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Bow Giveaway Winners Announced!!!!
Contributors to this thread:
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
Jasper 03-Aug-23
KSflatlander 03-Aug-23
Chief 419 04-Aug-23
Jaquomo 04-Aug-23
KSflatlander 04-Aug-23
Charlie Rehor 04-Aug-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 04-Aug-23
KSBOW 04-Aug-23
Scoot 04-Aug-23
TMac 04-Aug-23
Scar Finga 04-Aug-23
KSflatlander 04-Aug-23
pav 05-Aug-23
LUNG$HOT 05-Aug-23
JB 05-Aug-23
labxtreme1. 06-Aug-23
Quinn @work 06-Aug-23
Rut Nut 06-Aug-23
Rut Nut 06-Aug-23
BC173 06-Aug-23
EmbryOklahoma 06-Aug-23
rebelmdb 08-Aug-23
Jasper 29-Aug-23
Jasper 29-Aug-23
KSflatlander 29-Aug-23
Beav 29-Aug-23
LBshooter 30-Aug-23
t-roy 30-Aug-23
Rut Nut 03-Sep-23
Rut Nut 03-Sep-23
RonP 03-Sep-23
Supernaut 03-Sep-23
Jasper 04-Sep-23
Rut Nut 05-Sep-23
Scoot 05-Sep-23
Scar Finga 05-Sep-23
Jasper 05-Sep-23
LBshooter 08-Sep-23
Scoot 08-Sep-23
LBshooter 09-Sep-23
Scoot 09-Sep-23
Scar Finga 09-Sep-23
Jasper 10-Sep-23
Scoot 10-Sep-23
Scar Finga 11-Sep-23
Rut Nut 12-Sep-23
ND String Puller 13-Sep-23
Rut-Nut 19-Nov-24
Scoot 19-Nov-24
Rut-Nut 19-Nov-24
Insheart 19-Nov-24
Jasper 20-Nov-24
Wayniac 21-Nov-24
longsprings 22-Nov-24
From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo
!! Bow Giveaway Winners Announced!!

Thanks to some amazing and kind people we have 3 young men now shooting fully loaded, awesome bows and 3 new bowhunters hitting the woods this fall. The real heroes in the 5th year of this giveaway, as always, are the mentors who nominated these kids and volunteer their time to teach, lead by example and take them hunting. Our world needs more men like this and more kids enjoying God’s Great Outdoors and learning to be the ambassadors and protectors of our great sport. In addition to the mentors I had some wonderful people who wanted to help these kids out and give them something they needed as they prepare to hit the woods. To all of you, thanks from the bottom of my heart and God bless! Nine new bowhunters since I kicked off this idea and if the good Lord’s willing we’ll do it again next year! Here are the winners, their mentors and the gifts they received……(I’ve read where people have written that the Bowsite is the best and after another year of 90% of the mentors and participants coming from here I have to agree!) _________________________________ # 1 - Gaven, 12 years old from Minnesota ~ Gaven’s Dad tragically passed away unexpectedly at 43 years old. Gaven had always wanted to go hunting and did have a bow, but it was too small for him and he was left with no one to take him hunting. That’s where family friend Scott Engel (Scoot) comes in. Scott is super excited about taking Gaven deer hunting and has already taken him turkey hunting. A Bowsiter who wants to remain anonymous (Mr. X), sent Gaven a beautiful Elite Ember bow with all the accessories! Carl Abrams (Smarba) gave Gaven a Sitka hoody. Peter Crane (LBShooter) gave him a Mora skinning knife. Randy Steverson (Chief 419) sent 2 dozen Full Metal Jacket arrows. Scott Engel also bought him $100 worth of gear. Roy Canterbury of Archery Talk 101 has donated video archery lessons. Have fun Gaven! _________________________________ #2 - Brandon, 21, Pennsylvania ~ Brandon is a hard working young man who is employed full time at a tree farm but is struggling to make ends meet. He has a passion for becoming a bow hunter but was struggling with a hand me down bow that didn’t fit him. There are no bow hunters in his family. Family friend Perry Hartmann (Rut Nut) is excited about mentoring Brandon and taking him under his wing. Now that Brandon is equipped, he and Perry will be shooting and hitting the woods together this fall! Another Bowsiter who wants to remain anonymous (Mr.J), gave Brandon a fully equipped and super sweet Bear Legend XR and a bow case! Perry bought him a dozen arrows and I sent him a True Fire release and some Wolverine boots. Go get em Brandon! _________________________________ #3 - Baron, 16, Kansas ~ Baron got hit with the bow hunting bug a couple of years ago but didn’t have much for resources and no one to take him. Baron’s grandparents asked family friend Shane Bitler (Labxtreme1) to take him hunting and Baron went along without a bow while Shane taught him the basics of deer hunting. Later that season Baron killed his first deer with a rifle and Shane walked him and his granddad through the field dressing process over the phone! They’ll be bowhunting together this fall. (Shane told me that he felt even more compelled to help as years ago some Bowsiters gave him a bow setup and personal instruction after a friend of Shane’s was killed by a poacher) My son Andrew (Astanley96) volunteered his old bow for the giveaway and we sent Baron a sweet shooting Elite 32 with all the accessories, a Trufire release and some Muzzy broadheads. Friend Steve Ross donated $100 “In memory of our dear friend Scott Riner” and I used it to buy Baron a Block target. Two more Bowsiters who wish to remain anonymous sent 2 dozens arrows and a super nice 3 in 1 hunting parka and pants. Shane gave Baron a $50 gift card from Sportsman’s Warehouse. Enjoy and have a great season Baron! ________________________________

