Spring Bear hunt video
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: 808bowhunter
808bowhunter's Link
Here is a quick video of a spring bear hunt we went on in May. We rented a boat and had it break down on us the first night. Waited to get towed back by the owner and ended up having one of his captains take us out on another boat of his but threw a wrench in our plans. I love to DIY and did a bunch of research and had a plan laid out. The captain we had was a super nice hardworking kid but new to AK. Our 5 day trip turned into 3 and we went a totally different way than we planned. Also brought all our own fishing gear with electric reel but had a whole new set of regulations since it was now considered a charter. Despite all the hiccups we had a great time and am planning next season already. Could have filled all 4 or our tags the first night if we had guns. The last night, my buddy wanted a rug for his daughter so we borrowed the captains gun and got it done.
From: 808bowhunter
808bowhunter's Link
From: 808bowhunter