Mathews Inc.
Why you should hunt bears
Contributors to this thread:
Stix 10-Aug-23
huntr4477 10-Aug-23
huntr4477 10-Aug-23
smarba 10-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 10-Aug-23
cnelk 10-Aug-23
shade mt 10-Aug-23
Jeff Durnell 10-Aug-23
Tracker 10-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 10-Aug-23
txhunter58 11-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 11-Aug-23
From: Stix

Stix's Link
The anti's don't want you to see this normal bear behavior.

From: huntr4477
You mean they don't all sit around together eating off the same picnic table???!! :)

From: huntr4477
Despite all the comments on YouTube, I think that was probably a lone boar that happened upon a sow and her cubs. They will often kill and eat cubs (sometimes even their own). This causes the sow to go into heat again.

From: smarba
It's my understanding the #1 killer of cubs is boars. So in the interest of protecting bears...we should hunt them! (boars, at least)

“This causes the sow to go into heat again.”

Yup. No sense waiting around for her to raise some other guy’s kids….

Cecil would have done the same thing.

From: cnelk
Cats do the same thing. Kill the kittens and mama comes into heat again.

From: shade mt
pretty common for a big boar to run off , or kill cubs hanging around mama.....Usually the sow will run them off when she is ready to breed which is the second year...If she don't a boar often will.

From: Jeff Durnell
No boar. Was two different sets of 3 cubs, 6 total. Obviously different ages. Looked like the mother of the older cubs killed one of the younger cubs from the other family. The mother of the younger cubs wasn't around, probably sent the little ones up the tree and ran off when the other family approached. She wasn't around to defend her cubs, and they made a bad call and came down the tree, obviously trusting the second, older family... walked right up to them without fear. Mother of the older cubs was just defending her cubs, turf, food. Merciless, unforgiving, and perfectly natural. That's Nature.

Aint got nothing to do with antis though.

From: Tracker
When I lived in California we used to use a cub distress call to call in the boars. Pretty effective but a couple of times they came in pretty aggressive and was a little unnerving.

OK, I’ll bite…. How do you do a cub distress call?

From: txhunter58
“Cats do the same thing. Kill the kittens and mama comes into heat again”

Actually it doesn’t require that the kittens die. I examined a 1 year old female cat last week that currently has a little 3 month old kittens, and she was 1 month pregnant. That is pretty common. Is there any wonder we have a stray cat population?

All about the calories; normally, wild females won’t take on enough calories to lactate AND cycle, but with ferals & domestics….

It’s hardly any wonder that suburban sows are often seen with do many cubs….

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