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How big a bear….. ??
Contributors to this thread:
Corax_latrans 11-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 12-Aug-23
Shug 12-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 13-Aug-23
Ambush 13-Aug-23
JTreeman 13-Aug-23
fuzzy 13-Aug-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 13-Aug-23
fuzzy 13-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 13-Aug-23
fuzzy 14-Aug-23
DanaC 14-Aug-23
DanaC 14-Aug-23
Jebediah 14-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 14-Aug-23
We have a handful of 3D bears out on the course… I think they’re Rhinehart Competition Series “Large Black Bears”..,

Any idea what a real bear that size would weigh??

We also have the big, angry Griz, but I know that is a BIG blackbear equivalent….

I guess the irony here is that if I were to post a picture of a bear walking across my lawn with absolutely nothing in the picture to provide a reference, I’d probably have 20 estimates by now…..

Have none of you bear hunters ever shot/seen one of these targets??

From: Shug
Not sure which target ya mean But if it is the one I’m thinking of low to mid 200s


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Try this - pretty sure it’s the same one. They say it’s about 2 1/2’ tall at the shoulder and about 4 feet length overall…

From: Ambush
We call that a Dink or a suitcase bear.

From: JTreeman
I always thought that was like a 125-150lb bear myself….


From: fuzzy
The bear on your lawn will go 175#. No idea what the 3D target would weigh. Not enough information.

Fuzzy the lawn bear is 350 all day. Just ask anyone that saw it! “It was huge”

Turns out it’s last years cub lol

From: fuzzy
"Nobody ever sees a small bear" . Seems to be true here. Folks who don't get out in the woods or bear hunt and have never experienced "ground shrinkage" don't have the skills to judge bear size. When they see a bear that's not obviously a cub it looks huge. Around here most whitetail deer does that aren't fawns will scale out between 95 and 115 pounds and antlered bucks 115 to 175. Bears in fall may scale 125 to 250. Occasionally one over 300 is killed in fall. A live 400 pound black bear looks like an Angus steer. I've seen two in the woods that might very well have shaded 350 if killed. They were very fat and looked twice that size. My SWMBO, Crissy killed a 17 year old fat sow that weighed over 200 a couple years ago.

See? Now we’re having some fun…. ;)

So basically, if I see a bear that looks to be as big as one of those targets, sounds as though it would be a pretty optimistic move to wait for bigger. Especially going cold into an area on a spot&stalk basis.

Funny thing… I was talking to a kid today at the gym who’s somewhere between 225 and 250, I think. Tight End at a big school.

And I would REALLY not want to have to cart his carcass very damn far….

From: fuzzy
Corax in my opinion yes, unless a your goal is a huge bear, or unless you're hunting where bears run much bigger, a McKenzie target sized bear us a respectable bear. And as far as carcass transport you're right. I have come up with what I call the 200/150/400/120 rule of bear hunting. When you shoot he weighs 200, when you find him 150, by the time you get him to the truck 400, when he hits the scales he's 120.

From: DanaC
Rinehart used to list all the 'simulated weight' of their targets. (Personally thought the numbers were a bit inflated.) Now they just list dimensions.

"Specs: Total Height 33” x Length 47” x Shoulder Height 29”"

From: DanaC
And that grizz target isn't all that huge either - "Specs: Total Height 60” x Chest Width 23” "

From: Jebediah
It all depends on what the bear is made of—denser styrofoam will weigh more, certainly.

“And that grizz target isn't all that huge either - ‘Specs: Total Height 60” x Chest Width 23” ‘ “

But it would be a damn big black bear, no?

I love fuzzy’s math. Sounds about right. LOL

It’s like coyotes; everybody says they saw a Wolf. I can tell you that a coyote that skins out at #48 is one HUGE freakin’ dog. Put a prime coat back on him and it doesn’t surprise me for an instant that people would guess twice the actual weight. Bears have got to be the same, especially if they’re TRYING to look big….

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