line.
I know that bait well. I sat with my son who took his first bear from that stand in 2021. Good luck!
First evening, a very big sow with 4 of this years cubs… If she didn’t have the cubs I may have mistaken her for a nice boar…
The big sow last night with 4 cubs… the one cub was chocolate with blond around head…
That’s a huge sow. Wow. Good think the cubs came in with her.
Yes if sow was solo, it may have been different outcome; Years ago an outfitter told me if I shoot a sow with cubs, the cubs gotta go home with me too to take care of them, lol… i have enough cubs at home already.
How did the other guys in camp make out
Lol justified that’s a good one haha
2nd night had 3 within bow range, 2 were small, but a bigger one with them who never came in was real big but kept moving, probably another big sow?
Season here has been good for Lloyd…
Tonight is 3rd night. Going to try for this big male again.
How did the other guys in camp this week doing. Any kills ?
Did you get your bear Joseph?
It was slow yesterday, tonight passed on a decent boar… still holding out for mr. big….
I’m solo here this week, had a few guys lined up but things happened and they couldn’t make it, so I came solo… the groups before me all did well!
Tomorrow is last day, we shall see what happens.
Good luck! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
Hope you get your bear ..good luck
Thank you men… setting in am and pm …
Passed smaller boar, tonight left, all good mentally, God is good, life is good, and bow hunting is great!
Joseph, a true sportsman
Sounds like a great trip and thanks for letting g us follow along with you
Safe travels
Well in the tree for final night of hunt and closing of 2023 Black bear season.
I find it interesting how circumstances try to forge thoughts into one’s mind by pressure.
The idea of a hunt should never be one thing but a combination of many things that make for experience of the entire hunt valuable.
My mind pressures with shoot the first thing that comes in, but then my want of experience says enjoy your opportunity at hand.
With 4 hours and 46 mins till dark, and a 70% chance of rain in 3.5 hours, doubt try’s to rob of the experience at hand, enjoy time in Gods creation…one should never allow the pressure from a hunts ending at hand to determine the experienced that will be gained and passed down to others. .
Trying hard to find the bloody arrow in the pic ...
Well back in Indiana and summary of 2023 bear hunt: Day 1 a very big sow but had 4 yearling cubs…passed ( was a big one seen but was too far out) Day 2 another very big sow (I think) with 2# 2 year old cubs…passed Day 3… no sightings Day 4… no sightings Day 5, had a younger boar come in and present self, not the boar we where looking for…passed Day 6, had a nice sow come in, passed with the thoughts of a boar being by (she had no cubs) passed her up, she came in under the tree and circled whine me and went back in where she came out of - an hour later a younger boar came out below where she came out/went back into, he crossed her path and caught her scent and immediately turned and followed her trail and went in where she did, I thought if she’s got the bigger boar with her over there this one will be ran off, never seen him again; last 1 hour of the hunt, younger boar came in and presented a shoot, still not the one we wanted, with the last 1/2 hour of 2023 New Brunswick bear season I did pick up my bow, but only in case the bigger boar came in, the younger boar suddenly starts looking left, and bolts off… I’m pretty sure the bigger boar was noted by him but he never made it in for me to see, I waited but no show, I hung bow up in the dark and sat down and thanked God for giving me the opportunity for this hunt.
The hunt was good… seen about 12 bear, just not the one/ones we knew where there. (2 boars, on 2 different baits)
Would I do it again? If God allows, in a New York minute!
Camp was great, always enjoy Lloyds hospitality and his family’s kindness towards me and willingness to be a blessing.
After a straight 15+/- drive home, (after a short 2.5 hour roadside nap) as I rolled onto my drive, I stopped and bowed my head in prayer and thanked God for trip, the time and experience and that I made it home safely … this experience I can add to my life’s 50ty’s chapter!
Of course my family was awaiting on the porch.
Perhaps if God allows me to grow old and I can’t get out and hunt the way I do now, I can close my eyes and rewind to memories lane and re live this experience again!
I did have 2 very big red wolfs come in to about 30ty yards and it was interesting watching them. As well as seeing and filming a cub of very unique color.
Equipment: Sitka and kuiu camo outfits. Bow-Tall Tines 58” along with XPedition eccentric 6 Sitka tool type pack Thermacell Danner boots - rocky boots Cannon camera
God bless America!
You have a great attitude... sounds like you had a successful hunt without taking a Bear!!
Always more to the hunt than the hunt! Glad you had a terrific time!
I did not even know they had wolves in new Brunswick especially within a couple hours if the maine border. Quite a sight I bet.
New Brunswick wolves
Across Canada, the eastern wolf is considered a threatened species, and still is found in parts of Ontario and Quebec. But in New Brunswick it is classified as extirpat
I watch these for about 8 mins. One one came within 30ty yards… I didn’t see the other one until that one let at about 40 yards… these were red and I’d say about 150pds? They were big and very long. They actually where down wind sniffing the bait it seemed Like
God is good all the time glad he looked after u on your hunt sounds like u had a good time that’s all that matters. Blessings.
Sounds like you had a good time..maybe next year
Great report. Thanks for sharing your experience.