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Carrying handgun while cycling
Contributors to this thread:
craigmcalvey 27-Jul-23
Lawdog 27-Jul-23
Rut Nut 27-Jul-23
Corax_latrans 27-Jul-23
Lawdog 27-Jul-23
Will 27-Jul-23
Hank_S 28-Jul-23
softhackle 29-Jul-23
craigmcalvey 29-Jul-23
Stringcheesehead 29-Jul-23
Bigdog 21 29-Jul-23
Bigdog 21 29-Jul-23
bigeasygator 29-Jul-23
From: craigmcalvey
I’ve tried a google search but didn’t find what I’m looking for. Is there a company that makes a harness that holds a water bladder on the back and a handgun on the front? I’d like something for long bicycle rides and would prefer a dual purpose harness like that. Any leads? I don’t want a holster in my waist band or on a leg.

From: Lawdog

Lawdog's Link
Check this out. Blackpoint Tactical.

From: Rut Nut
I wear a belly band when I am cycling(and running)- I want to keep the element of surprise in my favor and don't want anyone to know I am "carrying"! ;-)

That Blackpoint is about as subtle as a super-duty pickup rolling coal……

I wouldn’t use it for an MTB trail ride, but the nice thing about my old messenger bag is that you can swing it around to the front really quickly.

I have an old Camelbak Bandido, which is more like a lumbar pack; holds 1 or 1.5l, I think. Might fit a real Compact there somehow, or perhaps just wear the lumbar pack over something tucked in over your tailbone….

For riding, I’d think you’d want that load centered in front…. Maybe something that looks more like a binocular/cellphone/GPS carrying case?

From: Lawdog
Now, that's funny. I use a fanny pack on my rides in town. If I'm in the woods, it's either in the holster on my Baldlands pack or a holster on my belt-which you don't want. If you need to keep it concealed, I'm fresh out. In that case and if I don't want it or can't conceal it on my belt, I just put it my Camelback.

From: Will
I've never considered this challenge. Not a lot of easy spots to put one on while cycling...I'd bet some of the companies making hard to see concealed carry holsters would have a light and easy to use option that may be able to work. But that's a guess...

From: Hank_S
I used to slip my Glock 43 into the right hand side of my bib shorts...putting cloth between my skin and the bibs.

It worked OK (at the time, I was only road cycling) but if I was going to continue the practice, I would sew a small pocket on the inside of the bibs.

From: softhackle

From: craigmcalvey
I think some of you are not understanding what I asked…not looking for concealed carry options. I think that would be a challenge I don’t need with my cycling shorts!! I’m leaning towards just getting a camelbak and then finding a holster I prefer that will strap/clip on to the chest harness strap.

A military/tactical style hydration pack might have more options for attaching a holster but would probably want to find a lighter weight style for your needs.

From: Bigdog 21

Bigdog 21's embedded Photo
Bigdog 21's embedded Photo

From: Bigdog 21
Kifaur gear you can get the holster separate and attach to your pack straps and they have different designs and attach. Option

From: bigeasygator
Don’t know of any good options for strapping a gun to the chest strap on a backpack. I would go with some sort of Chest Rig personally. As mentioned, Hill People Gear makes some good ones and I have used them on hikes and for jogging. The are lined with loop Velcro and you can easily tape some hook on a kydex holster and secure it in the main pouch. You can roll with it unzipped so you have relatively easy access to your pistol.

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