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: Jasper

From: KSflatlander
Best thread of 2023!!! Good luck to all the new bowhunters this year.

From: Chief 419
Thanks to all the mentors! Very good of you to show an interest in the young hunters & share your time to bring them along. Good luck mentors & young bowhunters!

From: Jaquomo
This is great!

From: KSflatlander

Excellent work all. Especially Jasper…

Excellent work all! Jasper you’re the best!

This is what has kept me coming back to Bowsite. This is so awesome!!!

From: Scoot
Jasper is a rock star for doing this! Also, the number of Bowsiters who stepped up and donated is heartwarming and impressive. Thanks so much to all who gave to this. Gaven is super jacked about this. He is looking forward to hunting this Fall. He's shot two deer with a rifle in the past two years and both involved hunting for a very brief amount of time. Unless he gets very lucky, he's going to need to learn patience when using all this new equipment! It'll be fun- we're both excited about this coming season!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all involved!

From: TMac
Awesome all the way around! Jasper well done to you and those who have donated.

From: Scar Finga
Jasper, Chief and all the other guys donating are awesome!!! Thanks for all you do guys!!!! You and the mentors are Amazing!!

God Bless! SF

From: KSflatlander

From: pav
Awesome thread! Kudos to all the mentors, donors and of course...Jasper!

Man, such a great thing you do every year. Kudos to all who are involved.

From: JB
You guys are amazing! Warms my heart!!

From: labxtreme1.
Tremendous thanks to everyone that donated, with special thanks to John for starting the bow giveaway!!

Baron was at a loss for words when I called to let him know that he'd be receiving a bow and gear! The young man is a go getter and quickly got the itch to hunt anything and everything once starting. He's been a joy to watch and teach, definitely looking forward to watching him become an accomplished bow hunter. Amazing to see all the good this website does for helping the next generation get outdoors!

From: Quinn @work
This is great! Thanks Jasper for organizing and all of the boosters that contributed.

From: Rut Nut
Sorry folks but I’ve been “OFF THE GRID” in the mountains of Northern Pa the last 4 days at our State Organization’s Annual Summer Campout and shoot.

This is Bowsite at it’s finest! I am grateful to John and his “helpers” who have provided the resources for these young men to pursue their dreams!

I was ecstatic when I learned Brandon won one of the bows! I gave him an old right handed bow I had, just to start shooting and getting used to archery, but it was not really adequate for hunting. And since I am left handed I couldn’t give him any of my old bows.

I really felt fortunate to be involved with this and it is inspiring to see how much passion and generosity the donors have! I can’t thank you gentlemen enough!

John is a true Godsend who spent countless hours texting and e-mailing us making arrangements for the “goodies” to be delivered! I’m not sure how he kept everything straight to be honest.

