Moultrie Mobile
Kuche Safaris
Contributors to this thread:
rebelmdb 20-Jul-23
rebelmdb 20-Jul-23
billc 28-Jul-23
Buffalo1 28-Jul-23
From: rebelmdb
Has anyone hunted with Koos at Kuche Safaris before? My buddy bought a hunt donated at auction so we are going in 2025. I have met him a few times before and seems like a really nice guy and has some nice animals. I am super excited to get down there finally and am already looking forward to going back with my bow next time.

Go to “Africahunting” forum search for them or ask. You will get a lot of useful feedback

From: rebelmdb
I will check it out. Thank you

From: billc
one of the used car saleman of SA. I would ask how many others maybe in camp when you are there. Talked to him along time ago when looking for my 2nd trip to SA. Walked away after all the bs talking and promises. Not for me but plenty who dont know better have good hunts there. Many better places I think. Just ask yourself why he has to donate so many hunts or do give aways when you buy a gun from some place/

From: Buffalo1
I can look at their photo gallery and bet they are primarily a gun operation. Some of their prices are a little out of line (high).

I would have a lot questions about this outfitter.

Just my 2 cents !

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