Moultrie Mobile
Cow tag only
Contributors to this thread:
Slider14 07-Aug-23
Michael 07-Aug-23
wyobullshooter 07-Aug-23
Lost Arra 07-Aug-23
HDE 07-Aug-23
bowyer45 07-Aug-23
70lbDraw 07-Aug-23
Jaquomo 07-Aug-23
Slider14 07-Aug-23
wyobullshooter 07-Aug-23
bowyer45 07-Aug-23
WapitiBob 07-Aug-23
From: Slider14
Hey guys, only got a cow tag this year, will be hunting Montana! Best way you know of to kill a cow! Thanks

From: Michael
Shoot it in the lungs with a sharp pointy object?

Can’t go wrong with Michael’s suggestion, but I’ll add that I would hunt no different than if I were hunting for a bull. Where you find bulls, chances are pretty high you’ll find cows. Just keep in mind that you’ll be dealing with more eyes, ears, and noses. And…those cows will generally be a lot more observant of potential danger than any rut-crazed bull.

From: Lost Arra
Cows are about the only elk I hunt. Michael and wyo summed it up nicely especially the extra eyes and noses. There is always a bedded cow around that is not seen when making a stalk. Also an over-eager rutted up bull can be your friend. After stalking close to a group, a cow that is just "not in the mood" with the bull's nose in her butt can be pushed right to the hunter for a shot while her attention is on the bull.

From: HDE
Chase bugles and you'll find a cow. Much easier I think since one "trophy" cow is as good as the next.

From: bowyer45
Don't shoot the lead cow, the one's behind usually taste better, they are slightly easier to pack too!

From: 70lbDraw
First cow I ever shot was the best elk meat I’ve eaten! Coincidence? Maybe, but I’ll take an cow any time the chance is available. The mice and other critters eat the antlers, but I find them to be too tough for my preference.

From: Jaquomo
Hang out around the edge of the herd, or call one in with lost calf calls.

From: Slider14
I did forget to tell you that I will be archery only! Any suggestions on calf calls or lost calf calls! Thanks again! I have killed a few bull with a bow but a cow is a different animal!

I assumed you were talking about archery elk. As Jaq suggested, a lost calf call can be extremely effective. Word of caution…there have been times where I was nearly trampled to death by both cows and calves as they rushed in to what they thought was a lost calf. Just google or YouTube lost calf call. It’s one of the easiest elk vocalizations to imitate.

From: bowyer45
Good way to call in the herd bull.

From: WapitiBob
fighting cow call, brings in the whole herd

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