He put me in touch with Mr. J who is a very kind and generous man with a passion for Bowhunting. He offered to meet me in NJ and drove probably an hour out of his way to drop off the bow. We met at a local restaurant and although he only had a short time to spend before flying home, we had a great time getting to know a little bit about each other and sharing a few hunting stories. I was very glad to get the opportunity to meet such a fine and caring individual (in person! )

I can’t wait to start shooting with Brandon at his Uncle’s property where we will be Bowhunting this Fall!

I can’t thank everyone enough and it has inspired me to help out next year and for years to come and be a part of this great event! : )


From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Rut Nut's embedded Photo
This is Mr. J giving me Brandon’s bow. What a fine young man!

From: BC173
Well done to all!! This is awesome!!!!

Good stuff right here! Great job to all involved. Hope to see some follow up field photos this fall with all three doing the grip and grin.

From: rebelmdb
Man this is so awesome and something these kids will remember until the day they die. I was very fortunate to have a great mentor in a neighbor besides my family. I can remember waiting for my neighbor to get home from work and helping him mow or whatever we needed to do so we could go fishing. He used to always tell me they never bit before 630 in the evening so we always had time to get our household duties done. Can't wait to see their pics this fall!

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo
Received a couple of pics of Baron, one of the giveaway winners enjoying and shooting his new bow. Mentors, please keep the pics and updates coming. Can’t wait to see some bloody arrow pics this fall! God bless!

From: Jasper

Jasper's embedded Photo
Jasper's embedded Photo

From: KSflatlander
Yes, keep the updates coming. Maybe we will see some archery tags punched for the first time for some of our new bowhunters!

From: Beav
What a cool deal!

From: LBshooter
I'm looking forward to seeing the pic with their bows and a deer together, good luck to the new hunters.

From: t-roy
Some Bowsiters at their finest!

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Some of the finest people I know t-roy! ;-)

I gave Brandon a target a couple weeks ago but today was the first chance we had to get together to shoot since we’re almost a 90 min drive apart.

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Had to make a few adjustments to his sight and his form, but the last 2 arrows of the day were pretty good!

THANKS again to all who made this possible! We’re pretty excited about the upcoming season............. : )

From: RonP
if any of these young hunters need clothing and wear size large/x-large mid layers or jackets, and waist size 34 pants, please PM me. i have to go through my storage totes but can likely find a few things to help them out.

From: Supernaut
Outstanding stuff here!

From: Jasper
Perry, thanks for being a mentor to Brandon! Got a feeling that young man is gonna put a hurtin on em this fall!

From: Rut Nut
This is what it's all about..................................mentoring the next generation of bowhunters!

From: Scoot

Scoot's embedded Photo
Scoot's embedded Photo
Gaven keeps on shooting! I've been working with him about once per week and he's been shooting on his own pretty often. His draw weight still isn't high enough to hunt with, so we're trying to get him sufficient reps and I'm very gently bumping that up. He's got a 10, 15, and 20 yard pin sighted in currently. Needs to keep shooting a bunch to tighten up his groups, particularly at 20. It'll happen, he just needs to put in the time.

From: Scar Finga
That's Awesome Guys! Keep those pictures coming!

Thank you to all the mentors, you guys are the best!

God Bless!

From: Jasper
Makes me smile just seeing Gaven out there shooting; he’ll get it! Thank you Scott!

From: LBshooter
Let's get Gavin doing some push-ups, will build his muscle in time for the season. What's the min draw weight for his state?

From: Scoot
LB, it's 30 lbs in MN, but I'd sure like to see him higher than that. 35 is a minimum in my mind. He's in football and does plenty of pushup! He's a thin, wiry kid, but he's athletic and getting stronger all the time. It'll happen! At least I sure hope so.

From: LBshooter
Let's hope he can get out this year, be ashame to have all the new equipment and have to wait till next year.

From: Scoot
I agree 100%. He's taken the last 2 days off- got dinged up in their football game on Thursday. Hopefully his arm feels good enough to shoot today.

From: Scar Finga
30lbs from that compound is plenty at close range!

