Mathews Inc.
Biking Montana Breaks?
Contributors to this thread:
McCree 20-Jun-23
Cheesehead Mike 21-Jun-23
Straight Shooter 22-Jun-23
Mule Power 23-Jun-23
sbschindler 23-Jun-23
jbrownlow 17-Jul-23
sbschindler 19-Jul-23
Missouribreaks 20-Jul-23
Mule Power 20-Jul-23
From: McCree
Anyone have any experience using a mountain bike to hunt the Missouri River Breaks in Montana?

Hunted there back in 2001 and thinking about hunting there again in the future and using an ebike. I'm guessing the gumbo mud would be a major issue if it rains.

If it rains nothing with wheels will get out of there.

From: Mule Power
They work really well after a bit of rain. You have to experience it to fully grasp what Wyoming mud is like. It’s like grease. Slippery as hell and it sticks to everything including itself. Your boots will be 10 inches wide and 16 inches long. When it rains in the Breaks nobody goes anywhere until it dries up. If it’s dry you can cover some ground.

From: sbschindler
you can't use a bike on any of the closed roads as opposed to the closed forest service roads, to get to one area from another its generally a fairly long haul, so bikes may not be a good choice for the breaks

From: jbrownlow
pretty sure you can't have anything with a wheel inside the CMR...

From: sbschindler
jbrownlow, not allowed on closed roads only,,, plenty of open roads on the CMR good for any tired vehicles

Lots of drones being used by various agencies, and individuals.

From: Mule Power

Mule Power's embedded Photo
Mule Power's embedded Photo
You should make some modifications first

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