Sitka Gear
Disc or not disc before planting
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
32Timbers 08-Aug-23
mattandersen 08-Aug-23
Pat Lefemine 08-Aug-23
Starfire 08-Aug-23
fuzzy 08-Aug-23
32Timbers 08-Aug-23
pav 08-Aug-23
t-roy 08-Aug-23
32Timbers 08-Aug-23
From: 32Timbers
I have a couple acre food plot that I sprayed, rototilled, sprayed again. There are a some weeds but not much. Would you spread triple 19, till in with atv disc, drag, broadcast seed and cultipack, or just spread the triple 19, drag, seed and cultipack to minimize new weeds coming up? I am just planting brassicas. The soil is not very hard pack. Soil has been tested and Ive already added some potash at the time of the first till. Thank you.

From: mattandersen
I would just broadcast the seeds and fertilizer then cultipack, hope for timely rain and call it a day. Tilling more will only bring up more weed seeds and you lose moisture in the dirt every time you till.

From: Pat Lefemine
Agree with Matt, brassicas will outcompete the weeds that will die anyway in the fall. I prefer disking in fertilizer but if you time it just before a good hard rain you’ll be fine. Brassicas will grow on concrete, super easy to establish.

From: Starfire
Agree with Matt. You sprayed tilled and sprayed again. That is what I do before planting Brassica. You will lose a little N by not incorporating but at this point I would just plant.

From: fuzzy
Ditto ^

From: 32Timbers
Got it. Thanks!

From: pav
Agree with those above. Small seed like brassicas and clover doesn't require a disc...broadcasting and cultipacking is sufficient. Honestly, we broadcast brassicas in soybean fields without the cultipack option...and they do very well with decent moisture.

From: t-roy
Agree with others above, with one caveat. If putting down N, I’d try to wait and spread it right before a rain, if possible. The P&K as well as your seed will be ok if just setting on dry dirt, waiting for a rain, but unless you can get SuperU, which is N with a special coating that keeps it from volatizing, you could lose most of your N to the atmosphere if it doesn’t rain for a few days after spreading.

From: 32Timbers
Sounds good. Going to plant Saturday. Supposed to rain some Sunday and mid week. Thanks.

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