15-20 yards, no problem on a broadside deer! A sharp broadhead would probably zip right through if no bone is hit! Plenty of guys kill deer with 40lb recurves and longbows! I wouldn't stress about it... accuracy is the key, not power!

Just my 2 cents!

From: Jasper
Totally agree Scar! 30 pounds, sharp broadhead well placed….dead animal!

From: Scoot
I agree with you guys. I'd prefer a bit more, but no doubt you're right. He ran a lot of arrows through his bow yesterday apparently. I'm going to see if he wants to come out to my place to shoot again tonight.

From: Scar Finga
Great Scoot, I hope he comes out! Keep us informed please!

From: Rut Nut
Looking good Scoot- good job!

Life is better with a bow in your hand! Thanks for passing it on fellas and good luck to the new hunters.

From: Rut-Nut

Rut-Nut's embedded Photo
Rut-Nut's embedded Photo
I wanted to update this thread way before now, but really didn’t have anything to report until this season. Last season I encouraged Brandon to hunt with me and his uncle many times but it just never happened. It seems he was a bit more interested in partying with friends and playing in a couple softball leagues rather than getting in a tree stand. I was a little disappointed and somewhat embarrassed that Brandon did not take full advantage of this opportunity he was given by so manny generous individuals on this site! I prayed about it many nights and HE told me to just be patient and keep encouraging Brandon but not be pushy or over-bearing.

It apparently paid off this summer when I found out Brandon had been shooting, running trail cameras and planning for the fall hunting season. I had hoped to do a lot of mentoring with Brandon, but it seems some 20-something young men would rather try figuring things out on their own! And/or take advice from a 20-something young outdoors woman………………… ;-)

Here is a pic from some pre-season work we did on the property this summer. I was glad Brandon finally caught the archery “bug” even if it was due to his new girlfriend……………….and not me! : )

From: Scoot
RutNut, I think this is kinda how this thing might often go, particularly when the mentee is a little older. But, that's ok! You've done your part and played as much of a role as you have been able to do. I've felt similarly with my mentee sometimes... at times he's really gung ho to bowhunt and at other times he seems content to hang with his buddies instead. This year I've had him in the stand only one time. Football got in the way a lot, but hanging with buddies was also clearly a higher priority than hunting with me. Like you, I was frustrated with this, but I also didn't want to push him too much. I've just tried to be patient and do my best to be helpful for him. I think that's about all we can do...

Thanks for the update and good luck to you and your mentee.

From: Rut-Nut

Rut-Nut's embedded Photo
Rut-Nut's embedded Photo
Thanks Scoot- I guess I am not the only one dealing with these issues then. I just felt bad at times, especially when I would see all the updates from the mentors…………………and I had nothing to report.

I’m happy to say though that Brandon has been out archery hunting this season. Just hasn’t had a shot yet. Apparently he got close a couple weeks ago but got busted by a buck trying to range him with his rangefinder. Even though I wasn’t there with him, I gave him some advice on ranging objects ahead of time instead of waiting to range the deer when it comes in range…………………

Here he is last week hunting with his Uncle while I was out of town.

From: Insheart
Ver similar for my mentor. His greatest passion is fishing, so between that and baseball all summer then football, the bow was put on the back burner.

This fall he asked if he could rifle hunt with me, of course I jumped at that.

We had a great time setting in my big box blind together. He had a buck and a doe tag, he killed a nice big doe opening day.

During our long set, we talked about bow hunting next year. I showed him the pics of deer coming into my food plot. I told him if he can consistently put 5 arrows in a paper plate at 30 yards, he can come up and hunt with me.

So now he's really fired up to come spend time with me and take a deer with his bow.

This is also a motivator for me. Since my back surgery, I've had a really tough time shooting my bow, so I've been shooting a crossbow. Hopefully I can get back to my Bow and put the crossbow away.

From: Jasper
Thanks guys for the updates! Young people have a lot going on….I pray bow hunting will be a big part of their lives!

From: Wayniac
Great stuff. I'm not a huge fan of humans as I get older, but seeing stuff like this reminds me there still are good (great) people in this world. Keep up the great work, & congrats to those on the receiving end!

From: longsprings
Would love to be a mentor as part of this program

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