Was able to complete the Archery Deer slam with this little Columbia Blacktail deer. Its fitting my first deer shot and recovered with a bow was a spike mule deer! So this spike completes the species.
I was able to get it the last morning of the hunt, after a case of buck fever that week and missing a couple forky horn bucks :)
My buddy set up the hunt and got the permissons to some properties, and figured out some public options where I missed a 2pt. His efforts were rewarded with a very nice Blacktail buck! It also completes his deer slam.
Congratulations! That's a lot of planning. Impressive.
My archery deer slam was a dead deer with recurve, longbow, osage selfbow I made, compound and yes, a crossbow. All whitetails. Largest deer was with compound at the shortest distance, 9 yards.
Congrats on getting it done!!! One of the goals I have is to get this completed in the next few years.
Whitetail and (small) Coues are on the wall already. 0-2 on muley trips and an unrecovered Sitka buck a few years back. Returning to Kodiak this September and hopefully things end better this time around.
Congratulations! I’m a Columbia Bt away from it myself. I had envisioned going to California while my daughter was in college out there but now that opportunity has come and gone as she’s graduated and now maybe my plan will shift back to Oregon again…. I will admit sitting here looking at the 4 best archery mounts they are all much better than my goal of taking a respectable representative animal of each.